Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1056 Act 383 Worldwide Fame II

The tall lizardman warrior stood under the hall, holding a spear, as cold and firm as a stone statue, it just stared at every enemy indifferently, and stood opposite the knights pouring in from outside the hall.

"Prince Teneric, you understand the consequences—"

Someone scolded.

But the lizard warrior only cast an indifferent glance.

The spear tip in its hand flickered coldly, preventing everyone from taking a step closer.

That was a real Andasok, one of the chosen bloodlines chosen by the stars and the jungle. Its future should have been as bright as the stars, and its future was limitless.

But it chose here, just like thousands of years ago, the lizardmen and mortals stood side by side to fight against the enemy together.And thousands of years later, in the ancient Hall of the Holy King, the prince of the Whitehead clan chose the fate that belonged to it.

The deep roar and tremor traveled through the earth, making the main hall and the colonnade tremble, and the sand and stone rolled to the ground. People were at a loss in this trembling, and their eyes all looked at the one in the middle of them, where the great alchemist Amasht walked. Come forward, opened the mouth and said:

"Young man, just tie your hands. If you stay, you still have a chance."

"Listen," he pointed outside, "this is the will of that majesty, you can't escape here, the empire's fleet is dispatching, even if you really don't care about all this, why not think about it for your companions. "

"Why don't you do more, think about your future."

But Fang Plover only glanced at him.

Just like watching a clown.

Amasht froze under that gaze, and this great alchemist couldn't help but sullen.

A wall away, artillery fire is whistling, making the air boil, and the flickering flame lights up the sky, making the light of light and shade pass through the courtyard, reflecting the face of the boy on the side there, childish, calm, and safe faces.

It was just a dream. The boy once saw the sea of ​​clouds in the night, the starlight hovered above the floating clouds, and the free wind only responded to the calls of the sailors.

When the silver longship sets sail, it will no longer stop at any place——

There was a storm on the raging sea, but I have never heard of human beings bowing their heads to it. Ordinary people often choose their own destiny and then move forward. Read all that--

to fight.

His secluded gaze was looking at everyone in the hall one by one.

Under the overthrow of everything, Fang Plover opened his mouth and finally finished the last words:
"Sister Ming, Your Royal Highness, go back."

Since he understands everyone's intentions, it has nothing to do with anyone. Everything that binds them behind them, the ancient country, the ancient royal family, the huge amount of money invested behind the star gate, the giant club, And super sports leagues.

But all of this has nothing to do with it.

Next is his free will, the path he chooses, just like the reenactment of the talented girl who betrayed the alliance in the past, the wind of freedom above the clouds has always determined the direction of people, this is not the first time he has said to these people no.

But he will say it again.

"Please allow me to refuse."

At that moment, thunder tore through the sky, and the loud noise drowned out all sounds.

And Mingzheng looked at the young man with an extremely complicated gaze, but there was no longer any complaints and accusations in that gaze, it was just like a trapped beast imprisoned in a cage, but it couldn't stop the queen of construction from being supercilious. proud.

She just looked at Fang Plover.

There was a trace of envy in that gaze.

She turned around and walked back without saying a word. Someone wanted to say, is a dragon knight obliged to help them catch the repeat criminals?But the Construct Queen raised her head and only gave the other person a cold look, the killing intent in that eyes made the person shudder.

The man's face immediately changed wildly, and he wanted to explain——

But it's too late.

The raging flames in his heart had already boiled up, engulfing all reason, and when Ming raised his hand, a shrill dragon whistle almost pierced people's eardrums, and a distorted flame in the air formed a giant claw and swung forward .

The pillars of the hall collapsed, and the wall on one side was shattered. Even some imperial nobles were swept in by the strong wind, including a few people around Amasht. The screaming wind passed through everything, directly piercing through this ancient hall. .

Drop a big hole in that direction.

Ming's face was expressionless, and he walked there, but no one dared to stop him, or even made half a word of criticism.The alchemists in the Imperial Workshop almost fainted, but it was a dragon knight, or something close to a dragon knight, who would dare to accuse a dragon knight?

Why do you say you offend her so much?
Even Amasht didn't say a word, after all, he didn't want to see Eynbrok turned into rubble tomorrow.

People can only secretly scold the person who speaks without knowing his life or death.

There was a dead silence in the hall for a while.

Only the flickering fire outside, and the roar of artillery fire from far and near, people looked at each other in blank dismay, but Brianna in the crowd remained calm. The elf princess had seen many in her early years, even the confrontation between dragon knights was no exception.

She glanced at Fang Plover with a hint of admiration in her eyes. In this human youth, she seemed to see her former self.But after becoming the hero of the Battle of Byrne, she is no longer as free as she used to be.

She understands that the rebellion she has shown is now just an appearance.

She is no longer the desperate teenage girl she used to be.

She put the longbow in her hand on the ground, then nodded slightly to Fang Plover, then looked at Sylvaide beside her, and suddenly understood the girl's choice.Yes, at least in terms of people's eyes, she is now far inferior to the daughter of the Albert family.

Then it's their own way, she thought.

The princess flicked her cloak, turned and walked out of the hall.

At this point in the game, there was no longer any point of comparison. Most of the Colin-Ishurian delegation looked at the imperials angrily, and then turned around following their highness the princess.

The back that turned and walked seemed to be a silent protest, and Shui Wuming was so angry that he pushed down his alchemy workbench, causing the things on it to roll to the ground. She raised her head and glared at the people of the empire. At a glance, it seems to say:

what to see?

Have you ever seen a girl play her temper?

But Weiyu put down the tool in his hand, and the magic glove flicked lightly on the magic lamp. At that moment, the spiritual world directly entered the entire hall. He cut off one of the connections, and the light in the hall went dark.

All the magic lamps went out at the same time.

He looked up at the scene before turning around and walking out.

The small movements of the Colin-Ishurian delegation were naturally noticed, but no one dared to say anything, nor did they intend to say anything.

The last person who spoke indiscriminately has now gone to the church to be resurrected, who knows what will happen next?
No matter how arrogant the Aoshu people are in their bones, they still understand in their hearts that they are actually unreasonable at the moment.

It was only when everyone left that they looked at Fang Plover with resentment. Who caused all this? Of course, people will not look for reasons on themselves, but have reasons to pour all their anger on their opponents.

"catch him!"

Amasht shouted indifferently.

"Amash the Great Alchemist." Fang Yan spoke to this person for the first time.

Amasht couldn't help but stop, raising his head to hear what this defiant young man was going to say. He didn't take this man from Kaolin seriously at first, but Fang Zhi's negligence made him care.

Fang Plover looked at Friston at the side again. The chairman had not said a word since before, but the other party did not go to the imperial side, but was always not far from him, with a calm face, just watching silently. everything happens.

The boy turned his eyes and asked, "Do you guys remember where this is?"

"Here, of course, is the hall of the Holy King."

"No," Fang Plover shook his head, "This is Ayn Bullock."

Amasht was startled, and then he understood what it meant. He shook his head with a sneer, "Young man, this fortress was built by the imperial people. What's the matter?"

It really doesn't matter.

But it was built in that ancient era, before the Numelin elves left. Would the first generation of mortal craftsmen who built it know that one day their descendants would turn their guns on their own?

The fortress of mortals will eventually become minions for their own people.

"Mr. Great Alchemist, have you ever thought that one day this fortress will show its blade to its own people?"

Fang Yan asked the great alchemist this question, which obviously angered Amasht, and the other party interrupted coldly: "It's nonsense," he waved his hand, "We will not deal with people like you who have an affair with the power of darkness." If you are involved in relationships, you are not considered one of your own."

Having said that, there is nothing more to talk about.

The silver-helmed knights had already formed a human wall and gathered towards the center, but Fang Plover raised his hand to them, and rows of long spears flashed in the void, stabbing him.


"He's still a battle craftsman!"

But the knight who rushed to the front had already flown back, and the rest of them also fell back one after another. Amidst the flashing blue light, tall constructs appeared one by one behind Fang Plovers—the Lancers with spears.

There are spears in the hands like a forest, and the flags are flying.

"Stubbornly resisting," Amasht yelled angrily, "Battle Craftsman, take him down."

He knew that the noble children of the silver-helmed knights of Ainbroek were unreliable at all, and he had already made arrangements. At this time, a group of combat alchemists in black coats had already stepped outside the hall.

Those Osu craftsmen were looking at this, and after hearing what Amasht said, they immediately raised their magic gloves and pointed at Fang Plover.

It was only when they raised their hands that something happened suddenly.

It was said that it was too late and that time, when the floor of the hall suddenly trembled, it was like an indescribable shock wave coming from below the ground.

But it was not so much tremors as it was that the entire ground was tilting, cracks appeared on the stone pillars, and the hall was slowly rising amidst creaking sounds.The upheaval made everyone wonder for a while, "What happened?"

"what happened?"

But the tilt was still happening, making everyone's footing unstable, and those silver-helmed knights from noble children were even more rickety.

Amasht was supported by someone, he was stunned for a moment, then his face changed drastically and he realized something, he immediately raised his head to look at Fang Plover, the great alchemist was shocked, he opened his mouth and lost his words for a moment:


But Fang Plover was still in the same place, with his feet nailed to the ground and motionless, looking at them, he opened his mouth and said:

"I said."

"Not myself—"

The ground is surging, and the giant beast is waking up.


Ming, who walked out of the hall, was the first of all to notice the abnormality.

Of course, with her strength, she wouldn't be affected by the inclination of the ground, but she turned around and waved her hand, and one structure after another flickered and emerged, and each structure stretched out its hand to support the contestants beside it. .

But she raised her head, a look of shock flashed in her eyes.


"It's impossible..."

She was talking to herself.

But that's actually possible—

Princess Brianna was shaking off the hands of the construct that was trying to hold her. Her Royal Highness looked at the ground with a strange light in her eyes. years ago.

The moment she chose to leave the Elven Court and go to the front line.

Finally, her heart sank, and she made up her mind to go back in that direction.

And at the feet of this elf princess, the vein of ether is passing through the sea of ​​light, forming a torrent.

There, the turbulent magic power once again flows through the river that has been dry for thousands of years. They are passing through every pipe under this corridor, passing through any one of more than 1 circuits, and passing through 14 resonance crystals. Every gear, pallet, and thirteen-layer heat removal system.

In the monitoring cabin section underground of the Imperial Workshop, the warning lights that have not been turned on for at least three centuries are emitting a dazzling red light at the same time. The craftsmen on duty there are in a state of chaos. connect.

The artisans screamed like the end of the world:
"This is impossible!"

"The connection mechanism of the fortress was physically disconnected 30 years ago..."

"Who reconnected them?"

But a bright light pivot directly penetrates the bottom from the top of the entire fortress.

From top to bottom of the whole fortress, the seven main core crystals lit up one after another.

The craftsmen standing in those core transmission rooms looked at this scene as if they were watching a miracle. They raised their hands, not knowing whether to pray to Ori or ask the god of knowledge what happened to Angela.

"The main control system is disconnected from us..."

"The resonance crystal has no response..."

"Someone hacked into the central system!"

"who is it?"

But everyone understands that something is coming back.

Although for ten centuries, this miracle cast by the first generation of alchemists has never revealed its true face again.

inside the hall.

Under the horrified gaze of the great alchemist Amasht, the continuous magic power was being produced from the feet of Fang Plover, and the zigzag and interlaced light circuits were unfolded around him, forming a criss-crossing light network.

Then merge into the ground of the hall.

The boy didn't say a word, a great consciousness entered the fortress.

Amasht opened his mouth wide, thinking it was a dragon soul.

"You really got the No. [-] Dragon Soul from the Silver Tower..."

"How is it possible, isn't that...?"

"No, Dragon Soul No. [-] can't do it either...then..."

But, that's not actually—

Dragon Queen, Alyssa opened her eyes.

In the darkness, the two golden eyes pierced through the dense fog like blazing beams of light.

The fire of Venus, falling into dust, the empire in flames.


On NO.13 block.

The technical officer with long feathers on his helmet walked in the front and suddenly raised his hand, causing the entire team to stop behind him.

Then he looked up, gaping at the shadows rising above the sky—

That gigantic object is like the life endowed by steel. The countless pipe networks and truss structures above the body, and every huge gear, transmission, and escapement structure that is slowly rotating under the body are roaring and vibrating. Lift it up slowly.

It is as if a city has been endowed with life, rising slowly into the sky. When it stood up, it tore off all the shackles and connecting pipes on its body, shook off the dust, and rose from the horizon, sending out a low and long trumpet sound.

The steel rails in the sky are collapsing, and there is already chaos in the trains running on them. The imperial soldiers in black armor are trying to stop the trains, but the alchemists in black trench coats can only look forward in shock——

Looking at the miracle of alchemy, it woke up from the thousand-year sleep, and raised its figure, like a giant beast that had been dormant for a long time, showing its fangs again.

Everyone stopped.

Every resident of Einbroek feels a little dull. They have heard about the history of this city since they were born, about the battle that decided the fate of mortals thousands of years ago, the great battle that established the empire.

But for thousands of years, the former fortress has been covered with layer after layer of later buildings. Pipes, like shackles, firmly lock it on this land, and use its hearth to provide the city with shine.

They have only heard of the legendary stories, but they have never seen the fortress in its true form.

until now.

The moment the giant core furnace of the magical beast was disconnected from the entire city, the operation of half of Ainbrok was interrupted at the same time, and more than one-third of the urban area was plunged into darkness.

Everyone on the street fell into a kind of obsessed shock. They watched the ancient fortress come back to life, watched the huge monster slowly get up, turn, lift its feet, It fell, and the ground shook.

The soldiers of the Imperial Army saw a wave of stones sweeping from the block in front of them, and the tiny stones were directly thrown into the sky. The stone slabs on the long street surged up one after another, and rows of shops around them grew up on the outer walls of one after another. crack.

The fortress is trembling, but still standing, a light is lit in the thick smoke, like the opened eyes of a giant beast, and then it pulls forward with one foot, it is a towering spire, countless steel truss structures For thousands of years, the illegal buildings added by later generations were directly thrown out, together with the imperial army and craftsmen on duty inside.

People and buildings were thrown into the sky together, and then fell heavily.

But no one cared about the fate of these poor creatures.

Because Ayin Brock is waking up.

It was originally the name of a miraculous fortress, but now it just returns to this meaning.

The fort let out a long whimper, and the shriek even overwhelmed the siren that rang through the sky of Ainbrok. People watched the 'giant beast' stand up and shake off all the 'dust' on its body, just like Same as millennia ago.

Then it erected the 'barbs' and 'fangs' on its body, causing those fortress cannons to point into the air.

that moment.

People can finally see the miracle created by this alchemy, which comes from the afterglow of thousands of years ago.

In the airport area of ​​the huge steel tower in Einbroek, the imperial fleet that was dispatching finally realized that something was wrong. Every non-commissioned officer on board was terrified, and the herald was pale, and shouted hoarsely: "Turn! Turn——! "

"Full right rudder, leave the airspace!"

"Be careful, pay attention to the distance from other ships!"

Everyone tried their best, and the navigator above the helm was even more chilled.

But to no avail, the entire airport area and even the giant steel tower are completely under the guidance and coverage of the firepower of the Einbrok mobile fortress, and its artillery fire was originally set up to deal with the army of the dark dragon.

But at this moment, he was just targeting his own people.

"Do not--!"

Amasht looked at the young man in front of him, his voice became a little sharp because of nervousness: "You know what it means to destroy an empire's fleet, and you will never end with the empire!"

Fang Ploy looked at this old great alchemist, and suddenly his interest faded. He originally thought that people who came to this position would at least behave differently, "I thought that was how you planned to treat the Seven Seas Brigade."

Amasht stopped suddenly, and the blood on his face completely faded.

Of course he knew what that meant.

At that moment, he subconsciously looked at Friston, but the chairman didn't even look at him, he just turned around and said, "Amasht, there has never been an alchemist Will stop because of threats."

Fang Plover also listened to Alessa screaming in his mind:

It awaits the final command to kill.

Princess Brian returned to the hall at that moment and looked at him.Fang Plover naturally saw the bright gaze of the princess, "Ed," Brianne also shouted, "The Avenquin elves have never forgotten their blood feud, and what I said still counts—"

The war of 15 years ago has never ended.

And the Fenrisians will stand with them.

The kingdom has long been torn apart, and it is difficult to bridge different people with only one crown. At that moment, disaster is approaching, and people still need a belief and reason for unity.

At that moment, she made a decision——

Just like the rebellious princess 15 years ago.

Fang Plover was startled, and then he looked back at the noble daughter in the hall on the side, and then at Tenarik on the side, and both of them nodded to him.

The next moment the boy closed his eyes, then opened them, and said:


A blinding flash.

The skies of the torn empire, as the call to war.

... (end of this chapter)

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