Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1050, Act 377, Choice of Two Routes II

Plover picks up the crystals on the workbench—the Oshur provided the workbench with all kinds of crystals, cassiterite, crystal, sphalerite, garnet—they are similar to their earth counterparts, but often have different properties.

The element ether accompanies the growth of crystals and endows them with a magnificent color. However, α crystals are quite familiar to Fang Plover. The monoclinic crystal system is shining with light blue and slightly purple luster, and the milky white light spots extend above the spar like growing branches from the ends of the magic glove.

Friston watched this beautiful scene in silence—for any alchemist, this can be regarded as a beautiful scene, just like someone picked up a chalk and wrote a set of formulas on the blackboard, and those formulas naturally derived many self-consistent calculations, the logic of which was strict and equidistant, but someone could always find the hidden value and law.

It is the beauty of alchemy to discover the inevitable connection between things, elements and ether from the dark, and to reflect it into reality.

What the chairman saw was to use simple means to intervene in the distribution of ether in the crystal, and find those nodes related to elements, and use alchemy to remove impurities and make it more pure.

It's not that those simple methods have never been thought of by predecessors, but they always encounter problems that cannot be solved. It's just that he silently watched Fang Plover use the characteristics of the crystal itself or some magic materials to bypass the checkpoints.

The essence of alchemy is that it can change all the properties of matter. Even stubborn stones can be turned into gold. Once it penetrates to the bottom of matter and decomposes everything into starlight, starlight can naturally reshape everything.

But the method of manipulating Xinghui is not something ordinary people can master.

It is not uncommon for Friston to have seen the rumored Philosopher's Stone. He has seen the shining light of the sky in the great crystal vein, which is actually the star's light.

However, the greatness of alchemists lies in the fact that they can use a cheap layer of etheric magic power to accomplish all of this. The job of magician skills is actually to pursue a balance, to replace crude and direct means with brilliant ideas, and to invest a lot of magic power—

The eyeballs of the Silver Forest can sense the slightest change in magic power. As long as the effective structure is extracted, it can be used to replace the alchemist's own detection ability.

During one transformation, the total amount of magic power invested actually did not change, but the magic power structure of the Silver Forest itself was used, and the creation of the elements above the sea of ​​clouds was far more subtle and efficient than the alchemist's own design.

The resistance in the scales of the Malfoy frog has the property of repelling the fire element, and it can mark the fire element impurities in the crystal. Sir Haven made a similar design in 749, but found that the elemental structure of the benthos itself was very fragile and could not be extracted——

"How do you plan to circumvent the characteristics of low-dwelling creatures?" Friston asked as he watched him pick up the hard, mineral-like scales.

Fang Plover picked up a piece of pyrite.

This problem had troubled him for a long time, but in the end he found that there was a long-invented magic reagent in Colin-Ishurian’s archives that could effectively solve this problem—the blueprint of the magic reagent had been published for 60 years, and no one cared about it. He just bought the patent for a small price.

The owner of reagent 40441's design may not be alive today, and even the design itself may have been recorded by the other party in an inadvertent experiment, and recorded in the craftsman's association in exchange for some points.

Such examples actually happen all the time in the history books of alchemy.

As a short-lived species, mortals have preserved a vast amount of wisdom in various ways, most of which may be unknown, and it may be just an inspiration, a joke, or a gadget that seems useless to others.

But no one will guess whether this humble design will one day shine in another technical route, like a spark hidden in embers, perhaps someone later will pick it up and put it in a lighthouse.

The raging flames within it will illuminate the darkness of the ignorant wilderness.

The main ingredient of that reagent is pyrite, which is dissolved in magic reagent No. 7 to make a suspension for later use. The reagents before No. 30 are one of the earliest inventions of mortal alchemists, and they are also called basic reagents.

As the master craftsman, Friston naturally recognized the name of that rare reagent.

Different from ordinary people, he has read most of the literature, studied some very deviant designs, and tried to find a way to the final path from those geniuses who are different from ordinary people, but none of those attempts failed.

He watched Fang Plover put the red scales into the suspension, and remained silent. He had never done a similar experimental design, but he could draw a general conclusion from the analysis of the etheric properties of the material alone.

He could see at a glance that there was still a flaw in that design. The magic agent made from sulfide minerals was highly active in the nature of ether, which would passivate the material, but of course he would not point out this point on the field.

What's more, Fang Plover was confident, and Friston quietly watched how the other party planned to solve this problem.

Then he saw that Fang Plover called the staff to give some instructions in a low voice, and the staff quickly brought a batch of red tin stone. The etheric nature of red tin stone has the effect of absorbing magic power, and it can only have a single element of magic power.

Seeing this, Friston slightly raised his eyebrows.

"How do you plan to channel the elemental impurities?"

"There is a type of rare triclinic crystal that can guide out elemental impurities, such as rhodonite and axonite in an elemental environment, but these two types of elemental crystals are very rare, but their ether structure is actually not complicated, we can design it ourselves—"

"Mr. President, it's nothing more than investing magic power."

Friston watched the other party build a magic circle on the crystal, which must be the most concise form left after countless experiments, and finally summed it up as a harmonious and concise answer, that is, the birth of the alchemy formula.

That form opened up a new way of thinking for him, a very delicate design, but it doesn't seem to be the usual way of thinking of Hellingwell or Jeldham.

More like a seasoned crystal craftsman, using mineral properties to achieve his goals.

Friston felt a tinge of familiarity.

But Fang Plover naturally wouldn't tell him that this was Hein Fam's design. The great alchemist naturally didn't write down every specific preparation step, but he also mentioned the properties of those rare minerals and the means of using them in the design.

That is one of the most outstanding crystal artisans in the world.

For alchemists who went deep into this path, the series of descriptions were almost equivalent to the answer, except that using the eyeballs of the Silver Forest and the scales of the Malfoy frog was indeed Fang Plover's own method.

At that time, he just started to get in touch with this path, and his technique was somewhat naive.

However, there are many paths to alchemy, and in the end they all lead to the same goal.

Then he repeatedly used the same method, but with different materials to remove different elements of ether in the crystal. The crystal was formed, and he silently placed a translucent crystal with milky white light on the workbench.

Friston stared at the crystal without saying a word for a long time.

But this is a competition, and there are many spectators besides the craftsman president.

Normally, the audience naturally cannot understand the true meaning behind this series of operations, because most people can neither understand the etheric properties of the Silver Forest nor how to remove the etheric properties from the reagents prepared with sulfide minerals.

In their view, the alchemist's operation is more like a mysterious witchcraft. Several strange-looking materials are put into the reactor, shaken in the glass vessel, or heated, stirred, and finally generate some reagents.

On the surface, that's exactly what it looks like.

But this is a game after all, there are still professional commentators on the host stage, and the anchors in the live broadcast room will also mention some professional directions, although most of these people are also stuttering, and some experts in the screen are even sweating profusely——

They would ask from time to time: "...Ed seems to be removing elemental impurities, but the elemental ether in the crystal is almost symbiotic with it, and no one has ever done it before."

"Juno chose a simpler method. Using the method of improving the magic furnace, the tower magic furnace itself has a better affinity. It is not a big mistake to go down this road."

"Originally, the association didn't expect the players to bring any technological breakthroughs. They just hoped to see these young talents show their own unique ideas."

"But the dragon alchemist is different here. After all, we all know that he once took out the real thing in the space of the sea of ​​trees."

"It seems to be the scales of the Malfoy frog. Sir Haven made a similar design in 794, but how does he plan to solve the problem of the fragile elemental structure of the benthic organisms?"

"Pyrite, what reagent is he making?"

The staff hurriedly walked back and forth between the host stage and the arena, in fact asking for the opinions of real professionals. There are several high-level alchemists and even great craftsmen in the imperial workshop and craftsman's association on the periphery of the arena. They are paying attention to this selection of the holy king.

But they could get some answers at first, but as time passed, the eyes of the master craftsmen became more and more solemn, and some even muttered to themselves, showing ecstatic expressions, although the words they chanted were incomprehensible to outsiders: "Blazing stone, rhodonite, did he invent this reagent or recorded it in the document library? Ether diversion, that's how it is, why didn't I think that ether diversion can be used in this way—"

It’s just that on the one hand, the experts were hesitant, but the audience gradually understood——

They understood at least one thing, that is, the non-attribute magic furnace completed by Fang Plover in the sea of ​​trees space can be reproduced in the real world.

After all, it happened several months ago. Even if the audience who are interested in it check the information by themselves, they will roughly understand the true significance of that technology. If ordinary people can also adapt to the magic of ether.

Does that relate to each of them?
Some people may even ask, does that mean that tourists can also become real professionals through the non-attribute magic furnace?

Will the Stargate be open to more groups?
But alchemists focus on something deeper.

The whispering voices were not louder, but lowered. The alchemists in the hall lowered their voices as much as possible to discuss, as if they were afraid of disturbing the masterpiece in front of them.

The bottom core of that crystal is still the way it is composed, the numerous magic circles engraved in it with the light net of ether, a complex and exquisite alchemy formula, which writes down the answer to the ultimate question in the most meaningful language in the world.

Naturally, people cannot see through the crystal's exterior:

"That crystal is...?"

"It was realized in such a way. How did the magic circle in it be written? Did he design it himself, or did he have another reason?"

"I never thought that the sixth technical route would be realized in front of me in such a way. This is really..."

"It's so bizarre..."

But Fang Plover did not answer those questions.

He only gently put down the crystal, as if it was not something priceless, but just an ordinary magical core crystal.Just like the time spanning thousands of years, at the same place and on the same occasion, the great alchemist also stared at the magic crystal he created, and then gently put it down.

And so an era was born.

It's just that that era was created by that great alchemist, and he just brought another era to the world.

Friston watched the crystal turn gently on the table, as if he just realized it, Fang Plover gave him the answer to two questions, the answer was not only the non-attribute magic furnace, but also the matching crystal.

Could it be that he has really seen Hellingwell and Jedham...?
Those two people have gone so far.

The president was shaken for a moment, but then he became firm again, because there is still an insurmountable barrier on that road, even if the fairy dragon soul is born, it cannot make up for it.On the road of building the soul, no one has gone further than him.

Fang Plover didn't look up either.

Because for the game, it was just halfway through, and it was even less than half for him.

Friston just opened his mouth to ask, but suddenly retracted his words, because he saw Fang Plover set up a board, picked up a pen to write lines of formulas on it, and finally drew an extremely complicated magic circle under those formulas.

"Ed, this is..."

The sharp-eyed soul fingerprint saw the most critical part of those formulas. Even though she was not the most outstanding alchemist, she could still understand the specific meaning of those formulas, because it was so clear, clear and wonderful.

Many people stopped. Juno who was not far away simply stopped what he was doing and looked in this direction with his arms folded. Georgifen behind him also did the same. The contestants stopped one by one.

They have more or less realized that this game has exceeded its original meaning.

What they were originally doing, has lost most of their value.

From the highest position down, the rest were more or less eclipsed. Those people were more or less proud people, and they simply stopped.

Fang Plover propped up the board, and said to Friston:

"There are my legacy from my predecessors and my own ideas. I will write down the specific steps. There are many immature places in it, but I don't mind people referring to them one by one. It has already written the road to the final ladder. Whether you follow that road or follow my immature design, you can get the final answer."

"All that's missing, in my opinion, is time—"

"You want to record it in the association?" Friston looked deeply at the young man in front of him, "Are you sure?"

"I don't have that kind of skill," Fang Yan replied, "I want to continue the game."

"The game has been—"

Friston looked back at the others, and none of the young contestants objected.

"No," Fang Yan looked at him and shook his head, "Mr. President, the competition has just begun."

The president was slightly taken aback.

Then he saw that Fang Plender put his hands on the tower-type magic furnace. The next work was very simple, and it was far less than the significance of the birth of that crystal. Some of the work seemed very familiar to him, because he had seen the design of his "old friend" several centuries ago.

Those designs were actually very mature in that era.

In fact, for Fang Plover, assembling this magic furnace is naturally far less proficient than constructing α crystals. He has only reproduced it once in the tree sea space, but the fumbling assembly itself does not change the value of this magic furnace itself.

He disassembled the tower-type magic furnace bit by bit, changed the circuit in it, built the grid, added the part that was not on the design drawing, shaped each part, and then assembled it.

Every part of the completed non-attribute magic furnace has a clear function, and Friston can understand its principle without explanation.

After all, the non-attribute magic furnace itself is not complicated, and what it lacks is only the most core part.

But that part.

Now there is an answer.

The whole process took less than a quarter of an hour, and Fang Yan had already pushed the tower-type magic furnace to the chairman, raised his head, and said softly: "This is the true direction of the tower-type magic furnace, what the empire wants to find."

Many high-ranking alchemists in the periphery are leaving the crowd to squeeze in and have a look.

There was a commotion outside the hall, incredible whispers were passing through the crowd, the Grand Alchemist had arrived, and the Grand Alchemist Amasht was outside.People exclaimed in low voices, the crowd automatically parted into a path, and people from outside were rushing in.

And Fang Yan looked at the craftsman president in front of him, and said again: "It's just that this answer is somewhat different..."

"What do you mean?" Looking at the boy, Friston was puzzled for the first time.

"What is Ed doing?"

Mu Lan was so anxious that she was about to jump up. She subconsciously looked at the two leaders in the regiment, but found that Ming was standing in front of everyone. "Ed told me," said the construction queen, "this is just a matter between him and the imperial people. If his answer is accurate, you don't need to stop him."

She looked at the soul fingerprint.

The soul fingerprint nodded with difficulty, "I don't quite understand it, but what Ed handed over should be much more complete than others... Even if he was a little rude to the chairman, the empire should not deprive him of his achievements."

She was very confused and said: "What happened to Ed, why did he talk to that president like that?"

"I do not know either."

Ming shook his head.

Mu Lan looked at the queen of construction, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Fang Yan glanced in the direction of the auditorium. He not only saw Ming, but also saw the Miss Ship Officer in that direction. Sylvaide's eyes were still bright, and she nodded slightly to him, but there was a little worry in her eyes.

Fang Plover felt guilty, but he didn't say much, and he didn't even answer Friston's question, he just turned around.At this moment, the crowd was commotion, and after the wall of people separated left and right, a group of people gathered around the great alchemist and appeared in that direction.

Amasht stepped into the hall, and his hale and hearty eyes immediately locked on the tower-type magic furnace in front of Friston, and asked:
"Is this what it really looks like?"

"Friston, is this what you've been looking for?"

He looked at Fang Plover again.

But Fang Plover turned a deaf ear to it. He had already seen this great alchemist, and he didn't feel any ripples in his heart because of his lofty status. He only remembered the stubbornness and arrogance of the imperial people, and the alchemy holy land he saw at that time was nothing more than that.

He only looked at the chairman, as if he was the only one left in the hall, just like in the tower.Under the gaze of the other party, Fang Plover picked up a piece of Taka-Kokaba's star crystal from the workbench.

The lizard man also called it the fragment of the stars. When he communicated with the staff at first, he asked the other party to bring this material together. This crystal is not a rare mineral, not to mention that in the selection of the holy king, the Oshu people often provide some precious treasures.

Friston twitched his eyebrows when he saw the crystal.

As the founder of the Soul School, he naturally understands what it is. There is nothing better than a star crystal to become a container for the soul. Many magicians even call this crystal a soul stone.

In fact, Luo Fen was also holding such a crystal at this moment. Unlike everyone else, only this young man hadn't stopped working until he inadvertently raised his head and cast a glance in the direction of Fang Plover.

And this glance made him unable to look away.

Fang Plover put a ray of light into the crystal.

It is as if a star was born in the crystal, blooming with incomparably beautiful brilliance, the green light is as dazzling as the stars, and it constructs the most original form of wisdom, memory and cognition in it.

Although it was only a prototype, Friston's heart was already filled with waves. It was a method of shaping the soul, and he knew it all too well, because it was his own ability, but who taught it to the other party?

Friston wanted to speak, but couldn't speak for a while.

The hall was even more dead silent. The alchemists looked at each other. They could roughly tell that this should be something from the Soul School, but didn't the other party already choose the topic of the tower-type magic furnace?
Although the history of the Holy King's Choice has never said that it is impossible to complete two topics at the same time, most people will not do such a meaningless thing, not to mention that the Soul School is not a well-recognized route even among the imperial alchemists.

Some people even think that this dragon alchemist may just be showing off his skills, or in other words, he is trying to curry favor with the craftsman president. Everyone knows that this president has an unusual view and viewpoint on the Soul School.

However, Fang Yan is clear that it is not just as simple as opinions and opinions, but that the person in front of him is the creator of the Soul School.

in a sense.

He can be regarded as the other party's student.

But he wasn't begging for the other party's approval. In fact, the people around him could also see this from the changing expression on Friston's face. A shocked expression appeared on the face of the chairman, as if he had seen something incredible.

But most of the people present couldn't understand what happened. They either didn't understand the Soul School, or they didn't understand it that deeply. Some of them might recognize that it was a star crystal, but most of them couldn't even tell what Fang Plover did in the crystal.

If there are wizards who are proficient in this way, maybe they can give a general idea.

In the entire Saint King's Hall, there were actually only two people who understood this scene.

One is Friston.

The other was Luo Fen who was completely stunned.

And outside the Saint King's Hall, among the people who watched the live broadcast of the game, there was one person who could also see it—before the vain light curtain, the young man who was called the Ash King was watching this scene indifferently, slightly raising his eyebrows.

In the hall, some people couldn't understand this scene, but they understood what happened.The person who had been hiding behind the crowd, his gaze wandering between Fang Plover and Friston, then turned around and ran out of the hall——

In the crystal in Fang Plover's hand, the light was going out little by little, and finally turned into darkness.

The pitch-black crystal stopped in his palm.

He had seen this crystal before.

At the moment when Nini was born.

Friston looked at the crystal, his eyebrows furrowed tightly, and he couldn't even let go.The chairman's face was even a little distorted, he clenched his teeth, his cheeks bulged slightly, and there were even blue veins on his forehead:

"This is impossible!"

"This is……"


Fang Yan replied: "This is the world after the starlight is extinguished. The essence that makes the soul reside here is no different from the Shadowman. He has already come up with the answer. In fact, he just told another you through my mouth."

He paused every word: "Mr. President."

That was everything he had seen in the tower, the answer that genius let him see.

He finally thought of a way to reproduce it, and made up his mind to show it in this game.As if crossing the barrier of time and time, two identical souls are questioning face to face, does that road really lead to the correct answer?

"Mr. President," Fang Yan said, "I have already proved that that road will not work."

Friston hesitated to speak, and he couldn't accept this reality for a while, so he took a few steps back.

But some of the people around who couldn't understand have already snapped and asked: "Mr. Amasht, the great alchemist, is asking you a question. Young man, are you deaf? No matter how outstanding your alchemy talent is, how can you not have basic etiquette? Even if you come here, the Hall of the Holy King can deprive you of your qualifications!"

Only then did Fang Zhi turn around.

He didn't speak anymore, and he didn't need to speak. He didn't know how the imperial people would react, would they change their course, or make him bow their heads?

Fortunately, he was already prepared.

He turned his head to see the person who scolded him clearly, but he only saw the great alchemist Amasht standing there, that old man. As for the people standing beside him, he ignored them one by one.

There will always be those snarky clowns in history, but they have no place in the long river of alchemy.But this old man will leave a deep mark in the history of the Oshu people. How did the other party see all these changes?
Amasht was looking at him with deep eyes, without saying a word.

And another group of people rushed into the hall, they were a group of knights and guards covered in tight armor, walking in front of them alone, parting the crowd and pointing at Fang Plover, said sharply:
"It's him, using forbidden alchemy in the Great Hall of the Holy King," the young man ordered the guards in a sharp voice: "There is reason to suspect that he has an affair with the dark creatures, catch him!"

Forbidden art.

Fang Plover looked at Friston who was on the side, and he wasn't surprised at all, and this was the reason.

He suddenly remembered the story about Mount Covenant that Miss Miya had told him.

But Friston showed a look of shock and anger on his face. He was looking at the young man, "Bastard, who are you? Who let you in? I don't know if there are forbidden techniques in the Great Hall of the Holy King. What nonsense are you talking about!?"

His words somewhat startled Fang Yan. He originally thought that this was exactly what the president meant, but now that he thought about it, it was true that the other party hadn't reacted yet. Why did these guards come so quickly?

He couldn't help looking at Amasht, but the great alchemist also frowned and looked pensive.

Furious, Friston waved to the guards and said, "This is the Craftsman Association, get out!"

But the young man was unhurried, and took out a metaphorical order from his sleeve: "This is His Majesty's warrant, President Friston, His Majesty has already understood everything, and the Silver Helmets ordered—take him down!"

"His Majesty?"

For a while, the expression on Friston's face fluctuated. He suddenly thought of something and raised his head, "The Seven Sorcerers Family?"

And at this moment, the great alchemist at the side, Amasht, finally made up his mind, and said, "President Friston, the alchemy he used just now is indeed unusual for us. Can I check that crystal and see what's in it?"

Friston's voice faltered.

"Give me the crystal," he looked back at Fang Plover, and whispered, "I'll send you out of this place."

But Fang Plover held the crystal and shook his head at him.

He came here to get the attitude of the empire. Although the president's reaction was somewhat beyond his expectations, he had actually gotten the answer from the appearance of those silver-helmed knights.

If he left this place without a name, all his efforts in this competition would be in vain. The imperials claimed that he had an affair with a cultist. How could he justify the slander himself?
Fang Plover looked at Ms. Ming who was at the side.

Sure enough, Ming was separating the crowd and came forward, but the lady looked at Fang Plover as if she was about to get angry—so, this—is—the—technology—difference—difference of—what you—say?

At least the queen of construction didn't grit her teeth, resisting the urge to step forward and punch Fang Plover Bangbang twice.

She just stopped the imperial knights before coming to the crowd.

... (end of this chapter)

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