Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1051, Act 378, Choice of Two Routes III

When Fang Plender confronted the great alchemist Amasht Fontaine and walked out of the Grande delegation, the stray horse’s live broadcast room was full of excitement. The stray horse outside the screen had just picked up a cup of coffee when he saw the barrage in the live broadcast room and almost sprayed water on the light screen:
"Come here, I knew it would not be so simple."

"After all, I was betting with someone this morning. This game is not so easy to end. How could it not happen at all. It has never been this style to be smooth and steady."

"The human-shaped natural disaster from Colin-Ishurian, he came, and he came again, so who is going to be unlucky this time? Cultists? Shadow people? Or the noble struggle within the empire, I see the shocked look of the craftsman president, it is probably the latter."

"The calamity of walking really lives up to its reputation. My dear friends, I came to this live broadcast room to visit the holy land. It's a worthwhile trip."

"Haha, the people of the empire are still talking about taboo techniques, don't these bastards want to repeat the incident of the Covenant Mountain?"

"It seems that someone wants to be a joke again."

This is an understanding of the Ultra-Sports League, but most of the mentions of the Battle of Covenant Mountain are in a sarcasm tone. The distraction outside the arena naturally reflects the mental fluctuations in the league. In fact, the belief in the third division began to collapse from then on.

Seeing this, the wandering horse's eyes twitched, and he said to himself that everyone should be worried about the Lord, this is not at the time of the southern border, at least it was still a home game, but this is the empire.

However, when he looked at Fang Plover in the picture and Ming who was blocking the Imperials, he felt a little guilty in his heart, because this one was really extraordinary, as if he had never finished a game smoothly.

The wandering horse is keenly aware of the words used by the imperial people. Forbidden alchemy is not just a simple joke. Everyone still remembers what happened in the muddy area five years ago.

Especially the audience in the third division is particularly sensitive to this.

He felt a little confused again, but it was just a game. Could it be that the Imperials really couldn't afford to lose?

But different from the abuse of ordinary people, the stray horse stared at the document in the hand of the messenger, which symbolized the authority of the magic emperor, but the warrant of the Supreme One would never be delivered to Ayn ​​Brock so quickly, it was a paper document.

He had already opened the tool and began to search. The warrant was written on a very luxurious leather scroll with gold and purple patterns, rolled into a thick scroll, and there were related pictures on the Internet, which were exactly the same as the one in the hands of the informer.

Judging from the reaction of the great alchemist Amasht, the warrant was not fake, which means that this may have been premeditated, and the stray horse gradually frowned—could it be, as the live broadcast room said, that this was an internal struggle of the empire?

But Ming, who came before everyone, didn't care what kind of struggle it was. Before the great alchemist and everyone, she reached out her hand to stop everyone, and said coldly: "Mr. Amasht, although you enjoy a respected status in the alchemy world, it's not your turn to give advice in this competition, right?"

"Oh, what does Ms. Ming think?" Amasht Fontaine raised her drooping eyelids and glanced at the Queen of Constructors, and replied.

It is naturally impossible for him not to know each other. Although the alchemist and the battle craftsman are two systems, as a candidate for the ten kings, who is only one step away from the great alchemist, the two have dealt with each other before.

Amasht didn't care too much about the offense between the words of the underworld. Since the holy vocation, he has long been familiar with the various personalities of the chosen ones, not to mention that he has already passed the age of caring about them.

All he cared about was that paper order.

The great alchemist looked up at the warrant.

"This is mine," Ming said, "and now I am the head of the Grande delegation. Even if the competition party has any objections to the results of the competition, it can be suspended or punished, but it is not up to you gentlemen who broke into the competition to check. Of course-I will talk about this matter later."

Her eyes rested on these people one by one, and she said angrily: "So what about the people of the Super Sports League in the first division, what are you doing hiding behind now, because you acquiesced that the league has already belonged to the Imperial Craftsman Association?"

This hat could not be worn by the Super Sports League, and a staff member rushed out immediately, explaining: "It's not like this, Ms. Ming, we just—"

But Ming coldly interrupted the other party: "You don't have to explain to me, who am I? You have no obligation to explain to me. Now your job is to figure out the situation, and some people have raised objections to the results of the competition—of course, regardless of whether these 'unknown persons' are eligible, shouldn't the competition authorities check whether this is considered slander, so as to maintain the fairness of the competition?"

The staff got stuck for a moment.

This Queen of Constructors is not such a person to be fooled. She has already seen it clearly from the sidelines, and her words are so sharp that it makes others feel the chill of a knife blade, stabbing the people in the hall unable to speak.

Besides, although the words were not very pleasant to hear, outsiders could not find any flaws for a while. She said it righteously, but she just cast her eyes on Amasht Fontaine and the people around him vaguely as she spoke.

Apparently it's self-explanatory who she is referring to as the 'unknown person'.

The former is okay, but someone in the latter is already red-faced with anger, and wants to come to distinguish, but the person next to him firmly holds him back—don’t die! ?That was a false dragon knight.It’s okay when she’s unreasonable, but when she’s unreasonable, she’ll send you to the Temple of Resurrection on the spot, and no one else can tell what’s wrong.

Who told you to offend a dragon knight?
Who gave you the guts?

The staff looked at Amasht, then at Friston, and was about to speak, but Ming interrupted him again with a cold sentence: "Don't forget, as the head of the Goland delegation, I also have the right to know. I must personally participate in the inspection of the results."

"Ms. Ming, you are—"

"Why, I'm not qualified?" Ming asked back: "Please find out this article from the rules of the competition to refute it."

The staff was speechless. The construction queen had finished all the good and bad words, so what else did they say? You just said that you want to check it yourself, so it's over?

Although it was already a consensus that the construction queen was not easy to mess with, they still didn't expect that the other party would be so troublesome, and the Wandering Horse live broadcast room had already praised the construction queen, and the bullet screens were full of boasting.

Responsible and courageous, it can only be said that it is no accident that the queen was loved by many audiences in her early years and broke out of her own world.

However, although Ming's words are aggressive, there is nothing wrong with this proposal. The people in the alliance discussed it and were about to agree. At this moment, the sharp voice sounded: "I'm afraid everyone made a mistake—"

The messenger interrupted them and said, "I'm here to carry out the order. I don't care about any competition. Someone here violated the imperial ban. His Majesty has issued an order to arrest the criminal and bring him to justice."

There was an uproar in the hall.

If it was still in the scope of the competition before, then it has exceeded that limit at this moment. No one would have thought in advance that such a thing would happen in the competition in the Hall of the Holy King.

Many eyes turned to Fang Plover behind Ming, and people thought to themselves, what is this young man capable of? Even the Emperor of Magic should be targeted specifically, or is this dragon alchemist really an incomparable genius of Kaolin, so he must be kept in the empire?
Many people have already begun to fantasize.

And as soon as this remark came out, even the stray horse's live broadcast room was suffocated, and the barrage changed from the previous ridicule to a repetition, anger and abuse:

"How dare the imperial people, how dare they do this, shameless!"

"Oshu Gou really loses face!"

"What about the evidence, what evidence do they have?"

Although the audience was angry, they were powerless. What's more, there were still unknown creatures taking advantage of the chaos: "I have already guessed what kind of expert will be produced in the third competition area. It turned out to be cheating." Others were so angry that they cursed: "What kind of dog are you from?"

The stray horse put the unknown ID into the blacklist with a cold face.

In the hall, Ming’s momentum has changed. Looking at these people coldly, the temperature in the hall seemed to have dropped several degrees for a while, “You want to use the empire’s trumped-up charges to arrest the invited contestants of Kaolin-Ishurian, who will give you the qualifications?”

She opened her hands, and two tall constructs emerged under a faint blue light curtain. They were elegant in shape, with gold patterns plated on the platinum shell, holding long spears, and staggered in front of the imperial knights who were about to step forward.

There was already a clear killing intent in Ming's voice: "I want to see who dares to take a step forward."

But no one dared to make trouble in front of a dragon knight, even if it was only close to the strength of the dragon knight, the silver helmet knights looked at each other in blank dismay.

After all, this team full of children of the nobles of the empire is no longer the legion that shined thousands of years ago. They used to not hesitate even in the face of hell, but now they dare not take a step forward even in the hall of the holy king.

However, one person was in charge, and the rest of the people did not dare to make even the slightest move. The person who had spoken out before was silent at the moment, and all the Kaolin-Ishurian players were fascinated by this scene.

As for Shui Wuming, little stars appeared in his eyes, and he couldn't help but tug at Luo Wei who was at the side and said:
"The little guy is causing trouble again, but sister Ming is too handsome, I'm a little envious, why is your teacher like this?"

"Then you come, teacher, she likes you young contestants, she won't reject you," Luo Wei smiled wryly, and glanced at Fang Plover standing in front, feeling a little worried in her heart.

"Forget it then," Shui Wuming quickly shook his head, "You know that I don't dare, how can I explain it at the club? Besides, Senior Virus is pretty good, I want Sister Ming to be my teacher, what does she think of me?"

Asking knowingly, Luo Wei couldn't help giving her a blank look.

But in the hall of the Holy King, Amasht Fontaine finally couldn't hold back anymore, and said, "Ms. Ming, this is the Hall of the Holy King. Since you are in the empire, you are naturally bound by the laws of the empire. You can do what you want. There is no one outside the law, and there is no place outside the empire."

"That's good," Ming said, "bring out the evidence and let me check it. If it's true, I'll take him away without saying a word, and the little guy will stay here for you to dispose of. But if you can't come up with evidence, then I don't think there's any need for this hall to exist—"

"After all, staying here is nothing more than humiliating the predecessors."

After she finished speaking, she pointed her hand down, and the tall construct inserted the spear in its hand into the ground to stop the group of knights. The floor of the Hall of the Holy King that the spear point pointed at cracked a long gap.

Everyone gasped, she really did it, this is the hall of the holy king, every marble tile on the floor is a historical relic, and the heartache of the people of the empire was unspeakable, so much so that they looked at the great alchemist Amasht with a bit of anger.

Who is to say that this group of people provoked the trouble?
The corners of Amasht's eyes also twitched, and he managed to suppress his anger. He looked at Friston, but the latter's face was terribly gloomy, as if he had never heard of the scene in front of him, and he didn't say a word.

This side is naturally unreliable, so he could only look at the messenger and ask, "What do you think, Mister Envoy?"

But the informer seemed unable to read the air. He only looked at Friston, whose face was sinking like water, and opened the order in his hand—of course he understood that the situation must not be calmed down so that the other party had time to react.

He immediately said loudly: "Your Majesty's will is here. Do you even question this? It's just a dragon knight. Immediately mobilize the city guards and notify the wind knights. Whoever dares to resist will be captured!"

"No one—" squealed the informer, "could run wild in the Empire!"

Amasht saw the imprint on the decree, without hesitation in his heart, he looked at Ming and said, "Then, Ms. Ming, if you offend, Your Majesty the Supreme will never make a mistake. Please trust the judgment of the Great Arbitration Tribunal. If this person is really innocent, the Scroll Knights will naturally return him innocent."

After he finished speaking, he immediately took a step back, and the guard knight beside him stepped forward. It was the secret guard arranged by the empire for the great alchemist. Although it was not as good as Ming, its strength was far better than ordinary silver helmet knights, and it was even more loyal to the empire.

"Trust a fart!"

Furious, Ming pointed his hand in this direction, a transparent wall fluctuated like water ripples, and a huge construct appeared from behind, blocking the two secret guards back.

She turned around, trying to find trouble with the informer, but the informer was already frightened to death, and retreated behind a group of knights, never showing his face again.

Ming could only snort coldly.

The great alchemist was not surprised when he saw this, he turned his head and said to the people on the side: "Notify the Einbrok branch that it is in an emergency situation, and the Battle Craftsman Corps will be dispatched immediately. If necessary, the War Corps can be used—"

The knights finally came to their senses and swarmed up, and the siren sounded sternly outside the Hall of the Holy King. The onlookers finally realized that something was wrong, and rushed to escape, but how had those nobles experienced this?
There were terrified screams.

There was a moment of chaos in the hall.

But the silver-helmed knights hadn't had time to start. There was a "bang" gunshot, and a silver-helmed knight had blossomed on his chest and flew out. The noble lady was standing in the crowd at this moment, not retreating but advancing. She was pulling out a silver pistol in her hand, and the smoke from the muzzle was curling up, pointing in this direction——

Fang Plover also pressed his hand to his information crystal, and a Centaur Annihilator had appeared behind him, and he reminded others: "Sister Luo Wei, Vikki, Xiaoyao, you all hide behind here."

Everyone in Colin-Ishuilian was involved in the incident because of him, and he must not let everyone be implicated and injured by him.

Seeing that the situation was developing in an unpredictable direction, most of the people who were watching the live broadcast of this game were already stunned. After all, most of them just came to watch a game, and no one expected to see this big show.

Everyone in the Wandering Horse live broadcast room was numb, and didn't know what to say for a while, and because of the sudden incident, the Super Sports League didn't react at all, so that until now no one has realized that the source of the live broadcast should be cut off——

Therefore, the multiple shots of the competition broadcast all this to the two worlds in real time.

"There's a big mess."

This thought popped up in everyone's mind at that moment.

Amasht Fontaine looked at Ming, and said, "Ms. Ming, are you planning to represent Kaolin-Ishurian to fight against the empire?"

"I don't represent anyone," Ming was about to summon his own pseudo-dragon knight, and the oscillating ether in the space made the entire Hall of the Holy King tremble, "I only represent myself, immortal thing, who do you think you are?"

She no longer cared so much and cursed loudly.

It can only be said that where there are students, there must be teachers. It has to be said that this queen of construction is exactly the same as Fang Plover in some aspects, otherwise she would not see the latter right.

But when the Hall of the Holy King was about to be destroyed, a voice came from outside, "Wait a minute, Ming," Princess Brian walked in from the crowd, she looked at Amasht and then at the messenger, "So the Oshurs are planning to end the truce and resume the war with Colin-Ishurian?"

As soon as Her Royal Highness said this, everyone was stunned and then remembered that the former Battle of Byrne was just a truce between the Kingdom of Colin and the Empire. Since the war did not tell the winner, neither side used the word truce.

And her identity here is even more subtle. The hero of the Battle of Byrne is naturally the enemy of the imperial people.

"Your Royal Highness, you—" The person who delivered the order was completely unable to intervene in this level of dialogue, and Amasht Fontaine was taken aback. He was threatening the Construct Queen so that the other party would back down. After all, no one wanted to see a war at the level of a dragon knight broke out in Ayin Brock.

But I never expected that Princess Brianna would arrive at a critical moment, and take up his words without mercy, and this princess did not leave any room for change, judging from her identity——

It seems that he does have the qualifications to say such a thing.

The great alchemist froze for a moment. The empire and the Great Council were about to start a war. How could he take his words seriously? Could it be that His Majesty, the supreme emperor, led the army to fight on two fronts?

He could only think about such thoughts.

People who have never met the princess think that the legendary elf princess is gentle, elegant and generous, but in fact Brian looked at everyone, took off her longbow and shook hands, and stopped directly in front of Ming and Fang Plover, "The people of the empire dare not declare war, so I will declare war. If you insist on humiliating Colin-Ishurian today, then I will definitely bring Avenquin's elves to fight the empire forever, how about it?"

She took out an arrow, broke it, threw it on the ground, and threw it in front of Amasht: "I swear by this arrow, if I violate this oath, I will shoot like this."

Fang Yan was taken aback. He didn't expect the elf princess to be so decisive. He had expected the development of the situation, but he didn't expect Princess Brian to make such an oath: "His Royal Highness..."

Brianna and Ming turned their heads and gave him a hard look, "Shut up, stop talking nonsense, your debt will be settled with you later!"

Fang Plover had no choice but to shut up.

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and no one expected that things would come to this point.

No one dared to make a decision on such a major matter lightly, and the Silver Helmet Knights naturally couldn't do it either. They could only pass on the news layer by layer, and wait until someone responsible for it made up their minds and gave the final answer.

But someone got the news first.

The communication crystal pinned to the brooch by the elf princess flickered slightly, and her face suddenly changed, and multiple consecutive orders were simultaneously transmitted to her, Ming, and the soul fingerprints, and everyone in the Colin-Ishurian delegation.

"Why?" Mu Lan was taken aback.

"I'm not mistaken, am I?" Shui Wuming almost jumped up, "Is this an order from the division?"

The boys looked a little calmer, but their faces were also very ugly for a while.Wei Yu looked at Fang Plover at the side, and wanted to say something for a moment, but he hesitated to speak.

Fang Yan, as a member of the delegation, naturally also received that instruction. He looked at the lines of text in the communication, his face was a little bit surprised at first, but then he was relieved - he looked at Weiyu, shook his head at the other party, and signaled that the other party did not need to feel guilty about it.

He couldn't help turning his head back, and looked at his own lady officer who was not far away, and Sylvaide was also looking at him—in fact, since they left the kingdom, they should have expected this road full of thorns.

Ming pinched the communication crystal and rattled it, without saying a word, her face was frighteningly gloomy, and the flames of anger danced in her dark eyes—but the communication crystal was an order from the club, and she must not violate it.

At the same time, the people of the empire were also lowering their heads to read their flashing communication crystals, with different expressions of surprise on their faces.

Friston, Amasht and the high-ranking alchemists all glanced at the information, and then raised their heads.

Immediately, the messenger was the first to raise his head in surprise, and screamed: "She can't represent anyone. The Kingdom of Colin-Ishurian has officially sent us an order. They agree with the judgment of the empire and agree with His Majesty's authority. They ordered us to arrest everyone on the Seven Seas Traveler!"

The man waved the communication crystal in his hand and said hoarsely:
"So what are you waiting for?"

"Hurry up and arrest people—!"

As soon as this person said this, there was an uproar in the Wandering Horse live broadcast room. In fact, everyone on both sides of the star gate who was paying attention to this competition changed their faces wildly at the same time, especially the audience in the third division.

With a bang, the coffee cup in the hand of the stray horse fell directly on the table, and he didn't even notice the scalding coffee spilled all over the floor.

"Is this an order from the Alliance?"

"No, the alliance has not fulfilled its duties... These are the clubs behind them, and they are orders from the Colin royal family..."

"What are the idiots of the Colin-Ishurian royal family doing!?"

"What international joke?"

It was no longer abusive in the live broadcast room, and many people even broke their defenses directly. At that moment five years ago, it was like a nightmare coming back at this moment.

It's just that on this side of the screen, the voice of the messenger has not yet finished.

Suddenly there was a scream from outside the hall, a spear pierced through the crowd, and shot at a group of silver-helmed knights. The silver-helmed knight turned pale in shock and backed away. Finally, the spear made a loud noise, piercing through the chest of the man behind the knight, and nailed him to the stone pillar behind him.

The man's voice stopped in summer, and he stared at the scene with wide eyes, as if he hadn't realized how it all happened when he was about to die. He lowered his head and looked at the spear stuck in his chest.

The tip of the spear sank straight into the marble, and the tail of the spear trembled endlessly, making a long humming sound.

Everyone around you invariably suffers from a certain degree of hearing loss.

And no one expected that there was an attacker ambushing outside the hall. In fact, Fang Plover didn't expect it. He just saw the spear very familiarly, so he couldn't help turning his head.

Sure enough, the tall lizardman prince was walking step by step from the hall of the holy king, and at this moment no one dared to stop this terrifying 'monster', the nobles of the empire screamed to get out of the way, "It's the lizardman——!"

But even though they were pushing and shoving, the crowd still automatically separated into two sides before the instinctive fear—but Tenarik didn't even look at these people, and walked up to Fang Plover and stood side by side with him, one tall and the other short.

"Your Highness," the silver-helmed knights gasped when they recognized the lizard envoy, "Are you going to break the promise?"

The lizard prince looked at the imperial knights, his gray prismatic pupils shone with indifference.

"Go and tell your Emperor," it said dismissively, "Whoever dares to step forward here, the covenant between the Whitehead Clan and your Emperor will be annulled. No one can use swords against my human brothers. This is the oath of the Whitehead Clan."

It turned back to look at Fang Plover, its eyes were a little gentle, "My human brother, please let me stand with you."

"Tenaric," Fang Plover never expected that the other party would arrive at this time. Before that, it was still in the imperial capital, which could only show that the other party came here on a special trip.He was a little moved, "But you don't represent yourself alone."

He still remembered the war between the empire and the lizardmen. If nothing else happened, the Whitehead clan should have been on the side of the empire.

Tenarik shook his head, "The elders gave me the right to choose, and the stars let us find the answer by ourselves. What's more, I knew from the beginning that you were also the one chosen by Guanghai. The blessings of the saints will not lie. I believe that all the accusations these people have made against you are just slander."

It looked at the messenger coldly, "This is a conspiracy against you, the lizard man will never stand by and watch the sword coming from behind hurt his friend, and remain indifferent."

After it finished speaking, it stretched out its hand, and the spear stuck on the pillar was automatically pulled up as if pulled by an invisible force, and flew back to its hand.The person who delivered the order had already turned into white light and scattered. Tenarik held the spear firmly, and looked at the people in front of him without fear:
"My human brother, let Gudasok fight by your side."

Fang Yan was inexplicably moved, and no longer refused: "You have become stronger."

"And you too." Tenarik smiled—although the lizardman's smile was hard to read.

Only then did Fang Yan look at Ming and Brian's group, Ming didn't dare to look him in the eye, so he couldn't help turning his head away.

But Fang Plover didn't care too much. In fact, he had expected it a long time ago - of course, he deeply appreciates the actions of Ms. Ming and the princess, but everyone is not unscrupulous after all, especially the construction queen - the teacher he approves of.

In the eyes of the world, she is the unscrupulous queen of construction.

But she is also subject to constraints. She was born in the Godslayer Guild, so it is impossible to ignore the orders and contracts of the club behind her.Why didn't they have other reasons for the battle on Covenant Mountain in the past?

Not everyone agreed with the league's decision at the time.

Just like this moment.

"Sister Ming, Princess Brian," Fang Yan said, "You don't have to worry about this, I know your difficulties. From the moment Sylvaide and I left the Kingdom of Colin, we had already expected that the Alliance and the Kingdom would not treat us well. Now that everyone has parted ways, I have nothing to do with the Alliance or the Kingdom—"

He paused, "Of course, you don't have to worry, I will always be the pick of the third division."

Fang Plover naturally understood that it was impossible for him to really let Princess Brian bring the Avenquin elves to fight for him.

Her Royal Highness the Princess with an extremely strong personality might really be able to do it, but that doesn't fit his character.

He cut off the connection with the kingdom first, so that Princess Brian lost the reason to fight for him, and since then, the Seven Seas Brigade has spread its wings, just like the lady of the sword of the world made a decision in the past.

Since then, the world has lost a dragon alchemist named Colin-Ishurian, and has gained a free and unrestrained adventure group.

Fang Plover looked at Friston again: "Mr. President, let's leave now. I hope you will think about your own path."

Friston opened his mouth to say something, but Amasht Fontaine's tone was completely cold: "You don't want to leave."

It's just that Fang Yan took a look at this person. This was his biggest regret when he came to the empire. This holy land of alchemists did not turn out as he thought in his heart.The great alchemist I have seen is nothing more than that. Can the imperial people really lead mortals to overcome disasters?

At least he doesn't agree.

A roar.

It caused the entire hall of the Holy King to shake, and the sand and stones rustled down from the vault, which surprised everyone—what happened again! ?
Until someone ran in from the outside as if their butt was on fire, and warned everyone in the hall with a face of horror: "The airship of the Seven Seas Travelers in the port left the port without permission and exchanged fire with the Imperial fleet. Three fourth-level airships have caught fire and crashed—"

"The Traveler of the Seven Seas is coming to us—"


The man suddenly got stuck, he never thought that the hall was also in a mess, and he couldn't help but stare at all this in a daze.

At this moment, the second roar sounded, and the hall trembled again. This time, there was a bright fire coming from the window, which was reflected on Fang Plover's face.

Standing in the hall, surrounded by a group of knights, this talented young man from Colin-Ishurian, half of his eyes reflected the dazzling fire, while the other half of his eyes was still dreamy.

... (end of this chapter)

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