Pillars of Ita

Chapter 978 Before the Trial, Act 309

The first ray of wind in summer is passing through the forest, making the sea of ​​long-leaved pine trees in Xintaan billow with waves, the sky is like washing, and the cloud wall is like a sea.

Three or four clockwork creatures with orange-yellow shells were parading in the sky. They were turning the camera to record each scene, staying for a while, and then turning to another direction.

Seventy-eight empty inside and outside——

Fang Plover stood on the hill, put his hand into the purse of his coat, looked up at the towering cloud wall in the sky, and the low shadow of the northern mountains.Several militiamen from Sid Town were standing behind him respectfully.

The wind blew over the young man's collar, rolled up the ends of his hair, and swept across his eyebrows, like an invisible hand gently caressing his face.But he said nothing, wearing bronze goggles, looking down at the fast-approaching verdant land-where the picture was splitting into countless.

From a wider perspective, you can have a panoramic view of the world.

Tall, gray and twisted creatures wielding tentacles and vines wailed and fell under the siege of silver-armored knights.

In the emerald green below, there were ugly scorched marks all over the middle and west of the forest. Mercenaries from several nearby towns held torches and burned the forest to a white ground.

The militiamen scattered into a human wall and were advancing towards the depths of the forest.

Fang Plover snapped a batch of photos, then raised his hand to lift the eyepiece.

But the underground line gave him two important hints.

He looked up and added, "I was going to tell you about it, but I was too busy the other day and almost forgot."

She asked very tightly, leaving Fang Plover almost no room to think.Fang Plover pondered for a while and then replied: "Using the package command to let them use the video crystal to scan and take pictures of the designated area can save computing power to the greatest extent... I can barely do it."

This realization really surprised Fang Plover.

Now the Oshu people's empire is in full swing, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it is going to end.

Although there is not much progress, it has finally stepped into the threshold and entered another new world.

For example, after he cut off the connection with the construct in the remaining training, he could finally encapsulate five or seven commands, which is the limit of his current computing power.

Leonardo spit on the ground with a mouthful of thick phlegm, "Bah! I think it's more like collecting the corpse for us!"

She just laughed and took a deep look at Fang Plover: "It seems that I still underestimated you, little guy. I was worried that letting you study margin skills this month would make you score points in the competition." Xin, it seems that you are still worrying too much now, maybe you can give the imperial people a little surprise."

And even for the most difficult doors, the bottleneck has obviously loosened.

For example, he has been puzzled by the application of the margin of multiple constructs.

She pointed to her brain.

But after that, because of the withered tree man, he missed the opportunity several times by mistake.And later, he began to gain a deep understanding of the application of margin skills in swift tactics, and he was out of control.

The advanced swift tactics are based on the margin skills. If he is referring to the margin skills, it seems that there is no need to worry about him wasting time on the advanced skills of the swift tactics?
He was a little puzzled, but Ming Dao didn't get entangled in this topic, and said to him directly:

Ming obviously noticed that he had entered the tent, and gently closed the books with his hands before turning around to look at him.There was a hint of shock and surprise in her eyes, and she looked Fang Plover up and down.

But is there any connection between the abnormal activities of the withered tree people and the plan of the imperial people?

The militia captain leaned over and said in a low voice: "Ed, some people have been walking around recently, as if they were investigating you. But you did a big favor to the Northern Legion before, and the Knights took action to arrest those people. Please go."

The Imperial Army is not so civilized and polite, especially in its own territory. If it is a reporter from the tabloid newspapers like Ainbrock, the Imperial Army will probably use 'boom', and maybe arrest them directly.

There were so many doubts in his heart that Leonardo complained that the imperial army's response was too slow, and he didn't hear clearly that the town pays so much taxes every year for nothing.

But even so, there is no clue.

First, the inspiration of the star installation actually comes from the flow of Cang Zhihui.

"It's not a quick tactic," Ming shook his head. "That's exactly why I was worried, but now that you've reached this point, it's different."

"Yeah, Mr. Ed is amazing," the little girl in the guild uniform couldn't help but said, "Even the knights are very polite to Mr. Ed. Before the adventure guild sent us, you can tell us that we are here for Ai. Mr. De did it."

She raised her head and looked at Fang Plover, "As for why, you will naturally know when you enter that world. No matter how much I say, it's better for you to experience it yourself."

He may not have been studying margin skills for a long time, but compared with the newcomers in the first world at the same time, he is definitely one of the first people to enter this field.

The two said goodbye quickly, and Fang Yan walked into his tent alone—this was a tent specially set up for him by the people of the Northern Legion, and he was granted permission to live in the barracks as a military 'advisor'.

His multiple parallel skills did not come from the wolf girl.

Ming believes that what he and Luo Wei are studying now is the basic theoretical part of swift tactics. From theoretical study to actual practice, it may take Fang Plover half a year, while Luo Wei needs at least one and a half years.

"More than sixty clockwork goblins?"

Ming said lightly, but his heart was filled with turmoil.

Fang Plover was a little embarrassed by what the two said, and couldn't help but blush.

Fang Plover choked.

"I just saw that you released twelve clockwork fairies in each wave," said Ming: "There is an interval of 12 seconds between each group. After you complete the first search, divide the area, and the most important thing is What?"

Fang Plover nodded.

Fang Yan's heart trembled when he heard this.

"It's a little trick, and Luo Wei can do it too," she raised her eyelids and looked at Fang Plover, "But, it's called swift tactics, at least it's the basis, you know How difficult is it?"

But after learning the idea of ​​swift tactics and abandoning some details, the packaged commands suddenly doubled to fifteen or even seventeen.

These days, he lived in this place most of the time, except for the occasional teaching assistant for Ming in the town.

The multiple parallels taught by Ming are of little significance to him. After all, considering the progress of other people, the construction queen will not teach too advanced knowledge.

He has gained so much in the past month, even Fang Plover himself has a vague feeling that whether he is in combat artisan or in alchemy, he has completely changed from before Nozpitz's underground journey. .

Ming's eyes are bright, "For a craftsman, the efficiency of the naked eye is far inferior to the calculation of the structure. When you trust your vision, you give up your trust in your structure. And the vision will take up a lot of your computing power, isn't it Systematic, but here—"

All that is needed is time.

Second, Jeldom had actually kept the biggest secret in that institution, a fact he later learned from that letter.

"Don't think about it so much, you may not be able to figure out some things even if you have to think about them," she smiled, "Princess Brianne is back, that's why I came to you. You are so happy here, helping the imperial people to deal with the withered tree people, have you forgotten the business?"

When mentioning the Imperial Army, the other party was obviously very angry, saying that if it weren't for him and Ms. Ming, the loss of the town would not be too great this time.

And it was from that time that Fang Plover suddenly found that he seemed to understand the technical language left by Jeldham.

Some things are just a layer of window paper, and you can't understand it even if you want to break your head before breaking it, but if someone gives pointers, especially for people like Fang Plover, it will be a matter of course.

The image of the imperial army with black helmets and black armor appeared in his mind.

Only an elderly militiaman saw this scene from a distance, came over to greet him warmly and said, "Ed, it's so early today."

In the past month, apart from studying the margin technique itself and practicing quick tactics, he has actually been studying the treasure left by Jeldham.

With the in-depth understanding of the use of surplus skills in swift tactics, he even went a step further in the chapter of the key, and once again solved some things that have always puzzled him in the chapter of the key.

But in fact, Fang Plover has already tried to add some of his own understanding and application of swift tactics in this month's battle. Although not much, it is effective.

The middle-aged man finally dragged his tone and said leisurely: "I see, this empire is about to end."

"People's attention is limited after all, even if they have undergone special craftsman training," the queen of construction raised one leg, "It seems that you have understood how to give up part of the calculation when controlling the construction, Even if it's very counter-intuitive to the average person."

"Disconnect the perception connection from the node crystal, and encapsulate it into the video crystal to complete the task mechanically through the surplus technique. This is indeed what I taught you."

Hearing that the militia captain was full of complaints, Fang Yan couldn't help but ask, "Is this the case in Xide Town all these years?"

Could it be that their whereabouts in Nozpitz were exposed so soon, or is it that the Osyrians are so concerned about this matter?

"Well, Mr. Leonardo, this is the last batch, and I will finish work earlier." Fang Plover looked at the other party and replied.

Among Keming's theories, there are already ready-made applications.

Although Ming did say that it may take at least half a year for him to truly turn the theory into practice, but the queen of construction didn't know it before, and he actually had a deep study on the margin technique.

However, if the investigations come from different affiliated imperial armies, it is not incomprehensible that the Garnande provincials would not give face to their colleagues.

Fang Plover shook his head dumbfounded, only thinking that he was joking.

After mastering these two clues, he began to focus on unlocking the real secret of the star device, but the progress was still slow.When he arrived in Sid Town and met Ms. Ming for the first time, he actually wanted to discuss with the queen of construction more than once what he saw on the device with the stars.

But it's not easy to talk about reappearance. The closest thing he has to the truth is the gray gemstone he got from the old servant of Lin En's family. It is already the product closest to the prototype of the star device.

But Ming obviously didn't think so much.

But apart from that—

Fang Plover raised the curtain and walked into the tent, still thinking about the technology-related things, but when he looked up, he couldn't help being startled.He found that Ms. Ming was sitting on his bed, silently flipping through the notes he had left on the desk.

"A surprise for the imperial people?" Fang Yan was taken aback, "Isn't swift tactics a fighting technique? Is it still useful in the steeple trial?"

After one or even two layers of amplification, the margin technique actually began to enter the practical field from the field of research.

"Isn't it?" The other party spread his hands, "Especially in the past two years, the activities of the withered tree people have become more frequent, and our militia team is simply not manned. We must consider whether it will affect production when we recruit young people from the town."

The militia youths on the side all looked solemn, and they hurriedly made way for them, not even daring to talk to him.

"Mr. Leonardo!" the little girl in the guild uniform shouted angrily.

"The town of Sid is on the edge of the sea of ​​trees. There is not a single regiment of knights stationed in the town. We apply to Abenand every year to station more manpower. What happened? Nothing happened. What happened, the Imperial Army It took several days to arrive slowly."

That is the real treasure left by Jeldom to future generations through the title of that organization.

Although he has tried his best to get used to people's stares in the past month, it is not a day's work, and he still feels uncomfortable from time to time.

Leonardo listened, and suddenly said: "Speaking of this, I remembered something."

It doesn't sound like a lot, but don't forget that he also has the skills of closed loop device and star device at the same time, and the latter two are the further amplification of margin skills.

From his point of view, there has always been such confusion in the Stars device that was formed later. Although that complex device seems to be related to the margin technique, it looks more like a black box from the outside.

"You don't have to say good things for those bastards, I know what kind of virtue they are," the militia captain shook his head, "but those bastards are not serious in front of others, but they have no temper in front of you, Ed. .”

"The three and four points are in the A7 area, safe, the three and two groups are in the E8 area, safe, the H9, U10 areas are safe, P8, J4, F10..." A little girl in the uniform of the adventure guild reported the number from behind, raising her hand from time to time. At first, I looked forward with eyes full of surprise and awe.

"No, everyone has helped," Fang Yan looked in that direction and said with a smile. "It's me. In fact, after the imperial army intervened, I didn't help much. I just took the opportunity to practice."

It's not surprising though that Treants do have some periods of activity in their 100-year cycle.But Fang Plover is very suspicious now, and he always unconsciously connects with the information he heard before.

To his surprise, this in turn further promoted his research on the star device.In the past month, since he learned the real use of swift tactics from Ming, he has made great progress in various skills at hand.

"how did you do that?"

Only then did he realize that when he released the clockwork goblin, the Queen of Constructors had already arrived and had been watching.

When Fang Yan learned of this secret from the reminder in that letter, the shock in his heart was long gone. In fact, that was what he had been lacking all along.

Although that feeling may be just an illusion, it at least shows that he has indeed mastered many new things.So these things, now only lack the foundation to truly transform into him.

However, in private, she will still further teach Fang Yan and Luo Wei the skills related to swift tactics.While others were preparing for the upcoming competition, Fang Plover devoted most of his time to honing his remaining skills.

He also has a deeper purpose.

It's not a quick tactic, is it a margin technique?Fang Plover was stunned, but compared to swift tactics, margin skills were more obvious, at least the basic part was more obvious.

But in fact, not long after that, he had already received a ticket to enter this world from Shana.

Even the Northern Legion just used 'invite'. If what Leonardo said is true, those people may not have that simple origin.

Go to the road of stars through the margin skills.

But Fang Plover put down the goggles in his hand, turned around and walked back.

"Thanks to you," Leonardo looked at him appreciatively, "By the way, the Adventurer's Guild sent a group of reckless little girls to help in the last few days. Didn't they delay anything?"

If he can't understand the ultimate connection between the principle and its application, then he can only use the existing star devices in the end, instead of recreating this miracle from the principle level.

"It's the coverage rate," Fang Plover blurted out subconsciously without even thinking about it. "The twelve clockwork fairies can be divided into four groups. The important thing is not the accuracy of the search, but to increase the coverage rate of the scan."

Fang Plover was startled, and suddenly realized.

"Princess Brianna is back," he immediately realized what this meant. "The training camp is over, and we are going to the Silver Tower?"

Ming nodded slightly.


I have something to do today, so I am a little late.Tomorrow, I will go to visit my grandma’s grave, and I will write again when I come back, but I may not be able to finish writing.

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