Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1054, Act 381, Choice of Two Routes VI

"...Do you still remember the past, Roble's winter, the year I took you to live there..."

The crowd gradually dispersed, and there was only a low sobbing sound in the dark room, as if someone was crying, whimpering like a wounded beast.Other than that, there were some trivial conversations, and the memory of that period was hazy and vague, and I always felt that someone was arguing about something.

The two dim eyes were like candle flames in the wind, and the familiar and unfamiliar face in the memory did not know when the marks left by the years climbed up. The old man looked at the girl in front of him with his remaining consciousness, feeling drowsy.

Among all the strangeness, only that gaze made her feel the most at ease, as if it was connected with the past yesterday.

The old man looked at her as if he was staring at his most precious treasure, and raised his hand slightly.

She hurriedly lowered her head so that her father could touch her cheek, and the rough touch came back from that palm. It was different from the feeling in the past, her skin was dry and cracked, but only the remaining warmth remained.

It was rare for Roble to snow that year——

Lying on the big snow-white bed, I can only stare blankly at the sky outside the window, but it is not boring-because the flames in the hearth dance and the snow is pure white, Roble is a favorite place for young Lyra , that elf-like mountains and plains.

And as soon as autumn is over, she will be able to see her father.

That tall, handsome middle-aged man was her father, and she knew that from the very beginning.But he always looked at her with a melancholy look, standing there like a stone statue. If she didn't make a sound, he seemed to be able to keep looking at her like that.

But she sometimes asks for a hug, and her father often hugs her gently. Only at that time, he will show a smile, and that is the warmest moment in her memory.

At that time, he was not as old as he was later, with black hair and only a few strands of silver needles.

In the dreary days afterwards, only the short and fat maidservant standing by the bed cried all day long, and needed her to comfort her instead—that poor man, she would smile knowingly when she remembered that incident.

But in comparison, she likes her mother more, because the mother in her memory is quiet and peaceful, and she will visit her twice a day in the morning and afternoon.

And tell her that story—

"Laila, you are my daughter." She has a pair of golden eyes and long black hair that is rare among the mountain people, like a beauty walking out of a painting.The mother always seemed very quiet, and the servants secretly said that she was the eldest lady from the empire, but the mother was actually a mountain dweller, the daughter of the forest.

She often pointed to her heart and said to her, "You are everything to me, and one day I will take you away, Laila."

"What about father?"

"He will agree."

The memory after that stopped abruptly.

I only remember the golden sunset of Viatrice Bay and the sea of ​​fire.

Mother called her name in the sea of ​​fire, she smiled and looked at herself.

The servants ran in panic in the manor, the scorching flames, and himself lying in a pool of blood, with the exquisite dagger stuck in his young chest.

The firelight reflected the golden butterfly wings on the hilt.

"But am I... dead...?"

"But they said... I got a strange disease..., what kind of strange disease... What happened to me? Why can't I remember the past at all, father...?"

Laila pressed her hands to her chest.

But there was no wound there.

The old man gently stroked her cheek with his hand, and the last brilliance shone in his eyes. It seemed that the most energetic side of an old great mage was hidden in that dazzling brilliance. His daughter did not die, because he changed everything.

He took her back from the hands of the gods.

Thanks Ms. Milella.

She is still kind.

"No, you will be fine, Laila," said the old voice, intermittently, faintly, "Live well, I will watch you grow up, even if I am no longer by that day, but my Missing will still turn into every ray of wind on this land..."

"When you think of all this one day, the wind accompanied my footprints to every inch of land above this sea of ​​clouds, in the melting snow of Roble, in the golden sunset of Viatrice Bay, you once The sea of ​​flowers I have seen, it is always by your side..."

"You will grow up and have everything you have lost, and I will watch that beautiful vision until the end of everything."

May knowledge and light, life and destiny be dear to you.

my daughter……

When Lila raised her head, her eyes were already blurred by tears. She was still a person, she would cry, feel heartache, rejoice, and get angry. More than once, she had promised her future self in the dark attic. Make a wish.

Like blowing out the candle flame, the humble and prudent tomorrow the girl expects, the beautiful expectation of fate, everything she loves, and the destiny she seeks are all in her memory bit by bit. Turned into pieces.

All suffering never knocked her down—

The girl walks timidly and firmly on that road, on the road that belongs to her, she is not anyone else, but only herself, she will find everything that belongs to her, and become that the real her.

Lyra Lynn.

Mother took her life.

But her father gave her a second life.

The old man on that bed, the great magician exhausted all his energy, he lost everything, but he still got her——in the last moment of his life, he gave all of his best His best wishes, he has given everything that he once cherished the most——

His, daughter.

Laila burst into tears, and the fog had already blurred the lenses. She remembered everything the moment the hot flame in her chest woke up.

"Adna, my daughter she is not a tool."

"I understand, but the only way we can—"

Those were two distant voices.

It's just that the overlapping shadows are gone.

Only the nightmare hidden in the heart is waking up, it turns into the image of a woman, that quiet and peaceful woman is emerging from behind the middle-aged man, like an illusion turned into substance, and finally stays there.

She looked at Laila and smiled.

The middle-aged man turned around, stroked his chest and bowed to him.

"Lord Xenia."

The woman stared at the young girl with calm eyes, her long black hair was like satin, and there was a snake-like smile in her golden pupils. "Remember the story I told you, you are everything to me, and one day I will take you away."

"Now, it's time," the woman stood in the middle of the square, surrounded by many eyes, but only focused on Laila from beginning to end, "come here and leave with me."

Lila seemed to have seen the most horrifying scene, she backed away with a pale face, "No... no... I'm not..." The mother in the memory has long since passed away, and only the mysterious woman like an elf in the forest is left , in the sea of ​​flames 30 years ago, holding a cold dagger——

Watching her coldly.

The coldness in those eyes made the girl shudder, just like this moment.

Luo Yu silently watched this scene, looked at the middle-aged man, and also looked at the strange woman.

"Who are you!?" The warlocks at the Star and Moon Tower finally noticed the abnormality and asked loudly, how did this woman enter the arena?The weird spell before made them feel a little uneasy, and the teleportation spell was not any type they were familiar with.

But the woman turned a deaf ear and only pointed at Laila.


The sorcerer at the Tower of Star and Moon was startled and angry—no matter what the middle-aged man said was true or not, but it was not up to outsiders to control him here. Even if the little girl really killed someone, a trainee magician could It must be handed over to the Star and Moon Council for trial.

They shot immediately.

But someone reacted faster than them, a protective spell came first, and Luo Yu opened a shield in front of Laila.

Then the spells that the warlocks solved the curse came one by one, but the red light shot from the woman's fingertips passed through everyone's spells inexplicably, and even penetrated Luo Yu's shield as if nothing was there—and then Accurately hit Lyra.

"It's not an attack effect!"

The warlocks reacted.

Luo Yu also turned around to check on Laila's condition.

But that spell was indeed not an attack spell, it just made Laila dazed for a while, the woman raised her hand, and Laila staggered forward like a marionette and knelt down on the ground, and something in her waist pocket flew away. came out and landed on the ground.

As soon as the woman called, the thing flew straight into his hands.

"Conjuration," someone recognized it. "A mage from the Seven Mage Family?"

The woman held up the thing, and under her guidance, it floated up gently, and it actually flew up and floated on her side.

It was an exquisite orbiter, its three orbits were rotating evenly under the effect of ether, and it kept rotating around the woman's fingertips at a constant speed.

The woman was watching all this with a kind of admiration, "Ash Lynn's masterpiece, that idiot Eldwin can't see Taishan, he can't recognize this thing in front of his eyes, but instead To care about those worthless scraps of paper—”

Listening to the name, Luo Yu recognized that it was the former director of the Inspecting Cavalry Administration.

The warlocks of the Star and Moon Tower still wanted to make a move, but the middle-aged man had already stopped in front of them, and a thick magic book appeared beside him. The faces of all the warlocks changed drastically when they saw this scene: " Spellbook, you are the great wizard of the generation of the Hawk family, the owner of the Spellbook of Death?"

The middle-aged man didn't explain his background, he just stood quietly by the woman's side, like a servant.

Seeing this scene, the wizards of the council were all in shock, but they didn't take a step forward. It goes without saying what status the great wizard is, let alone the other party is the owner of the Book of Dead.Originally, the family of the Seven Wizards was implicitly above the council, and they didn't want to encounter this bad luck.

Although everyone is somewhat puzzled, isn’t it said that His Majesty the Emperor is very dissatisfied with the family of the Seven Wizards? There are even rumors claiming that the attack on Abenand was actually led by the Imperial Army, and it was the The supreme emperor of magic.

It is rumored that the family of the Seven Sorcerers is now in turmoil, but the great wizard of the Hawke family appears here. Aren't those rumors self-defeating?
At this moment, there was no sound in the square. Behind the Seven Sorcerers family was the Seven Sages Council, and the influence of the Seven Sages Council on Oshu Star and the Moon Tower had already penetrated into every aspect.

As the warlocks of the council, they naturally knew who their immediate boss was.

People fell silent for a while, as if under a spell.

But all of this happened only between the great wizard and the warlocks of the Star and Moon Tower, and the woman never looked at anyone else, her gaze was always on Laila Body, as if it is some kind of rare treasure.

Since being hit by the previous spell, the girl has remained motionless like a puppet.

Laila's eyes were empty, she was looking forward blankly, the corners of her eyes were still wet from tears.

And the woman gently held up the orbiter, and said: "The prophecy of the Eisengreen family has really come true, who would have thought that Adna Lindstein would divide her creation into pieces after seeing the green star?" Two, if it wasn't for that man's obsession with his daughter, I'm afraid it would be difficult for us to see it today."

"It's just that no one thought that old fellow Ash Lynn would put the key in his life's masterpiece," she turned the bauble, "everyone dismissed his Holfen school, but he He just made this little joke with us."

"It's really humorous, but unfortunately it doesn't make much sense."

She turned the orbiter to point at her daughter, and looked at her with a gentle gaze, "My daughter, do you still remember the stories I told you, they are actually true..."


The girl was not the one she liked.

Under the woman's fiddle, a ray of light radiated from the star trail, and that light was connected to the chest of the girl on the other side like a bond.The secret of that stellar contraption cast by Adna Lindstein, after the old man had been transformed into an arcane puppet.

Half of it is a secret.

It should be hidden in this girl.

This girl, who had inherited the name that had been her daughter, didn't care, because the past itself was only part of the plan.

She looked at the girl and smiled softly, "Rather than living in this world in pain, it would be better to die like this - you should have died 30 years ago, that man just gave you a distorted life."

"At least after this, you can always be by your mother's side..."

"Remember Roble's melting snow?"

"Many lives can't survive winter, and they don't need to see the flowers bloom in the coming year. That's your destiny, daughter."

Silver light penetrated into the girl's chest.

When this strange scene happened, the square was completely silent. The mages looked at each other, but no one responded.

It was as if it was really just a prisoner, a murderer, and the daughter of a liar, and it was not worth any of them to take action against the Seven Families. It seemed that the previous sense of justice had disappeared at this moment.

Now that a great wizard has pointed out the 'truth' of everything—

Then this matter ends like this, maybe it’s okay, why mention everything that happened 20 years ago again and again.

The next moment, the silver light dissipated, and the woman's eyes showed satisfaction. She smiled slightly, and finally waved to her daughter—as if she was a gentle mother: "Laila, come to mother."

But there was a dead silence—

The girl still stood there dumbly, without any reaction.

After a while, she blinked lightly, and her eyes returned to clarity.The girl looked at her mother in front of her, and a look of fear flashed in her eyes. The moment she woke up, she took a step back in fear.

The complacent expression gradually froze on Xenia's face.

She looked at this scene in disbelief, and then looked at the orbiter in her hand, her two slender eyebrows gradually came together, "How is this possible!" Her voice was burning with anger—isn't this Ash? The orbiter left by that bastard Lin En, shouldn't it be the key to start the magic device?

But her voice stopped abruptly.

Because Xenia saw that the elementalist not far away suddenly raised an orbiter that was exactly the same as her hand.

The three orbits of the orbiter also rotated evenly, and the invisible force made it float in Luo Yu's hand, as if it was a silent mockery.

A look of anger gradually appeared on the woman's face, as if in a most absurd dream, she saw an unimaginable stage play, and the actors in the play were all the people present.

But sometimes.

The most dramatic turns on the stage are often just produced quietly.

Luo Yu released the orbiter, and silently looked at the two people in front of him - a man and a woman. The expression on the face of the middle-aged man gradually changed, while the woman - Laila's mother was already in a state of bewilderment. stare at him.

There is no calmness on the face before.

"That-is-what?" Xenia stared at the thing in his hands, and asked through gritted teeth.

Perhaps, this is the answer she was looking for——

But it was more than one from the start.

Because it was never the original, he had thought about this moment ever since he proposed to reproduce this batch of forgeries from that manuscript.

That lie that was distorted by the hearts of the people, everything that was buried under the dust 20 years ago, what was the purpose of the Seven Wizards' family to join forces to kill the Holfen School, and what did they lose in that past history ?

Since the Stag Principality, they have been entangled in this vortex, and from the entanglement of the guild of death, from the hysteria of the mage family, they finally saw the answer——

But in fact, that answer had already been written by Ash Lynn.

What is the most cherished thing in his life?

Luo Yu looked at the girl with glasses and rainy pear blossoms. Under her shyness was hidden real courage——Laila Lynn, that was her childhood name.

She was the only daughter in the life of the great wizard, and died of an illness 30 years ago. After that, Ash Lynn never mentioned his past in front of the world. He founded the Lower Holfen School .

and devote the rest of his life to it.

What exactly is Ash Lynn's legacy?
If Alisa was here, that Miss Nightingale who likes to tease people, she might smile and ask everyone present here, the man and woman in front of them, the warlocks of the Star and Moon Tower, and ask them .

Do you still remember everything that happened in that big arbitration?
When Fang Plover threw the manuscript in front of the young man, he told him loudly:
Ash Lynn's true legacy lies here—


On the Seven Seas Traveler, Dalier was leaning against the side of the porthole, looking at the gloomy sky outside, and paying attention to the movements in the port.

Tianlan was pestering her to ask about Luo Yu and Jita's plans, Fang Plover told her to stay on the boat well before the trip today, Miss Poet had a keen wit and immediately realized what would happen today.

"What is the legacy of Sir Ash Lynn," she asked, "Brother Ed said he told us, why didn't I know?"

Dalier recalled everything he saw in that big arbitration.

She also didn't expect that she would stay on this boat after that, although that was the order of the Holy Maiden.

"A cold knowledge—"

Dalier turned around and said to Tianlan: "Under the watchful eyes of the saints, one cannot lie."

Yes, that's the answer to everything.

But Luo Yu knew very well——unfortunately, those who are always used to ignoring the most precious things in others' hearts naturally cannot understand the meaning of that sentence.

Ash Lynn has already written everything in the manuscript, but those people missed the real treasure without knowing it, but those who can really read everything on the manuscript already know the answer to that question.

He still remembered Fang Plover's entrustment to him when he left Ainbrok for the second time:

"Sir Ash Lynn left a riddle on Lyra. We just don't know the answer to that riddle yet, but there is no doubt that it must be related to the leftover star device."

"That shouldn't be the invention of the great wizard. I just want to find the real creator of that design. I think it must have something to do with those dragon hunters and the last missing clue among the many clues we are looking for. That ring must have something to do with it."

"That is, where did the descendants of the Flame Blade Workshop go? Are the descendants of Jeldham the inventors of those dragon hunters? What was the purpose of the Seven Wizards 20 years ago? shot."

Fang Plover glanced at the manuscript.

"Take care of Laila, she just doesn't know all this yet, but we already know who the opponent is. If the Seven Wizards are really related to the Shadowman, then they won't give up easily—"

"You don't have to force that poor girl. If she doesn't want to talk, she doesn't have to ask."

Luo Yu didn't say much, just nodded silently.

And that was the real reason why he appeared here, guarding the side of this lady wizard.

But unfortunately, Luo Yu was not really Alyssa—it was the teasing Miss Nightingale—he was always silent and didn't like to talk nonsense, so naturally he wouldn't tell Xenia the answer to all this.

Every word he will say next has its meaning.

Faced with Xenia's question, Luo Yu turned his head under the gaze of the crowd, and his eyes swept over the silent warlocks, Leila, the old businessman Pushe, and the young people, In the end, it stopped at Erion.

Erion was taken aback by his gaze, after all, he was a high-ranking mage, if the other party attacked him suddenly, the surrounding mages of the same rank would not be able to save him in time—he hurriedly cast his panicked eyes on The middle-aged man on the side.

But Luo Yu didn't attack him, but asked calmly: "In the text of the empire, what is the initial letter of your name?"

Erion was slightly taken aback.

His name starts with J, and Juno's name starts with D, but the other party asks why?
But Luo Yu actually didn't need him to answer, he just lingered on Juno who was at the side for a while, as if he already had the answer.He took a deep look at the other party, and said, "Where were you when Brita was killed?"

This question made Erion's hairs explode.

He looked at the other party vigilantly, and opened his mouth, but Juno on the side answered decisively first: "We are not in the academy, at that time we—"

He suddenly got stuck.

Because he found that his voice was becoming high-pitched and thin, and his voice was getting weaker and weaker, Juno's face gradually turned blood red, and he looked at the young high-ranking mage with some horror—detecting lies .

When did the opponent cast the spell?

He looked at the others in horror. He should have taken precautions long ago. He is a college student himself, so of course he is aware of the ever-changing methods of spellcasters, but because it happened so suddenly, he thought the dust had settled.

Who would have thought that this person in front of them would ambush them here.

He shut his mouth in horror.

But unexpectedly, Luo Yu didn't ask any more, but turned to the side—as if all the answers were as he expected, so clear that there was no need to say anything.He only raised the elemental magic wand in his hand and pointed at one of the crowd.

It was none other than the old businessman Pushe standing there.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man's face changed drastically, and he yelled angrily: "How dare you!" The magic book floating in his hand opened automatically, and a pitch-black tentacle rolled out from it, forming a hundred-foot length in an instant, sweeping towards Luo Yu come.

But the tentacles seemed to have hit a stone statue, causing Luo Yu to crack open, like countless soil scattered, the soil fell on the ground, and then gathered together again, forming the image of an elementalist.Luo Yu didn't even look at him, and shot a red light from the tip of the stick towards the old businessman.

The middle-aged man was so angry that his face turned red. He didn't expect that he, a majestic wizard, would be ignored by others. He snorted coldly, put his hand on the magic book and chanted loudly: "...It's like walking into a mirror. The world, they see themselves in the mirror..."

The air formed a refracted reflection in front of him, which actually distorted into a continuous mirror surface, so that the crimson rays emitted by Luo Yu hit the mirror, but the imaginary reflection did not appear, and the red light directly penetrated the air mirror surface, Then hit Pusher behind——

But that's about it.

The crimson light beam was like a phantom of melting ice and snow. After hitting Pushe, it became transparent, and directly penetrated through the old businessman, piercing him through.

The surrounding crowd were stunned. Most of them were contestants in this competition, or students from various colleges. They had never seen a battle of this level. In fact, they had only seen the woman's incredible spells before.

Obviously at that time, the warlocks of the council had already cast the magic spell, but that spell bypassed everyone's spellcasting, and also penetrated Luo Yu's shield, and finally hit Laila.

Hardly any discount.

And now Luo Yu did the same thing again, but the difference was that after the crimson ray hit Pushe, the old businessman was shocked, and subconsciously pressed on his chest, but what? That didn't happen either.

His hand went through that ray in full view.

Water illusion, refraction.

The corner of the middle-aged man's eyes twitched, realizing something was wrong. Although he had learned from the data that his opponent was good at both water and earth spells, he did not expect that the Elementalist of the Holy Chosen would be so changeable in actual combat—— He raised his head, and sure enough, he saw a giant ice claw appearing behind Pushe.

Luo Yu reached out and pressed down.

But before the claw could reach Pushe, a solid wall was erected in the space, and the giant ice claw hit the invisible force field and smashed into pieces.

The woman snorted coldly, and also shot at Luo Yu with a foreign spell. It was a giant rock claw, which was almost exactly the same as the giant ice claw that Luo Yu had mimicked before, "Ash Lynn's little trick, Don’t think you’re the only one who can use it.”

Everyone was stunned.

Isn't that woman a conjurer? Where did this elemental spell come from?
However, the opponent's casting speed was even a bit faster than that middle-aged man's. Before Luo Yu had time to react, the giant claw had already hit him—to be exact, it hit the magic furnace and opened it. shield.

Everyone only heard a loud noise, and Luo Yu flew out, but before they had time to sigh, they heard a scream—but it was not Luo Yu's scream, but the old businessman Pushe's. .

After a moment of stupefaction, people realized that the direction Luo Yu was flying out of was just the direction where the old businessman Pushe was.

The young elementalist rammed directly into the opponent's body - and the former's magic shield was fully protected, but the latter was not so lucky.Xenia watched with a pale face as Luo Yu picked up the half-dead Pushe from the ground, but still didn't understand that he had been fooled.

Gritting her teeth, she threw the suspended orbiter to the ground, and it fell to pieces.

How can Xenia fail to understand that Luo Yu has been trying to trick her from the very beginning, and the opponent didn't even try his best to attack Pushe with the spell——

She is naturally very familiar with the broken star orbiter - it is just a gadget made by Ash Lynn, that arrogant guy claims that he can open up a new school, but in fact the star orbiter The principle of the instrument is actually very simple, it just stores some pre-engraved spells in it.

Essentially, it was no different from an auxiliary magic wand, if it wasn't for the fact that this thing might hide the secret of finding the real star device, she wouldn't even bother to look at this toy.

But she never imagined that she would stumble on this relic left by Ash Lynn.

The spells stored in that magical device were undoubtedly designed in advance.

Just wanting to understand this point, the woman suddenly raised her head in horror—then why did the other party design the spell in advance, could it be that he knew that he would come, and would take away the orbiter from Laila?
However, Luo Yu would not answer this question.

He only silently looked at Pushe who was dying in his hands, watching the black flame burn out from the poor old businessman's body, surging out from his eyes, nose and ears, and finally engulfed him completely.

Luo Yu let go of his hand, and watched the ball of flames turn into a group of screaming human figures, which never stopped for a long time on the square.

He sighed slightly.In fact, the first time he saw Pushe, he had already thought of this result, but he didn't expect that, in order to lead Laila into this trap, these people would not hesitate to hurt those who had little to do with it.

He silently apologized in his heart, then raised his head and looked at everyone in the square.

The boy's gaze was silent.

Needle drop can be heard in the square.

If most people don't know what happened after watching this scene, but the warlocks of the Tower of Star and Moon have changed their expressions the moment they saw the black flame. A remote place for the Empire.

But as an old enemy, it is impossible for the imperial people not to have paid attention to the great battle in the northern border, so it is naturally impossible for them not to know the characteristics of the Shadowman.

"This is……"

"That person is possessed...this is a shadow person..."

Erion turned pale.

Juno on the side was also trembling all over. They naturally knew the fate of colluding with the dark creatures.

But at this moment, it seems that the truth has already been revealed, and everything that happened before and now seems to be nothing but a complete farce.It turned out that the girl might be really innocent. No one would have thought that this high-level mage from Colin-Ishurian only used one word and one spell.

revealed the truth--

But the warlocks of the Tower of Star and Moon remained silent. Of course, they sensed the strange atmosphere. Is everything in front of them really just to find the murderer?Or, it was just a conspiracy.

But the mastermind of that conspiracy...

The warlocks all looked at the great magician of the Hawk family in unison.

And Luo Yu didn't care about this at all, he just walked towards Laila silently, looking at the girl, who was staring blankly at the burning black flame.

"I'm sorry," Luo Yu said, "I didn't protect Mr. Pushe well. I didn't expect them to do anything to people outside the academy."

Laila said nothing.

She used to think that she was strong enough, but never thought that such a thing would happen to herself.

She brings disaster to everyone around her, whether it's Brita, Mr. Pushher, or her own father, but who is she?
Is she really Lyra Lynn...

But that name should have died 30 years ago.

So what is the value of her false life?
Tears rolled down the girl's cheeks...

"You remember everything?" Luo Yu asked.

She nodded slightly.

"Don't be confused about this." Luo Yu thought for a while, and said: "The value of people's existence often depends on the people around them, as well as your own perception of yourself. How does Sir Ash Lynn see you? , this is indisputable."

"The Holfen School is his greatest pride, but all of that is actually just for that little girl. That is you, Miss Lyra, the biggest regret in the life of that Sir Sir."

"He didn't want to leave in such a hurry, but at the last moment of the Holfen School, he still made up his mind to use the magic tool he designed as a container for your soul," Luo Yu replied: "In any case, you are still alive Come here and be a continuation of your own life—”

"You already knew," Laila asked in a daze, "Mr. Luo Yu?"

"Sir Lynn recorded everything in that manuscript," Luo Yu replied, "I already knew about your experience from the first time I saw that manuscript, but I'm sorry, for the purpose of protecting you, I didn't can tell you that."

"This is also a resolution made by me and the leader," he said, "He also cares about you very much."

"You have lost all your memories since you were five years old, just because you have been sleeping all the time since then, that's all—"

Lila bit her lip and nodded.

"But..." she asked, "People from the Seven Sorcerers family have also read the manuscript..."

Luo Yu shook his head: "If the family of the Seven Magisters really understood the significance of the Holfen School, they would not have abandoned that manuscript, and we have never even lied to them. But as Miss Sylviede said It is said that people who are used to conspiracy and trickery will never believe in things that are fair and honest."

"We put everything in the light, but they turned a blind eye."

He paused.

"So..." Lyra asked again, "What Brita said is true, that the Holfen School really exists?"

When she mentioned her best friend, she couldn't help but shed tears again.

Luo Yu nodded slightly.

And more than that—

Different from the lies that distort people's hearts, and the truth that the Seven Sorcerers tried their best to cover up, the Holfen School not only exists, but it will profoundly change people's perception of magic cognition of technique.

Luo Yu propped the magic wand in his hand on the ground, and asked softly, "Do you want to see it?"

Lyra looked up.

Not far away, the middle-aged man faced the warlocks of the Star and Moon Tower with a straight face, and angrily said:
"Why, are you questioning me?"

The warlocks looked at each other.

The middle-aged man said with a stern face: "He killed the witness with an evil spell, didn't you see it? The black flame was suspicious, and it was probably related to the darkness that haunted the Corin-Ishurian Northern Territory battle." It seems that it is not just the woman, but this person is also an accomplice of the cultists."

But of course the warlocks couldn't listen to his one-sided statement, because the evidence and evidence were too obvious, and the burning black flame made all the previous testimony so vulnerable.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man finally sank his face.

He took out a paper from his pocket: "Your Majesty's order, all passengers on the Seven Seas Traveler are suspected of participating in a conspiracy related to cultists, which is related to the attack on Grand Duke Abenand Hawke." Close relationship, I now order you to immediately arrest everyone related to it!"

The faces of the warlocks changed drastically.

There was a silence in the square, and there was an uproar in an instant.

People never expected that the ruling of just one game would eventually involve two murders, and finally even the attack of a grand duke, and even the participating delegation from Colin-Ishurian , was directly declared treason.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is just a false accusation, but the false accusation itself is not important, what is important is that His Majesty the Emperor endorsed it.At that moment, everyone understood that the Seven Sorcerers family was not blamed.

On the contrary—

In the confrontation with the alchemists, the family of seven wizards won the battle.

A wave of trembling passed over the crowd, and anyone who was a little more flexible would immediately sense something unusual—the empire was about to change.

Luo Yu naturally heard the clamor of the middle-aged man, but there was not even a trace of superfluous expression on his face. He only pointed the magic wand in his hand to one side, and when the clockwork fairy moved his gaze, a bolt of lightning immediately descended from midair. Shoot down a magical messenger rising from the forest.

There is not much time left for him.

He must first prevent these people from seeking help from the Star and Moon Tower Council.

Luo Yu put down the magic wand in his hand, turned his head, and looked at Laila behind him - the girl still recovered from the previous question, but Luo Yu changed another question:
"Miss Laila, do you want to become a real wizard?"

Laila was taken aback, "What are you talking about, Mr. Luo Yu."

Luo Yu didn't say much, and just threw back the magic wand that belonged to Laila back to her, "Catch it."

The girl frantically caught the magic wand.

Luo Yu then said: "Sir Ash Lynn, your father, he created this truly great magic technique 20 years ago," he looked forward, as if he saw the magic in his eyes The moment when Daoshu was born.

That was all he was looking for.

It turns out that as early as 20 years ago, someone had left a direction for future generations in this world above the sea of ​​clouds.

He said: "And the most precious part of the inheritance is actually you, Miss Laila, the daughter of the mage."

"The Orbiter is just the key to open the door," he continued the story. "What the Holfen School pursues is how people can break through their own limits and break the boundaries between schools."

However, the magic tool itself is difficult to do this task.

Everything is ultimately trapped by the elemental properties of its core crystals. In the search for thousands of years, people have only found special magic tools such as magic books.

But this kind of magic tool, which is close to a divine tool, is something that mortals cannot come across.

But to engrave spells into the soul—no, it is to let the magic tool give birth to a real soul, an arcane puppet with wisdom that can learn and grow.

When it resonates with the wizard.

So the most powerful magic device in the world was born.

"Your father didn't intend to put you in this container," Luo Yu said, "Because you are his daughter, the treasure he cherishes in his life, Mr. Jazz took this path, but in fact, it was just to keep you You wake up—”

"But the Holfen School has encountered a catastrophe, and it is impossible to give him more time when he is dying. If he does not choose to continue on this path, then he will lose the only chance for you to return to this world. "

"So," Luo Yu said, "This is why you are here, Miss Laila."

"So your life has never been a well-designed tool. You have many enemies, but you also have many friends. In the eyes of your friends, you are a real existence and a living person. Your happiness and anger are left behind In the memories of their long lives."

"and this--"

"It was your father, Sir Ash Lynn, who left you a real fortune, a real life."

"And now," Luo Yu looked at her and said, "I need your strength, Miss Laila."

He was picking up his magic gloves——

The reason why people can't understand this, or even read the real treasure contained in the manuscript, is actually very simple.

He lightly put the magic tool that should only belong to battle craftsmen and alchemists on his left hand, then raised his hand, and replied to Lila, "Do you still remember your question, in fact, it's just because they are not Battle Craftsman."

"That's all."

At that moment, a voice rang out in Laila's heart.

"Miss Leila, please connect."

Laila stared wide-eyed, watching an orbiter emerging from Luo Yu's shoulder, she looked at the orbiter with a crack in the star track in surprise, and immediately recognized the familiar magic The history of the guide.

Isn't that the orbiter she gave to President Friston?
Not far away, Xenia was also staring at this orbiter dumbfounded. Until now, how could she not know that she had been cheated, that the other party used a batch of fakes to send her away, and the other party almost Furious, he screamed:
"That's the key!"

"Damn it, take it back!"

And in the next moment.

Under Lila's shocked gaze, some completely unfamiliar knowledge suddenly flooded into her mind, as if a steady stream of power was being transmitted from the magic wand in her hand, all the questions about ether that she hadn't been clear about in the past .

And at this moment, they all got a clear answer.

And the spell that first came to the girl's mind.

It was the uncurse spell she had cast—

Luo Yu pointed forward with the magic wand in his hand.

An ice blade formed out of thin air, directly hitting the Warlock of the Star and Moon Tower who was closest to him, and directly freezing the opponent into an ice sculpture.

At the same time, the casting spell of the ice blade technique appeared in Laila's mind—the next moment she involuntarily raised the magic wand, and cast an ice blade technique just like Luo Yu's movement.

"Laila, switch to Earth system."

Lyra's eyes widened, not understanding what was going on, but the earth spells were indeed included in that knowledge.

She casted an earth shield, and the spell was copied in Luo Yu's thoughts without any reduction. The latter did not stop, and also cast an identical earth shield for herself.

"Mr. Luo Yu!?"

Laila was stunned, what was going on.

In an instant, the two cast four spells, and the level of each spell was at least above the high level.

Luo Yu's actual combat level alone is far ahead of these warlocks in the Star and Moon Tower, not to mention the addition of the two, their switching between different spells is almost like four people are casting spells at the same time.

He has even faintly stepped into the realm of the great wizard——

The warlocks of the Star and Moon Tower caught off guard and fell into chaos, and they were knocked down before they even had time to react.On the contrary, Kseniya still held his breath, and said angrily: "I think you can escape from this place."

As soon as she raised her hand, a bolt of lightning shot towards Luo Yu.

Luo Yu used the earth shield to cover up the lightning bolt, but finally his movements froze and slowed down.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man seized this opportunity, opened the magic book in his hand again, and was about to summon a pitch-black tentacle.But it was also at that moment that a slender, woman's hand stretched out from the void.

The owner of that hand lightly pressed the index finger, middle finger and ring finger on the page to stop him from moving, and then a crisp voice came from the void: "The story that has not been told will definitely end, there is only one piece in the unopened book." blank--"

"Magic book, hinge."

As if the Book of Dead no longer obeyed his orders, it flew out of his hand, floated into the air, and then closed its pages together.

The status of the seal has been restored.

The middle-aged man's face changed wildly, he raised his head and looked in that direction, "A real naturalist, reader!?"

"Do not."

The voice in the void hid a smile.

"The person who climbed up the stairs, the sweeper of the dust of history, the pen that left words on the scroll—"

She said softly: "The recorder of fate."


On the Seven Seas Traveler, after Dalier and Tianlan explained everything in detail, her eyes that had been staring outside the porthole suddenly moved. She stood up from the window, then walked to the other side, and looked at the outside scene.

"What's the matter?" Tian Lan looked at this scene a little strangely, "Did something happen outside?"

Miss Catman shook her head, "Someone is watching us. The two floating ships at No. 12 and No. [-] docks have abnormal access. They blocked our way out of the port."

"They bared their weapons—"

She looked at Tianlan: "Go and inform Mr. Baggins, so that he is ready to hoist the sail at any time."

She raised her head: "Miss Tata, there is something wrong here."

A quiet voice came from the void.

"I've noticed."

"The Traveler of the Seven Seas will anchor within a quarter of an hour, and the process will be a bit steep, please be prepared to take precautions—"

But within 5 minutes.

Under the watchful eyes of the imperial soldiers disguised as ordinary sailors on the airship crossing the route, on the empty small airship in front of it, the mast turned automatically, and the different sails seemed to be manipulated by ghosts. The cross-masts hang down one by one.

It turned automatically without anyone manipulating it, exposing the air combat deck on one side, and the deck there opened left and right, revealing rows of heavy air combat structures with fangs bared from behind, and the opponents were rowing long shoulders. spear.

point in the direction they are located.

The imperial soldiers widened their eyes, and at that moment only one terrible word occupied all their thoughts.

Dragon Knight battleship.

But how is this possible—

"Enemy attack—"

On the observation post above the mast, someone shouted hoarsely.

Just a moment late.In the eyes of the sailors, a bright flame had already occupied their entire field of vision.

That was actually the last day of Ayn Brock at the end of June.

On that day above the airport area of ​​the giant steel tower, the beam of light reflected across the sky in the eyes of everyone later became the deepest memory of many people about the rainy season of that year, and it was recorded in Aita after that Ria's history.

Become the fuse of that world-defying battle.

... (end of this chapter)

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