Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1068, Scene 395: Farewell to the Past

"Abnormal?" Tian Lan was the first to shake his head, "What abnormality can there be in this valley? Brother Ed, it's just those scary big trees. Except for those chubby guys below, there aren't even any bigger birds in the valley. No," she said in a longer tone, "I've been bored to death these days. Fortunately, Miss Tata asked us to come out to find you."

However, Miss Poet's description was obviously not trustworthy enough. Fang Plover looked at Tata and Dalil beside him.Although Baggins is experienced as a boatswain and has been to many places, he is not good at the mysterious field and does not understand things related to ether and magic furnace.

Among the people on the ship, the most trustworthy ones are his own Miss Dragon Soul and the puppet who is the Templar Knight Commander.

But all three of them shook their heads. If there was anything unusual in this valley, it was probably a little quieter.This place is far away from the border of the empire, and after passing through the sea of ​​gray trees, they have already left the novice area. The forest in the cold wind is filled with all kinds of animals, strange monsters, and magical beasts. They have been walking along that area these days. Searching around the camp, we encountered battles more than once.

Just outside the valley, there is a group of owl-feathered bears living in the northern area, but these ferocious and territorial magical creatures seem to deliberately ignore the valley and have never broken into the valley.

Just as Tianlan said, the valley seemed too secluded and not normal.

Of course, this could also be a coincidence.

But too many coincidences will inevitably lead to suspicion.

After listening to the boatswain's description of the past few days, Fang Yu came to a conclusion. Due to the shortage of manpower on the Seven Seas Traveler, Miss Tata did not send anyone to explore the valley. Only Alyssa took the lead based on her personal interest. Nini searched inside for a while, but she couldn't get enough of it.

When he asked about that matter, Alyssa thought for a moment and replied: "Nini and I went a distance to the north, only about two or three miles. The situation there was actually similar to here. It was deep and quiet, like a scene in a movie. Set in a bottle.”

She seemed to have thought of something, frowned and said, "At that time, Nini and I didn't go too deep into the matter due to limited time, but now that I think about it, there is indeed something fishy about it."

When she heard someone calling her name, Nini emerged sleepily from Miss Nightingale's long hair, rubbing her eyes and looking at everyone. When she found Fang Plover, her eyes lit up and she quickly reached out her hand, very happy The ground shouted: "Papa hug!"

She flew out, and Fang Plover raised his hand, letting the little guy fall into his palm, and teased the other person's little face with his fingers.Nini sat in his hand and dodged around, giggling.

Everyone else was not surprised. Only Miya looked at this scene with some surprise and asked:

"Ed, what is this?"

It was only then that Fang Yan remembered that the other party had never met Nini, and he forgot to mention it, so he raised his hand and introduced, "Miss Miya, this is Nini."

He couldn't tell where Nini came from.

But he did want to hear the other party's opinion.

Miss Miya is the Witch of the Sea. This is a fact that he has long known. She had been famous for a long time before he sneaked behind the Star Gate. She was once one of those legendary beings with layers of halo.

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a being on the level of a boss or a great god in the community, or that she is a 'goddess' that many people look forward to.

Of course, Fang Yu never thought that he would be related to such a legend. It was during his first adventure career. At that time, he managed to survive the conflict at the legendary level and became a chess piece. Way to get acquainted with this sea witch.

After that, a twin union connected their stars to each other.

From then on, there was an inexplicable relationship between the two.

To be honest, he himself couldn't tell how he should get along with this 'witch' in the eyes of outsiders. Perhaps it was precisely because of this that Sylvide did not object too much - the two of them shared the same principle. life.

Miss Ship Officer knew this very well.

The former's heart was obviously much bigger than hers, and he settled down in the Seven Seas Troupe quite contentedly, with no intention of leaving for a while.

Fang Plover couldn't help but think of 'R''s evaluation of this sea witch, sloppy, even a little reckless, or in the eyes of outsiders, he acted a little eclectic.

But no matter what, as the Witch of the Sea, the other party's knowledge is definitely a level higher than theirs. After all, he has been to the second world, witnessed the struggle between the upper echelons of the Super Competitive Alliance, and witnessed the fight between the big guilds. of intrigue.

Those rumors circulating outside, everything that is difficult to tell whether it is true or false to outsiders, may not be complicated to her.This has nothing to do with whether it is excellent or not, it is just because of different information channels and perspectives.

In fact, the same is true for Su Changfeng and Bai Jia. Stargate Port in the third division has official channels.

That is also an important source of information for the Seven Seas Brigade, but the other party has reservations after all, and it is impossible to tell everything to them. In the final analysis, the relationship between the Seven Seas Brigade and Stargate Port is more like an employment relationship.

Therefore, Miya's presence here is actually an unexpected source of information for them.

Fang Yu thought for a moment, then briefly told the relationship between Nini and the Dragon Witch and its origins.

Miya's eyes flashed slightly after hearing this, showing a look of surprise, "This is very special. I have never heard of anything like this happening to you, Ed." In fact, it's not like no one in Aitaria can contract two dragon souls at the same time. But that's nothing like this.

The artificial dragon soul is unknown and is more like an operating system than an intelligent soul.Under such circumstances, there are also a few people who contracted natural dragon souls the day after tomorrow and became double dragon soul dragon knights.

On the other hand, it is impossible for a sky knight with a natural dragon soul to successfully attach an artificial dragon soul without exception.

It is generally believed that a dragon soul with intelligence is repulsive to another autonomous soul that shares a contract with it. However, the situation in Fang Plover is obviously unique. Although it is still difficult to say clearly whether Miss Goblin is an artificial soul or not. Dragon Soul--

But at least one thing is certain.

That is, other artificial dragon souls obviously do not have such high perfection as hers.

And Nini's origin is even more unique. Most of the natural dragon souls have existed in this world for a long time. Even when they were alive, they were extraordinary species with powerful power and almost endless life. The typical example of them is the dragon.

Or dragon-like creatures.

This is also where Dragon Soul got its name.

Although Kenini was most likely born from the Ring of Golden Flame with the power of Nicol Bolas, she was truly a new life.

She was born after the trial in the Hall of Thousand Doors. Fang Plover remembered it very clearly, and she was still related to the dark crystal. Not long after that, Nicol Bolas fought with him on the Elfendor Spire. .

If Nini is Nicol Bolas, then it is obviously impossible for two Nicol Bolas to exist in this world at the same time.

And about that pitch black crystal.

Later, after talking to Friston, he also figured out its origin. The "dark element" described in the Dragon Witch's Power is not actually an element in the true sense, but what is left after all elements disappear. The void is the dead silence after losing the starlight.

It is annihilation.

And that is most likely a shadow man, a nightmare creature, the source of dark power.

The elemental crystal he created with the help of Nini's hand in the Hall of Thousand Doors may indicate that there is some connection between Nini and the dark dragon, but it is also inevitable that she was born from the Ring of Golden Flame. middle.

Miya has naturally heard of the story of the Dragon Witch. In fact, every Kaolin and chosen person born in Kaolin should be familiar with this legend.

"This reminds me of something." She said, "But it has something to do with the origin of the dark dragon."

Nini also looked up at her. Although she didn't understand what the 'adults' said, she could tell that they were talking about her.

According to legend, giant dragons already existed above the sea of ​​clouds in Etalia, and their ethnic group came from the descendants of Bahamut, who had not yet fallen in the era of Cintas, and their descendants. The first dark dragons betrayed their father and fell into darkness.

The power of darkness permeated their scales and wings, turning them into craggy monsters, growing wings like gargoyles. Cursed flames burned through their bodies, burning out the golden flames in their pupils. And the poisonous fire in the breath.

This is the golden flame that fell into the dust, coming from the fire of sin. Bahamut placed a curse on the betrayers, making them suffer forever and not be able to use the great power, inheritance and magic hidden in the dragon's bloodline.

Later, dusk fell, the saints fell one by one, the Sintas dynasty collapsed, and the dark dragon also disappeared.

People only recorded the war - the first disaster - from the stone tablets left by the Snake Man Empire, and recorded the names of the seven dragons who were the first to betray during the war. They were the original dark dragons.

The leader is none other than the Dark Dragon King Lifgard.

Later, a long era passed, and the surviving snake-men kingdoms divided each other and fought endlessly. During this era, the lizard-men became independent and established their own empire. Later, the elves emerged from the Holy White Forest, and the two nations on the earth became independent. Duan Wenming complements each other.

The Elf King's Court at the top of the twin trees stands side by side with the Great Council recording the stars in the rainforest.

This era will end until the advent of green and the beginning of the second disaster.

Those are actually histories that everyone is familiar with, but Miya said: "The original seven dragons and their descendants are called the original dark dragons because they have pure blood and are the first batch of darkness transformed by the power of darkness. Dragon.”

"They were almost immortal. They came back many times during the first war, leaving behind various legends. They disappeared together after the war. People speculated that the dark dragon and the evil star disappeared together. Jing Jing Waiting for the time of return.”

"Later, when the greenery came, the prophecy came true, and the dark dragon returned to our world, and was killed by humans one by one in the dragon war."

Starting from the first dragon king, Lifgard, to the last dragon, Helltongue, for nearly 700 years, mortals and fairies made an oath together, holding the holy sword blessed by the dragon king, and drank the dragon's blood.

Fang Yu also heard similar stories from the Oath Keepers, and he nodded.

At this time, the wind happened to rise in the valley. The wind passed through the open lower deck and blew Miya's hair like a layer of silver yarn. Her long pointed ears also moved. The surrounding area was quiet for a while, except for the wind. The voice of the valley told her quietly:
"In addition to the original dark dragons, there are also second-generation dark dragons in this world. They are also those who were bewitched by darkness and fell. Ed, you have met Toragothos, the master of Fenris Island. It is That’s true.”

"But the second generation of dark dragons are generally weak, because they are not real dark dragons. The greenery has been shattered in the era of their birth. They are just puppets corrupted by their remaining dark will."

"The original dark dragon has long since died after the Dragon War, and all those who still exist in the world today are the second generation of dark dragons."

"But what does this have to do with Nini?" Ms. Scholar held her magic book in hand and couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

“The biggest difference between the original dark dragon and the second generation dark dragon is that the former is favored by the power of darkness. They have already returned to that world after betraying Bahamut, and death just makes them return to death. "Miya replied: "But as long as there is an opportunity, they will resurrect from the ashes, resurrected in the dark flames, just like golden flames falling into dust, golden pupils rekindling from the fire, and then the shadows will return and return to our eyes. World, this is the origin of that prophecy——"

"That's why the goblins forged five holy swords with mortals, and the dragon king blessed them. Then the mortals drank the blood of the dark dragon king, and with the power of the same source, they turned themselves into monsters, holding the holy sword. Kill him."

"Thus, the true end of these immortal monsters is announced."

Fang Yu thought of something first. "Wait a minute, Miss Miya, do you mean the real end?"

The old enemy will surely return from the darkness. The Oath Keepers drank the blood of the Dragon King and turned themselves into the monster's vessel. Therefore, the Dragon Witch was born seven centuries later.

So what is the monster born from the body of the Oath Keepers?
"Mortals used the five holy swords blessed by the Dragon King and drank the dragon's blood to finally kill the seven original dragons, and they did not hesitate to turn themselves into monsters, but the second generation dark dragon was far weaker than this Much, far less powerful than the original dragon."

"In the story of the Dragon Witch, the hero Yoshid was just a mortal, and he did not turn into a monster. He only defeated Nicol Bolas with the holy sword Garapea."

Miya said: "In the eyes of the outside world, the dark dragon transformed by the Oath Keepers is not the original dragon. Otherwise, the war ended by the Oath Keepers sacrificing themselves would not be a futile cycle, and the dragon war will never end. day."

"But about that legend——"

"I used to think that the legends were just lies." The wolf girl looked at Nini with rare doubts in her eyes and said, "Many prophecies circulated in this world have never been fulfilled. The story of the return of the former enemy should actually be proved in the green Before it came, it was just passed down to this day.”

"Since the five holy swords were forged and the dark dragons were killed one by one, the story should have come to an end."

"But Nini..." she paused, "The resurrection of the dark dragon is the birth of dark flames from an extinguished ashes, just like the rekindling of golden flames in dust, from the former's withered body. It burns blazingly, and a new self is born from the dark flames——"

"Nini gave birth to herself from the power of Nicol Bolas, which is almost exactly the same as the rebirth of the legendary dark dragon. The second generation of dark dragons do not have such inheritance power. Their decline is their true decline. ."

"Wait a minute, you said Nini is the original dark dragon?" Tian Lan was startled and said in surprise: "But she doesn't look evil at all."

"This is just my guess," Miya shook her head and said, "There are only two kinds of dark dragons in this world. The latter is transformed and fallen from a giant dragon, while the former can only be obtained from the corpse, power and soul of the dark dragon. Resurrection."

"Nini was born from the Ring of Golden Flame, and the Ring of Golden Flame sealed the soul and power of Nicol Bolas, but she does not look like a dark dragon, and she is not even a dark dragon. Dragon, but a dragon soul with the power of the original dark dragon."

She looked at Fang Plover, "There must be some unknown incident happening here."

Fang Yu immediately thought of everything that happened underground in Idus.

Now it seems that the birth of Nicol Bolas should be related to the Dragon King Lifgard. If Nicol Bolas's soul and power come from part of the seal of the Dark Dragon King, is the birth of Nini also related to this? Woolen cloth?
If Nini was born from the power of Lifgard, then her identity as the first generation of dark dragons is natural, but what about the will in the underground seal of Idus? The original dark dragon In each generation of dragons, only one will will be born.

If there was Nini, how could Lifgard still exist?

He looked at the little dot in his hand, and couldn't help but think of the prophecy again - the dead enemy will surely return; according to Miss Mia, Nicol Bolas's second-generation dark dragon is actually not considered a No more than a dead enemy.

The original dark dragon is the mortal enemy of mortals. If Nini can be regarded as the original dark dragon, then the prophecy has indeed been fulfilled. The power of the dark dragon has resurrected seven centuries later and has come to the world again. in this world.

But how could Nini be everyone's enemy?
Fang Yu quickly shook this ridiculous thought out of his mind. He suddenly remembered that Miya's words were not true. This sea witch only understood the part he knew. Now Lifgard's remnant soul had left the seal.

Although the remaining soul has lost most of its power, it is hard to say whether it is the Dragon King of Darkness who has returned to the world, but on the other side, his daughter Alesha has also recovered, and she is a genuine woman. offspring of the dark dragon.

After the death of the Dragon King, she became the queen of the dark dragon.

However, Mia's words gave him a wake-up call. In the past, he had always believed that Nini was born from the Ring of Golden Flame and came from the soul and power of Nicol Bolas, but he had never compared her with the first generation of dark giants. Dragon connection.

If Nini herself is not actually another Nicol Bolas, then it is a matter of course that she and Nicol Bolas exist at the same time.

After the Battle of Dollifon, Nicol Bolas's power was actually divided into three. The power that originally belonged to him had been destroyed in the Elfendor Spire, and the remaining part remained in Lady Misu. As for the remaining part located in the ring of golden flames, it now seems to have been completely absorbed by Nini.

Then, with the inheritance power of the original dark dragon, Nini was born as a new generation of the first generation of dark dragon. However, for some unknown reason, Nini was not born as a dark dragon, but It became his dragon soul.

He couldn't figure out the complex joints here, and he didn't know if it was related to his experience in the Hall of Thousand Doors or the Creation Technique.

Or maybe the Ring of Golden Flame was already damaged at that time, so an incomplete Nini was born?
Fang Yu shook his head. He couldn't figure these things out for a while, so he simply stopped thinking about them.

After all, there are still a lot of things to do right now.

According to Alyssa's description, there must be some problems with this valley. Now that everyone has gathered, the next step is to dedicate manpower to survey the valley.

After repairing the Seven Seas Traveler, he still had to make a plan for the next trip. The trip to the empire now seemed like a mistake, but everyone gained not everything. In addition to level and experience, Luo Hao and his party also gained By mistake, a precious star anchor was obtained.

Then they should go to meet up with the Papalal people, transfer the star anchor to the ship, and then prepare for the journey to the second world.

Of course, before that, he had not forgotten that they actually had one more purpose to go to the empire, and that was the treasure of the pirate king, not to mention that it might also contain the truth about Sir Linn and his research 20 years ago.

More importantly, about the final destination of the star devices studied by Jeldham among the three geniuses of the empire, and why they were finally installed on those dragon hunters, who perfected that device, 20 years ago What is the identity of the alchemist who collaborates with Sir Lynn?
According to the information left behind, the pirate king's treasure should be in the sea outside Hanrui, and going north from Andreus has actually entered the sea area that is full of fog and storms all year round, or rather Hanrui. The geographical concept of the Reina Offshore originally included the coast of North Sintaan.

This cold forest also falls under that broad geographical concept.

As long as they go north, they can enter the sea area and start searching for the pirate king's secret treasure.

In fact, what made Fang Plover a little suspicious was that at this very moment, so many adventurers and selectors gathered here, and so many elite teams were searching for the legend about the obelisk in the north of the empire, which made him have to think about it. Does this have anything to do with the secret treasure of the Pirate King?
He had actually noticed this problem in the adventurer camp, but at that time he was busy searching for the whereabouts of the Seven Seas Traveler and had no time to think about it in detail.

In addition to these two things, the more important thing is to get in touch with the missing elementalist in the team, and the dragon queen Alessa who stayed in the fortress is also missing, her whereabouts are unknown, and her whereabouts are unknown. Whether the two are together.

Fang Yu asked Miss Nightingale to pay attention to the relevant information on the community, but she did not hear any news that the Dragon Queen fell into the hands of the Empire. If Luo Yu alone had a smaller target, Alessa fell into the hands of the Empire. It is impossible that there is no relevant news flowing out.

This can only mean that the Dragon Queen should have escaped from Ai Yin Bullock at that time.

Although I don’t quite understand how Alessa slipped away surrounded by two dragon knights, this is good news anyway. Although it was a dark dragon queen, she didn’t show any signs of behavior when getting along with them. What unbearable evil tendencies come.

At most, he's just a little arrogant.

Fang Yu sorted out his plan in his mind, and after confirming what he was going to do next, he raised his head and looked at Miya seriously for the first time.

This sea witch came to them through the Sea Forest Crystal. This was not the first time she had acted like this. Of course, he had heard about what the other party had done in the second world, including everything that happened in Covenant Mountain. .

He didn't understand the grievances between the other party and BBK, or the top guilds, and everything she had planned before. Now even Xiaobai is no longer with the other party, and she must still be in the second world.

But he had to ask clearly what the other party's next purpose was. The Seven Seas Brigade should soon go to the second world. Does she intend to go with them? Or is this her original purpose, just like the last time she returned? Same as Etalia.

She used the resurrection ability of Hailin Crystal to avoid the eyes and ears of those big guilds, and returned to the second world again. Was she planning something again?He doesn't dislike Miya, and even said that he still has some special place for her in his heart.

What's more, the two of them are connected by stars and share the same fate.

But before that, he was first and foremost the captain of the Seven Seas Traveler.

Although he doesn't like seeing those big guilds, not to mention that they have betrayed them time and time again, but this is not the reason for them to get involved in those whirlpools that have nothing to do with them for no reason - no matter the reason behind Covenant Mountain, However, it has nothing to do with them.

Of course, if the other party just wanted to stay here temporarily to avoid being noticed, then naturally there would be no shortage of this bed on the Seven Seas Traveler. After all, it was the other party who rescued them from Ayin Bullock. If not for this, they would have had to stay in the Empire in the first place. In big trouble.

Besides, they were wanted by the empire anyway.

Having one more wanted target on board was a debt that was too much to worry about.

But before that, he must make those words clear. The Seven Seas Brigade actively lending a helping hand and passively getting involved in the incident are two completely different concepts. What happened to Dawn Star will never be tolerated by him. Play it again.

Even if they want to take action, he must understand the cause and effect before that.

"Miss Miya," Fang Yu said, "The trip to the empire is almost coming to an end for us. We are likely to leave Xinta'an soon. Do you plan to stay here or stay with us?" Together?"

"After getting the star anchor, we are expected to leave for the second world, and you have just returned from the second world. Do you plan to return to that place again in such a short period of time, or do you still have something in Aitalia?" What’s the plan?”

The wolf girl was slightly startled after hearing his words, and turned back to look at him, with a look of confusion in her silver eyes. Fang Yu's tone was completely different from that of the ignorant young man she had seen before.

She was almost stunned for a moment before she realized that the boy in front of her had changed a long time ago and was no longer the childish child of the past.The funny little guy that she remembered as stuttering in front of her has now disappeared.

But instead, he was the leader of an adventure group and the owner of an aeroplane. He had his own companions, even a partner.

The girl felt a little sad in her heart. She seemed to have missed something in the past time, but she immediately smiled, but it seemed that it was not too late now. She had planned everything, and now everything in Covenant Mountain is over.

And a new journey has just begun for her.

She looked at Fang Plover, smiled and said: "This time I returned to Aitaria is slightly different from the last time. That time I returned to the first world with a heart of revenge and met you Ed. But this time I have fulfilled my wish, and returning to Etalia is just to bid farewell to the past."

The wolf girl looked at the young man in front of her with a slightly indifferent look. There was a kind of eternal brilliance in her silver eyes. She then looked at the ship officer on the side: "And, I can't let go of some things in my heart..."

Sylvester's eyes flashed brightly and she said nothing.

The former only smiled slightly.

... (end of this chapter)

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