Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1080 Scene 407 Melee

"Wait, stop..."

Realizing that he had been fooled, Gray Wolf immediately spoke to stop him, but how could Dalil give him this opportunity, not to mention that the maid lady had taken action even earlier.

Siesta flashed her gauntlet and shot towards the Sea Eagle Feathers like a sharp arrow that had been taken off its string.

The people in the Falcon Regiment were also well prepared, especially the shield guards on the opposite side who were already very angry.The Falcons had fought against Siesta before, but when Siesta took the lead at that time, the group failed to check for a while, and were defeated by Siesta's attack.

When the shield guard saw that the other party was coming straight towards him again at this moment, he was immediately furious. His grandma's persimmons only picked out the soft ones, right?He thought to himself that if the tiger doesn't show off its power, you'll think I'm a sick cat, so he immediately gritted his teeth and raised the shield to the ground, and activated the stance of holding on.

As soon as the huge tower shield was inserted into the ground, the magic light track above it immediately lit up and connected to the magic furnace through his arm. Then more ether energy poured into the big shield, weaving a wall of light on it.

The wall of light unfolded to a width of more than thirty feet, covering almost all of the Falcon Regiment's people.

The Shield Guard has both offensive and defensive forms, but when it switches to full defense, it can convert most of its attack attributes into defense in a short period of time. The Shield Guard's protection in this state is basically invincible at the same level.

What's more, Siesta's level should be lower than them.

But the maid lady did not only know how to attack as they thought. As soon as she approached the light wall, she immediately turned around and leaned up with her shoulders.The shield guard was immediately shocked. This was not the standard solution for dealing with shield walls——

Although the attack can be absorbed by the defense, this is what the shield guard is least afraid of, but if it is a collision, then the competition will naturally be the strength and stability of both parties.

However, the persistence mode has a huge stability bonus. When dealing with the persistence posture, most people either find ways to avoid it or wait for the opponent's duration to pass. "The opponent is crazy!" The shield guard immediately had an idea in his mind.

But he was not careless at all. He immediately leaned forward, put his center of gravity downward, put his hands on the shield, and pressed almost his entire body weight on the big shield.

In fact, in theory, there are not many opportunities for close confrontation between the shield guard and the attacker.

The defensive posture cannot move, so when the shield guards used this tactic, there was probably a whole team behind them to cover them. However, because Siesta was too close to them and turned back without any warning, the other personnel did not react.

But when they saw Siesta hitting the enemy with an iron mountain, most of the others heaved a sigh of relief and competed with the shield guard in a defensive stance. This was probably because they were out of their minds.As a melee and defensive profession, the Shield Guard has a high imbalance value and is not weak in strength. Not to mention that there is a huge bonus for sticking to the posture.

Only when the girl's shoulder came into contact with the large shield did the shield guard behind realize that something was wrong. Although the selector had a system panel, the digital reflection in reality was ultimately a competition of strength.

He only felt a shock on his hand, and a force that no one could match came from the handle of the shield. The force was transmitted to his body through his arms, and finally reflected on his magic furnace. The crystal on the stove was so bright that sparks finally burst out.

And the shield guard was shocked.

Then, as if he was electrocuted, he looked forward with an unbelievable look. That moment was said to be slow, but in fact it was just a flash of lightning. Everyone saw a figure flying out of his hand - the shield guard could not hold it. He held the big shield and flew out from behind.

Sparks shot out from his fingertips and connected to the big shield, drawing out a long magic arc.

Then there was a loud noise, and the opponent actually flew more than ten meters away, and hit an ancient tree not far away before stopping. The towering ancient tree shook for a while, and countless leaves fell from it.

From a third-party perspective, the maid lady just leaned against the big shield with her weak shoulders. She was not strong and even a little slender. She was still wearing a maid's outfit, and her ruffled skirt fluttered in the wind.

She has short hair, tied up with hair accessories, and wears a black dress. Her eyes are quiet and determined. Only the pair of huge metal gauntlets on her hands are incompatible with them. It makes people almost wonder how she can lift these pair to match her body. Absolutely unmatched armament.

But at this moment, she drooped one hand and stretched it diagonally downwards. All the hinges on the arm armor were opened, and a cyan wind element jet was ejected from it. The air flow carried her forward and collided with the giant shield. There was a heavy muffled sound.

It seemed like a heavy hammer.

Then the shield guard flew out. With a dexterity that was incomparable to her own strength, Siesta pushed the shield back, put her hand on it, and then jumped high, leaping over the shield.Then the unfolded wall of light flickered slightly and disappeared because it lost its host.

That moment happened in just a split second.

Then the attack from the rest of the Falcon Group arrived. After all, it was a famous team on the ranking list. It might only be considered a second or third-tier team among the top guilds, but it was definitely a first-tier team in the first world.

Further up, there are those legendary names.

The general composition of the Falcon Corps is two shield guards, three magicians, one elementalist, four combat craftsmen, two warriors, two rangers and five nightingales, plus the leader who is a priest and another Two healers and one summoner, a total of 23 people.

This combat brigade is relatively small in the ranking list, but it is very capable. Even though the ranking is lower than Enigma, in actual fighting, the two are on par, otherwise Gray Wolf would not propose to fight with the AOA people. joint.

The two shield guards have different professions. The one responsible for blocking Siesta was a relatively pure shield guard, also known as the iron guard. His main job was defense and protection.

The other one was a knight of the guard, who was riding on an earth dragon at the moment. When he saw Siesta breaking through the defense line, he immediately rushed to fill the gap, raised his spear and stabbed her.

Guard Knights are a branch of Shield Guards. Their protective capabilities are far inferior to those of Iron Guards. However, because they can ride and have higher mobility in combat, they are considered a relatively flexible protection profession. Most teams like to bring one tactically.

Moreover, the Guards Knights also have a special ability, that is, the armor-piercing ability of their magic spears is astonishing. Most people do not dare to easily expose weak defensive parts such as the back and flanks when facing the Guards Knights.

This ability is not like taunting, but it is better than taunting and marking abilities. It is often very effective when covering the team's flanks. Shesta obviously knows this very well. When she sees the opponent's spear coming, she does not dare to raise it, and reaches out to grab the tip of the spear. , and then took advantage of his own falling force to pull down.

At this moment, everyone already knew that she was incredibly powerful. In a head-on collision, she knocked away an Iron Guard who was nearly 10 levels higher than her and had activated the Hold Stance. This was no longer something that could be described as a monster.

The guard knight let go of his hand and allowed her to snatch his spear. He never thought that he could be effective with one blow, and the protective profession was not good at attacking.

But as soon as he let go, he immediately ordered the Earth-walking dragon he was sitting down to crash into the opponent who was still falling in mid-air. The Earth-walking dragon is a creature unique to Aitaria. It is a reptilian dragon, subsauridae, with a head. It is covered with solid crest scales and long horns, a bit like a ceratopsian with fangs, but its body is more like a theropod, walking upright and tall.

At the command of the knight on its back, the giant beast let out a low roar, immediately lowered its body and hit the opponent with heavy steps.

However, Siesta threw the spear in her hand at the Earthly Dragon. Although the latter was wearing a metal goggle, he still instinctively tilted his head.The maid girl directly grabbed its long horn with one hand, and used its head-tossing gesture to swing it towards the dragon's back.

The guard knight on the dragon's back was shocked. He raised his shield to block, but he realized something was wrong just as he raised his shield. The next moment, a huge force came from the shield, and he walked directly from the ground like a cannonball. The dragon flew off its back.

Everyone was dazzled, and before they could react, Siesta had already grabbed the reins and was about to make the sitting dragon reverse its direction and hit the Falcon Group and the others.

The earth-walking dragon lost its master and was furious. It was swinging its back and trying to throw the slim girl on its back, but the maid only grabbed its reins with a pair of armor and restrained it so that it could not move. In full view of everyone, he tore off the earth-walking dragon's huge head.

What power is this?
Even Dalil couldn't help but be surprised, because usually, Siesta rarely participated in the battles of the Seven Seas Brigade. In fact, she rarely considered herself to be a member of the ship.

There is only one real master of hers, and that is Sylvide. Usually, this maid mostly follows the ship officer quietly, but Daryl often sees her taking care of the flowers and succulents she planted, and even It's rare to see her show such a violent side.

There is such a fighting force hidden in the brigade.

Ms. Catman estimated that the combat power displayed by the maid at this moment was basically no weaker than her own in a head-to-head confrontation, and even exceeded her in terms of pure strength.

Siesta was turning the Earth Dragon towards the Falcons bit by bit, and the combat power she showed shocked Enigma's people for a moment. They eliminated the two shield guards of Sea Eagle Feathers in one fight. They thought they had no chance. This ability.

And what kind of power level is that...

Even the gray wolf fell silent for a moment.

Since Shesta never launched an attack on them from beginning to end, they couldn't tell for the moment whether this mysterious maid was an enemy or a friend. Although they glanced at Dariel and had some guesses, at this moment The other side took action against the Falcon Group members, but they had no intention of stopping them for the moment.

I even thought it would be best to fight with the Sea Eagle Feathers and both sides would suffer.

The previous battle only happened in the blink of an eye, and the people of the Falcon Group were naturally not idle. Except for the three magicians and an elementalist who still needed time to prepare spells, the rest of the people were almost all in the same place. Time took action.

The first attacks to arrive were naturally those of several rangers and Nightingale. The former used bows and arrows or magic guns, while the latter used crossbows. Nightingale was not a full-time crossbowman, so most of them used ordinary hand crossbows, and they did not He expects his attack to be effective, and just wants to interfere with the opponent's judgment.

The real lethality was the ranger's arrows. Two feather arrows and a lead bullet from the magic gun arrived almost at the same time. The ranger gunner who raised the gun actually started taking aim the moment Siesta jumped up. She had already pulled the trigger after knocking the guard knight off the dragon's back, but in just an instant, the situation of the battle had changed.

Siesta didn't even take a second glance at the arrows. She just heard a crisp sound, and the bullet from the magic gun hit her left shoulder. The dark maid costume immediately exploded there, like a flying rocket. cotton.

But no one saw the maid lady injured. They only heard a strange muffled sound. Shesta leaned back slightly, and the bullet seemed to hit something hard, causing sparks to fly out.

"Is there inner armor?" The gunslinger's eyes widened as he raised his gun.

The light-looking maid outfit didn't look like she was wearing a layer of inner armor, but his attack failed to break through the defense. The magic gun in his hand was not simple, it was a version specially made for professional gunners—— Although it was born out of the Imperial Type [-], it was equipped with a higher-energy ether crystal to adapt to higher-level magic muskets.

In terms of armor-piercing effect and lethality alone, it is at least ten times that of ordinary magic guns.

If you let him play a profession like a shield guard, it may be difficult to break through the defense from the front, but if he hits a weakly protected position such as the flank or back, he is still threatening.

As a result, he shot the weak-looking maid in the shoulder. It didn't penetrate, but ricocheted?

what is this?
Human tank?

The magic gun failed to penetrate, and the arrows with weaker armor-piercing effects naturally failed. The two arrows just scratched the maid lady's clothes, and then they passed by with sparks and fell into the darkness. .

At this time, Siesta had already launched a charge. She tightened her reins tightly. The ground dragon under her seat couldn't bear it anymore and could only step forward. The two sword warriors blocking the Falcon Regiment in front could only He was able to dodge left and right, and then swung his giant sword to slash at Siesta.

The maid pulled the reins, causing the dragon to swing its body, first deflecting the giant sword on one side, and then flicking its tail towards the warrior with the big sword on the other side - this tail flick would certainly not be harmful to a warrior of this level. Although it posed a threat, it still stopped the opponent's offensive.

When the warrior with the big sword saw the tail of a whip coming towards him, he had to turn the edge of his sword, step aside, and duck down to let the strong wind sweep over his head.

As soon as the two sword warriors gave way, the output professions of the Falcon Regiment at the rear were immediately exposed to the path of the Earthly Dragon.

The Falcon Group's frontal combat power mainly relies on two shield guards and two sword warriors. With them all being thrown away, the others are naturally unable to fight against the maid lady and the sitting dragon.

Seeing that something was not going well, the leader of the Falcon Regiment immediately ordered the others to disperse.

As a result, a strange scene formed on the battlefield. Just a moment after the maid launched her attack, the members of the Falcon Regiment were chased by her and fled in all directions, although no casualties were caused.

But at least the scene looks a bit ugly.

Even the thin mage watching this scene couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

In fact, to be fair, in a head-on confrontation, a whole team of more than 20 people in the Falcon Regiment is not helpless against Siesta, but the problem now is that they preconceptionally believe that Enigma on the side is also watching with eagerness. Obviously, they can't take it. Use all your strength to deal with a mere maid.

After holding back her hand from the beginning, Shesta seized the opportunity and used all her strength to break through the shield guard's defense line, and captured the Guards Knight's Earthly Dragon. Therefore, the opponent was able to attack in a short time. fell into such a passive situation.

If Enigma on the side really launches an attack at this time, maybe the Falcons will really suffer a big loss that they have never suffered since the team was founded.

But the thin mage had no such intention.

Gray Wolf was very clear at this moment.

On the surface, he is naturally happy to see the people of Sea Eagle Feather suffer a big loss. After all, although Enigma is one head ahead of the Falcons, the CE club behind it is a behemoth, not to mention the existence of the Gray King FOX.

In terms of overall strength, they really have to unite with AOA to be able to compete with each other.

But he didn't like the situation being out of his control. The Shadow Tree Knight in front of him was obviously on the same side as the opponent, and the Seven Seas Brigade behind them obviously wanted them to fight against the Falcon Group.

Or at least stay here to delay the other party's time.

Although this is in their interests, it is not the result he wants.

But of course the gray wolf understood that the misunderstanding was now deep, and his verbal explanation alone might not be effective, not to mention that the two women in front of him might not give him this opportunity. But he looked at Dariel aside and thought of a simple solution for a moment. .

Miss Catman was paying attention to the battle on Shesta's side, but suddenly she felt someone's gaze from the side, and she was startled. She looked in that direction, and met the gloomy gaze of the thin mage.

She was horrified and immediately noticed the other party's hostility. Although she didn't quite understand it yet, she still subconsciously stepped back.

Gray Wolf didn't expect the other party to be so sharp, so he immediately ordered: "Get her!"

Not to mention Dariel, even the other Enigma members were stunned, but they quickly reacted and immediately launched an attack on Miss Catman.

The people in the Falcon Regiment on one side were startled when they saw this scene, but the leader of the priests on the other side quickly realized it. In fact, when Siesta launched an attack on them, he had already felt something in his heart. Suspicious.

Enigma's men had the best opportunity to attack at that time. He always had a few Nightingales and Rangers on the flanks to monitor the opponent's men. Once Fog's men launched an attack, they would immediately retreat.

But after Siesta broke through the defense line of the two shield guards, they actually could no longer spare too many manpower to pay attention to the flanks. At that time, the opponent could completely disperse them with just one charge.

But Enigma's people acted very strangely, as if they were just watching from the sidelines, and they didn't seem to be on the same side as the weird maid.

As soon as the other party made a move, the leader of the Falcon Group immediately understood that the gray wolf was using this method to express its position.

"Who are they?" he asked loudly at once.

"They are not our people," Gray Wolf replied. "The third-party forces, including those from AOA, probably did not go in. There are others in the valley."

He hesitated for a moment and did not reveal the true identity of the Seven Seas Brigade. After all, it was valid information he got from the people of AOA. Although he did not want to suffer the loss of the Dragon Alchemist, there was no need to tell Hunter everything. People from the Eagle Regiment.

He didn't forget that the other party was still a competitor.

"Shall we cooperate?" the leader of the Falcon Regiment asked immediately.

"No need," Gray Wolf shook his head, "We will each deal with our opponents and then enter the valley."

"make a deal."

The other party nodded immediately.

Dariel on the side couldn't help but smile bitterly. These old guilds and their brigades were really difficult to deal with. She had tried every means to cause a conflict with them, but she didn't expect that the other party would make the right decision. judgment.

Moreover, the method chosen by the opponent was extremely wise. When half of Mystery's team was on full alert against her, she really couldn't make any other small moves. She couldn't even protect herself, so she had to retreat with all her strength.

The same is true for Siesta over there. The Falcon Corps had only used half of its manpower to guard against Enigma, but now when everyone's attention was focused on the maid, her situation suddenly became a little bad.

The two shield guards were just knocked away. If they were to be killed instantly, it would be difficult for them to do so given their level of protection. At this moment, the two picked up their shields and returned to their original positions, while the members of the Falcon Regiment scattered around. It was not without any rules, and they quickly gathered behind their own melee professionals.

Once the opponent re-forms their formation, Siesta will no longer be able to knock a gap out of the opponent from the front.

When Dariel saw this scene, he didn't hesitate. He immediately took out the crystal and said, "Mr. Leader, I'm afraid we won't be able to support this for much longer."

Although there was a Miss Nightingale in the forest, she thought Alyssa's side might not be much better.

The task given to them by Fang Yu was to hold down the three teams of AOA, Falcon Group and Enigma. These three teams are all well-known teams on the rankings. It is not easy for them to hold them down until now by themselves. .

The communication crystal lit up, and Fang Plover's voice came from it:

"I understand, you take them closer to the mining area first."

"Towards the mining area?" Dalil was stunned. If there is a sea witch Mia on the Seven Seas Traveler, is it really okay to move closer to the mining area?
"That's right," Fang Plover's voice was very calm, "Believe me, leave the rest to me."

Miss Catman nodded slightly.

... (end of this chapter)

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