Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1049, Act 376, Choice of Two Routes I

"Yayo, over here."

Yayo passed through the crowd and joined his companions. "You are late." Companions complained.

Yayo smiled, "The game hasn't started yet, it's because you guys arrived too early."

"But the players have already entered the arena. Look, it is the Colin-Ishurian delegation entering the arena. I saw Mr. Ed, he is at the end of the team!"

Yayo turned his head and glanced at the slightly unfamiliar craftsman headquarters today—but most of the bustling crowd gathered around the outside of the hall, and the whispers and discussions echoed repeatedly in the hall, which seemed a bit deafening.

There, the sacred and solemn hall is divided into two, with sixteen marble columns forming a ring. A beam of sunlight hangs down from the central patio. The boundary between light and darkness just draws a clear boundary between the arena and the auditorium.

There are many luminous dust suspended in the light, like plankton in the air, surrounding the central platform. An old machine is placed on the platform. The metal surface is covered with rust spots, and the erosion of the years is engraved on the nameplate.

The large tower-type magic furnace is no stranger to alchemists. It was created about seven or eight centuries ago. It started from Xintaan, and then became popular in the whole world for a long time.

That is one of the compulsory lessons in the history of alchemy.

But many years have passed, and the brand-new technologies in the past cannot escape the day when they will be replaced.Now most alchemists no longer learn anything about it, only know that the towering series structure is the origin of its name——

Several furnace cores connected by circulation pipes form a complex structure. The intertwined copper pipes leave a deep shadow under the natural light hanging from the patio. It stands upright like a towering spire.

Fang Yan was also watching this scene.

This is today's topic. As he expected, if there is any topic in the empire that can neither reveal its secrets, but also be closely related to that plan-it is the tower-type magic furnace.

He followed everyone. Originally, Princess Brianna wanted him to go at the front, representing the Colin-Ishurian delegation, but Ming refused. Now that he is too popular, it is better to keep a low profile for the purpose of protection.

Her Royal Highness did not object after thinking about it for a while. She was actually making suggestions on behalf of the royal family of Colin, but the human royal family has nothing to do with her, not to mention that she has to hold back even the opinions of the Elven Court of Avenquin.

Not to mention that Fang Plover is still half a friend of hers.

The reason for half is because she believes that human life is limited.

"Elves don't make friends with men," said Princess Brienne, "in order not to be sentimental in the end."

"Sir Robin, he..."

Princess Brianna pulled out the short gun, so Fang Plover obediently kept her mouth shut, leaving only the ship officer lady bending over with a smile on her side.

"His Royal Highness, she has no malicious intentions." Sylvaide said with a smile, "She is just a maverick, and she has always been like this."

"I know."

"Then I'm going to stop here, Captain." Sylvaide looked at the boundary line between light and darkness, "there is the arena inside, and only you can enter. But don't worry, I will watch here."

"Sylvaide, you should go back to the Traveler of the Seven Seas first." Fang Yan shook his head, "You can also watch the live broadcast of this game there."

Although he didn't think that Chairman Friston would be arrogant, once he showed his cards to the empire, he couldn't guarantee what happened next.

The people of the empire have been preparing for this plan for a long time, and it is the will of the emperor who dominates everything behind it. How could the Osyrians change their course so easily for him alone? It is not a purely technical route difference behind it—but for many people, huge interests dominate and push everything forward.

And once those wills form a collection, they have their own life and proposition.

Friston in the tower had already told him everything.

But Sylvaide quietly listened to him, just smiled lightly, and put her hand on the back of his hand.Although the two young lovers are separated by the cold shell of the lonely king, they still seem to feel each other's heartbeat.

The noble daughter gave him a silent glance, and said with a slight smile, "I'll wait for you here,"


"Whose daughter am I, have you forgotten? I was born with a rebellious factor in my body. Don't treat me like those ordinary women. They think I am a gentle and elegant young lady, but in fact I am the daughter of a great explorer," she repeated, "I am waiting for you here, my captain."

Fang Plover nodded slightly.

He just turned around and walked forward, following the others.After the dark time, the Constructor Queen cast a strange look at him, "Whispering again? Your situation today is a bit strange, little guy, tell me with your intuition, is there any unexpected situation that you have come up with today?"

There was some ease between her words.

That's natural. In the final analysis, she came to lead the team just to fulfill the club's commission.

But I didn't expect that there would be a real surprise in this long schedule. Compared with everything in the Turbid Realm, this game itself even seemed insignificant.

Besides, the outside world had already acquiesced in the first and second candidates, and it was the same in her view-the competition in the Hall of the Holy King was not so much a competition as it was an award ceremony full of brilliance.

Those who can enter the top ten are the winners of the competition and will receive such an honor, but everyone who enters this hall will be remembered by the world, and most of them will leave a mark in the history of Atalia, even if they will not become rising legends like Loofah.

Not to mention the various clubs, even the Empire, the Colin-Ishurian Kingdom, the most popular regions and associations will rush to compete for the ownership of these talents.

But Fang Yan felt a little ashamed when he saw Ming's concerned gaze, "Sister Ming, what will you do if I really cause trouble?"

"What should I do, of course I will beat you hard," Ming said in a good mood, "Why, are you really planning to cause me some trouble?"

"I don't agree with some of Chairman Friston's views," Fang Ploy replied. "I have dealt with shadow people in the northern border. The empire's technology may be obtained from them. Although the technology itself has no nature, some taboo technologies will lead to a future of disaster."

"You have technical differences with that president?" Ming looked at him with some surprise, "You will really surprise me, do you know who set the last question in the competition?"

Fang Plover nodded, of course he knew, that's why he was worried.If Ming ignores them, he can act on his own for rebellious purposes, but Ming cares about every player in the team equally, and he thinks it is necessary for him to explain everything before his actions.

This is everyone's responsibility.

"Since you understand, you still have to do it." Ming's voice softened a little, and she nodded lightly, "I understand, little guy, if it's just a technical difference, you can go ahead and do it."

"After all, winning the competition does not depend on groveling. It is normal for alchemists to have their own persistence," the construction queen shook her head. "Actually, I don't know much about technology. You have gone farther than me on the road of artisans. Virus may understand what you are talking about here, but it doesn't matter. There are many technical experts in the team. Even if I can't see it, they can see it—"

"If it's your problem, I'll naturally settle the score with you." She glanced at Fang Plover. "But if it's the empire's problem, I don't care about other people, but I will never let them point fingers at my players. If the people of the empire are wrong, the Colin-Ishurian delegation and the guild alliance behind me will stand behind you."

She looked at Fang Plover seriously, and said word by word: "I know that apart from Silver Wislan, you have some conflicts with the major guilds, but that is a matter within the third competition area. When it is unanimous to the outside world, even the Guta people will stand with us. This is the common glory of the competition area, do you understand?"

Fang Plover felt something and nodded.

But what he didn't say was that the things he might cause were not as easy as Ms. Ming thought.

But he didn't need to say any more, he was very clear about the character of the construction queen, and he didn't have any guilt in what he did. Even if Ming didn't support it, he still fulfilled his duty of notification.

All that is left is to step forward into the sacred hall - where the first alchemists were born two hundred years ago.Four centuries later, the debates of the Boulevard shaped the past and present of a legendary school.

Since then, the hall has stood tall, and the pride of the Oshu people in magic technology has continued to this day. They developed magic, carried out innovations, and promoted the tower-type magic furnace to every corner of the sea of ​​clouds.

Until today.

He stepped into the boundary line between light and darkness—Whisper was walking in front, and Shui Wuming was farther away, and other contestants from Colin-Ishurian also found their positions one by one—Fang Plover passed every alchemy table and continued to walk forward.

Through the bright light.

Walk forward through the floating, shining dust.

Then he saw Luo Fen, the young man just looked at him from a distance and then lowered his head, as if concentrating on the things in front of him.And beside the other party's workbench, it was his own workbench.

He stood still in front of the workbench, and the hall fell silent at that moment—of course, it did not depend on the consciousness of each audience, but the power of magic, and the sixty-foot-pervading silence made it impossible for any sound to escape.

A person walked out from under the old tower-type magic furnace. All eyes on the field and the projection recording equipment were focused on that person.

That is the current president of the Artisans Association of the Ossu Empire.


"The game has begun," the stray horse said in a low voice for some reason, and everyone in the live broadcast room who heard this sentence felt the same way.

This continental league has lasted for many years—starting from the shocking reversal of Al Paxin, from the exhibition game in the southern border to today, and those who have followed this artisan competition since then have passed two years inadvertently.

These two years are not long, but they are enough to leave many precious memories during this period of time. People recall those episodes since each game, some of which are wonderful, some are tense, some are magnificent, and some are exciting.

Unknowingly, most people have already integrated into it, even forgetting the purpose of the game itself, and only regard it as a part of their own life, and habitually turn on the live broadcast at the corresponding time and place——

Then wait for the team you support to appear.

At that moment, the contestants became the reflection of many people's dreams and lives, the world full of halos that they could not step into, and someone would replace them to fulfill their childhood hero's dream.

Let people find comfort in the ordinary world, sleep peacefully, and step into that beautiful dream, that is the greatest meaning of the existence of super sports.

There was a moment of silence in the live broadcast room, because it was the end of many games for many days.

That end point is important, but for many people, it is just quietly waiting for that moment to come—people are both uneasy and looking forward to it.

Fang Plover looked at Friston in the center of the hall.

The president's eyes also faintly fell on him, and he smiled without a trace.

His eyes shifted to one side, the contestants were silent like the audience, the Colin-Ishurians seemed a little nervous, especially the Guta people who were almost on the stage for the first time, the Lotao people were quiet and silent, only looking at their opponents - the Imperials.

The people from the Hill of Giant Trees have withdrawn from the race, and they are nowhere to be seen here.

The people of the empire were also silent. He saw Juno frowning tightly, Georgifen with his hands propped up like he was doing nothing, most of the others were also preoccupied, and the plug-in craftsman named Hegrim stared straight at the alchemy table in front of him.

He also saw Trixes. He didn't know if it was his illusion. The girl looked at him with flickering eyes from time to time, and hesitated to speak, but the distance between the two was too far, and she finally failed to speak.

She really wanted to ask:

"Have you seen your Miss Naturalist?"

Fang Plover naturally didn't see it.

Luo Yu had told him about his and Jita's action plan, but Jita hadn't contacted them since they left, which was normal, and she also said that she would only contact them when something went wrong.

Not having contact is a good thing.

He was not worried about unexpected situations. The resurrection binding point on the Seven Seas Traveler recorded all the information, and the puppet stayed on board to monitor all this. There were also the bosun and the maid on the Seven Seas Traveler, enough to deal with all accidents.

Friston was looking down at the speech script on the table.

The chairman smiled lightly, stretched out his hand and turned it over, covered it with the back, then raised his head, looking at every gaze that was staring at him.He saw a lot from those gazes, just like the demands in those long years.

At this moment, the moment of harvest has finally arrived.

The mark engraved in his soul is loosening.

"This is a tower-type magic furnace," he said. "You can all recognize it. In the Tower of Silver and the Tower of Winter Solstice, you have also experienced many tests related to it. Those questions are actually left by most empires, or they are related to me."

Silence dissipates.

Buzzing discussions started outside the arena.

But Friston didn't care about those voices, and continued, "Actually, it's not just those topics, this one is the same, but all the tests are summarized here, and we return to this old tower-type magic furnace."

He turned around and put his hands on the old shell, "It was born four centuries ago, 410 years ago to be precise, and witnessed the last twilight of the series structure. Or, this is the last model of the tower-type magic furnace. Since it came off the production line, there has not been a tower-type magic furnace in the industrial sense for four centuries."

"The specific reason, everyone knows why," Friston raised his voice, causing the words to echo repeatedly in the hall, "In the final analysis, it is because the new technology has replaced the old technology, and the progress of mortal alchemy is naturally not stagnant in an era."

"But—" he changed the subject, "There are also gems left in the sea. The ancient technology has really lost all value? The empire has glimpsed a corner of a great plan. You have heard of the alchemy innovation in the past half a century. But what is the essence of this innovation?"

"It's multiple parallel technologies, it's margin skills. From the device called 'Stars', we have a glimpse of the real application of the margin skills that have been discussed at the forefront," he said. "The differences we discussed from 'soul' and 'calculation' are all merged into one at this moment. But there is only one gap—"

"...From the very beginning of our history, when the Numelin elves handed over this world to us, mortals have known their own weakness since then, and our fragile body cannot accommodate the abundant element ether in this world," Friston said. "But it is precisely because of this that the magic technique is great in our world. The great alchemist Ed summarized the path that mortals must take from the crystallization of everyone's wisdom—magic furnace, core crystal."

"Since then, mortals have had the possibility to stand shoulder to shoulder with giants or even gods. Although that is only a possibility, at least it has given us a direction in the long night."

That period, the history that alchemists are familiar with.

But just when people thought that the chairman was going to bring up the old story again, Friston changed his style and went straight to the core.

"But everyone knows that the magic furnace has been improved for eleven centuries, but it still hasn't lost its essence. The impregnation of powerful elemental magic power is still an insurmountable barrier for most people, so that our magic tools have been divided into two since then. We call the magic tools that require a few people to operate. We call the magic tools that can be used in daily life, and the other part that can be used in daily life is called magic tools."

"In fact, there is only one difference between the two, and that is the difference in the requirements for elemental fitness."

He paused, "It's the same difference that makes us stop discussing the 'Stars' device. So mortal alchemists seem to have encountered the same wall 1000 years ago and 1000 years later, and the same 'enemy' stood in front of us."

Friston's eyes glanced over Fang Plover as if nothing, and the discussion in the hall became louder. People seemed to hear something from the chairman's speech, and more and more people focused their eyes on the tall magic furnace.

Have the Imperials already crossed this barrier?

They originally thought that this was just a simple game, but they didn't expect that there seemed to be some secret behind the game. Those who are sensitive to major events have secretly changed the way of crystal projection recording.

And synchronize everything they see to the live broadcast at the same time.

Something big is going to happen?
That is the common question in everyone's mind.

But only Fang Ploy's eyes were a little absent-minded. He seemed to be looking at every structural part of the tall magic furnace through the chairman, and he actually understood what the chairman would say in his heart.

The people of the empire have always been unable to understand the real secret of the tower-type magic furnace, but the chairman may not be clear about what he wants to get from that magic furnace. He already has the answer in his heart.

The star device invented by Shadowman leads to a road that burns stars and darkens the world.

The answer given by Friston is to replace Xinghui with soul.

But mortal souls are just as weak.

So he seeks that same path.

After seven centuries of rotation, everything returned to the original point.

"Fortunately, the wisdom of the sages often illuminates today. Even on this issue, the predecessors still left us with a lot of legacy," Friston silently looked at the tower-type magic furnace. "Actually, the real answer lies in this tower-type magic furnace. It is a well-known fact that the tower-type magic furnace has a stronger affinity for elemental attributes."

"Not long ago, we discovered a tower-type magic furnace built in the ancient times from the ruins, and it already has some characteristics leading to that road," the chairman seemed to be saying something that had nothing to do with him.

He turned sideways, half hidden in the shadow of the tall magic device, "Although the tower-type magic furnace is lacking in efficiency, but combining today's technology and the wisdom of the predecessors, we may be able to find the real road to non-attribute magic power from it—"

"So," he finally announced, "Today's topic is to perfect the tower-type magic furnace. Of course, I don't require you to succeed, but as the youngest generation of alchemists, we hope that you can inspire some heuristic inspiration on this question. And the closer you are to the answer to that question, the closer you are to the laurels—"

His eyes fell on Fang Plover.

"Of course," Friston changed the subject again, "According to the usual practice, there will be two topics for the contest in the Hall of the Holy Kings, so the other topic comes from a rare field—the School of Souls. The world thinks that mages of the School of Souls study more and go deeper, but it's not true. This field was also opened up by alchemists. I don't ask you to go further on the basis of the sages, but at least you must not forget the history of magic technology."

He paused, "There are two main reasons why the Soul School was abandoned by us. One is the roughness and instability of the transfer. One of the problems is how to keep the incomplete soul intact? The second question comes from our shallow understanding of the soul and starlight. The soul seems to be stripped of its original attributes at the moment it is recorded. It is no longer the original 'person', and it no longer has the ability to grow."

Friston looked at everyone again, "So the second topic is to discuss the feasibility of soul transfer, as well as the nature of soul and starlight."

There was silence in the hall at first.

Immediately, an unbelievable amount of discussion erupted.

However, people's discussions are mainly divided into two factions. Ordinary people are concerned about the new technology on the tower-type magic furnace discovered by the Empire in Friston's mouth, and what the President's words mean.

Does that mean that technological innovation is just around the corner, and an era where everyone can surpass their previous self and cross that boundary is coming?
And more people's eyes focused on Fang Plover.

Because in the space of the sea of ​​trees, the other party has actually shown the possibility of another attribute crystal route, although it is only in a virtual space, the other party has actually shown an even more incredible elf creation technique there.

But the title of the imperial people is so blatant?

If it weren't for Fang Plover not being an Oshu, many people might have suspected that the Imperials were the default champions. Is this problem still a problem for the dragon alchemist?

Even the fingerprints of the soul under the arena turned around, and couldn't help but look at Ming to the side, but the queen of construction didn't change her face, "Sister Ming, do the imperials want Ed to hand over their technology?" She subconsciously asked, "They knew—"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Ming pouted, "Even if the imperial people really want the little guy to hand over his technology, it would be a good thing for him. I have asked him what he thinks, and he has no intention of hiding anything."

The soul fingerprints widened their eyes, "That is to say, does the non-attribute magic furnace really exist?"

Ming nodded, "Yes, but it's still immature. There are only a few relatively low-end models. In fact, the little guy also told me that his strength alone is not enough to promote reforms. His intention is to get more people to join in."

She didn't say some things, because they were Fang Plover's little secrets.

And she promised to keep it a secret.

In fact, Fang Plover didn't intend to hide it from her. As a weak person, his achievements all come from the transformation of the non-attribute magic furnace.

But to go further, it will be more difficult in the future. After the Tower of Winter Solstice, he has reached level [-], but the new magic furnace still exists in the design concept.The further back a technical route is, the more impossible it is to rely on his own strength to complete it.

He needs companions.

Between Fang Yan's words, Ming also felt the weight of that inheritance, a gift from more than a thousand years ago, it was hard for her to say what chose that little guy in the dark.

But he does have the qualifications.

She has rarely seen such a chosen person, isn't such a precious gift worth cherishing?But for the little guy, he never seemed to think that the gift list belonged to him alone, he started from getting that technology.

What I feel more is the meaning of technology continuation.

Ming pursed her lips. Although she is not a full-time alchemist, she also understands the path that craftsmen have traveled on those technical routes. "The empire will not be greedy for such a small gain. If they plan to cooperate with the little guy, they will naturally be much more reliable than ordinary people. Of course, the Oshu people may have some requirements, but the little guy should check it by himself."

The maturity of that little guy was far beyond her imagination.

Although in some respects, he was indeed not reassuring, but the concentration of these two extremes on one person made her feel a little more at ease.What's more, there are reliable people around the other party. If she really encounters a problem that cannot be solved, she will take action.

Just like Luo Wei.

In the live broadcast room of The Wandering Horse, he is also explaining this matter to the audience, the consistent attitude of the Imperial Artisans Association towards technology, and their cooperation with ordinary alchemists on the face of the continent in the past.

Although the Osu people are arrogant, they also cherish their own feathers. That kind of arrogance comes from the pride of being arrogant. Sometimes it may make people feel uncomfortable, but in many cases, it is also the rules that the imperial people strictly abide by.

The audience gradually listened to the explanation, but some people still found it difficult to understand: "The people of the empire are so kind, even if they really want to cooperate with God Ed, why not choose a more formal way?"

"Using such a topic in the competition, isn't it giving people something to talk about?"

The stray horse also frowned.

This is exactly where he was puzzled.

However, this is not the only place where he is puzzled. He has done a lot of homework these days, from a layman who barely knew anything about alchemy at the beginning, to gradually becoming familiar with and understanding the history of alchemy.

The second question raised by Friston in this competition is actually the real big problem. The soul school is not worth mentioning in the eyes of many alchemists, especially among the alchemists of the empire.

Although, as the president said, alchemists still agree with the orthodoxy of the Soul School, such a gray area is usually not mentioned as much as possible in such competitions for the younger generation.

Just like those super-class knowledge, it is to minimize the controversy of the event and ensure the fairness of its judgment.

Is the president really going his own way like this, or are these two topics selected after discussion by the Artisans Association?The Ossur people suddenly mentioned the school of souls. Is it because the wind direction of the alchemy academic world has changed?
It's not just stray horses.

The alchemists in the other half of the hall were also talking about it. Just as he guessed, the alchemists of these empires were also shocked and unable to understand why their president would suddenly raise such a topic.

Among all the people, only Fang Plover has the same heart as Ming Jing.

He looked back, and found that most of the Rotao people and other Colin-Ishurian players also looked surprised, but the Imperials looked much calmer—he even saw that Luo Finn had chosen the second topic.

From the equipment and materials prepared by the other party, it can be seen that only the soul school will prepare the living body school.As soon as this FOX student made this move, many contemptuous eyes immediately fell on him, some even came from his companions.

As for Juno and Georgieffin, the two were also expressionless, but they chose the first topic by coincidence, which was the modification of the tower-type magic furnace.

Fang Plover turned his head and looked at Friston again—he just realized that the people of the empire had already known the plan of the chairman. Perhaps after the final decision on the Hawke family, the Alchemist Association of the Ossurians had already reached an agreement.

It now appears that Georgifen was hesitant to talk to himself more than once before, as if he wanted to talk to him about this matter.Whether it is the imperial people or the callers, normal people may not be able to accept the plan of the chairman.

They chose the tower-type magic furnace instead of the soul school, which actually explained a lot of problems.It's just that when Fang Plover looked at Friston again, he found that there was not much surprise on the other's face, and he couldn't even find any displeasure.

He just walked off the stage after announcing the title, and came between him and Luo Fen.

Friston looked at him and said, "I, you, and the players from the empire present, they all know what will happen in the future. Are you surprised? Why am I not angry with their choices?"

Fang Plover didn't say anything, but there was something in his heart.

Friston shook his head, "We are all walking on the same path, you don't agree with me, just like I don't agree with Helinwell and Jedham." He said almost clearly, as if he didn't worry about others listening to the conversation between the two.

In the meantime, Luo Fin looked up at the two of them, and Friston felt it, but he didn't care.The chairman continued, "But if you want to follow your route, I will naturally not object, just like all the young people present."

He turned around and looked at the entire arena, "Everyone has their own choice and understanding of technology. It doesn't matter whether they choose the old route or turn to the Soul School. As long as our goals are the same, then in my opinion, these young people are my fellow travelers."

"I don't mind sharing technology with each other," Friston replied. "If it allows them to go further in their own way, that's great. I hope you can understand the world more deeply."

"Because all things and all dharmas lead to the same end, there will be a moment when everything will return to the right track." He looked at the young people and said, "As long as you still have the original idea at that time, you will definitely agree with my path."

Fang Plover shook his head, "Just like Mr. President, will you eventually return to the route of Hailingweier and the others?"

"Yes." To Fang's surprise, Friston did not shy away from this point, and nodded seriously, "I found that the non-attribute magic furnace is the best way to accommodate the weak souls of mortals, so I will naturally go back to the original point and turn to Helinwell's technical route for help."

The other party's eyes lingered on Fang Plover for a moment, "I left too early at the beginning, and I have never seen the non-attribute magic furnace completed. It was actually my instruction to let the imperial people go to the Nozpitz underground to retrieve the magic furnace."

He shook his head lightly, "People in the empire don't quite understand the significance of that tower-type magic furnace. Most people, including a few great alchemists, don't understand the design of Hellingwell. I actually knew that someone had mastered the inheritance of the sixth technical route when I heard the news from the Istonia desert."

"...That's why I went to Istonia in person, but I didn't meet you. But I didn't expect that you would come to Ainbrok. Think about it." He nodded again, "As the most outstanding alchemist in the world, why didn't he come to participate in the Continental League?"

It's hard to say for Fang Plover, in fact, if it wasn't for going to the Second World, he really didn't plan to come to participate.

But at this juncture, he will naturally not refute this trivial matter.

He knew that Friston still had something to say.

Sure enough, after finishing all that, Friston looked at him again and said, "You should understand what I said. I didn't care when you told me your choice before. You don't have to agree with the empire's plan. After all, it sounds too shocking to ordinary people."


"I still hope you take this game seriously," he said, "Let me see what kind of technical route Helinwell and the others left behind. Since you are obsessed with everything you think, then you should let me see your persistence."

"Mr. President, are you worried that I will hide my secrets?"

Fang Yan raised his head and looked at the other party.

Friston didn't say a word, and it took a while before he replied: "No, I just want to see what kind of successor Helinwell and the others have chosen."

Fang Yan shook his head. If the chairman thinks that he has selfishness in this technology, and thinks that he is unwilling to agree with him because he still has doubts about the non-attribute magic furnace, then he is underestimating him too much.

In fact, he had already anticipated today's topic, and had already made a decision.

He withdrew his gaze from the opponent, raised his hand, and placed it lightly on the imitation tower-type magic furnace on the alchemy platform. The moment the lonely king's pride touched the tower-type magic furnace, tiny rays of light extended from each circuit.

He didn't look aside, just said softly:

"Then, Mr. President, please be careful."

what he was after.

It has never been an interest, but a fellow traveler.

... (end of this chapter)

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