Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1081 Scene 408 Obelisk

Dalil avoided the heavy sword in the hands of the shield guard facing him, tapped his finger on the communication crystal, and sent a message to Siesta not far away: "It's time to retreat, Miss Siesta."

It's a pity that the maid is not the one who selected the caller, otherwise the system's text messaging would be much easier to use at this time.However, Miss Catman's frivolous behavior obviously angered the AOA shield guard in front of her, who directly hooked his fingers and launched a provocation skill at her.

But Dalil had already expected it, and slashed at the opponent with a sword. The big sword in her hand pressed hard on the opponent's blade, creating countless sparks. Her eyes moved, and two branches quietly stretched out from behind the shield guard, making the opponent's body shape. Lean back.

But Darier immediately sheathed his sword and stepped back, negating the effect of the provocation.

She took one last look at the battlefield and turned back without mercy.

"Want to escape?" The gray wolf not far away raised his eyebrows when he saw this scene and raised his right hand.The battle craftsmen in the team understood this and immediately released the clockwork goblin. The golden ball turned into several light spots and flew into the forest, but the next moment dozens of golden and red beams of light staggered from the depths of the forest -

Each of the beams of light penetrated exactly one of the clockwork fairies. More than 20 clockwork fairies seemed to have hit an invisible wall at the same position, and were shattered into pieces after hitting the 'wall'.

The members of the Enigma Brigade stared at this scene with wide eyes. The bright beam seemed to light up in their eyes. For a while, even the attention of the Falcon Brigade not far away was also attracted and looked at this direction.

Dalil walked to the edge of the forest and stopped on the other side of the 'wall'. She turned around and looked at the people, smiled slightly, and curled her fingers at them leisurely.

Everyone in Enigma felt a surge of blood rushing to their brains.

There are no professional players who are not young and energetic, let alone top recruiters like them. The channel was suddenly filled with various dialects, slang, and all kinds of curses:


"Damn it, you bitch, wait for me!"

The gray wolf seemed relatively calm.

Suspicion grew on his angular face, "Is this a... provocation? She believes in that 'wall' so much... behind that is the method of the dragon alchemist, fighting fairies... or Thorin's method star?"

He has seen information about the First Battle in the North and is no stranger to fighting clockwork fairies.However, the Seven Seas Troupe is a team from the third division. The teams there are usually reserved and will not take the initiative to provoke or talk trash. However, the cat girl in front of them seems to be a player from the second division.

The Europeans and their North American division are also considered feuding.

But he did not rashly let his brigade cross the 'line'. Instead, he looked not far away and proactively asked: "Ronos, how about we join forces and take down that person first." Gray Wolf looked at it. Said to Sea Eagle Feather and his group who were fighting with the maid lady.

Dalil raised his eyebrows when he saw this, "Hey -" she couldn't help but speak, "I said you are not considered men, how can you endure being provoked like this by me? Are you going to turn around and hit the less with more? To bully another weak girl, isn't it just a fairy wall? Why, you can't get past it?"

She looked at several of Enigma's combat craftsmen with provocative eyes, and there was a clear look of dissatisfaction on the faces on the other side.

"Fairy Wall?" The leader of the Falcon Regiment stopped.

But Gray Wolf said, "You'll find out later if it's okay, Miss Dariel."

"What?" Dalil was startled, "Do you know me?"

"As if you know who we are." Gray Wolf shrugged.

"Who are they?" The leader of the Falcon Group interrupted the two of them: "Gray Wolf, tell me the identity of the third party, and we can cooperate."

"You don't know them yet?" Gray Wolf smiled, "Ronos, they are the Seven Seas Brigade."

"Seven Seas Brigade?" The other party was slightly startled, but suddenly realized, "It's the brigade wanted by the empire..."

"That's right," Gray Wolf raised his eyebrows, "We can share the imperial bounty and reputation rewards equally, but we will not give up the obelisk to you, everyone in the Falcon Regiment, whoever enters the valley comes first, first served. "

"Okay." The leader of the Falcon Regiment nodded immediately.

"These guys are simply arrogant." Dalil showed his sharp teeth, frowned, and said coldly: "Do you really think you can just enter the valley casually?" She put down the big sword in her hand, her eyes cold. Staring at these people.

Although I am not a match for these two groups, if I ask for the favor of the forest, it is still okay to take away one or two of them.Since this is the order of the saint, the woodland withered in winter should respond to my request, right?
Her eyes wandered over these people, and one hand was quietly pressed on the holy symbol. She still had three chances to be reborn in the holy icon, but should she use it in this place?
But the communication crystal on her chest was flashing and extinguishing, where Fang Plover had already given her new instructions.

Dariel was startled.

She shook her head stubbornly, but then nodded, "Okay, I understand, Master." Miss Catman sighed, "I know that I will not act on my will, I will obey the instructions of Miss Saint. But Miss Siesta..."

Fang Plover's voice came from the crystal, as if he was arranging something.

She nodded helplessly in the end, looked deeply in the direction of the maid, then put down the sword in her hand, turned around and walked deep into the forest.

The gray wolf was stunned when he saw this scene, and asked maliciously: "You don't care about your companions?"

But Darier didn't look back and smiled softly: "Ah, you can keep her if you can."

Gray Wolf was slightly taken aback.

A bad premonition suddenly arose in his heart and he turned around to look.

At that moment, there was a sudden wind in the forest, and the tree canopy was swaying, making a soft rustling sound, but there was a strange sound mixed in the wind. He raised his head and saw countless light spots whizzing out from the top of the tree canopy. Shaped like stars all over the sky, a flowing galaxy is slowly moving forward.

That scene was reflected in the sights of all the members of the Falcon Group and Enigma, and one word first flashed in people's minds - clockwork goblins.

Especially the combat craftsmen on both sides were the first to react, but they were filled with doubts:

How come there are so many?
Siesta also raised her head, her violet eyes reflected the starlight in the sky, like tiny flames emerging from the darkness, making her gaze particularly charming.

It's just that the maid lady seemed extremely calm from the beginning, whether it was the moment when Enigma and the Falcons resolved the misunderstanding, or the situation when she was gradually at a disadvantage, or when Dariel turned around and left, the gray wolf asked questions.

She was always calm, with no expression on her face, as if everything was nothing more than that, she was born to carry out all orders, and dying in battle was not worth mentioning, it was just an inconspicuous side detail.

However, the sitting dragon was finally overwhelmed and exhausted its last strength in the confrontation with her. After letting out a cry, it half-knelt down and hung its head on the ground, unable to move anymore. Siesta did not embarrass it. , patted its horns, and lightly jumped off the saddle.

The beast's head was on the ground, looking at the girl with a look of surrender mixed with fear.

But no one cared at the moment.

Gray Wolf looked at the dots of light in the sky and suddenly a flash of alertness flashed in his heart, "That's not a clockwork fairy!"

He roared sharply, but the magician behind him was still in a daze.If they had fought against the Seven Seas Brigade, or if they were from Ayin Block, they would never be so negligent, but they were not.

These selectors belonging to the brigades on the ranking list are capable but lack experience.

Ronos' mind went blank, but he actually realized that as the brigade leader, he always had more information than others. What's more, such an earth-shattering incident happened in Ayin Block, and the headquarters had already sent it Key information.

It's just that he didn't know who the opponent was in the valley before, nor did he know that the rumored Dragon Alchemist was opposite him, but even so, he still reacted when the gray wolf issued that reminder.


Not only him, but everyone in the two teams also reacted and let out a shrill cry.

The slightly flickering light spots in the sight have climbed to the highest point. They paused slightly there, but that was just a visual illusion. It was just that countless clockwork fairies began to dive after reaching a predetermined height. down--

There was a slight friction sound in the air, like a sharp whistle.

Gray Wolf himself was a magician, and he was the first to react. He raised the magic wand in his hand. No incantation was needed. The crystal light on the top of the wand flowed down like a waterfall, forming a protective light curtain like a hanging curtain.

Those transformed clockwork goblins seemed to arrive in front of them in an instant. They hit the light screen and fell apart. The moment was like a slow motion movie. The gray wolf watched the small machine being squeezed and bursting apart. Come, every part scattered inside seems to be clearly visible.

The gray crystal embedded in it also fell out. After it broke, it no longer had the ability to explode.

But those were just a group of fire giants flying at the front.

He immediately heard a deafening roar, and the flashes of explosions connected together, like countless small suns rising around him. The strong light flashed away in the darkness, leaving a flare that made people cry.

Gray Wolf also had to close his eyes. The magic shield only blocked those shock waves that might harm them, but the airflow from the explosion still knocked them around. He had to use his magic wand to prop it up on the ground. Even so, it was still not enough. Kneel to the ground.

Due to time constraints, he only had time to open his shield to protect the nearest few people around him, but this was not cost-effective, and the gray wolf cursed secretly.In Aitaria, the magician's instant spells rely on the spell activation plug-in placed in the magic wand, but the number is quite limited. He can only use it three times a day——

This was used once.

But there may be conflicts with the Falcon Group and AOA people later.

Gray Wolf cursed secretly, raised his head, and went to check the damage. Unlike him, the other magicians and elementalists did not have time to set up protection. The damage in this round of attacks was the most serious. One magician fell on the ground.

Everyone else is also lucky.

High-agility classes like Ranger and Nightingale fared much better, with a few slightly injured, but most even unscathed.

The shield guards were even more stable. When the efreet launched an attack, they set up their shields. It didn't take long to raise the shields. They even protected the people behind them.

As for the warriors, they were rough-skinned and thick-bodied, so it wouldn't hurt them if they were affected a little. The swordsmen and berserkers with light armor just scratched the wounds on their arms, while the warriors with heavy armor were more like normal people.Not only the gray wolf, but also another gaze in the air was watching this scene.

Fang Plover looked at Enigma. The members of the Falcon Regiment stood up from the smoke one by one. As expected, the results of the battle caused by the efreeti were as ineffective as he expected. He couldn't help but sigh softly.

In fact, when he was in Ayin Block, he discovered that the efreet's lethality had gradually failed to keep up with the level of its opponents. This was even more true for the troupes on these ranking lists. The average level of their opponents was nearly ten levels higher than that of the Seven Seas Brigade. ——

This is a situation that the Seven Seas Brigade has never encountered before.

But Fang Yu was thinking, should the Fire Giant, his biggest trump card, be upgraded?However, my design idea was actually copied from Lotao's Efreet, but with the addition of a closed-circulation device.

However, the closed-circulation device can only solve the original complex detonation problem of gray crystal. How to increase the power is a difficult problem. Due to special reasons such as the fragility of gray crystal, the power of the explosion cannot be solved by simply increasing the amount.

Increasing the amount can only increase the scope of the explosion, just like his walker-type efreet. He only used that thing once or twice before giving up. Except for some special occasions, it was too much to gain. .

Fang Yu thought for a moment and decided to put this matter behind him.

I heard that the dwarves of Eldron have made great achievements in the research of gray crystal. In San Juan, the pirates also had a special kind of gray crystal explosive. During the Battle of Byrne, they also attacked Alvin Quinn's elven army. Caused quite a bit of trouble.

Finally, there are the fairies of Rochar. I heard that they have a kind of rune gray crystal.

Let’s go check it out again when we get a chance.

As the smoke cleared, the Falcons were reviewing their losses.

Their situation is actually similar to that of Enigma. Some people were injured, but no one was reduced.But when Ronos looked in the direction of Siesta, his expression suddenly changed: "Where is the person?"

He roared, immediately attracting all the other people's attention.

Only then did people realize that the maid lady had disappeared without knowing it.Only the sturdy earth dragon was left on the spot, lying on the ground looking at everyone with a puzzled expression, wondering what are these humans staring at me for?
"Why are you still standing there? Chase!" Gray Wolf was furious. The previous explosion had made the two regiments feel ashamed. If they lost their target again, they would really be unable to hold their heads high.

But before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed and he raised the magic wand again.

But this time, others also reacted. A shield guard behind him took a step forward and raised the large shield in his hand; there was a sharp sound of breaking through the air in the forest, a strong wind blew in the face, and everyone saw a bright The sword light struck across hundreds of feet.

The sword light swept across the forest, and several towering ancient trees broke apart.

Then hit the big shield hard.

There was just a deafening loud noise, and the shield guard retreated seven or eight feet with his shield, and the big shield in his hand dragged a long ravine in the soft soil.

Even the shield guards were like this, and needless to say the others, the gray wolf was knocked straight away and stopped against a big tree. He supported the magic wand on the ground with one hand to prevent him from falling to the ground.He looked up in shock, only to find a black shadow falling from the sky, following the sword light.

Dalil, who had left long ago, also came back, sitting on the shoulders of the tall construct, holding the latter's shoulders with one hand.

The huge structure turned its back to the moonlight, like a colossus, with silver light flashing in its eyes. It was looking at everyone, and lowered the mechanical wings behind it with a "swish". The stream of wind elements also disappeared little by little, but the colossus Still half-suspended on the ground, as if being lifted up by a whirlwind.

The dead leaves were flying under the metal foot protection, forming an updraft in the glowing green light, causing the huge machine to rise and fall. One of its hands was half hanging, holding the giant sword that looked like it was made of crystal.

Six pairs of metal wings were folded together, hanging behind the colossus like clusters of shining silver leaves. The skeleton formed a ring, emitting white light under the moonlight.


Before Gray Wolf could speak, the battle craftsman on the side had already shouted out that name in surprise.

That was the title given to it by the legendary dragon knight of the previous generation.

But at that time, its owner was only a young man and had not yet entered the sanctuary.

It had been with him for a long time and written many stories, but later he left it there and sealed time on the exhibition stand of a large museum. It fell silent and was dusted forever along with many emerging technologies.

But it actually has another name.

Gr type verification main structure, one of the only two main variant structures in the empire, the Six-Winged Seraph.

Its last owner was the most legendary name in the first division.

Lord of Gray, FOX.

People thought that it would be impossible for anyone to control this device. At the same age as FOX, it was impossible for him to be more talented than the Gray King, or even if it was possible, there was no need.

But it's here now.

People thought that it would be safe in the warehouse of the Gujin family, and no news had ever been released to the outside world. The people who knew the news were currently boarding a ship heading to the north;
Cui Xisi stood on the side of the ship, with the cold wind still blowing on her cheeks. The girl was a little hesitant and anxious about her future. Where would she go?Will the Nanami Troupe, her club, and her agreement really count?

She looked at the bright moon and sea of ​​clouds in the sky, and couldn't help but think of that moment, those scenes that she deliberately did not think about. Under the towering vault, the machine with six wings stood up tremblingly, with a long-lost look in its eyes. The silver brilliance——

She is a fairy.

Don't bother to compare with ordinary combat craftsmen in terms of flexible construction control.

But is it really ordinary to be able to give orders to the Seraph to resurrect it?

She had also met FOX, the Gray King.


The tall structure stood in front of everyone, raised his right arm, and gently turned the giant sword in his hand. The cold light flashing through the blade made everyone calm down.

It's not that they have nothing to do with a mere main structure. Even FOX, who also controls the Seraph, can still fight. After all, the Gray King of that era was still young and was far from as invincible as he was later. .

It's just that this construct is too special in the empire, especially everyone who enters the Star Gate later. All the new stars in the first division are not witnessing the legend of that one, and they are stepping forward with the same longing. On this road?
And they are actually part of that group of people.

The Six-Winged Seraph retracted its blade, and Fang Plover glanced at everyone present through its sight. Instead of pursuing him, he spread his wings and soared into the sky, flying towards the valley with a stream of cyan light. passed.

Only then did people realize that the maid had already left in that direction.

"How come the Seraph Helwell is in the opponent's hands?"

"Is the FOX master over there?"

"Don't be kidding, Master FOX no longer needs that construct."

The people in Enigma couldn't help but look at the Falcons on the side. After all, they knew the relationship between Sea Eagle Feathers, CE Club, and Gray Realm.

Seeing Gray Wolf also looking towards him, Ronos shook his head heavily, "The boss of FOX is still in the southern border. The empire is preparing to take action against the Great Council. The main forces of several of our guilds are at the border of the rain forest. You should know that."

"I remember that the machine was originally in Gu Jin's magic attic. I don't know how it ended up in this place."

In fact, Enigma has a closer relationship with the SOLID Alliance, but the agreement between the Sacrament Guild and the Seven Seas Brigade is top secret, and naturally they will not tell these secondary guild members about Trixis-related news.

"What should I do?" Ronos asked.

"Go after it," Gray Wolf replied viciously, "It's just a Seraphim, it's not like we can't handle it."

"The Six-Winged Seraph is not critical, but a combat craftsman who can control the Six-Winged Seraph is crucial," Ronos said thoughtfully: "Do you know what level the Dragon Alchemist is now?"

The data said that the opponent's level would not exceed level 35. Of course, this was information before the battle with Ayin Block, but it was less than a month ago, and it was impossible for the opponent's level to achieve a leapfrog growth during this period of time.

At this level, you can control the Seraph with six wings, and FOX is no more than that.

Do they really deserve to offend such a top combat craftsman?
Aitaria is not the real world, where people can be resurrected.

But the gray wolf only said three words: "Obelisk."

Ronos fell silent.

Indeed, they can give up everything else, but there are obelisks in the valley. The seven obelisks are what each guild must find. This is also the reason why they even gave up the interests of the second world and returned to Aitaria.

No matter what, they had to get the information on it.

"Then from now on," Ronos glanced at the other party, "we are competitors."

The gray wolf snorted slightly, not paying much attention to this.

Because he quietly lowered his head and glanced at the communication crystal in his hand, he saw the message that had been sent to him from the other side.

... (end of this chapter)

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