Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1060 Scene 386 Worldwide Fame VI

The sky of Ai Yinbulok suddenly darkened.

Just when Andromeda was about to shoot the second arrow, the upper floor of Aiyinbulok Mobile Fortress—to be precise, the upper square of the Hall of the Holy King—in the direction where the Craftsman Association is located, a burst of fire suddenly burst out under the garden square. glare.

That light is dazzling, like the first ray of light rising from the endless darkness, it eclipses everything as soon as it is born, and with the mobile fortress as the center, it divides the world into two, and the diffused light is like Radiating diffuse, incredibly gorgeous.

But there is a deadly aura lurking under the gorgeous appearance. Everything in its path is fragmented, and even the clouds in mid-air are dissipated, leaving only the black sky itself.Sir Eberron, who was hovering over Aynbrok, raised his hand and weaved a wall of light in front of him.

The wall of light is like the shell of a ghost, emitting a faint blue luster throughout, and when the brilliance reaches the shell, the clock of the entire world slows down at a speed visible to the naked eye, and gradually comes to a standstill.

At that moment, the collapse of a certain point above the city was clearly visible. It expanded like a black hole, and tiny cracks that were constantly being created and annihilated surrounded the entire space, weaving a strange and shocking magnificent scene.

It seems very long, but also very short.

But in fact, it was only a moment. At that moment, everyone on the street who was lucky enough to witness this scene, whether they were tourists or Oshu people, felt a certain vibration in the whole world at the same time, which was slightly different from the earthquake. The difference, because invisible forces spread along the sky above the entire city.

People raised their heads and watched a strong light burst out from the center of the black hole that seemed to be able to pierce everything.

Then a round of scorching sun produced an airburst above Einbrok, and the violent spherical shock wave reached the ground first. Centered on the lower part of Andromeda, buildings within a radius of several kilometers collapsed one after another, and everything within 1000 meters of the blast center was reduced to ashes.

The explosive wind carried a high temperature of thousands of degrees. In the strong wind, the skin of the person was scorched and then blown away, and the remaining skeleton was also reduced to ashes. However, the terrifying scene lasted only for a moment, and then the disaster spread several kilometers away .

Dozens of holy statues of Mirela, Oli, or Angela, the God of Knowledge, lit up one by one in the area where Ainbrok still remained.

The staff-wielding priest received thousands of resurrection reports in just a few minutes.

The roar of the explosion can be heard clearly on the Clover Plain dozens of kilometers away, and the shock wave is transmitted along the plain. At this moment, in the church of Ms. Roman standing here, the priests are looking at the front of them in surprise. Statue of shaking scales.

There were many cracks on the wall, and dust and cobwebs fell down.

In all scenes like the doomsday, people had to sing in unison and put their hands together in order to win the mercy of the saints.

Then the man in the gray robe standing on the side of the hall saw the light shining at the feet of the holy statue, his complexion changed drastically, and he immediately turned around and stumbled out of the hall, the man's feet felt a little weak.

Ayn Brock has changed——

Although the confrontation between the dragon knights was not the end of the world, it was nothing short of the end of the world.

One report after another is being handed over to the city hall of Ainbrock through different hands, and to the mayor of Ainbrock, Baloric, who is angrily questioning the person in front of him: "You let How do I end up, Mr. Count Tanilal!?"

However, the commander of the 17th Garrison Corps of the Imperial Army and the commander of the Knights of War, Earl Tanilal, has ignored other matters. He witnessed the whole process of the confrontation with his own eyes. giant pit.

He seemed to be in a nightmare.

"The Arrow of the Distant Star..."

That nightmarish scene is emerging from the minds of every imperialist who is familiar with that war. At that time, he was just a young man who had just inherited his father's title. Naturally, he also inherited the duty to undertake war for the empire. Responsibility.

The nobles of Austria were not afraid of war, and the young knights regarded it as a way to advance. The children of the nobles responded enthusiastically to His Majesty's call, but then the bloody war shattered everyone's dreams.

Years of tragic wars brought most people back to life in the war and lost their stars. That tragic war finally ended with the confrontation of dragon knights, and the power under that had already become a joke.

Many dragon knights were thrown into the war, and the confrontation between the laws even tore up the entire Kukai, so that the clouds in that area have not been able to return to their original state.

At the most tragic stage, even the mercenaries involved were terrified.

Those people are actually the chosen ones—the two parties participating in this battle include the selectors of the first division and the third division—and some are from the second division. When they arrived, the core battle was shortly after It broke out in a dead zone.

Like a reenactment of the July War, but far worse than that.

Nearly a quarter of the elite forces in the first division never came back from that battle, and the third division was no different. Countless chosen ones were lost, and even the aborigines were left with nightmares.

The painful memory persists to this day.

And for the Oshu people, the clearest scene in the nightmare is undoubtedly the gorgeous and boundless light arrow that separates the sky and the earth.

Arrows of light shot from the bow of the Elf King, the Arrow of the Far Star——

Count Tanilal's face was pale, as if he had returned to the tragic battlefield 13 years ago, "How could it be...?"

Her Royal Highness the Princess should not have obeyed the arrangement of the Colin royal family, leaving the Ainbrok Fortress, in their expectation, it was nothing more than a shot against a few saints from other countries who had not yet reached the realm of law, that's all.

And a high-level alchemist, plus a high-level magician, or a naturalist, plus a light floating ship, there may be several other members of the party on board, but in front of the mobilized behemoth Not worth mentioning at all.

The empire is that behemoth.

As early as centuries of history, the Oshurians have proved that no one can violate the will of the empire.

But the death of the great alchemist Amasht was like a loud slap in the face, which brought them back to their senses that the Colin had fought against the empire 15 years ago. For the elves, it seems like yesterday.

There was no winner in that great war, and the United Kingdom of Elves, Dwarves, and Men never bowed to the Oshurs.

Tanilal was terrified and furious. He thought that the young king wearing the Hailin crown had already given in, not to mention that it was still in the territory of the empire, in Aiyinbulok.

He clenched his fists tightly, his anger and resentment almost made him want to run away—but what followed was heavy pressure, as if the majestic gaze of the supreme emperor had fallen on him, as heavy as a thousand weights— It was enough to make him sweat coldly:

As the mayor said.

How should it end?

And the elf princess, who is as white as snow, is emerging from the smoke and dust with a longbow in her hand, standing alone, with a reclusive and independent temperament.

She raised her head, a long one-shoulder cloak was draped over her shoulders, and the cloak was embroidered with endless patterns of violets and stars with silver thread. The elves of Awen Quinn also called violets the flower of elves, which symbolizes purity. with noble meaning.

The cloak flutters in the wind, and it is also white and spotless--the bow in the princess's hand is the bow of the Elven King, the Far Star, cast by the first generation of Numelin elves. It has been confirmed, but at least this bow has the goblin's secret script.

There are a total of fourteen ancient Roschel texts, free translation:
'The star breaks, the night ends—'

She raised her head, and the silver flower ornaments on the tips of her long ears trembled slightly, and the huge reflection of the dragon knight was reflected in her star-like eyes.

Little Fritz retreated in front of her again and again, but he was not powerless to resist, but he couldn't let go of his hands and feet in the hall of the holy king, not to mention whether he summoned the dragon knight structure was two things for a real dragon knight. very different concepts.

It's just that this scene is somewhat embarrassing in the eyes of outsiders.

The previous explosion had destroyed every street near the mobile fortress, but far away from the center of the explosion, there were still people living on the edge of the giant crater. As for the farther places, people were holding up the terminals in their hands, silently watching the scene — or record this scene:
It records the confrontation at this moment on the upper floor of the Ayinbulok Fortress, above the Holy King's Square.

The princess didn't even look at Fritz, and only saw Eberron in mid-air—the veteran general of the empire for many years and the dragon knight who has been famous for nearly half a century. She spoke with a clear voice, piercing the clouds and fog :
"I still remember that it was this person who presided over the plan 15 years ago, destroyed Doma with an alchemy bomb, and the bomb specially made for the ether vein completely destroyed the Resurrection Altar in an instant. I have at least three Thousands of fellow citizens lost their lives in that attack."

"The great scar left on Tarn, the great tree of Orenze, the scar of Osiris is also the masterpiece of this great alchemist, and the scar is still unhealed to this day. He may be respected here among you, but he is respected by the elves. As far as I am concerned, I am nothing more than a sworn enemy—of course, if I am just a guest, out of the etiquette of a guest, I will naturally not seek revenge on the empire—”

"But it seems that the empire has become too arrogant to accept goodwill from the outside world."

She gently put down the longbow in her hand, leaning the corner of the longbow on the ground, her eyes were flat, and she sighed quietly: "The empire has the right to start a war at any time, anywhere, and I still remember that the Ossau people are proud of war." , but once the war starts, it will never end..."

Gently take off the elf's cloak.

The elf princess raised her bow again, nocked an arrow, and pointed at Eberron in mid-air: "And this time, the Ossurians, we, just happened to settle the score.

A great alchemist is just the beginning.

The wars of the last era once overthrew a continent. Once the Dragon Knight intervened, it was enough to leave permanent damage to this world, but the elves still had the Dragon Knight, and Colin-Ishurian also had the Dragon Knight.

After the star gate was opened, the various forces drew up rules to lead higher-level forces to the second world, and set many strict restrictions in Etalia, restricting the empire, the hill of giant trees, the people of the wilderness and the world in the name of competition. Disputes among the kingdoms of Corin.

But in fact, from the moment the forces of the second world began to flow back to the gate of the world, people had more or less guessed the arrival of this moment, but no one could have imagined that it would unfold in this way.

In the sky, the clouds dispersed.

The Seven Seas Traveler is flying into the blue sky with its silver sails soaring. Miss Tata, the dragon soul, is carefully adjusting the course of each wing sail. Ms. Dalier is holding the side of the ship with one hand, and a layer of fine velvet on her face is reflected. The burning flames of the imperial heavy frigate.

A burning torch in the amber eyes is disintegrating, turning into many scattered ashes, like a butterfly on fire, two ships pass by on the channel, the imperials raised their fists at their enemies, without any hesitation Fearless.

The puppet responded with a middle finger.

Tian Lan held her qin and laughed loudly, praising: "Muppet sister, you are so handsome, we won!"

The puppet looked at the ship dragging a long flame and fell towards Aiyinbulock, and looked back: "Really, did we really win?"

"Didn't we? We defeated a fleet, a fleet!"

"But isn't your captain still at that fortress?"

"Ah?" Miss Poet finally came to her senses: "It seems to be oh, then...then what should we do?"

The female knight turned her head and pressed her pointed claws on the sparkling crystal on her earlobe: "Miss Tata."

"I understand," Miss Goblin gritted her teeth lightly in the crystal center, "let's descend again."

But a voice interrupted their conversation.

Baggins pushed open the hatch of the main control room and said, "Miss Tata, you'd better take a look at this."

Miss Goblin turned her head, but saw that the bosun only nodded slightly to her.And at this moment, on the lower air combat deck, Siesta is embracing her hands, staring at the shining crystal in her eyes, the wind passing through the open deck surrounds her temples, but it can't shake the girl's heart. Emotions.

When Baggins opened the door and entered, Tata was sitting in the bosun's palm. When she saw this scene, she couldn't help but flew up in surprise.Miss Longhun circled the crystal, with surprise in her eyes, she turned her head and asked, "When did it become like this?"

It was this crystal that was inserted into the pedestal that she was asking about.

It should actually be part of a star dagger, its remnant blade standing on a charged base, the surface is covered with cracks.

That's where she was born, gifted by a silver-haired, long-eared lady, with many stories written on the dagger, one of which was her favorite, and after all that was over, Fang Plender asked her permission, That's why the dagger is here.

To commemorate.

It should have been placed in the display window as a souvenir, but the star dagger itself is a magic tool after all and needs daily maintenance, so it is placed here.

But none of that matters.

The important thing is that at this moment, this star crystal is exuding an unusually dazzling brilliance, just like a star.

"It happened about five minutes ago when we sank the Imperial warship," Baggins replied. "Miss Tata, is this?"

"Star crystal," Miss Goblin stretched out her hand in some puzzlement, but a circle of light suddenly emanated from the crystal and bounced her hand away.Tata raised her hand in surprise, with a rare and unexpected cute expression on her face:
"Who is it calling...?"

She raised her head suddenly.

In fact, at that moment, many people in Aiyin Brock raised their heads.

Even the elf princess put down the movements of her hands for a while. She twirled the bowstring with her fingertips, but retracted the deformed bow horns. A beam of green light is piercing the sky.

Straight to the sky.

Dragon Knight Eberron raised his head.

Little Fritz also stopped his movements, and the azure blue phantom disappeared behind him. The huge and complex light curtain spread its wings, and the shadow of the giant dragon under it disappeared with the wind, quietly fading away.And the imperial knight also raised his head, raising his eyebrows slightly.

He watched as the shining beam of light passed through the cloud curtain and crossed with the Seven Seas Traveler in mid-air, with a difference of about ten meters. wall, and—

It accurately hit the slow-moving Ainbrok Fortress below.

It was a bright blue light.

It's grounding.

At this moment, a team of Chosen is invading into the Mobile Fortress through a mobile foot where No. Can't stop it either.

The Dragon Queen herself can't use this huge monster to perform such meticulous operations. After all, it is not its own body, and the artillery system of the fort actually has a shooting blind spot directly below it. Garrisoned by the Silver Helms—

But here, there are only her and Fang Plover.

The one who is invading the fortress is actually a well-known team active in the area near Ainbrok, called the Gullwing Sword. The average level of the members in the team is above level 23. Although it is not as good as the Seven Seas Brigade, it is not far behind. Far.

These drafters from the first division naturally knew about the mission itself before receiving the mission, and they also knew who their opponents were and what kind of mission they were going to perform.

But instead of making them feel intimidated, they were excited and eager to try it. A mobile fortress 1000 years ago, and the famous dragon alchemist, the empire offered a sky-high reward for this. Which caller would not be moved by the opportunity in front of him?
The third unit under Gullwing Sword was the first to break through the defense line and came below the fortress. When the fortress launched an attack on several other blocks, the thirteen members of this team were lucky to avoid the main attack direction, and they dodged again. After two consecutive attacks by the dragon knights, it was able to get close to the No. 11 mobile foot of the Ainbrok mobile fortress.

The combat craftsman in the team took the lead in occupying the elevator here, and then he directly cut off the magic circuit connecting the elevator to the main control center of the fortress, skillfully installed a spare magic furnace, and then started the elevator, letting the team go along the NO. 11 The mobile foot moves towards the upper area.

But just when the members of this team were rejoicing that their mission was almost half completed, the people on the edge of the elevator suddenly caught a glimpse of a strange scene, two or three figures in front of them were approaching them quickly, to be exact - they were flying to them.

"what is that!?"

But the others quickly saw that there were actually three people—no, four people. The leading female wizard was holding a walking stick and holding a sleeping girl in her arms, followed by a young elementalist, followed by a Arcane puppet girl.

That was naturally Ji Ta and Luo Yu.

The four of them are rapidly crossing the height of the elevator and flying upwards—competitors?A thought first flashed in the minds of the members of Gullwing Sword, but soon someone screamed, "That person," he pointed at Luo Yu and said, "I recognize him, he is one of the targets!"

The members of the Gullwing Sword were in a state of chaos, pulling out their weapons one after another, or they were preparing spells, while the shield guards stepped forward to block the spellcasting profession, raising their large shields.

And it is at this moment.

The elevator just arrived at the top of the mobile fortress, only to hear a muffled sound from the locking device, and the claws in four directions fell, causing the platform to shake heavily and fix it at the exit of the elevator shaft. After a crisp sound, the iron fence door slowly opened Open.

At that moment, the four of Luo Yu also lightly landed on the platform.

The naturalist lady from the future hit the ground lightly with the tail of the walking stick in her hand, and the four of them landed on the ground smoothly. She looked down at herself sleeping peacefully in her arms—the frail girl with her brows furrowed tightly, and the long eyelashes under her glasses. It trembled slightly, as if it was a long dream.

The members of Gullwing Sword surrounded them nervously.

They raised their weapons and pointed at the four of Luo Yu, but whether it was Jita, the young Elementalist, or even Laila, they didn't even look at them. In fact, from the moment the four of them boarded the platform, He looked up to the sky.

And at that very moment.

A majestic beam of light descended straight down, and under the shocked eyes of the members of Gullwing Sword, it hit the mobile fortress, and directly penetrated into the fortress, "Then... what is that?" This spectacular sight temporarily made people forget the fact of hostility.

Someone couldn't help trembling and asked.

"It is a beam of light from thousands of stars, the light of stars, and the light of destiny."

The mature lady scholar turned her head and smiled slightly, "How about it, isn't it beautiful?"

The person who asked the question was taken aback.

But the lady scholar from the future has already raised her walking stick to him, and at the same time she turned her head and said: "Luo Yu, my power will disappear soon, I will help you deal with these people one last time."

A bright light radiated from the walking stick in her hand.

Many people saw the flash of light shining from the top of the No. 11 elevator in the Mobile Fortress, followed by the flames of the explosion. Many mechanical structures were directly blown off and fell from midair.

But few people actually noticed this inconspicuous detail, because everyone was staring at the dazzling beam of light at the moment.

The beam of light shines brightly and lasts for a long time.

The thirteenth floor of the fortress.

In the long passageway near the core cabin of the fortress, Fang Plover was gently pressing down the silver barrel of the magic gun in the hands of the ship officer. He looked at the man in front of him, who was only wearing a dark suit. The blue battle armor was also looking at them with a blank expression.

Although the person in front of him looked like an ordinary silver-helmed knight, Fang Plover clearly felt that the opponent was difficult, and the previous attacks were almost completely ineffective against him.

In fact, the coercive aura emanating from that person all the time was enough to make him vaguely guess the identity of the other person.

"Dragon Knight..."

Fang Plover's scalp felt numb for a while, the imperial people were really willing to spend, there was a dragon knight here, and there should be at least one dragon knight on Princess Brian's side, that is to say, the Oshu people are here. At least two dragon knights were involved in the battle.

Could it be because he killed the great alchemist Amasht?

But he always felt that things were not that simple.Maybe some of these dragon knights came for him. He had always had this feeling since before, and it seemed that the imperial people's attacks on him did not come out of nowhere.

Or it wasn't because he revealed the loopholes in Friston's plan. Think about it too, how could the imperial people predict that he would do that?

So what is the problem?

He suddenly remembered the reaction of the chairman in the hall of the Holy King, and a subtle thought was rising from the bottom of his heart uncontrollably—these people were not for himself, they were actually for Fu Liston is here.

Fang Plover looked at the Oshu dragon knight in front of him in disbelief, and suddenly asked: "You... actually knew that Friston's plan was flawed?"

The blue-armored dragon knight didn't answer, but a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he shook his head: "That has nothing to do with you, young man."

But Fang Plover has already got the answer.

"You..." He couldn't help asking, "Why?"

The dragon knight in blue armor didn't expect the young man in front of him to be so sharp. He shook his head and slowly pulled out the long sword from the scabbard.In fact, he shouldn't say too much about those words. He is the dragon knight of the empire and the sword that belongs to the empire.

All he had to do was to carry out the will of the magic emperor.

He raised his sword and pointed at Fang Plover.

Fang Plover shuddered. Of course, it was not that he had never faced the Dragon Knight. He even had a fight with the Chosen Dragon Knight when Idos was underground. In the northern border, he also faced the Dragon Knight's pursuit.

But that is completely different from facing a dragon knight who has made no secret of his killing intent. The power of a dragon knight at full strength is actually unimaginable in the first world, and it will be a power beyond this world .

Fang Plover was already in a crisis, and the alarm bells were ringing both physically and psychologically. He only felt that every hair on his body seemed to stand upright under the aura of the opponent, and the ring of golden flames on his chest was even more so. Can't stop trembling.

It also seemed to have sensed something, creating a desperate sense of crisis.

That's still unprecedented.

Alesha yelled in his heart: "Ed, run!"

"He is not those guys you have faced before, he is really going to kill you, you must leave this place immediately..."


But Alesha couldn't say the following words, because she suddenly stopped, watching what happened in disbelief.

Fang Yan remained silent without saying a word. At that moment, the young man felt an indescribable throbbing in his heart. He was slightly raising his head, his eyes shone with azure light, like a flame. everything.

He stretched out his hand and blocked Sylvied behind him.

"This is……"

Dragon Knight suddenly stopped talking, and only moved forward the tip of the sword in his hand.

However, at that moment, the stars trembled, and the starlight all over the sea of ​​light was silent one by one. The brilliance that had been shining on the sea of ​​ether for thousands of years was fading at this moment, and it turned into silence. , leaving the dark—

The dark sea.

The tide of light faded.

One of a thousand prophecies is being fulfilled.

And the induction from both ends of the fate occurred at the same time, just like a butterfly flapping its wings lightly, and then Fang Plovers saw the two ends of the balance from the illusions, and the foresight of fate worked for the last time.

The power of blessing from the sea of ​​light made him move sideways, avoiding the slash that would kill him.

Then, the fate of the balance came.

That would be the fate of the Great Silver Library, the Association of Twins.

A dazzling beam of light.

It fell from the sky and directly penetrated the mobile fortress.

A wolf howl.

... (end of this chapter)

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