Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1061 Scene 387 Worldwide Fame VII

Dragon Knight actually realized the problem when he handed out the sword.

The outside world has actually been speculating about the power of the dark blessing on Fang Plover, but after all, it has not been heard by such people, but as soon as the sword and Guanghai interact, the other party immediately realizes the existence of Guanghai's power on Fang Plover possibility.

Almost all causal-related powers in Atalia are related to laws, including certain hits, or inevitable dodges.

Because there is no inevitability in the real world, only truth is constant, and as a mortal who has the deepest understanding of laws and domain abilities, a dragon knight will not be unaware of this.

After the force from the underworld deflected his sword tip, the dragon knight of the empire immediately sensed it. At this time, the domain of law had not yet unfolded, but his well-honed sword skills had already reacted one step ahead. With a turn of his wrist, his hand The blade slashed obliquely, ready to end the life of the young man in front of him.

But after he turned the blade, his face turned pale with shock.

The saber froze in the air for a moment, as if stuck in a quagmire. Only when the force from the hilt was as heavy as a thousand pounds, did Dragon Knight realize that something was wrong.

And at that time, it was that azure light that hung down from mid-air and hit the upper floor of the Ainbrok fortress. Afterwards, Alesha, the dragon queen, uttered a heart-piercing scream, and was directly ejected from the fortress. Even the soul trembled.

The light penetrates the fort directly from top to bottom.

But what the people inside the fortress saw was actually a different scene. Since they themselves were covered by the blue beam of light, what everyone in the light saw was actually a rising star .

That light is not created in front of everyone's eyes.

It was born in a vast world of blackness and immensity, a world of consciousness.

Everyone was dragged under the sea of ​​consciousness unprepared, and saw the dim world, the sea of ​​light that no longer shines, the silent ether, and only a green light spreading along the sparkling sea water.

In a blink of an eye, it had jumped out of the sea.

People subconsciously raised their heads and saw the light rising up and illuminating the sky—pure and dazzling.

That seemed to be the scene of the birth of this world——

Starlight gathers from the darkness to weave this original world.

The first light is pale blue.

It is called Cang Zhihui.

It then converges and transforms into a crystal.

Sleeping in the light and crystal, like a newborn baby, Fang Plover looked at it from a distance, and always felt very familiar. It should have been a part of the crystal fragments on a crown, but now it looks like a dagger.

A star dagger.

He seemed to have seen the slender hand with long and slender fingertips, gently closed it, grasped the dagger back, turned around, his silver hair was like an upside-down galaxy, and above it was a pair of silver-gray pointed ears, trembling slightly one time.

She looked up.

The girl opened her eyes, her eyes seemed to be shining with the light of stars, clear but deep, her eyelashes trembling slightly, her quiet eyes seemed to recite a meaningful poem, a rose blooming in the night , with dew in the petals.

Crystal clear, reflecting the moonlight.

Only the nightingale sings softly.

The girl looked up, saw Fang Plover, and then looked at Sylvaide at the side. She smiled slightly and turned around. A big furry tail rolled up to cover herself tightly, but a large snow-white area was exposed behind her. dazzling.

She opened her mouth, showing her small canine teeth, and let out a long howl.

Fang Plover widened his eyes.

But the dragon knight didn't care to appreciate the scene in front of him, he just seemed to see the most terrifying thing in the world, the unparalleled power can only be felt by being at the same level, the star dagger penetrated two worlds, brought another The breath of a world.

In front of that aura, even the strength of the Dragon Knight seemed insignificant, like an ant facing a mountain.

He had no time to think about whether he wanted to continue the task, so he drew his sword immediately, but the sword remained motionless as if it had been cast into iron.

He was very surprised, only to see that Miya's other hand was already grasping his sword, the five fingers were white, but as if made of iron, he firmly grasped the blade of his sword, and then turned it backwards. pull.A majestic dragon knight almost lost his footing under her tugging.

The dragon knight of the empire turned pale with fright, the law power on his body gave warning almost everywhere, making a sound almost screaming in the conscious world.

He immediately let go and retreated, completely ignoring the restraint of his strength, and this retreat was hundreds of meters away.

But at this moment, people outside the fortress can actually see it more clearly. Everyone on the street can see a blue light blooming from the middle of the fortress—that scene happened in an instant, and it is really hard to describe it in words. ——The blue light passes through many barriers and is reflected in everyone's eyes.

It was fleeting, but in the eyes of outsiders, it looked like a sword cut off the entire Einbrok Fortress in half—from one end to the other, with a dazzling flame, the dragon knights of the empire slammed into it from that direction in a panic. out.

It's just that before he had time to resist, he was grabbed by an invisible force. He raised his head and tried to notify his other two colleagues to take precautions, but the force had already dragged him back.

After the dragon knight retreated sharply, there was actually only a mess left in the long passage.

The engineering passage between the seventh floor and the thirteenth floor has disappeared, and the pipelines and ether circuits laid around the passage have been completely torn apart by unrivaled force, and they are just exposed to the outside, and some of them are broken from it. Here are sparks.

That channel extends all the way to the upper level of the fortress, and an opening is opened there. The second half of the channel has been completely opened by manpower, knocking open an unknown number of cabins, and then leading out of the fortress.

At this moment, in the eyes of Fang Plover, the dragon knight had already flown out and shrunk into a black spot outside the opening—all that happened in the blink of an eye.

It's just that the wolf girl in front of him and Sylwede still didn't say a word.

Miya only looked forward and raised her hand.

It was as if an invisible big hand was holding the dragon knight in mid-air. She withdrew her hand, and the unparalleled force directly crushed every bone on the dragon knight's body with a rattling sound. The opponent tried to resist, but the call The shadow of the dragon knight's outfit also turned into a faint blue flash under the huge force.

Then it disappeared.

Only then did the dragon knight show despair.

The girl pulled her hand back.

The dragon knight returned the same way, and even the huge force caused secondary damage to the fortress. The huge force first hit the outside of the fortress, causing a long mournful cry from the area between the seventh floor and the thirteenth floor on the north side of the fortress.

That was the sound of metal breaking, and the entire outer layer was indented at a strange angle, forming a hemispherical pit, and then centering on that opening, long corridors expanded in front of the square plovers one by one.

The dragon knight of the empire was dragged back in front of him without any resistance.

Because the whole process happened so fast.

So much so that the Osu people outside couldn't see what happened at all. They seemed to see that the fortress was cut open, and then the whole side of the fortress was sunken as if punched from the front, and then the upper layer of the fortress exploded. There are fires.

It seemed to be destroyed from the inside, and the flickering flames and magic sparks were rapidly spreading along the upper floors of half of the fortress.

The mobile fortress seems to be about to explode.

Its six pairs of legs completely lost power. First, the number one and number two feet on the north broke from it, and then collapsed. Then the entire fortress toppled towards the north, and fell into the direction of the noble district after a loud noise.

Set off smoke and dust nearly 1000 meters high.

Inside the fortress, there was quite an upheaval. During the entire overturning process, Fang Plover used his hands to protect his miss the captain. At this moment, his right hand was supporting a section of broken pipe, and the other left hand was holding Sylvaide from it. Pulled out of the ruins——

Sylviede was looking at him with shining eyes, but there was no expression on his face.

Fortunately, neither of them suffered any serious injuries.

But she still remembers everything that happened just now.

Fang Yan also saw with his own eyes that Miya dragged the dragon knight back without saying a word. He hurriedly turned around, only to find that the girl with pointed wolf ears was holding a star dagger in one hand——standing there. In the sloping corridor, the dragon knight of the empire prostrated in front of her without knowing his life or death.

The girl held the star dagger in one hand, looked down at the scene, and relaxed the other hand, the incomparable aura on her body was rapidly disappearing.

The shining light on her silver hair also quickly dimmed, and then she turned her head, the shadow of a young man was reflected in her eyes, and she said, "We meet again, Ed."

The sound was still so pleasant, rustling, like a string of bells.

Fang Plover almost returned to that moonlit night two years ago, he watched the girl standing there, elegant and unattainable.

But at that time, it wasn't the snow-white skin that was exposed, but the skin that was glowing with a layer of luster. The girl stood there, covering her body with her tail, but still couldn't hide the ups and downs of her chest——Ling Fang Plover He was so scared that he quickly looked away.

But Miya didn't mind, instead she smiled lightly, as if to remind him that he still looked the same after two years.

"Miss Miya, you..." Fang Yan asked with a hot face.

He has too many problems at the moment.

A myriad of threads, and so on.

Why did Miya appear here?
He has recognized the star dagger as one of the fragments of Hailin's crown. According to the community, she used the power of the star dagger to completely destroy the Covenant Mountain and disappeared after that.

Where did she go after that?
What kind of power did she use to come to him just now?

"To make a long story short," Miya stretched her hand behind her head, inserted it under her long hair and lightly flicked it, causing the silver waterfall to scatter down. She shook her head gracefully, "I used the power of the star dagger to keep him. People who have seen me, must not let him go, otherwise you and I will be in trouble."

Silvade stood pretty behind Fang Plover, without saying a word, just frowned at this scene.

Only then did Fang Yan look at the dragon knight, who had already died when it fell into Miya's hands. At this moment, the dragon knight was turning into bits of dissipated white light. The white light had already begun to gather, and Xinghui would choose the nearest temple to be resurrected.

But how he wants to keep Xinghui, he is not a shadow person.

But before he could speak, a soft voice came from above the three of them: "Brother Ed, use this."

Fang Plover looked in that direction unexpectedly, only to find that Jita appeared on top of the three of them leaning on the wall, and she threw a silver box next to the three of them, "What is this?" Miya looked at the delicate-looking asked the silver box.

But Fang Plover recognized the box, he had seen it in the northern border, and he had asked the believers of the Crow Claw Temple how to use it.He knew the origin of this box, picked it up and pointed at the corpse of the dragon knight.

A faint silver light was pulled out from the dragon knight's body, together with the scattered white light spots, it formed a stream of light and flowed into the silver box in Fang Plover's hand.Although Fang Plover had seen this box before, it was the first time he actually used it, and it was also the first time he saw such a scene.

Miya looked surprised at this scene, and then frowned seriously, "Ed, how did this thing come about? This is a forbidden method, you'd better not use it."

"This is not our thing," Fang Plover shook his head. "It should be the creation of a cultist. The soul of one of our friends was imprisoned in it. We just retrieved it."

He paused, "But right now, this is the only way to keep this person."

Miya nodded, she is not so rigid.

In fact, at this moment, she is being wanted by dozens of large guilds in the two worlds, and even the Super Sports League has blacklisted her. In theory, she will be prosecuted as soon as she returns to the star gate.

Unless there is a large political entity willing to provide her with refuge.

But she was actually on the wanted list as early as the first time she traveled through the world. As the saying goes, you don't have to worry about debts, so she doesn't care about it anymore.

"Give it to me," Miya said softly, "Anyway, I am already the witch who destroyed the Covenant Mountain, and I don't care about one more crime. The most important thing for us now is to leave this place. It is best not to Others see you with me."

Fang Plover actually has a lot to ask, and he probably knows why. The Witch of the Sea has done great things in the Second World, and now the Super Sports League advertises her as a traitor of the Chosen One, colluding with cultists.

Although, as always, the domestic Stargate Port has kept silent on this matter, since the super-sports league in the third division has not resumed normal operation, the information related to Colin-Ishurian is still not widely circulated.

Some people in the community say that the Sea Witch joined the Alliance of the Freechosen. The Battle of Covenant Mountain was the revenge of the former Freedom Alliance against Ragnarok, and it was also the revenge of the Freechosen against a large guild.

Many people think that the sea witch is on the side of justice, which is unexpected.

But even so, she couldn't openly appear in front of the public. At least the things she and others did on the Covenant Mountain were too sensational. They attacked the coalition forces and destroyed a floating island in the muddy domain, which made her offend the third division Too many stakeholders.

"Miss Miya," Fang Yan put away the silver box, finally calmed down, and asked, "You are here..."

"You guessed right," Miya nodded lightly, raised the star dagger in her hand and said, "I still relied on its power. The star dagger you gave me back then was also a fragment of Hailin crystal, which is related to the Hailin crown. From the same source, with the help of the power of Hailin crystal, people can be reborn, this is one of the few secrets I discovered from it back then."

As she spoke, she looked at the crystal in her hand, the star dagger had become dim since just now.

The Hailin crystal that has lost its power is no different from ordinary crystals. In order to find out the origin of Miss Tata, Fang Ploy has studied that star dagger many times.

Miya said again: "The last time I teleported, I didn't have any coordinates. The star crystal randomly projected me near the Longxiao Mountain Range, but when I teleported this time, I saw a little starlight from somewhere. I was also a little confused at first. , but immediately felt relieved, and thought of a possibility—”

Fang Plover already understood.

He does have some special connection with the wolf girl in front of him, that is the symbiosis of twins.

The stars of the two are closely connected to each other, and even a world cannot be separated. Before that, Miya had never had a premonition once when he encountered a crisis, and this time it was just as natural.

"So..." he asked, "You came to this place?"

"My grievances in the second world are over," Miya smiled, "Now I have almost become a public enemy, and I will eventually be arrested if I stay in the second world. Almost everyone is looking for me, and I can't hide It can be hunted down by the level of ten kings."

The witch was a little complacent, "But my other secret is only known to you, and the lady ship officer next to you."

She winked at Fang Plover playfully, "Ed, Miss Sylwede, do you still remember that I said I would give you a present?"

Fang Plover was dumbfounded.

And Miya was looking at the noble daughter, and Sylvaide's eyes were also falling on her. Neither of them spoke, but Fang Plover always felt a little timid for a moment, and he always felt that he might be in big trouble.

Tata also shrank back on the top, holding her magic book in her hand, thinking of the warnings from her future self.

Watch out for the stars—

But the girl couldn't help but wonder, would she really look like that in the future? She looked down at her chest.

"All in all," Fang Yan coughed dryly, intending to resolve the awkward atmosphere, and now that they were trapped under the ruins of this fortress, it was not the time to discuss these—he called Alesha a few times in his heart, but The dragon queen has never been heard from.

"We have to leave this place first," he said, "There is a teleportation device in this fortress, and the core is nearby."

"Don't be so troublesome," Miya shook her head, looked at the star dagger in her hand, her eyes shifted, and fell on Fang Plover again, and asked with some expectation: "Ed, do you still keep the star dagger I gave you on the boat?" ?”


Fang Plover blushed, but he kept the star dagger because of Miss Tata, not...

But if he could say these words, it would only get darker and darker.

But Miya saw his expression already understood, couldn't help but smiled knowingly, shook her ears and said: "There is still some residual power in the Hailin crystal, I have already thought about everything before I came, let me come Send you away."

This witch of the sea has always been vigorous and resolute, and she did what she said. She raised the crystal, and the star dagger in her hand emitted a hazy light again.

But wait a minute.

Fang Plover turned pale with fright. He didn't think there was anything wrong with Miya's plan itself, but the members of the Seven Seas Brigade were not only here but also on the ship. He couldn't help being shocked and shouted:

"Wait, Miss Miya."

Miya looked up at him, a hint of confusion flashed in her eyes, but once the ritual spell was activated, she obviously didn't wait for the saying.

A hazy light has diffused from the crystal, and at the same time drowned the three of them, as well as Jita not far away, leaving only a somewhat exasperated voice on the spot:

"Jita, where is Luo Yu?"

"Huh? He, he is with Miss Laila..."

Then the light swallowed everything, together with the body of the dragon knight, disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, a strong cyan flash erupted on the Seven Seas Traveler above Einbrok, and in that flash, it disappeared over the city together with the entire ship.

... (end of this chapter)

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