Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1082: Scene 409: The Enchantment in the Story

When the tall warrior walked out of the dense forest, he could hardly believe his eyes.

"Look over there!" Someone pointed in the direction of the valley. A huge light shield spanning nearly a thousand feet shrouded the valley. There was a layer of dense light flowing on the surface. The light on the surface was looming, guarding the valley. A simple stone monument.

The tall warrior almost immediately took out the sheepskin scroll information from his backpack for comparison, and quickly came to the conclusion that it was the legendary obelisk, which was almost exactly the same as the image in the information, but on a different stone tablet. There are different messages engraved on them, but you need to get closer to see them.

found it!
The soldier suppressed the excitement in his heart and looked around. Neither the AOA nor the Falcons had arrived yet. Gray Wolf had made the right decision to divide their troops. The obelisk was indeed here.

"Captain, are we going there right away?" Others in the team also became excited.

Today happens to be the night when the twelve stars shine together in the astronomical calendar of astrologers.

Just as predicted, another obelisk appeared.

But the tall warrior stopped the others, "Don't go there, that's the Mystery Barrier." He looked up at the light curtain filled with colored light and said, the light curtain was diminishing at a speed visible to the naked eye, "Its power It is weakening, and I roughly understand that it was the barrier that obscured the information about the valley before, but now its power has faded, so the AOA people discovered this place."

He looked back at the others. "Such a large barrier cannot be broken from the outside without using a large magic device," the tall warrior said to the craftsmen in the team: "First send the message to the deputy captain, and by the way, let the club mobilize large equipment, and finally Fortunately, it's something like a magic cannon. Although I don't think it will disintegrate on its own until then, but it's always good to be prepared."

The craftsman nodded immediately, took out the communication crystal and started transmitting the message.

"What about us now?" The shield guard in the team asked: "How about we enter the valley first, and the Falcon Regiment and AOA people will arrive later, and we can occupy the favorable terrain first?"

The tall warrior nodded.


"They are coming." On the river beach, the scholar lady was pressing one hand on her magic book. Her eyelids were drooped and her eyelashes were trembling slightly. But through the grand illusion in the valley, she could see Those who were getting closer and closer - a group of 12 people, all wearing the Fog Guild's jersey.

She spoke softly: "Captain."

"Huh?" Fang Plover silently listened to the roar of machines coming from the surrounding open-pit mines, and turned around to answer.

"Will this... really work?"

"Then it depends on how important this obelisk is to them." Fang Plover replied.

He looked in the direction of the mining area. While watching the tall lancers carrying the ore, he was distracted by controlling the clockwork goblins in the forest and monitoring the movements of the AOA and Falcon Regiment people.

As for the connection between this place and the Seven Seas Traveler, as well as the channel for transferring supplies, we can only leave it to Miss Tata. Miss Goblin even has to allocate part of her energy to cooperate with Baggins and Sylvide in the maintenance of the Seven Seas Traveler. .

Fang Plover said with relief: "Don't worry, they won't notice anything unusual. I just went to the community to check. Each of the seven obelisks is similar in appearance."

"Don't forget, Sylvide and I have both seen the real obelisk. They don't know the obelisk better than Sylvide and I."

"Yes." Miss Scholar felt relieved and nodded.

Fang Plover raised his head and looked at the thin curtain of light in the sky.

But where is the real obelisk on the river beach?
Everything here remains the same as before. Everything Enigma's people saw in the valley just now was just an illusion.

Normally, if he wanted to cover up the secrets in this valley, he would naturally make everything here appear as inconspicuous as possible, and that was his original plan.

But now the situation has changed. According to the information he got from the conversation between AOA and Enigma, the other party and the Falcon Group had preconceived notions that there might be an obelisk in the valley. Although he knew that the rumor was not true, he But he couldn't convince these people.

Under such circumstances, whether it is rationalizing or blocking, it will undoubtedly only make the other party more suspicious.

What's more, the identity of the Seven Seas Brigade is still very special at this moment. The empire's wanted order has reached the north. From the exchanges with the other party, it can be known that even if there is no obelisk, they obviously do not intend to let the Seven Seas Brigade go.

Alyssa has investigated the situation of the selectors in this area. Except for a very small number of free selector teams, the vast majority are second-tier or sub-first-tier brigades from major clubs in the first division. Among them, AOA, Enigma, Teams like the Falcons are just the beginning.

They react faster, but that doesn't mean they are the only ones here. When everyone enters the valley and these people unite, or at least as long as some of them take action against the Seven Seas Brigade, it will be difficult for the Seven Seas Traveler to have time to repair and lift off. .

But to stop it, the Seven Seas Brigade is not full of people, and the Seven Seas Traveler itself is not in good enough condition to do this.

But since the normal path doesn't work, it's better to do the opposite.

Since those people's goal is the obelisk.

Then he gives them an obelisk.

What would these people do in front of this obelisk shrouded in a huge mythical barrier?

If everyone wants to be the first to get close to the obelisk and print the information on it, they may even destroy the obelisk so that those who come after them will gain nothing.

But under such circumstances, when everyone understands this, it will be even less likely for others to take the lead easily.

They will guard against each other and restrain each other. Of course, the teams of these top guilds cannot act like fools, standing outside the valley and staring at others, allowing others to benefit.

They will definitely come up with a plan in the end, either by compromising or convincing everyone, but no matter what, whether it is negotiation or fighting, it takes time, and what the Seven Seas Brigade lacks is time.

And when more and more teams pour into this small valley, there will be a lot of time left for them.

But it took time for him to create all this.

Darier, Alyssa and the maid fought with the Falcon Group, AOA and others in the forest just to buy this time.

He even used illusions to slow down the progress of AOA and others, just for this reason, but the other party understood that he just wanted the Falcon Group to catch up with them, but it was not bad, as long as they stopped, it was enough.

There is no doubt that in the first half of this plan, everyone fulfilled their mission well.

Then only the second half is left.

Fang Yu turned around and said to Jita beside him, "Can you still hold on?"

Miss Scholar nodded slightly: "If we go over there, brother Ed, there might still be some trouble."

She whispered: "A grand story will consume a huge amount of magic power, and I can't do it, but the illusion can be broken with a poke, and it is impossible not to test it based on their caution."

Miss Scholar paused, "But now I have two magic books. I can use one of the magic books to create this huge illusion, and then use the other book to counter their temptations."

"What are you going to do?" Fang Yu became a little curious. He had only asked his scholar Miss Guo if she could fulfill his request, but he didn't know how the other party planned to do it.

As the saying goes, craftsmen and magicians are two completely different career paths. Moreover, Jita is also the most mysterious naturalist in this profession.

As for the naturalist who possesses two magic books, it has never really been born in the history of Aitalilia so far.

"Brother Ed, the principle is actually very simple," Jita said: "The Book of Life is good at creating those real scenes from stories, because it contains all the words in the world, as long as I have read those scenes and words , I can use them. There are countless descriptions of the Mystic Barrier in books throughout the ages. I only need to extract a few sections from them to simulate the corresponding characteristics of the barrier and give it to it. All true attributes and abilities.”

"Of course, it would be difficult for me to create such a huge barrier by myself. Even when the Oak Knights of Tapolis were still there, Sister Hongye and Sister Yugudola wanted to build a large barrier for the guild. It will take at least a dozen magicians to join forces and several weeks of hard work to succeed."

"However, Enigma's people must not be able to attack the entire barrier, so I only need to use the Book of Life to create the characteristics of the barrier in those areas when they test the barrier. That’s it.”

"If the area is not large, it shouldn't be a problem, and it shouldn't last long."

Jita answered carefully and carefully.

"In this way, an 'illusion' that is 'comparable' to a real large-scale mythical barrier, both in appearance and actual effect, was born."

"As long as those people cannot cross this barrier, then everything in the barrier will be 'relatively' real to them."

Fang Plover nodded.

In the past, the Spears of the Silver Forest and the Redcoats of Jephlite fought over a non-existent obelisk in the Sea of ​​Ancient Trees. Although the core of the July War still revolved around the Crown of Seawood, who can say for sure? Did the rumor circulating in the north at that time play a role in fueling the flames?

What's more, whether it was Quelot, Scarpet, Sophie, or Ms. Hades, including Odin, Sister September, and Washer when they were in the Fairy House, they talked about the major guilds from the second world. The reason for returning a large number of people is also said to be to search for the seven obelisks and the holy objects.

So now he can only hope that this obelisk is really that important to the other party.

"Brother Ed," Jita's eyelids trembled slightly and she suddenly said, "They discovered the Seven Seas Traveler."

"They'll find out sooner or later."

Fang Plover naturally couldn't see the Seven Seas Traveler on the river beach, but that was what he expected. He actually thought about putting the Seven Seas Traveler within the barrier, but gave up after thinking about it carefully.

People from AOA came to investigate. If the Seven Seas Traveler suddenly appeared in the barrier, it might arouse the other party's suspicion.And he is also worried that these people will jump over the wall in a hurry. Essentially, this is a two-peaches-to-kill-three-people strategy. But if Taozi is in the hands of the Seven Seas Traveler from the beginning, the result will be difficult to predict.

Therefore, the best way is to let the Seven Seas Traveler be outside the barrier and let the opponent throw a rat weapon.

"Don't worry about them." Fang Yu said.

Miss Scholar looked a little worried, but he was actually a little nervous, but he just forced himself to calm down.

He couldn't see the situation on Miss Tata's side, but he believed that the people on the ship could handle it, and he had already communicated the subsequent arrangements to everyone.

In Jita's sight, the group of Enigma who arrived first turned to the Seven Seas Traveler hanging on the tree. The Seven Seas Traveler was not far from the edge of the barrier. It was so conspicuous that it was difficult not to notice it.

"It's the ship on the wanted list." Someone whispered.

The tall warrior motioned to the others to be quiet, "I know."

He raised his head and looked in that direction, hesitating in his heart whether to take action. He had already learned from the message sent back from the headquarters what shocking crime the people on the boat had committed in the empire. The Oshu people fired six consecutive A wanted order was issued against several of the main criminals on that ship, which was unprecedented in the past.

But now, what if the Falcons arrive?He has already received a message from the Gray Wolf behind him, not to mention that AOA and other teams are also behind him. If he takes action, will others benefit?
He looked at the barrier on one side again. Their most important goal was the obelisk. Completing the wanted order could gain some reputation and benefits, but if he lost the obelisk, he would lose his position and resources in the guild. .

He could still tell the difference between the two.

But giving up just like that is naturally not the consistent style of these top teams on the rankings. The direction of the Seven Seas Traveler was so quiet, it was like a ghost ship hanging on the tree. The tall warrior turned around and made a gesture. , signaling for people to go up and try the quality.

The others watched without saying a word as one or two people leaned in that direction. The two nightingales jumped up to a nearby tall tree and climbed on the branches towards the two giant trees.The two of them moved in tandem and soon arrived near the Seven Seas Traveler.

But it was at this time that the person in front fell from the tree without warning and fell under the canopy like a stone.The second person was startled and stopped quickly. He jumped under the tree and came to his companion. When he checked with his hand, he found that the other person had just fainted.

Not only was he taken aback, but others in Enigma behind him were also taken aback. No one saw how the Seven Seas Traveler launched its attack. Barrier?Trigger spell?trap?Or a poisonous hidden weapon?
The tall warrior immediately sent a message to inquire, but the other Nightingale was even more confused. There were no wounds on his companion's body, and there was no trace of being hit by poisonous arrows and crossbows. Could it be that he was knocked unconscious by the opponent from a distance? ?
This is ridiculous too.

But before they could react, a figure suddenly appeared on the boat. The tall figure looked like a sailor's outfit. The figure stood on the side of the boat, looked down at the people below, and then looked in the direction of Enigma and his group.

"Gentlemen," it was Boatswain Baggins who spoke, "there is a saying that water in a well should never cross the river. I know the purpose of your coming here." He said while looking at the barrier on the side, "We just don't I happened to be stranded in this place, and I don’t intend to hinder you from exploring any treasures, but if you don’t know what to do, we don’t mind having a fight with you.”

Baggins shrugged: "It's just that I'm the one who said something ugly. For us, it's life and death, but it may not be the case for you. So you really plan to give up on this thing," he pointed at the barrier, "and die with us? "

The tall warrior narrowed his eyes.

If he was still doubtful just now, it is now completely confirmed that his own people were attacked by the other party, but the other party did not kill him, just to tell him that they had no ill intentions and did not want to get involved in this fight. Come from the treasure.

But he had to admit that what the other party said made sense. Once this battle started, it would be a fight to the death for the other party, but was it really a good deal for them?

He looked at the obelisk on one side, and the glow of the barrier covering the valley continued to weaken.

How did these people end up stranded in this place by chance?
He was a little suspicious in his heart, but he just doubted whether Baggins' words were true or not. Who knows if these people were really not interested in the obelisk?
But just as he was about to test further, the remaining members of the Falcon Regiment, AOA and Enigma also appeared there in the other direction. They had exactly the same reaction as the tall warriors before. They were also momentarily shocked by the situation in the valley. .

"Obelisk!" someone shouted.

Without saying a word, the Falcons immediately wanted to rush ahead of everyone, but the gray wolf on the side had already stopped them with someone. The latter looked in the direction of the tall warrior, who immediately nodded to them.

I also put aside the matter of the Seven Seas Traveler for the time being.

"What?" Ronos, the grand leader of the Falcon Regiment, looked at Gray Wolf, "You want to stop us and AOA, Enigma wants to eat alone?"

Gray Wolf cursed in his heart that this guy really couldn't spit out ivory, and pulled AOA over as soon as he opened his mouth. However, his expression did not change and he only smiled gloomily, "I'm afraid you are mistaken, Ronos. It is true that Enigma arrived first, but look at this barrier, although its power is weakening, at least for now, no one among us can break it, right?"

"What do you want to say?"

"A guy who pretends to be confused while pretending to understand."

Gray Wolf cursed again in his heart, "We are not the only three teams here. The Sea Eagle Feathers are not the only guild affiliated with the CE Club, and the Falcon Group is not the only elite brigade of the Sea Eagle Feathers. The situation of AOA The same is true of course. We are the first to arrive here, but there may be many more people coming later, and when those people arrive, things will be much more complicated than now."

"You mean we work together to break the barrier here first?" Ronos asked.

He was indeed a little moved. They each came from big guilds and top clubs, and they knew each other well. Gray Wolf was right, even if it was a guild or a club, there would still be competition within it. If it was destined that a person would not be able to If you can't live alone, it may be better to cooperate with people outside the guild than with your own people.

"What do people who watch AOA think?" Gray Wolf could tell at a glance that the other person was interested. After all, he would have agreed to this proposal.

The two looked in that direction.

Among the people in AOA, the group leader Marshall was still communicating with the Gray Hunter ZXC, "Did you just notice this barrier?" the former asked.

The latter shook his head, but ZXC was not sure whether he was wrong. Didn't this valley exist before this? Maybe the power of the barrier was further weakened, so they could see this scene?

What's more, they came here just for the obelisk. Now that the obelisk appears in this place, who would doubt that it is fake?
Enigma and the Falcons didn't leave them much time. After learning about the other party's discussion, Marshall immediately made a decision and agreed to the other party's proposal.

Because whether it is compared to Enigma or the Falcon Group, AOA is considered a weak side, and the other party is willing to take them, which is good news for them.

However, Baggins on the Seven Seas Traveler frowned when he saw this scene, turned around and left to send a message to Fang Plover:
"Captain, the other party seems to be difficult to deal with. They reached an agreement very quickly, much faster than we thought."

"Don't worry, Mr. Baggins," but before Fang Plover could speak, Alyssa's voice came from the communication crystal, "Let them come over. As long as the barrier itself is fine, their union will not last long. ."

"Alyssa is right, leave it to us." Fang Plover also said.

The boatswain was a little confused after what he heard, but he really didn't understand much about the organizational structure of these selectors. Only Fang Pliance's words made him feel relieved, "Okay, Captain."

He raised his head and saw a star flying in the night sky.

That was none other than the six-winged Seraph that carried Dalil and the others. It trailed a cyan trail and landed on the deck. Miss Nightingale was the first to jump down from it, holding the communication crystal in her hand and waving to him. road:
"Mr. Baggins, you behaved well just now."

Alyssa said, "The sea witch should have shocked those people. With your words, they will think carefully even if they want to attack us."

Dalil also said: "The leader told us his plan on the way back," she nodded, "I think it's feasible. The relationship between those big guilds is much more complicated than imagined. As long as it can give us A day or so of delay is enough.”

She asked, "Is one day enough?"

Jita's affirmative reply came from the crystal: "One day will definitely be fine."

On the other side, although the people from AOA and the Falcon Group also noticed the situation on the Seven Seas Traveler, just as Alisa expected, they did not come to cause trouble. They just sent people to keep an eye on this direction and then pulled out. Prepare to break the barrier.

"They are here."

Jita said after seeing this scene.

Fang Yu was a little nervous, but it turned out to be unnecessary. People from AOA, Enigma and the Falcon Group tested the barrier in several places, but those were destined to be in vain. The barrier described in the Book of Life The corner has all the characteristics of a true enchantment.

Including all its protective capabilities.

Although the consumption was a bit high, it was only for a short period of time after all. After testing several times and finding that it had no effect on the barrier at all, the three parties gave up this futile attempt.

They seemed a little helpless, but they had expected it. After all, if a large barrier could be broken so easily, it would not be the first choice for those guilds to stay. They just saw that the barrier was continuously weakening, so they had a fluke. Just psychological.

Once the experiment failed, the fragile alliance between the three parties immediately fell apart.

Tianlan looked at this scene and was equally puzzled as Boatswain Baggins, but Miss Nightingale simply answered the question: "They want to steal the chicken, of course they have to do it before others arrive. But after the guild people arrive, they Naturally, it is impossible to join forces with outsiders anymore, these are two different things."

She looked in that direction with bright eyes: "As more and more people arrive, the chances of them joining forces will become slimmer and slimmer, because those top guilds cannot tolerate so many people participating together to share the cake."

"They will definitely decide which one, or several final winners, and before that, there is only time left for us."

Miss Poet blinked: "Does that mean we are safe?"

"Safe?" Alyssa looked at her and smiled: "On the contrary."

"Yes, the most dangerous time is next."

Fang Plover's voice came from the crystal.

... (end of this chapter)

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