Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1057, Act 383, Worldwide Fame III

The empire stationed in Einbrok is actually a squadron, including a second-class battleship, a third-class battleship, two fourth-class cruisers/heavy frigates, two fifth-class cruisers, and Corvettes and sloops of various sizes.

In the first round of shooting at Einbroek Mobile Fortress, one-third of the squadron was declared destroyed. The fourth-class cruiser Merced was hit head-on. Major Rhoned was turned into ashes in the beam of light together.

The flagship of the squadron, the Count de Villiers, was built in the year of the Falcon. It is considered an old-fashioned floating ship, but as a main ship, it still has short-distance transmission devices and various protective devices.At the same time that the Einbrok Mobile Fortress opened fire, its captain issued a transmission order.

However, due to the instability and response speed of the old-fashioned transmission device, the beam of light that penetrated the sky of Ainbrok in people's vision still hit the poop of the Count Villiers before it entered the transmission state.

Fleet Commander Earl Kenan was directly killed in this attack. In the end, only the front half of the huge body of this second-class battleship entered the dimension gate.

So people saw a wonderful scene, only half of the remaining battleship jumped out of the dimensional gate opened in the G4 area of ​​the airport, and quickly lost its balance amidst the chaos of the rest of the people on board, and began to capsize.

In the end, the Earl de Villiers disintegrated in mid-air, and the largest part of the ship crashed into the direction of the temple area with a long flue, where a strong flash of explosion burst out, and the earth-shattering loud noise was heard several blocks away. can hear.

The victims with wind elemental aptitude in mid-air were still floating at a height of several thousand feet, and the rest fell down like rain, falling into a white spot of light.

Seen from the sky, there are dots of shipwrecks, and the clouds are covered with blackness. It is like the tragic scene of the Arabel naval battle in the past-the empire lost one-third of it in the naval battle with the Avenquin elves. A capital fleet.

But in Arabel, where among the floating wrecks there were elves' ships, here there was only one-sided carnage.

The others had no time to care about the victims in mid-air. A fifth-class cruise ship was only brushed aside by the beam of light, and the ship was on fire. At this moment, raging flames had already burst out, turning the whole ship into a torch.

As for another fifth-class cruiser, the Standard, it was damaged by two waves of Lancers when the Seven Seas Traveler penetrated from the fourth channel, and had to descend to the middle level (the Imperials took [-] feet to The altitude between one thousand feet is called the middle level, and the lower one is 'Emb'ton', which is almost equivalent to being stranded in the common language of the stargate) Emergency repair, it was falsely reported as a crash by the person who observed this scene .

In fact, the situation on the standard number is not much better.

When the first wave of Lancers arrived, the sailors on the Standard were completely unprepared, and a large number of marines gathered on the deck to prepare for the gang battle, but they were lost in the first round of beam strikes. heavy.

This directly made it difficult for the Standard to organize a counterattack when the second wave of Lancers arrived. The Lancers once invaded the interior of the Standard along the main deck, and approached the power room, and were finally shot down under the desperate resistance of the Marine Corps. retreat.

The captain on the Standard was quite experienced, fully embodying the qualities that the Imperial Navy should have. When there were less than half of the sailors on board, most of them were waiting for resurrection and decisively ordered the ship to be lowered near the base of the tower.

The Lancers gave up the pursuit as expected.

But that was actually because Miss Tata didn't kill her. After all, the goal of the Seven Seas Traveler was to break through, not to annihilate. Before the Einbrok Fortress was activated, the Lancers had to deal with enemies from many aspects.

At this moment, the sailors on the Standard looked at the tragic scene in the sky, and they all secretly praised the captain, Lieutenant Nefard. If the Standard was still in the G3 airspace at this moment, it would probably follow in the footsteps of the fourth-class cruiser Merced.

At this moment, the Seven Seas Traveler, which is still hidden in the shadow behind the giant steel tower in the G2 channel, is erupting with cheers, and the cheering one is naturally the idle lady poet. Shaked a fist for the Merced of Ashes.


"But it's forbidden."

But Miss Catman Daryl—or the puppet picked up the little girl's collar from behind, ignored the latter's protest and dragged her back to the captain's cabin, and closed the door outside.

She covered the hilt of her giant sword with both hands, and leaned against the door, letting Tian Lan slam the door from inside, "Let me out!"

"Miscellaneous persons are strictly prohibited from appearing on deck in time of war—"

Tian Lan pressed her face against the crack of the door, and tried her best to wave the crossbow in her hand, "I'm not just waiting around."

Daryl doesn't even look at it.

Baggins was actually the only person left on the deck at this time. The bosun helped Miss Tata adjust the uncontrolled rigging, and occasionally stepped in to steer the sails. Miss Longhun cooperated seamlessly.

Another maid, Siesta, is on the air combat deck, mainly to prevent the imperials from invading from the air combat structure. The imperials did take off a group of air combat wasps—that is a four-legged hinged wing structure with saw blades. body.

Its take-off principle is similar to that of a clockwork fairy, but it is about the size of a person, and it is especially good at attacking the hull of the floating ship, which can be regarded as a flexible structure for melee combat.

But Miss Tata didn't let them approach at all. The Lancers formed a protective net around the Seven Seas Traveler, and flashes of light burst out from that direction from time to time. Either the wasps died in the attack, or the Lancers fell.

But it is mainly the former. Lancers are extremely dominant in confrontation as a heavy structure, not to mention a long-range unit. Air Combat Hornets can deal with special attacks on floating ships, but they are much weaker when confronting flexible structures.

What's more, the combat craftsmen who launched the attack on the Seven Seas Traveler mainly came from the Imperial Navy. After the death of the Merced and the crash of the Earl of Villiers, the pressure on the Seven Seas Traveler suddenly eased.

There are 1 to 12 waterways in the airport of Ainbulok, covering the entire airspace of Ainbrok in 360 degrees except for the direction of the craftsman association and the temple area. Different heights are divided into F, G, D, and A from top to bottom. Empty floors, among which the F empty floor is the highest, and G is the second highest.

And the battle unfolded on this floor. Most of the ships anchored in this airspace were on fire, and the sky was filled with thick smoke and darkness.

After the mobile fortress opened fire under the control of Fang Plover, the waterway from G2 to G7 is now cleared. Seeing this scene, Tianlan couldn't help but excitedly said: "The imperial people have been repulsed, Miss Tata, let's catch this Chance to leave!"

"No," but Dalier replied outside the door: "We can't leave yet."


Miss Catman narrowed her eyes and looked at the distant sky.

There is also a third-class battleship Calgallon remaining in the G9 channel. In fact, this class of battleship is still the flagship class of the squadron in the empire. Generally speaking, the squadron will not have two flagship-class ships, but Ai Yinbu Locke is particularly special.

Although this is not the border of the empire, this fortress city has a special meaning in history after all, and it is also the seat of the Craftsman Association, so the imperial squadron stationed here is actually specially strengthened.

Coupled with the heavy frigate on the D4 channel at the moment, in fact, one-third of this imperial squadron still exists, and these two ships are a threat to the Einbrok fortress.

Capital ships are actually used as firepower fulcrums. In most cases, they are not used to fight against opponents' floating ships, but to provide fire support on land. Among them, the large-caliber naval guns of capital ships can attack fortresses. killing.

What's more, the Einbrok Mobile Fortress was a product of thousands of years ago. Although it was considered a miracle of alchemy in that era, the Numelin elves also participated in the construction of this fortress, and some of the technologies are not completely for the present. within the grasp of mortals.

But the movement itself gave up part of the protection. Its main function in the past was as a logistics base for craftsmen, but it became a legend because the imperials took part in the last battle of the Giant War here.

In fact, many of the standards of this old fortress are outdated today, especially after the Osu artisans removed most of the unnecessary protective facilities and added many illegal buildings during the millennium maintenance.

Let its protection level drop by another level.

The Traveler of the Seven Seas must now cover each other with this fortress to escape from Einbrok, and the imperials must not let the fortress be paralyzed within the urban area.

Tian Lan half-understood—but she was locked in Fang Plover’s office, so it wasn’t that she couldn’t see the situation outside—there was a large arched window behind the captain’s cabin, and she could see the other side of the huge steel tower scene.

The heavy frigate in the D4 air layer is slowly turning around at this moment.

The imperial navy firmly believed that seeing the enemy must be fought, and death is the glory of death. Even though at this moment the squadron had lost two-thirds and the flagship fleet commander, Earl Kenan, was killed in battle, the remaining ships still had no intention of fleeing.

On the third-class battleship Cagalon, Captain Lord Robert ordered the two-color flag to be hoisted. Since the twelve large-caliber magic guns on the ship were disturbed by the previous attack and could not be fired, the remaining many small-caliber The guns couldn't effectively kill the mobile fortress, so he directly ordered the Cagalon to crash into the middle layer of the mobile fortress.

The heavy frigate immediately sailed to its front after receiving the Kagalon's uploaded signal to provide it with fire cover.

The Seven Seas Traveler naturally noticed this scene:
"Don't let them get close to Mr. Knight," Tata said to everyone: "Let's follow."

Naturally, no one objected.

Seven Seas Traveler began turning on the G2 course.

The fighting was raging in the sky, and the Imperial Black Army on the ground naturally did not forget to push forward.

In fact, the moment the mobile fortress was erected, the Imperial Black Army responded. Several imperial troops stationed at No. 14 Street, Clocksmith Street and King's Avenue fired first. Those who fired were in these The 'Manticore' heavy war structure erecting a giant shield in the block.

They have single-shot, long magic cannons, and the fire bolts they fired spanned one or two kilometers and hit the right forefoot of the mobile fortress. Two or three bright flames burst there, and the steel truss structure was melted golden red by the high temperature, and soon break apart.

The giant mobile fortress sank downward, and the metal made a long and distorted sound like howling, but it inserted its other foot deeply into the ground, stabilized its body amidst the sound of the building collapsing and the flying smoke, and turned around in the tilt muzzle——

Like a monster baring its fangs.

The Imperial Army who watched this scene shouted in panic:

"Get out of the way—!"

But it was too late, the three Manticores had just poked out a steel rail from behind, and the golden-red magic crystal fell from above, preparing to replace the next shell.

They haven't even had time to pull the large shield from the ground and retract the hydraulic props-while a gray shield device behind is taking out another one-person-high magic crystal from a box under the control of the battle craftsman, and it is at that time.

The auxiliary guns in three directions on the Einbrok Fortress aimed at this direction and fired at the same time.

More than 30 golden light beams penetrated into four blocks in different directions at the same time. The crimson light directly penetrated the 67 mm thick giant shield of the Manticore from the front, together with the structure behind it and the five battle craftsmen inside. together into ashes.

The beam of light continued to move forward after penetrating the manticore, and then penetrated the gray shield behind it, turning it into molten steel.

The original thick outer armor of the war structure is as fragile as thin paper in the face of such an attack, and the shield provided by the heavy magic furnace is even more so, but they are not originally used to resist the attack of the fortress artillery.

The beam of light continued to plow forward, leaving four vitrified ravines on the street, and then the thick magic power of the fire element in the air gradually faded, and the light beam dissipated like flying particles.

Many people have witnessed this scene firsthand.

At this moment, Ainbulok is already in a state of purgatory—when the Ainbulok Fortress stood up, most of the steel rails were broken, causing the trains running on it to either fall under the broken rails, or burn blazingly on the steel rails.

The city was full of flames, and the attack from the fortress made NO.14 Street, Clockmaker Street and King's Avenue full of smoke. More than a brigade of war knights was directly wiped out by this blow, and the Imperial Black Army also paid casualties .

The dead had already turned into white spots of light and merged into the nearest church, while the wounded were in dire condition. Most of them would lose more than one-third of their bodies if they rubbed against that level of attack. Hugging the broken leg and crying on the ground.

It was only a matter of time before those people were actually sent back to life.

And farther away, if the shock wave generated by the explosion is not directly blocked, it will almost certainly kill within 30 meters. The person whose internal organs are shattered is bleeding from all seven orifices, struggling on the ground like a bug.

It is not surprising that the imperial army is surprised by this scene. The war in Altaria is much more tragic than that of the other world's contemporaries, but because of the existence of stars, most people's psychological endurance is also much higher.

But for many visitors to the mainland league, such a situation is nothing less than a hell-like scene. People hold the terminals in their hands and march forward in the smoke, looking at the scorched streets and the wounded and corpses can't help but feel numb.

The Imperials have cut off all broadcast channels for the Continental League.

But for the larger number of tourists, there is actually no mandatory binding, and most tourists are not even worried about losing their jobs, because they have nothing to do with this world.

More people raised their terminals and aimed at the majestic colossus in the corner of the sky. The imperial army in black armor had already launched a siege to the fortress. Flames from explosions lit up around the colossus from time to time, but with little effect.

From time to time, fire arrows flew towards the fortress in the sky, and then exploded a gorgeous spark.

But a ray of light flashed, and the area it crossed immediately raised flashes, mixed with a strong explosion, turning an entire block into a sea of ​​flames, and the imperial army there was almost wiped out.

The tourists holding the terminals aloft watched this scene dumbfounded, especially many of them were spectators of the first division. They were used to the power of the first division and the arrogance and arrogance of the empire. This was the first time they saw such a scene .

Someone simply opened the recording crystal and started recording all this:
"We escaped from the fortress earlier..."

"The imperial army can't get close to that, the block we came over is full of wounded..."

"What happened inside?"

"Of course it's the dragon alchemist."

There were even interviews, and the tourists who escaped from the fortress seemed to be in shock.

But there are also voices of rebuttal:

"It was the imperial people who first accused the young man of colluding with the dark forces."

"They have no proof at all—"

"It's incredible, that dragon alchemist controlled that fortress?"

"Is he the only one in there? He can challenge the imperial army alone. At first, that fortress even wiped out a fleet."

"It's half."

People turned their heads in unison, looking at the mountain-like giant shadow, their hearts were full of shock.

Even though they were still in shock, a thought gradually rose from their hearts, and no matter what, after this battle, the history after the star gate will write down legends again.

A new legend was born.

After that sword of the whole world, that genius girl.

What is the title this time—Enemy of the Empire?
Or a human disaster?

In less than a quarter of an hour, the seven streets had been reduced to ashes in the attack, together with the imperial army inside.

Reports came from everywhere that the attack had been blocked and that there had been heavy casualties.

But the limit of casualties is actually acceptable. It is far inferior to a real battle. It's just that the reduction of personnel in the battle report makes the scalp tingle. One after another, almost all the squadrons have withdrawn from the combat sequence, and there are few wounded.

Even if there are temporarily wounded, they will die soon—at least seventeen combat teams have completely disappeared just a short moment ago, and even the establishment cannot be preserved.

The front-line Imperial combat unit lost 22 Manticores, [-] Gray Shields, and three Typhoon Knights, almost half of the heavy equipment configuration of the City Guards. The commander felt numb after reading the battle report. It goes back to the Battle of Byrne.

This does not count the loss of a second-class battleship, a fourth-class frigate and two fifth-class frigates, and more than six sloops and frigates—the latter mostly sunk by the Traveler of the Seven Seas .

However, the loss did not shake the commander of the Imperial Army.

In other words, there is nothing that can shake the imperial army. Oshu was born for war and never accepts the fate of defeat.

As a result, the tourists stranded in the city soon saw that more imperial troops in black armor came from different directions, crossed the block, and marched towards the fortress.

Huge war structures began to appear in different neighborhoods, and dots of light appeared in the sky, which were wind knights—not only did the imperial people not retreat, but launched a counterattack even more fiercely.

The stubbornness of the Oshu people is vividly displayed at this moment, but it also makes people have to give birth to a little admiration. The imperial people have always regarded death as home, and regard honor as their life. Their arrogance and belligerence can also be called decisiveness and courage at certain times. .

It was the same in the past when facing the dark army, and it is still the same at this moment, except that there were three legions stationed in the Einbrok Fortress at that time, but now there is only Fang Plover alone. This time, the imperial people changed from guarding one side to attacking By.

And a dark dragon queen became the master of the fortress instead.

The reversal of position borders on irony.

But in the eyes of Alessa, the dragon queen, those imperial soldiers with black helmets and black armor were like constructs, not afraid of death. They were blocked on a street, and soon attacked from other directions, treating death as nothing .

Soon, she became troubled.

"These damned imperial people are still exactly the same as they were 1000 years ago," she yelled. "When we attacked this fortress in the past, they followed suit like this. Now it's their turn to attack this fortress. Why is it still so difficult?"

The mobile fortress has three levels of armed forces.

Among them, the lowest level is also a ten-inch caliber fortress gun. Its main armament is the four fortress cannons at the top, a 23-inch caliber monster, and it is not an old antique. It is a cutting-edge equipment that was remodeled about seven years ago.

That should have been part of the city's defense system, but now it naturally fell into Alyssa's hands.

It is a pity that the transformation was not fully implemented at that time. There are only two such giant cannons on the top of the fortress. Has rusted to death.

The older one has been turned into a museum, and the other is not much better.

Among the only two giant cannons, their reloading speed is also extremely slow. It may take several hours or even a day to self-charge with the magic furnace of the mobile fortress—depending on the current operating load of the fortress.

And one of them has already fired and took away half of the imperial fleet, and the remaining square plover let Alessa keep it first, so that the empire will have scruples when attacking, and it will be a mouse attack—of course he is not actually He wasn't really mad enough to plan to fire at Ayn Brock.

As for what the dragon queen Alesha said, in fact, the Oshu people have always been like this.

Back then, the Battle of Byrne was so fierce that the Colins were all too familiar with their old opponent.

But the real threat is the construction clusters in the sky. The craftsman association's battle craftsman group is starting to play a role. After all, the fortress controlled by Alessa is not the one of the Oshu people in the past. There is no guard on the fortress except her military.

Once the constructs started landing and inside the fortress, there was nothing she could do.

She could only organize artillery fire to form a barrage in mid-air, delaying the approaching time of the opponent's construction group, but in this way, even the firepower to prevent the two floating warships in the sky from approaching was dispersed. Fortunately, the Seven Seas Traveler Hold aside.

But this fortress is old after all, and it moves extremely slowly.

Alyssa finally couldn't help screaming, "Little guy, this antique is less reliable than my original body. I have to remind you that many of the equipment in it are completely rusted and aged, and some gears are different. The degree of broken teeth, I don't know when it will get stuck."

"We have to leave this place," Fang Plover replied, "If we stop in the city of Einbroek, there is almost no possibility of us escaping, Ms. Alyssa."

"I know," the Dragon Queen said angrily, "I'm trying to find more backup systems for this trembling old thing. Fortunately, it was born for war. A certain level of maintenance."

"But I want to remind you," she said, "the function of this fortress is different today. When I activated it, there were still many mortal craftsmen inside it. I locked the fortress in different areas." There are elevators, and gates at various passes, but it's only a matter of time before these people enter the core area."

Of course, Fang Zhi understood that this fortress was originally the location of the craftsman association and the imperial workshop, and there must have been many high-level craftsmen left in it.

But fortunately, Armasht ordered the battle craftsman department to go to the airport to participate in the war, otherwise, if there are still a large number of battle craftsmen left in the fortress at this moment, it will be a real problem.

However, those battle craftsmen were returning now, and it was almost impossible for Alessa to stop them all. After all, if a battle craftsman was alone, the target would be too small, and the large and small caliber weapons on the fortress were rarely used against a single person.

"This fortress has seven cores," Alyssa said, "you must guard at least three of them. As long as there are three cores, I can find a way to move this thing out. But in that case, we are likely to It will lose its firepower.”

She paused. "I mean, you're going to have more and more stress."

Fang Plover nodded.

"Leave it to me," he replied, "Lady Alyssa."

"Well," Alyssa was not polite, "I trust you, little guy."

Only then did Fang Yan raise his head, the previous battle was only a short moment.

However, great changes have taken place in the Hall of the Holy King. Tenarik alone is actually no match for those silver-helmed knights. Under the approach of this lizard prince, these flamboyant noble children will die. hurt hurt.

The rest also forgot the glory of their ancestors, dropped their weapons and fled from the hall.

On the contrary, the fighting craftsmen who broke in were much more powerful, but facing a hero of the Battle of Byrne——Princess Minos of the Avenquin elves, they were still somewhat inadequate.

The elf princess raised her bow and set the arrow, and then let go of the bowstring—with a sharp whistle, the light arrow passing through the hall can often penetrate even the craftsmen behind the construct belt. Her figure is like a ghost, and she fights and retreats. Hide behind Tenarik.

Those battle craftsmen had nothing to do with him, let alone get close to Fang Plover in the center of the hall.

Because the constructs they controlled hadn’t gotten close to it yet, a tall and flexible construct had already stopped in front of them——the Ossu battle craftsmen almost stared out when they saw the construct. up.


"How can you control it?"

"It is not……"

Isn't it a waste?
Since the previous generation of dragon knights, no one is willing to waste computing power on this thing, and most people can't do it.

Even if a few can do it, but at that height - why not just choose the Dragon Knight, or the pseudo-Dragon Knight?

It's just that Fang Plover didn't bother to answer this question.

He just wanted to say that he was rather special——

He can even control another Centaur Annihilator with distraction, allowing that Centaur Annihilator to create chaos among the crowd.It's just that he glanced at Amasht at the side, only to realize that the great alchemist was about to retreat and was planning to take someone away from this place quietly.

He immediately pointed in that direction: "Princess Brianna, don't let him leave!"

As soon as Brian raised her head, she would not give the imperial alchemists any face. As early as the Battle of Byrne, the Avenquin elves were sworn enemies with the Ossurians, and the enemy's great alchemists were also enemies. .

Now that she had made up her mind, she no longer hesitated, and immediately opened her bow in that direction.

... (end of this chapter)

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