Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1053 The Choice of Two Routes in Act 38 V

The warlocks of the Star and Moon Tower set up a platform in the center of the arena to monitor the game. The secret guards brought Laila there, and the surrounding crowd spread out into an open space under the high platform for fear of avoiding it. The wizards of the council Everyone stood on the stage looking at this girl from Lin En's family, with different expressions on their faces.

The girl with black framed glasses only lowered her head slightly, holding the magic wand tightly in her bosom with one hand, and unconsciously grabbed the robe with the other hand, distorted spots appeared on the back of her pale hands due to excessive force. vein.

Many different eyes were also cast from the surrounding crowd, falling on the latter, making her look helpless, and only a young man from Colin was standing not far behind the girl, watching this scene.A lot of gossip came from behind Luo Yu, allowing the young man to hear those harsh words clearly:
"This is the bitch of the Lynn family."

"How did the Astrological Institute agree to her admission?"

"It's not that scum of Royce. I heard that he has something to do with that liar Sir."

"Sir Royce, shouldn't he also be a person with a false name?"

"Who knows, but the Lynn family is really stubborn—"

"This is a big shame for the Astrologer."

The people of Rorschach Bedi College gloated, and Laila's former classmates also looked at her with a kind of resentment. Even those ordinary people who don't want to join forces with bullies on weekdays now look at the girl with a certain degree of embarrassment. A trace of dissatisfaction.

Although Luo Yu understands the situation of the descendants of Lin En's family, and knows to some extent that Laila will receive some blank stares in the astrological academy, but that is still not as good as empathizing with him at this moment. He can't help but sigh slightly—everyone is more or less trapped by himself The prejudice in his heart hurts others unintentionally. He has also suffered from it, but he is still powerless to change it.

He lightly held his elemental staff.

— It’s just that today is different from the past.

Those gossip and rumors not only failed to knock down Laila, but also made the girl raise her head slightly. Although her face still lost a lot of color and looked a little pale, she still withstood the wind and rain, proving that she was no longer the cowardly girl she used to be .

The warlocks of the Star and Moon Council are looking at Luo Yu on the high platform at the moment, whispering:
"Who is he?"

"A chosen one, from Colin, is said to be the opponent's coach. This is a colleague of ours who came from afar, so there is no need to ask."

Luo Yu's identity made them somewhat cautious, even if he was the Holy Chosen One, high-level magicians were not such a bad thing even in the empire, and only the dean of the entire astrology academy could discuss with Luo Yu Come on, Royce is the other one, but this Sir is indifferent and not good at talking, and there is only an old pedant in the library.

The seven or eight warlocks sent by the Star and Moon Tower to monitor the game are all high-level magicians, but these people are usually scattered everywhere, and it is not so easy to gather together, not to mention that these magicians are all from The elites of each family.

The instructor sent by the Astrology Academy didn't have any prejudices. He just looked at Laila gently and said, "Laila, you just cast the second-ring spell?"

Lyra looked at her and nodded slightly.

The instructor was even more pleasant, and said to her: "After the competition is over, if you prove that you didn't cheat, you can be promoted to the second grade and join the astrologer branch. There are all geniuses there. Maybe one day you can be like them."

She held out her hand. "Can I see your hand, Laila?"

Laila didn't understand what she meant, and stretched out her right hand, and the other party took her hand, and it was cold at the beginning.She placed Lyra's hand lightly between her own, examined the area between thumb and forefinger carefully, and cast a spell there.

The tutor watched a flash of light, nodded in satisfaction, and then said gently to Laila: "Don't worry, Laila, the adults in the council are just trying to quell the doubts of the Robeshardt College, they will distinguish Understand right and wrong, and return your innocence."

Lyra felt slightly nervous. She had never received such attention. Even Sir Royce was not good at showing his emotions.

She raised her head and looked at each other, feeling a little warmth in her heart. The female tutor only smiled at her: "When you are promoted to the second grade, you can become my student. You don't have to worry about Sir Royce, he Just first-year freshmen."

Luo Yu watched this scene with cold eyes.

The instructor sent by Rorschach Bedi College naturally didn't look good on them, but the other party didn't blame them too much, just gave Leila a cold look, and then asked the Star and Moon Council for verification.

The Star and Moon Council sent several people to check Lila's magic triangle like the female instructor from the Astrology Institute. Elemental spells will occur in the area between the thumb and index finger and leave a mark there.

The warlocks quickly came to the same conclusion and nodded to each other to confirm this point. The next step was to check the magic equipment on Laila. Over the years, students have cheated by hiding some gadgets in the arena.

Although the information says that Laila is a poor student, she should not be able to afford too clever magic props, but accidental situations are not ruled out. Warlocks still do it routinely. Scouting spells.

A burst of invisible ripples passed by, and only the magic wand in Lila's body was emitting dazzling light.

"What is this?" asked the tutor at Robécharty, pointing to another gleam of light between Lyra's pockets.

"This is my school magic tool."

"Holfen School?" The other party frowned.

"It used to be, but now it belongs to our interest club." The girl bit her lower lip, trying her best to appear neither humble nor overbearing.

The tutors at Robeshardy Academy stopped talking, and the warlocks at the Star and Moon Tower glanced at each other and nodded again.It is allowed to carry magic devices in the academy competition, and the magic wand is essentially a kind of magic device, and some schools have their own special magic devices.

For example, the magic book, which can be counted as a special type of magic tool.

In addition, everyone has to carry a magic furnace, otherwise the mages will have problems casting spells, and there is no competition.

The rule set by the academy competition is that each person can carry no more than five magic devices. The magic glow reaction on Lyra's body can be said to be impoverished. Now the warlocks of Lianxing and Moon Tower looked at Her eyes couldn't help showing a bit of appreciation.

In any country, it is worth admiring to rely on one's own efforts to change one's destiny; even aristocrats often have to agree with such values, and setting such an example in the social field is beneficial to their rule.

No matter what the girl's background is, she has come to this point.

What's more, there are many mages from the lower classes in the Star and Moon Tower, and the descendants of some minor nobles actually live not much better than ordinary people.If people forget her Lynn family background for a moment, then this is undoubtedly a very good trainee magician.

Perhaps the crimes committed by Ash Lynn should not be borne by his descendants. At least this girl should be innocent. The warlocks couldn't help but look at the girl with a bit of pity.

"That's pretty much it," they concluded. "This little girl may be a genius, and unconscious spells are possible."

"So can we draw conclusions?"

They nodded to each other.

"Wait!" But a voice interrupted.

The voice came from the crowd, causing people to turn their eyes. The voice was a student at the scene, because there were only such young people present.

The crowd parted automatically, and it turned out that there were a few young people behind. The leader was staring at Laila with hatred and jealousy, and said loudly to the people around: "No, she shouldn't be here at all." In that place, I can testify that less than half a year ago this woman could not cast spells at all—”

"Elion, Juno, you?" Lila looked at her former companion in disbelief.

"What are you talking about?" The warlocks' faces darkened. Where did these unruly brats come from?But just as they were about to take action to teach these ignorant young people a lesson, someone at the side reached out and stopped a group of warlocks.

The tutor from Rorschach Bedi College walked up to them, "Why don't you listen to what these young people have to say?"

"Sir, this is against the rules."

"But they are witnesses and testify voluntarily," said the instructor of Rorschach Bedi College. "If what they say is true, then it proves that cheating is true. If they just slander, then of course they should bear the punishment they deserve. He looked at those people, "Are you willing to take responsibility for what you said?"

Looking at the group of high-ranking mages with uneasy faces, Erion, who was the first to speak, hesitated for a moment, but he immediately thought of the people he had encountered, and his eyes became more resentful, "Of course I can take responsibility for this." .”

"I have to remind you that this is not a joke. It may involve the reputation of an innocent person and the fairness of a game." Is what you said true?"

"We...uh...Of course we can." Erion blushed and stammered.

But no matter how hesitant they are, daring to swear to Anjina is persuasive in itself. It is the most common belief in Xintaan except for the sun belief. Its followers range from princes and nobles to traffickers. pawn.

Right here, there are also a large number of believers among the wizards of the Ossurians. As for other aspects—in the eyes of others, it can be interpreted as nervousness—it is just some college students who feel nervous in this scene It's also completely understandable.

The mentor of Rorschach Bedi College looked at the warlocks of the council.

Hearing these young people swear to the icon of the God of Knowledge, several high-level mages also had to become serious and asked, "Tell me, what evidence and testimony do you have?"

"Of course we have evidence, and the evidence is the magic wand in her hand," Elion said. "We were also members of Brita's society, but it was this woman who managed to push us out. She always bewitched us." We had a slight disagreement about Brita's belief in her heresies about the Holfen School, and this cunning woman tricked us into leaving—"

"She claimed to be a poor student from Roble, somewhat related to Ash Lynn, and later claimed to be the sole heir to the Lynn family. We all knew this woman was poor at the time, but in a society For the sake of the members, everyone helps her from time to time."

"But the funds in the club are limited, and it's actually everyone's money. All of us save money. Except for Brita, everyone in this team is actually from an average family. Those of us are reluctant to buy better magic tools even for ourselves. This woman Why would there be such a luxurious magic wand?"

Elion looked at Laila standing there, his eyes seemed to be burning with jealousy, "Because it's not hers at all, this woman is the one with the worst talent in the society, full of lies, a few months ago She doesn't even know the most basic spells, but after just half a year, she's standing here, and she suddenly mastered the second-level spells?"

He gritted his teeth, and unfolded a crumpled piece of paper as he spoke: "It's all because of those talents, and that magic wand doesn't belong to her at all! Here is the testimony of Mr. Ognyan, so please don't be ignorant of it. Mr Ognyan is Britta's father, and he can attest that the wand is a family heirloom."

The young man said loudly: "Everyone, if it is said that it is from Lynn's family, it can be said that this woman's vain temper never mentioned this matter to us before. If you don't believe me, ask those who are familiar with her. people will understand—”

Erion stepped aside and let a person come out from behind: "This is Mr. Pushe. He is the landlord of this woman. He has helped these women for several months without charging her a penny of rent. Let him say Tell me, is what I said true?"

The color faded from Laila's face, and she looked at the old man standing next to the young man in disbelief: "... Mr. Pusher?"

Luo Yu also saw that person clearly, that was the owner of the gear and the magic book, the old businessman Pushe.

Pusche stood there without answering, but nodded to everyone to show that what Ailion said was true.

Luo Yu frowned, and threw a detection spell almost at the same time as the mage from the council beside him, but he didn't detect any spells such as transformation or enchantment from Pushe.

The warlock of the council looked back at him, thought for a while and didn't say anything. If Luo Yu was just an ordinary magician, he would naturally scold him, but the other party was also qualified to sit on an equal footing with him.

Elion's words have caused an uproar at the scene, and there are both evidence and witnesses, which is enough to make people believe three points.Most people couldn't help but cast sympathetic and contemptuous glances at this young man. Naturally, what they sympathized with was their experience.

But the contempt is because most people present can see that this young man is standing here mostly because of jealousy. It is jealousy that caused this person to stand up and expose his former companions, whether it is the distorted face or the resentful words.

It all seems to illustrate this point.

But in this way, everything seems reasonable. People are animals of interests, and they are willing to believe in the rationality of interests driving everything.

Only Luo Yu frowned. He thought about many possibilities, but he didn't expect that the other party would attack him in such a way - he looked at the old businessman standing there silently, and the other party turned his head to the side deliberately not to look at him. For feeling guilty.

But Luo Yu still sensed a sense of unnaturalness in it. Pushe suffered many mistakes in doing business abroad in the early years, and it was precisely because of this that he settled down in Ayin Brock, and it was precisely because of this that he owed a favor to Lynn's family.

According to the old man, he actually had some hidden injuries on his legs, and he would appear a little lame due to neuralgia every rainy season. He was outspoken about this, so take it as a joke.But he remembered that when Pushe stepped out of the crowd earlier, he seemed normal.

Luo Yu looked up at the gloomy sky.

The crowd was talking a lot, and people couldn't help but think of the murder case that happened in the astrological academy a few days ago from Elion's words. The victim of the case seemed to be a girl named Brita. Could this Brita be Bibrita? tower?
Many suspicious eyes could not help falling on Laila.

The warlocks of the Tower of Star and Moon gave the young man a disgusted look, but they also treated Laila a little colder. They turned around and asked in a business-like manner, "Miss Laila, is what he said true?"

Lyra seemed a little overwhelmed, she tried not to let her voice tremble: "No, it's not, this magic wand was given to me by my teacher, Sir Royce."

What Erion told was all lies.

With her temperament, how could she accept everyone's help? Although Mr. Pusher confiscated her rent, she has been working on gears and magic books to pay back the debts. In the club, Brita also regards her as her equal friend.

Everyone in the society, she has never accepted a handout from anyone.

The girl looked at the young man in front of her with some fear, as if she saw a poisonous snake spitting out letters. She had never felt so alienated and strange between people for a moment. How could the other party tell such vicious lies so normally? ?

She did none of those things.

"She lied!" Elion said loudly, "We all know what kind of person Sir Royce is. How could someone as indifferent as him give gifts to outsiders? You cunning woman is already in a panic to make everything reasonable for you. !"


Laila didn't know how to refute for a moment, and her face flushed.

She is such a simple person, and Brita protects her very well on weekdays, where has she ever seen such a scene.

But the warlocks of the Star and Moon Tower didn't ask him, but looked at the instructor of the Astrology Institute, who seemed a little hesitant, "I don't know Sir Royce very well either."

She glanced at Laila, then moved two steps away inconspicuously.

It was this subtle movement that caused the girl's slender heart to fall into an abyss.

The Warlock of the Star and Moon Tower summoned a staff member and gave him a few instructions. The staff member left in a hurry, and there was a moment of silence in the square—as everyone knows, this matter is actually easy to expose, as long as Roy Sir Si will know as soon as he calls.

People's eyes were wandering on Laila and Elion, Luo Yu was also looking at the young man, could Royce be one of his own?He actually saw a trace of nervousness on Elion's face, which made him feel puzzled.

He had indeed doubted Royce's identity, or said that no one in the astrological academy was worthy of his trust, but indeed, if Royce was willing to stand up and testify, he could deal a fatal blow to this matter.

At the time when he gave Laila the magic wand, there was no third person present. If he was willing to testify, with his reputation as a guarantee, it is impossible for anyone present to believe the testimony of a college student like Laila.

What's more, she herself suffered from people's prejudice because of her birth.

Warlocks are still discussing though:
"Even if the magic wand doesn't belong to her, it doesn't count as a violation of the rules of the game."

"But in that case, she would be a thief," said the instructor of Robécharty College. "How could it be possible for the winner of the college competition to be awarded to a person with such low moral character."

The female instructor of the astrology academy frowned upon hearing this.

But she looked at Laila and hesitated for a moment without refuting.

The warlocks of the Tower of Star and Moon are business-like, "Sir, pay attention to your words, this matter has not yet been settled."

"I'm just talking about a possibility."

Even the people who participated in the referee were so cautious, and the crowd around them had everything to say.

Luo Yu frowned, turned around and cast a Silence Technique in the crowd to silence the voice.The man under the spell was about to attack, but seeing the style of the robe on his body, most of them stood back.

The warlock from the Star and Moon Tower glanced at him again, but did not speak.

In the empire, people like them already have such qualifications.

Luo Yu still seemed silent, and he didn't speak from the beginning to the end. At least up to now, the academy is still within the scope of the procedures.

Only ten minutes later, some staff members returned, bringing back news about Sir Royce:

"Sir Royce is gone, no one knows where he went."

"Not here?"

The Warlock of the Star and Moon Tower was stunned. He didn't expect things to develop in this direction. It was a very simple matter. Could it be that the academy competition should be stopped first, until one of the two testimonies is proved to be false? .

He was frowning, and at this time, someone hurriedly separated from the crowd, came to the side of the chairman of the Star and Moon Council, Warren Fuller, on the stage not far away, and whispered something to the chairman. .

Warren Fuller's expression changed drastically immediately. He looked back at the man with a shocked gaze, asked something in a low voice, and then bid farewell to the people around him and prepared to leave.However, the warlock from the Star and Moon Tower saw this scene clearly, and immediately stopped him and said:
"Mr. Speaker, there is nothing to do here, where are you going?"

"Ah, this..." Valen hesitated for a moment, "something happened at the Astrology Institute, I plan to go and have a look."

"Mr. Speaker, what is it? Is it related to Sir Royce?" the warlock of the Star and Moon Tower asked sharply.

"This..." Varen smiled awkwardly, "I'm afraid it has something to do with it."

There was a snicker in the crowd. Everyone knows that the speaker is just a fake string puppet, but these elite warlocks from the Star and Moon Tower are just his subordinates, but now it seems that they are the opponent's Same as boss.

Our Speaker didn't care about this, he seemed to want to have a laugh and leave this topic aside for now, but the warlock asked, "Where is Sir Royce?"

"This..." Varen wiped off his sweat, and looked at Lila beside him in embarrassment, "Sir Royce may not be here for the time being, someone found him... in the woods behind the Mirela Church , . . . the body of Sir Royce."

"No..." He immediately shook his head. "It should be said that it's not that serious. The situation is similar to that of Miss Britta. He just got his soul taken away... There is still room for redemption."

He looked at Lyra apologetically again, "It doesn't mean anything, after we rescue Sir Royce—"

Laila's face was pale - this blow was undoubtedly too heavy for her.

Although Sir Royce has always treated her very coldly, he is the only person in this academy who is willing to accept her and impart her knowledge.

His indifference is just his temper, not to mention that not long ago, he personally expressed his optimism and encouragement to her, and gave her the magic wand.

For a moment, she felt dizzy and fell backwards, but luckily a hand supported her from behind.

"No, how could this happen," Laila said with tears in her eyes, a layer of mist floating on her glasses, her voice trembling, "Mr. Luo Yu..."

Luo Yu shook his head lightly at her.

He had actually expected it at that moment, if Royce was not the opponent's person, then it would be the best way to shut him up, just like Brita.

It's a pity that he woke up a bit late, but before the last moment, how could those people behind the scenes easily let him know whether those people were enemies or not friends?
He just silently looked at everyone present.

It's like standing in the center of a grand stage, watching everyone's different performances on this stage, some are lifelike, while others are extremely clumsy.

Mr. Speaker still tried to leave room for mediation, acting as if he was not a traitor of the Holfen School 20 years ago, he only stammered: "Everyone, there may be a conspiracy behind this, but we will definitely investigate everything..."

But someone interrupted him decisively:

"She is the murderer!"

The sorcerer of the Star and Moon Tower looked at the young man with a worried expression on his face, and Elion almost fell into madness: "The murderer is this woman. She was worried that her affairs would be revealed. She killed Sir Royce and Boo. Rita!"

But these words are confusing, as long as you think about it for a while, you can understand the doubts.

Britta could say it was just a college student.

But why did Royce die at her hands? That was the mentor of the Astrology Institute, a high-level mage. How could Lila Hod kill a high-level elementalist and protection master?
"No, it's unlikely, my classmate, you should be more sober." Even Warren Fuller didn't agree with this, and shook his head again and again, "It is well known that Sir Royce is a high-level mage, and he is good at The master of the protection school, even if there is no defense, is not something a trainee mage can kill."

"But she just cast a second-level spell," Elion shouted hysterically: "This woman is not an ordinary trainee magician. If she uses a second-level spell to sneak attack, of course she can kill a trainee magician! Roy Si is her mentor, so of course he won't take extra precautions against his students, and he will miss if he is not expecting it!"

Didn't you just say that she doesn't know magic at all? Aren't those tricks?Warren Fuller was speechless looking at this crazy young man, but he shook his head.

"Those are just your assumptions. There is no reason why Ms. Lila will still be here to participate in this competition after killing her mentor. It is not logical."

Warren Fuller actually explained to everyone: "What's more, she didn't have this motive. In order to cover up the matter of a magic wand, she killed her classmates, killed her mentor, and then used this magic wand." Zhang, are you trying to say that Ms. Laila intends to treat everyone on the scene as fools, there is no reason why a suspect would take the initiative to take the suspicion on himself."

After hearing these words, Luo Yu couldn't help but a surprised light flashed in his eyes.

The development on this stage had completely exceeded his expectations. Some of the enemies he had expected had become allies, and those who had thought they should be on Laila's side had instead turned into enemies.

Now even the speaker is acting normal. Isn't the other party a traitor of the Holfen School 20 years ago?
It was just a steady voice that directly interrupted the Speaker's speech.

"No, Mr. Warren, you are wrong—" The owner of that voice appeared behind the crowd at some point, making Luo Yu look in that direction, and couldn't help but fix his gaze.

Although it was a middle-aged man who was completely unfamiliar to him, holding a cane in his hand, and his face looked a bit gloomy, Luo Yu only pondered for a while, realizing that it was not that he had never met him before——

He still remembers the voice.

During that rainy night during the Battle of Ainbrok that day, he had heard this voice among those who commanded the Wind Knights and the Chosen Ones of the guild where death had befallen them.

If he was not mistaken, there was another voice in the voice at that time—that is, the young man, but the other party had already been arrested in the big arbitration and taken away by the Stargate Port special operations force.

Then the rest is this person.

Luo Yu suddenly raised his head and squinted his eyes to look at the other person. At that moment, he was sure that this was the person he had been waiting for for a long time - the black hand behind the astrology academy.

He looked at the attire of the gloomy middle-aged man. There was a strange emblem on the neckline of the other party, which did not belong to any organization that existed in his memory. It looked like a hand, half of the surface showed a platinum luster, and it was generally dark red. Gloomy—the other was as pale as a vampire, with only a mustache on his lips.

He was watching everyone present with a playful look.

"Who is your Excellency?" Warren Fuller obviously didn't know this man either.

But the middle-aged man didn't take it seriously, and replied: "It's just a history buff who is keen to investigate the truth 20 years ago."

He looked at Varun, the speaker suddenly thought of something, his face changed when he looked at Laila, and he took a step back subconsciously.

The middle-aged man smiled, and said: "This Miss Leila claimed to be the daughter of Ash Lynn, and it was in this capacity that Sir Royce approved her to enter the Astrology Academy. But as far as I know , Ash Lynn had only one daughter in her life, and that was almost 30 years ago."

"Miss Laila, are you 30 years old this year?" He looked at Laila and asked, "But no? Besides, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, because you must be lying. Do you want to know why? No, I guess You must know why."

Laila's heart was pounding, she looked at this man almost in fear, and that vague, topsy-turvy memory resurfaced in her heart.

That was what she feared most in her heart.

The middle-aged man looked at Warren Fuller again, and the speaker involuntarily lowered his head, not daring to meet his gaze.But he didn't take it seriously, and looked at other people again, and finally only stayed on Luo Yu for a while, before speaking again:

"Everyone wants to know the detailed reason, and the answer is very simple, because Ash Lynn's daughter died early 30 years ago, and his wife also died of illness shortly after that because of missing her daughter," he said. Smile lightly.

"Afterwards, Ash Lynn never married a spouse in his life, and remained alone for the rest of his life. Then, under what circumstances did Miss Lyra become the daughter of that gentleman?"

"Actually, there is another more interesting thing. Ash Lynn's daughter died early because of a strange disease. The symptoms of the strange disease and the final way of death are actually related to those of Miss Britta and Sir Royce. The way of death is exactly the same," the middle-aged man said: "I would like to ask you all, do you think this is a strange disease, or someone did it on purpose."

He looked at Laila again: "Miss Laila, can you answer me about the coincidence?"

"I..." Laila's mind was blank, she didn't even know about those things, and in those vague memories, she couldn't tell which were true and which were false.

But that was also the biggest doubt in her heart.

As the other party said, how could it be possible for me to live in the present 30 years ago at the same time?

Ash Lynn's daughter had died early, which was a fact she already knew. In order to find out her own life experience, she secretly checked all related news.

Now the fear in her heart that she was most unwilling to face directly was placed in front of her bloody.

She was thrown under everyone's eyes as if she had been stripped naked, and the truth made her dare not face everything, and she almost bit her lip—but there was only one thing in her memory that was like this profound.

That's Ash Lynn's identity, that's her father.

That can never be wrong--

But middle-aged people don't really need a girl's answer.

He just tapped the ground with the cane in his hand, "Actually, the answer is equally simple, because Miss Leila, your entry into the Astrology Institute is a scam, and you are not Ash Lynn's daughter at all—"

"Let's assume for a moment, who are you, why do you want to enter the astrological academy, and what purpose do you have? Sir Royce, as Ash Lynn's best friend, wouldn't he know about the great wizard Ash? The fact that his daughter died early at the age of five, but he still ignored your letter of recommendation and agreed to your request to enter the academy."

"As the only person who knew about this matter, she has now shut her mouth forever, and another victim of this case, Miss Brita, is so innocent? Could she accidentally expose your identity? , to be in such a misfortune?"

"No," Laila shook her head with tears, how could she do those things: "I don't know...it's none of my business, I didn't lie, I didn't lie to you..."

The middle-aged man stared at her coldly, he waved his hand, and the magic wand in Leila's hand flew out of his hand automatically, flying towards him.

Just stretching out a hand in the middle, Luo Yu firmly grasped the magic wand, and then looked at this person.

The middle-aged man did not object: "Do you want to hold this magic wand? Well, this magic wand itself is not important. Let's take a look at the truth about this lady's life experience hidden behind it." , who is she, no—what is it?"

He stretched out his finger, and an invisible ripple swept towards Laila.

Luo Yu was about to reach out to stop it, but he suddenly realized that it was just an ordinary detection spell, and subconsciously stopped.Everyone present is a magician, and they will not fail to recognize this spell, but his attack at this time is actually true.

What's more, he actually had some doubts in his heart——

The spell hit the girl, of course there was no reaction, it was not an offensive spell in itself.Just for a moment, the mentor of the Rorschach Bedi College on the side suddenly jumped up: "What is that?"

He pointed to the girl's chest, where something was emitting a hazy brilliance, but it wasn't something like a magic necklace or pendant, because the warlock from the Star and Moon Tower had already checked it.

And at this moment—that ray of light was right under the girl's chest, at the position of her heart.

Laila's face was pale, and she looked at the light in her chest in disbelief, which was burning like fire.

Everyone was stunned.

In fact, when the middle-aged man appeared, the field was completely silent, but what he said before, the people present were somewhat skeptical.Because that story sounded more or less unbelievable, people would rather believe that the girl was a thief and a cheater than rashly listen to such a bizarre story.

And until now.

There was complete silence in the square.

Only Erion showed a relieved expression on his face. Of course, he understood how much risk he had taken here, and since then, this matter has nothing to do with him.No, he might even be honored by the Council for it.

And the middle-aged man looked at the blazing flames with a very satisfied smile, his eyes gleamed with a strong greedy light: "Miss Leila, this is the answer to everything, because you were not the one from the beginning. It is naturally impossible for a real human being to become a real wizard."

"You are the evil creation of Ash Lynn. Sir Royce understood this from the very beginning. Miss Britta unfortunately broke your identity and was killed by you. But you did this The clothes are perfect, but I didn't expect it to arouse the vigilance of the academy—”

"So in order to prevent your identity from being exposed, you had to attack Sir Royce first, because after Miss Brita died, he was the only person who knew your identity. Therefore, it is the cause and effect of all these events, and it is also the beginning of this story. .”

He looked at the magic wand in Luo Yu's hand, "I'm afraid you would never have thought that this magic wand that originally belonged to Miss Brita would become the key to revealing all the truth, which aroused the suspicion of your companions, your A moment of greed ruined myself.”

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, "Am I right, Miss Lyra, no—Miss Odette, the number one creation of Adna Lindstein."

There was an uproar on the arena.

The story was so well-connected that everyone believed it, or thought they knew the truth of it.

... (end of this chapter)

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