Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1067 Scene 394 2 ladies

An Isthian ring-toothed stag beetle was strolling through the cold and humid forest, sometimes using its huge and complex compound eye system to stare at the huge thing in the air that it couldn't understand. A set of footsteps was stepping on the layer. The layers of fallen leaves made a crisp sound from far to near, and a line of humans appeared at the far end of its field of vision.

The so-called stag beetle was actually only about ten meters away. At that distance, Tian Lan actually noticed the big bug at a glance. The scales on the cuticle shone colorfully in the sun, but Alyssa stretched out her hand and pulled it away. replied her.

The latter pointed at the chalky rock sleeping there. It was a mimic stone-patterned beast. Although this twenty-something creature is herbivorous, it is ferocious and irritable by nature, and has a strong sense of territory. .There was not just one such creature there, but a whole tribe.

"Oh," Tian Lan said, looking in that direction, "Sister Muppet has pointed me over there a long time ago and told me not to get too close."

"I didn't see it."

"Didn't you notice just now?" Miss Poet stuck out her tongue.

She let go of the armadillo's distant relative. Twenty or so level creatures were nothing to the group, but no one wanted to cause unnecessary trouble, not to mention Stargate didn't want the Chosen One to do anything to Aitaria. The non-magical ecology is wreaked havoc.

Fang Yu naturally also noticed those rare creatures. Normally, he might stop and observe for a long time, using a pen and information crystal to record the habitat and ecology of these rarely seen creatures, but now his attention All his strength was concentrated on the Seven Seas Traveler in mid-air, and he couldn't care about anything else.

No wonder Miss Tata is worried that they will not find this place. This canyon goes more than ten kilometers deep into the forest. The stretching valley is like two folds on a green platform in the vast forest. This should be part of the Fengsha Mountains. , the mountain towering into the clouds is located in the north of the empire, and this valley is only the end of its extension.

From here you can only see the shadow of the mountain range on the horizon, looking like a lonely giant watching from a distance.

More than a dozen juxtaposed valleys form the landscape of this forest. Further north is the outer sea of ​​Hanruina. Pearl-like island chains are scattered along the outer edge of Xinta'an. There is almost no snow in the north of the empire all year round, even in the cold winter storms. It is also lush and lush, but the low temperature creates a unique ecological environment here.

There are no warm and humid low jungles like those in the southern part of the empire. There are only tall trees growing in the valley, some towering into the clouds. The trunks are almost petrified and the crowns are towering. It reminds Fang Plover of the redwoods on the earth. However, these trees seem to be still young. To be more ancient -

After passing through the sea of ​​trees, no one has set foot in the northern part of the empire all year round. The layers of valleys make adventurers who search here in vain. If there is an obelisk located here, the selectors of the first division cannot find it. It is also a matter of course.

Naturally, it was difficult for them to find the Seven Seas Traveler that was stranded here.

The ship of the Seven Seas Brigade is huge compared to the ring-tooth stag beetle, but it is nothing in the aerospace ship. The Hailin Crystal seems to have opened a portal in the south of the valley, allowing the Seven Seas Traveler to appear from there. , after crashing into a giant tree head-on, it fell towards the middle of the valley.

Miss Tata saved the ship at the last moment, preventing the ship from hitting the mountain wall. In the end, it hung on the vines between two giant trees. Two masts were broken, and one of them hung upside down on the giant tree. Halfway up the tree.

Trees in the cold zone naturally don't have any aerial roots. They should be some kind of creeping plants. They crisscrossed to form a large net, which encircled the Seven Seas Traveler like a hammock. Fortunately, the Seven Seas Traveler was not further damaged.

Miya raised her head and watched this scene, her long ears twitched, and even the silver fluff on them shook. She only thought that the Hailin crystal could teleport, but she did not expect that this would happen; but our Hailin The witch girl carefully chose to close her mouth and looked at this scene with her silver eyes coldly——

Just like when she was at the Elf Ruins, she didn't know how to communicate with Fang Plover at that time, so she could only pretend to be cold.

Fortunately, Fang Plover didn't intend to blame anyone.

That was the best choice under the circumstances.

Sylvide, on the other hand, looked at the former, as if she noticed something, with a hint of amusement in her eyes.

There is a rope net hanging from the Seven Seas Traveler. Tianlan and the others probably came down from there. In fact, the condition of the ship is nothing to Fang Plover. There are spare materials on the ship, and the mast can also be temporarily reinforced. It is really practical if it is repaired. It won't take a few days.

But Miss Tata said that the state of the Seven Seas Traveler was a little weird, and he couldn't figure out what was weird now.

But soon, the boatswain appeared in that direction.

Baggins had obviously been monitoring the direction of the valley. When he saw them appearing, he appeared on the deck as soon as possible, waved to them from the side of the ship, and threw another rope ladder from the deck.

Miss Big Catman's doll also appeared on the deck. She climbed down from the rope ladder neatly and came to them. Only then did Fang Plovor realize that Miss Tata was also sitting on the shoulders of Miss Catman.After the reunion, he couldn't help but be a little surprised when he looked at his fairy lady.

"Miss Tata."

"Mr. Knight." Tata also flew up and looked at him.

Although the condition of the Seven Seas Traveler was not very good, Miss Longhun still maintained her usual calmness and said: "The damage to the Seven Seas Traveler was not serious. It only broke the main and auxiliary masts when the impact occurred, but I checked Most of the pipes are intact, but the core crystal cannot be activated."

"The core crystal cannot be activated?" Fang Yu was full of doubts.

The main core crystal and magic engine are the most important parts of the floating ship. Unless they are directly attacked, these two parts will rarely malfunction.Generally speaking, there will be problems with the pipelines everywhere on the ship. As an aerospace ship carrying the Fairy Heart, the structure of the Seven Seas Traveler is even more complicated, so it is not impossible to be paralyzed and stranded.

At least that's what he came prepared for.

However, Miss Tata, as a dragon soul, could not make mistakes. She said that the pipeline was intact, which was enough to rule out the possibility of this part of the fault.So in that case, is there something wrong with the magic engine itself?
But Tata still shook his head: "There is no problem with the magic engine, Mr. Knight."

"So what exactly is going on?" Fang Yu became interested. There could be no problem with the core crystal itself, unless it completely fell apart, but he couldn't think of that possibility.

What's more, if such a situation really happened, it would be impossible for Ms. Tata to not say anything about it.

Miss Goblin pondered for a while, then shook her head: "I'm not sure, Mr. Knight, but the main core crystal seems to have been affected by some kind of influence and changed its nature, and some things grew on it, but I can't analyze their origin. "

"Something has grown?" Fang Yu was startled.

However, the goblin lady had already seen the wolf girl beside her, and couldn't help but stop and look at the latter quietly.

Miya's eyes, like twinkling stars, naturally fell on her.

Fang Yu had not noticed the abnormality between the two, and was still immersed in the technical issues, saying to himself: "The change in nature, could it be said that the Hailin crystal has affected the main core crystal of the Seven Seas Traveler? It shouldn't be, It's been sitting there for so long..."

Miya looked at Tata, but suddenly asked: "Are you...?"

Tata was silent for a moment, then nodded quietly: "Miss Miya, I have seen you before."

Miya was not surprised. After all, she had held the star dagger for a long time. She 'handed' the Hailin Crystal to Fang Plover in a special way, but she didn't know that there was such a special person sleeping inside. The dragon soul.

She already knew Tata's origin, but this was the first time she saw him. She had met Fang Plover after the battle on Fenris Island, but Tata deliberately avoided it at that time.

She had a fate with that star dagger, and it could also be said that she had a shared time with Tata.

Together they traveled through many seas of stars.

He went to the second world, and then returned to Aitalia due to changes, and finally handed 'her' into Fang Plover's hands.Tata once talked about his previous master, and later Fang Plover found out that he was actually referring to Miya.

Miya thought for a moment and then said quietly: "For Anya, I am not a competent master. I brought her out of the underground of Eldron just because she needed a competent weapon. .”

"Later, I took it across the sea of ​​​​stars to another world, and experienced many things. After encountering changes, it was the dagger that gave me a second chance to start over. Later, I handed it to Ed, You then wake up..."

"I failed Anya, but Ed did not fail you, Miss Tata. This is the only thing I feel lucky about-"

Tata nodded quietly.

Anya is the name of the star dagger, the carrier she once slept in. During that journey, she has been sleeping in the sea forest crystal, leaving only some specious memories.

But she still remembers the journey.

That journey was not as profound as the one she took with Fang Plover later, and there was no Mr. Knight guarding her, but it was still a part of her journey.

But Tata raised her head and looked at Miya with some confusion: "Miss Miya, but before that, I have seen you before."

Miya looked surprised and raised her eyebrows slightly. She was already a beauty, and this expression only made her beauty more vivid.

She couldn't help but ask: "Before that? I only remember buying Anya from a dwarf, but at that time I had not yet gone to the second world, and had just obtained the title of Sea Witch. Tata, in I was still in BBK before that, and I have no memory of you from that point forward."

But Miss Goblin shook her head and seemed a little confused.

She vaguely remembered those memories, but like many of her previous memories, the time seemed messed up. Obviously something happened at that time point, but she couldn't remember them all clearly.

Only then did Fang Biao recover from the world of technology, and noticed the problems of the two of them. He looked at the star dagger that the puppet brought down from the Seven Seas Traveler. There are some scars from that time, after all, that is also part of the memory.

And this star dagger was obtained from Miss Miya. She was the previous owner of this dagger. It is not surprising that she is familiar with Tata, but what does Miss Tata mean?

She said she had met Miya earlier?

Did you mean before the silver-haired wolf girl took her to the second world, or earlier?
Like when the fire in El Pashin happened?
But Fang Yu frowned and shook his head subconsciously. That happened 50 years ago. At that time, not to mention the Star Gate, he and Miya were not even born yet.

Even if she later bought the star dagger from the dwarf and took it to the second world, and then the Mount Covenant incident happened, it was already at least five years ago.

Fang Yu knew that from the loss of the Hailin Crown in the fire, to the disappearance of Miss Tata as Dragon Soul No. [-], to her being sealed in one of the fragments of the Hailin Crystal, what would happen to his Dragon Soul Miss? Said there was a complete blank in the memory.

During this period of history, many things, big and small, happened in Kaulin-Ithurion.

From the Dragon Witch Rebellion, to the Battle of Bain, and then to the Covenant Mountain Incident, the last ones who took over the Hailin Crystal were Farif and Atush, as well as other scholars from the Silver Tower who had perished in the sea of ​​fire. But one who took over after that blank history.

It should be that dwarf trader.

Beyond that is Miya.

And what happened in between? Will Hailin Crystal have another owner before that?
These questions cannot be answered, and the dwarf merchant and Miya are undoubtedly the biggest clues.

But now Miss Tata gave another clue.

She had met Mia before.

And the timeline should be before Miya obtains the star dagger Anya from the dwarf trader.

This is getting interesting.

Fang Yu couldn't help but frown and speculate on what kind of secrets were hidden in this. One of the many purposes of his trip was to help Miss Tata find her life experience and retrieve her lost memories.At present, the memory about the Silver Tower is almost clear after the trip to the Northern Province, and the memory after she awakened from the Zero Crystal is naturally also clear. The only thing missing is the period of history lost after the fire. .

In Fang Yu's view, that must be the most critical clue behind this fog.

But he obviously couldn't guess the reason, and Miya on the side couldn't give any useful clues either. Compared to Fang Plover, she knew less about Miss Goblin. Even if she bought the dagger, it was already many years ago. Old things.

She could remember everything about the dwarf trader because she investigated it afterwards. But what Eldron is most in need of are dwarves, and there are tens of thousands of them. If you want to find out among them, Specific one is easier said than done.

Alyssa saw the three of them fell into silence and couldn't help but remind her: "Miss Tata's origin is important, but right now, should we give priority to more practical issues, such as our current situation and how the Seven Seas Traveler should fly? some type of?"

Only then did Fang Zhi realize it.

Tata also came back to his senses and said apologetically: "Mr. Knight, we are digressing. I am just bringing you the current situation of the main core crystal. That is beyond the scope of my knowledge. I suggest you read it first. look."

Fang Yu nodded, although he was a little surprised that there were things in this world that Miss Goblin bluntly said he didn't understand. Miss Goblin stored an entire Silver Library in her mind, which was accumulated by the Silver Tower for thousands of years.

She had incomplete memory in the past, but since recovering her memory, there is very little knowledge in the mortal world that she does not understand.

He was aroused curiosity, and wanted to see what happened to the main core crystal, so that Miss Tata would be confused.

Craftsmen are never afraid of the unknown.

They only worry about the unknown.

The Seven Seas Traveler is very high from the ground, so the group can only return along the rope ladder.

Fortunately, for other people who are familiar with Kukai's life, this is not a troublesome matter. Miss Catman was the first to climb up the rope net and moved flexibly.

Of all the people, Miya herself didn't have to worry so much. She is a adaptable person to the wind element. She would have no problem flying directly up to this height. But for some reason, this wolf girl who behaved a little coldly in front of everyone didn't know what she meant. I just want to follow Fang Plover.

Sylvide said: "I'm afraid this rope ladder can't carry so many people. It's better for Miss Miya to go up alone first."

"I can wait for you and Miss Muppet to go up first."

Sylvide smiled: "No need, Miss Miya invites you first."

Miya looked at her: "Miss Sylvide, are you afraid of heights? How about I take you up?"

Sylvester smiled slightly but did not answer.

Fang Plover's scalp was numb, and he quickly said to the two of them: "I'll just take Sylvide up."

He stretched out his hand, and the ship officer smiled happily and put her hand on his.

Fang Lu put one hand around the waist of his ship officer, and did not dare to look back. He just fired a rocket flying fist directly towards the side of the ship.

Miya watched the scene and didn't refute, just followed and flew up.

Only the others were left staring.

Tian Lan poked Miss Scholar's arm from the side and looked up at the scene: "It's so troublesome for you to hold two magic books, why don't you let Brother Ed take you to the end?"

Jita was startled, holding the book in her hand and shaking her head hurriedly, blushing so much that the top of her head was about to emit white smoke, "No, no need," she didn't dare to stay longer, for fear that Tianlan would say more careless words, It made her feel ashamed, and hurriedly flew up with the book in her hand.

"Levitation Technique," Tianlan clicked her tongue, "Give me another one too."

Alyssa glared at her angrily: "How about I take you up?"

"Ah," Miss Poet hurriedly shook her head. Among all the people on the boat, except for Etila, the only one she dared not offend was Miss Nightingale. "No need, I'll go up by myself."

"Then don't hurry up."

Miss Nightingale rolled her eyes angrily.

Fang Luo landed on the deck with Sylvester. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that Sylvester looked at him with a playful look. The noble daughter lay softly on him and blew on his neck as if she was playing a prank. gas.

Exhale like blue.

His head was buzzing.

Although the two of them have lived together since their relationship was officially established, in fact they have not taken a step further since that night. After all, he has not met Sir Ma Wei yet, and he still hopes to bring his ship officer with him. The young lady found her father first.

That's his promise.

But since Miya's arrival, things have changed.

The noble daughter deliberately wore flimsy pajamas several times and gave him hints with her seductive eyes. As a young man with strong blood, he might not be able to bear it——

Although this made Fang Yu feel pain and happiness, he was also vaguely aware of the sense of crisis in his ship officer. He didn't know how to explain to her that in fact, he and Miss Miya were just friends.

At best, it was just some unrealistic expectations at that time.

Fortunately, Miss Miya seems to be normal now, but she likes to tease her ship officer a little too much. Sylvide is still calm in other aspects, but in this matter, she is tit for tat and does not move an inch. let.

Miya landed on the deck just one step behind the two of them. She looked at the two people leaning against each other with a smile not far away. She turned her head and looked at Dalil and Tianlan climbing up from below, but she didn't think so. The look of interest.

When the others climbed onto the deck, Baggins naturally saw the pretty wolf girl standing aside.

He couldn't help but take a second look at Fang Plover. Sylvide was the object of his allegiance and the daughter of that person, but for the upper class society in Aitalia, this kind of erotic history was really nothing.Just like Sir Mawei only has one wife, but he also has several lovers. Sylvide naturally understands this, but that still does not prevent her from admiring and admiring her father.

Although Fang Plover himself was the selector, the boatswain was not, and he only gave the latter a knowing look.

Fang Plover couldn't laugh or cry.

This matter is getting darker and darker, and the key is actually Miss Nightingale's jealousy. Not many people on the ship knew about the past between him and Miya, but they didn't know where Alyssa got the news.

And if she knows, it means everyone on the ship knows.

Ji Ta and Tian Lan were initially doubtful about this matter, but when they saw Miya with their own eyes and saw that the sea witch showed no objection at all, they couldn't help but become suspicious.

Moreover, there were so many women on the ship, and Sylvide's figure was not much different from that of this wolf girl. She did not wear other people's clothes, but only wore Fang Plover's clothes. This really made people think wildly.

Not to mention Alyssa, even Jita now firmly believes that their leader and the sea witch had an unbearable past. At least more than [-] words have been generated in the little mind of this scholar lady. The eight o'clock segment.

It's just that she was holding a book and following behind the three of them, blushing a little.

Faced with all these situations, Fang Plover was unable to explain, or simply didn't explain. He shamelessly turned a blind eye to the boatswain's gaze, and only took Miss Tata off the deck, heading to the main core cabin to see the Fairy. What happened to the core crystal in the heart.

When they pushed open the door to the central control cabin, Fang Plover saw at a glance the magic engine that had been turned on and the Guy generator beside it. Everything seemed to be normal, just as he guessed. Same.

When the impact occurred, the heavily protected place did not suffer much impact. Everything seemed in order, except for the exposed core crystal under the open hatch of the magic engine - to be precise, it was the Fairy Heart. On top, a patch of 'white frost' appeared.

But that is obviously not a real 'white frost', but a derivative on crystals. This derivative is very common in those magic mineral layers. It may be just a simple crystallization reaction, or it may be caused by magic dispersion. .

But the type that Fang Yu saw now was obviously different from anything he knew.

He gently touched the layer of derivatives with his hand, only to find that the layer of silver derivatives did not grow from the crystal, but was suspended on the surface of the crystal like a layer of mist. He reached out and touched it. The mist will disperse automatically.

But this kind of phenomenon only lasted for a moment, and the 'mist' quickly gathered back again. When Fang Yu saw this scene, he immediately understood that it was this layer of 'mist' that prevented the crystal from starting. It should isolate the inside and outside of the crystal. Ether flows normally.

How could this be so?
Fang Yu was slightly startled. He finally understood what Miss Tata meant. He had never heard of such a thing. If there is something that can prevent the magic crystal from connecting with the ethernet vein, then for It is undoubtedly a major discovery for Aitalia.

Because this means that this 'substance' may have an immeasurable impact on the aerospace ship, but the outside world has never heard of this kind of thing, which only means that they may be the first individual or group to discover this situation. .

"So what exactly is this...?"

Fang Yan couldn't help muttering to himself.

But after all, he is different from Miss Tata, Miss Tata does not have a physical body, she just checks all the equipment on the Seven Seas Traveler with her own knowledge and the induction of the Seven Seas Traveler.

But the first time Fang Yu saw the condition of the Fairy Heart, he actually thought that the changes on the Seven Seas Traveler might have nothing to do with the Hailin Crystal, because the layer of mist had obviously always existed here, and it was free from the Fairy Heart. Outside the heart.

If it is true that the Hailin Crystal caused a change in the Fairy's Heart when it traveled through space, then that change should have been completed in a short period of time. In other words, it should be directly reflected in the Fairy's Heart, rather than as it is now. This is more like an 'environment'.

He immediately thought that maybe there was something in the valley that caused the Seven Seas Traveler to undergo such changes.

Miss Tata can only rely on herself or the power of the Seven Seas Traveler to explore the surroundings. The Seven Seas Traveler is now stranded in the sky. Naturally, she cannot conduct a detailed exploration of the valley. Others, whether it is Alisa, Baggins or Shesta doesn't have such ability.

Naturally, the structures that can be relied upon on the Seven Seas Traveler cannot handle such precise work. Most of them are just combat structures, not exploration equipment.

But he is different.

Fang Yu immediately stood up and said to the others: "Let's go take a look in the nearby valley. In the past few days, have you noticed anything unusual between this valley and other places?"

He was obviously asking this question for Baggins, Sky Blue, and Alyssa who were staying on the Seven Seas Traveler.

... (end of this chapter)

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