Pillars of Ita

Chapter 979, Scene 31, Nini Bank Officially Established

Chapter 979, Scene 310, Nini Bank Officially Established
"Look!" Xiaoyao leaned on the window, turned around and shouted to the others.

On the way back to Abenand, Her Royal Highness Princess Brianna hired a caravel.It originally belonged to a certain imperial nobleman, and the Elf Princess Palace paid for it privately. This feat made everyone in the Colin-Ishurian delegation staggered at the wealth of Her Highness the Princess.

Fang Yan was not surprised by this.

Although described as an expedition three-masted schooner with wing sails, it was actually a yacht.Therefore, the furnishings on the ship are very luxurious, and each team has its own private room.

Fang Plover and his party stayed in the reception room in the upper area, where MTT and Wuxi were playing magic beast chess popular among artisans nowadays.Weiyu sat on the sofa and kept asking Fang Plover about his participation in the battle between the Northern Army of the Empire and the Withered Treant. Shui Wuming and Mu Lan were also curious about this and listened from the sidelines.

"There will always be a period of time in the 100 years that the withered tree people will be very active." Weiyu is a typical outstanding player, who knows a little about many things, and the questions he asks often have something to say, "But I heard They invaded Abenand once more than ten years ago, why are they active again now?"

"I don't know either. The people of the empire think that the unusually severe cold last winter stimulated them to act so abnormally." Fang Plover shook his head dully, citing the words of the Knights of the Silver Helmets.

"Last winter seemed to be really cold. The Battle of the Northern Territory attracted everyone's attention, but in fact, many people froze to death in places like Baozhang Coast, and even many originally ice-free ports were attacked by the silent wind. Ancient The frequent rebellion in Tata this year is also due to this factor, and the mountain people in the mountains can't stand it anymore." Shui Wuming said.

Everyone here is from Kaolin, so the topic naturally turned to the kingdom. Ragnarok, who was born in Mulan, mainly has a sphere of influence in the southern border, so he knows the southern border better.

"It's not much better in the South." She put down the crystal cup in her hand, and the tea was steaming, and said: "The reshuffle of the alliance did not really solve the problem of the Southern Alliance. Instead, the loosening of control made the conflict more acute. Many people They all feel that the south is now a powder keg, but last winter was extremely cold, and many refugees joined them, so the king and the prime minister are even more anxious."

Alisa opened the live broadcast room early, her eyelashes moved slightly, and her eyes stayed on the fluorescent screen.

He is not the only one behind him, some like-minded people set up this team with him.Those people come from all over the world, and many of them have never even met in reality.

At 45:[-], on the lower deck of the Seven Seas Traveler—

Today the spire belongs to the Silver Spire Society.

She couldn't help thinking of herself, of Loofah.

But Miss Nightingale didn't care about this, she just smiled and continued: "In short, the first prerequisite for success is to have money. Nini, having sufficient funds is the prerequisite for doing many things - Nini should know that, right? By the way, Nini Does Ni like sparkles?"

Fang Plover looked at the other party unexpectedly.

This original league between craftsmen only occupies a small part of the super-sports map. It is usually a competition field for major guilds to select their own talented craftsmen.

But for the younger generation of alchemists, where many legends have come from in the past ten years, how far they walk in this steeple determines whether they can enter the sacred hall.

Of course, there were one or two IDs that sparked controversy, but they were quickly banned by management.

Everyone first saw the emerald green sea of ​​trees, connected to the red cliff shoreline, and the silver city was located at the junction of these two completely different scenery, climbing up with the ridge.

Two branches from the Hill of Giant Trees, a delegation from the Nomemis Artisan Association (White Tree Society), and a delegation from Sanshak; two branches from Lotao, a delegation from Mirro Temple artisans, and a delegation from Pillar of Stars artisans.

Nini's eyes turned bright.

For this live broadcast room, for the stray horses, for the games and people they will see, they are already quite familiar.

"Nini has made a lot of contributions," Alisa praised, "but Nini, do you know how to succeed?"

He had to choose to start the broadcast in the space station. Engaging in live broadcasts related to super sports is very different from being a landscape blogger in the past, but after more than a year, he gradually got used to it.

From the dictation of the previous generation of players, the circulation within the guild, and the repeated exhortations of the old people in the delegation, they heard the stories about the past there with cocoons in their ears.

"I heard that the prime minister chose a new queen from the southern border, is there such a thing?" Shui Wuming couldn't help asking, remembering the information Xiaoyao had provided before.

"Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that they are coming for us," the young man said, "Because of Ed, our Ishurian delegation can be said to be one step ahead in terms of multiple parallelism, and anyone who can compete with us Only the Imperials, and the two artisan guilds in the Hill of Giant Trees."

All kinds of signs indicate that the kingdom will experience a turmoil, which is closely related to the third division, but the major guilds have just lost a big defeat in the turbid domain, in fact, they need to recuperate.

The red-brown cliffs are like a high wall, located on the left and right sides of the city. The grand canyon formed by its split is the important corridor in the middle of the empire-the corridor from Abpenand to Aiyinbulok Plain.

The Collins performed well in the preliminaries this time. Except for St. Juan from the Outer Seas, the other three delegations all entered the third round.

Abenand is located at the end of the Grand Canyon, at the northern entrance of the Grand Canyon, adjacent to the sea of ​​trees, where you can see both the endless sea of ​​trees and a corner of the towering central plateau of the empire.

"A bank, in essence..." Miss Nightingale thought about it carefully, and found the most easy-to-understand explanation, "It's a place to save money, a place to put small gold coins together, shiny little gold coins."

"You are stupid, you can combine vertical and horizontal in the steeple test. The people of the empire saw that we are coming aggressively this time, so they thought of some extra moves... The empire entered three regiments like us this time, but Except for the main regiment, the other two regiments may not be much stronger than us and the Kapuka Artisan Association, the Imperials are afraid of losing money in the hands of people."

Abenand is the capital of the province of Garnande. Nande means the Grand Canyon in the imperial language. The entire province is located in the Grand Canyon, on the edge of the border sea of ​​trees.

Vikki glared at him, "Shut up, that elf princess has finished speaking, and the soul fingerprints and ghosts have gone up, listen to what they have to say."

"What do they want to do?"

Princess Brian gathered everyone on the deck and explained to them the precautions, opponents who need to pay attention, and which regulations need to be strictly kept secret before the game.

But for Alisa, our Miss Nightingale actually quite enjoys the feeling of hiding behind the scenes.

Shui Wuming is a little accustomed to the confidence of the plovers beyond the extra part, but in the past she would think that it was a little childish and cute, but now she will seriously consider its possibility.

"Parker is a big spender and can't save money, but Nini can." Alyssa laughed into a ball and continued to point out, "So as long as from today, Nini saves a small gold coin from Parker every day for him, no How long will it take for you to be successful."

A total of almost 120 top alchemists will decide in this competition who will go to the Tower of Winter Solstice in the end, and from there they will choose the list of ten people who will finally enter the Hall of the Holy King.

She looked at the crowd and was somewhat satisfied with the state of these young people.Ming didn't know what magic had been cast on them to make them look like everyone was ambitious.

But there are quite a few people in the live broadcast room, many of them have arrived early, and the atmosphere is rarely good, everyone is saying hello to each other.Those people were either die-hard fans brought by the stray horse himself, or the first batch of old people who joined the live broadcast group.

Severe cold, severe winter, turmoil, and the inexplicable queen have made everyone feel a little bit down. Although the crisis also indicates opportunities, the current situation is not very good.

She listened quietly to the stray horse talking at a leisurely pace, and smoothly introduced some details about the game.Because it is a professional secondary event, many people don't even understand the nature of this game when the first round of the game was not broadcast to the whole continent.

At the very top of the sea of ​​trees, a silver spire soared into the sky.

Because of this, this professional competition, which did not receive much attention, also attracted more attention from the outside world, making the Continental League more and more important in the current atmosphere.

The young man analyzed clearly, "What's more, the Imperials are unlikely to be able to occupy three teams. Even if there is a second division and a fourth division, the associations in the outer seas have more thoughts... The Imperials are Ming now. The hard power on the surface is the first, and they will always have a chance to unite with the imperials..."

The Great Library was first built by the Lightbringer and the Keeper of Secrets, and Fang Plover has long been known for it. He is also familiar with the names of Scroll Knight and Angina's Loremaster.

Management is her—

Participate in the competition for the highest honor in the Holy King's Hall.

"Have you ever heard of banks, Nini?"

Everyone is a little silent.

"What are you all looking at me for?" Fang Yan asked a little angrily.

But their common hobby is talking about the dragon alchemist, and the wandering horse wonders if he has built a fan community of Ed.

Various reasons have pushed this sub-event to the forefront, and it has aroused attention that did not belong to it in the first world, especially in the Colin-Ishurian Division.

"... Now that they are making the technology public, on the one hand, they are trying to win over the small associations outside the sea, and on the other hand, they are making trouble for us..."

Originally, after half of the [-] teams were eliminated, there should have been [-] participating teams left, but because not every team was full, in fact there were only [-] relatively complete participating teams left in the end.

Fang Yan couldn't help being a little distracted, and looked around, but coincidentally, he saw a familiar scene in another direction at a glance.

"Beside him is his old opponent, Georgifen, another twin star of the empire. The two are not from the same guild. Juno is from the Sacramental Guild, and Grogiffin's old club is Prometheus."

"Disclosing technology to those small associations, how can it cause trouble for us?"

Nini rested her chin cutely, sitting on her shoulder, staring intently at the floating subtitles on the screen.In fact, she couldn't understand it, but she just found it very novel.

Or the sudden emergence of a certain dragon alchemist, and a series of events before that, especially the case of the Arbitration Tribunal of Ainbrok, which was making a lot of noise.

Ming stood on the deck and did not speak, but told the situation of the steeple trial by the fingerprint of the soul on the side.

"Then what do we do?"

Among them, there are three branches of Kaolin, the delegation of Goland craftsmen, the delegation of Kapka craftsmen, and the delegation of Guta; Artisan delegation.

That was the Eye of Olgiphon, one of the tallest spires in Etaria, which had once been used to watch over the giants in the northern part of the Badlands, but the giants were scattered and no longer a threat.

Shui Wuming looked at Cui Xisi, "Cui Xisi, I don't need to introduce you, she is the elf envoy in this team, and her level is only higher than Sister Luo Wei's, not lower."

Mu Lan couldn't help but look at Fang Plover.

It gave her a headache for half of the housekeeper on the ship.

Fang Plover was thinking about other issues.

An hour later the caravan entered Abpenand's guiding course.

Not all of these remaining participating teams have full members, but generally speaking, the main delegations belonging to the three main continents maintain a relatively complete organizational system.

A group of people looked at the steeple, and they were all in a daze, thinking about each other. Almost every one of them had heard more or less legends about the steeple and the trials behind it.

Although they have tried to explain a few games before, this one is the real first tough battle since the formation of this team.

This is even the same for Vikki and the Guta players, so at this moment, regardless of each other, the Guta people and the Colin people are finally on the same boat.

Roland was listening in a daze.

She turned her head and looked at Fang Ploy, "It's the full lineup of the Imperial Workshop delegation, which can be called luxurious, and even the FOX students can only be ranked third. As far as I know, the main force of each session of the Oshu people The level of the team is like this, now you understand why the other participating teams are desperate about this?"

"Nini doesn't understand."

"...The elimination quota for the Spire Trial is two-thirds. Of the remaining fifteen teams, there will be five teams left. Even if the imperials occupy three teams, they will still have a chance to eliminate us."

She looked at everyone calmly, hoping that these young people could go further.

"There are three other people, the plug-in craftsman Hegrim in the gray field, the magic craftsman Helium, and a free man 'Black'. They don't seem to be here. These people are also the main craftsman level of several large guilds, and none of them are Fuel-efficient lamp."

Nini shook her head in confusion, apparently this concept was too complicated for her.

Nini turned her gaze back and looked at her curiously with blinking big eyes.

The spire shines brightly in the sea of ​​trees, reflecting the sun.

The domestic community has not held much hope for their own contestants for the time being. All in all, the possibility of winning the championship is almost non-existent, but if the loss is too ugly in the game, it is inevitable that they will be harshly criticized after returning to China.

Alyssa tapped the tip of the little guy's nose with her fingertips. Nicole didn't like this, which made her hide and frown.

This is going to be a tough fight.

Nini's eyes lit up, "Really, as long as Nini keeps Jingjingjing together?"

Compared with the sub-tower of Elpaxin, Olgifen is the origin of the Silver Tower Society, and the minaret in the southern border of Colin-Ishurian, Alfindo also imitated this minaret And built.

The young man continued: "Not to mention the main group, their twin stars may not necessarily be better than Weiyu and Shui Wuming, not to mention we still have Ed, the imperial people may be a little guilty."

"Witches are also a type of wizards. The Kingdom of Colin does not discriminate against people with witch bloodlines, and the other party has a magic book in their hands. I heard that the royal family values ​​​​this marriage." Mu Lan obviously grasped With a lot of first-hand information, her words also confirmed the rumors that Xiaoyao told them before.

The stray horse had prepared his live broadcast early. He looked up at the time, and the number on the clock in the dim light of area B of the space station was jumping to [-]:[-].

"Can the chosen one also have noble blood?"

And the empire has firmly established its foundation on the Clover Plain.

At this time, the soul fingerprints on the deck finally finished their last sentence.

"It's not me," Fang Yan looked at them and said, "Teacher, she values ​​each of us equally."

The caravel is docking.

He paid attention to sorting out every detail before the broadcast, and adjusted the location of the set. The visa for the next trip to Stargate has been obtained, and it will still be three months later.

"Nini," Alisa glanced over suddenly, and smiled mysteriously, "How is the organization with you, Parker, and Xiaojiao?"

Alisa looked at this little guy, but thought of Parker in her heart. He didn't know what he was doing on the boat recently, and he couldn't stop.

But he didn't think so, "But Wu Ming, I think we also have a chance."

But now there are some special reasons, whether it is the big defeat in the third division since the Turbid Realm, or the excellent performance of this Colin-Ishurian delegation.


For contestants like Luo Wei from the Great Guild, this is a good thing, as it can attract more exposure.But on the other hand, it is also a heavy burden.

The quiet time lasted until Xiaoyao's voice came from the porthole, which attracted everyone to look in that direction.

Behind her, there are several other young people.

She thought silently for a moment, then raised her head and said, "Sister Ming probably thinks so too, maybe the whole world thinks it's impossible for us, but she also thinks that possibility exists in you."

Once upon a time, she happened to be a member of that class.Facing this silver spire with trepidation, and stepping onto the arena, she left a lot of pride there.

Successive failures and league scandals have cast a shadow over Chaosports in China, which is closely related to everyone present. The decline in audience enthusiasm has also affected their future.

The soul fingerprint is just another emphasis.

Fang Plover turned his head, only to realize that it was Shui Wuming who was explaining to him.She pointed to a person behind Trixes and said: "Luofen, a student of FOX, King of Ashes has two students, one develops in the field of alchemists, and the other inherits his mantle to develop in combat artisans. In fact, you have seen that person Pass."

"So," Alisa pointed out, "Parker can't save money, how can he be successful if he can't save money, the most important thing for an organization is capital, does Nini understand?"

Today is the day when the Continental League is officially broadcast to the whole continent. Even in some parts of the Second World, there are people who are paying attention to this game.

"Juno Pirio, one of the twin stars of the empire, is good at building dragon knights."

"Some Chosen Ones were born from marriages with aborigines. The star gate has been open for almost a century, and it has been almost 200 years since the star gate was built. Before us, there were forerunners and the military Many such things have happened during this period, but the officials have rarely publicized them, and their reputation has not been obvious."

The little girl shook her flaming tail, tilted her head, not quite understanding.

Fang Plover was a little bored when he heard it. He had already memorized the [-] participating teams. He knew things like participating teammates. Naturally, the tactical analysis team would not wait until this time to let them cram.

But there are still regrets.

But Mu Lan shook her head, obviously she didn't know, or Ragnarok knew, but she was just the next generation of craftsmen trained in the guild.

"I heard," Zheng Yong whispered to a squint-eyed young man next to him, "the imperialists have issued a gauntlet to us. We trained multiple parallel skills in the border sea of ​​trees, and the imperialists directly passed the technical rules to the people in the open sea. Those delegations were made public."

Shui Wuming was slightly surprised.

"There is such a news, which has been spread amazingly recently. I heard that the other party is a Chosen One, and has some relationship with the aborigine nobles." Mu Lan said, "I heard that the other party is a witch with a very special background. High strength, and noble blood. It's just that this person's reputation has been unknown before, which is suspicious."

All went to the windows and gazed at the slender and graceful tower, which was almost as high as the red cliffs in the background, hanging like a silver thread from the sky.

Zheng Yong heard the lively talk between the two, and couldn't help but feel worried. He turned to look at Vikki at the side, "Vikki, did you hear what they said, did Ms. Ming and the others make a mistake?"

After the Traveler of the Seven Seas berthed in Abenand, the goblin lady returned to Fang Yan's side.

There are two remaining teams from overseas, and two teams from the trials. A total of [-] delegations entered the steeple trial.

"Is that a student of the King of Ashes?" Fang Yan never expected that Luther was a student of the King of Grays. No wonder the other party had the sun emblem in his hand. He remembered the legendary name of the King of Craftsmen, and for a moment Can't help being a little envious of each other.

It would be fine if the future queen was just an aborigine, but the other party has half the blood of the chosen one. She appeared like a comet, and might rise with a new force.

"So that person is half of the aboriginal blood, from a certain noble family? Can witches do it too?"

There is their next stop, the venue for the Spire Trial.

"We were a little careless. We just thought that after the Southern League, the spread of ancient alchemy in the competition area would give us a first-mover advantage. I didn't expect that the people of the empire must know this too." The young man frowned, "They disclosed multiple parallel technologies. The details, those members of the small association may not be able to learn much in a month, but it will definitely affect us..."

There are still 10 minutes before the start of the game.

Luo Wei didn't talk to her all this time, she sat on a chair and quietly sipped tea in a silver cup.Miss Tata was sitting incognito opposite the senior, holding a smaller teacup in her hand.

Fang Yan silently watched the delegation from the Imperial Workshop disappear on the other side of the trestle bridge.

Didn't he tell her to go and live with Parker, lest that bad guy delay Papa's affairs?
"Although Parker is very bad, he is still our friend after all," Alisa rolled her eyes and replied kindly, "We can't just let our friends go astray."

She nodded hurriedly.

This incident has caused a lot of heated discussions in the domestic community, and it can be regarded as a shot in the arm for the domestic super-sports that has been sluggish since the defeat of the Turbid Realm two years ago.

"It's the young man named Luther who was with Trixis before, German origin," Shui Wuming said, "Don't look at his ordinary appearance, he has the experience of controlling dragon knights just like you."

Her ID in this live broadcast room is the delicate and beautiful Miss Nightingale. She is considered to be the first batch of viewers, and many people know her.

The imperial ship on the trestle seemed to have just arrived at the port, and he saw Trixis walking down the gangway carrying a big bag and saluting from a distance, but the other party obviously didn't notice this direction.

But no one knew her true identity.

However, when he thought that he was now a student who constructed Wang Ming, his mentality seemed to be a lot more balanced.

"Of course," Alisa asked, "is Nini willing to help Parker succeed?"

"Nini doesn't know," the little girl replied childishly, mumbling her mouth, "Nini didn't understand what Parker said, but sister Alyssa let Nini keep an eye on Parker, and Nini deserved a lot of credit."

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

"Nini is so kind."

Nini nodded seriously.

"Even Ragnarok doesn't know the origin of the other party, and he doesn't even know which family he comes from?" The southern border is Ragnarok's traditional sphere of influence. Fang Plover knew that Ragnarok must be very anxious about the situation beyond his control, but he didn't know what the warrior was. Is Wang also paying attention to this matter?

For many people.

Miss Nightingale's eyes narrowed into a line with a smile: "That's good, from today, Nini Bank is officially established."

"Nini Bank is officially established!"

Nini repeated it childishly, looking energetic.


(End of this chapter)

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