Pillars of Ita

Chapter 986, Act 317, each table 1 branch

Chapter 986 Chapter 310

What rises from the forest is actually a clockwork leprechaun—a classic look, with a copper shell that shimmers in the moonlight, and elytra spread like a golden beetle.

Protruding from below are chain-like thin wings, vibrating rapidly, providing its basic lift-alchemists have the ability to create things quickly in this world, but they still cannot violate the basic laws of physics.

Square Plover considered using a wooden shell and structure, but that was too heavy.

The copper shell and cold iron structure provide the right weight and aether affinity, which is the most perfect design after countless generations of craftsmen's improvements, at least in the field of elf detection.

But these clockwork goblins are actually quite different inside.

All unnecessary designs under the shell have already been eliminated, because there is no need for landing, so there is no precise induction crystal, no heat dissipation, and a balancer. It is designed to run to the highest level in the shortest life moment.

The clockwork goblin screamed and flew forward, on the rostrum, on the field, in the frame, and under the gaze of the audience.

Only a simple gray crystal is being fixed at its core. That kind of crystal does not exist in nature, but as long as the etheric balance is destroyed with magic power, an unstable elemental crystal will be born.

It is connected to a simple visual system and a gear mechanism that is continuously running through the main core crystal-this is the unsimplified version.

The latter takes up most of the space that the other parts of the clockwork goblin should occupy.

Through the fairy puppet 'Vina', Luo Wei can still see the steeple in front of her is approaching and zooming in through the clockwork fairy's crude vision, but she still looks a little worried.

"Cut off the contact," Fang Plover said softly.Many have seen him wield a genie, but few know what makes his genie different from others.

He turned his head and looked at his senior sister, "If it's later, the magic shock returned will destroy the fairy doll."

"But the fairy doll itself doesn't have enough skills."

Luo Wei thought that if the connection was cut off, the clockwork goblin would just rain down, and the gray crystal would only be smashed to pieces if it didn't reach the precise detonation time.

"Don't worry," Fang Yan looked at the shooting stars flying in the sky, "they will fly very high."

"Is it because of that device?" Luo Wei turned around and asked.

Fang Plover nodded.

The closed-loop device was taught to him by Gubaizhiye, but it has changed beyond recognition. He has adopted an earlier version, which is also sufficient to meet the needs of the fire elves.

"Do you want to learn?" Fang Yan asked the senior sister, "I can teach you."

Luo Wei shook her head, she's just a goblin envoy, it's useless to learn this.

The clockwork goblins had already swarmed over the warning area of ​​the minaret, and the mechanical creatures scattered there raised their heads, and the tower was obviously still analyzing the origin of these intruders.

But Tower finally seemed to sense the danger when the flying clockwork goblin went into a dive.

The fire djinn fell like rain.

The mechanical creatures tried to evacuate, but the clockwork goblin turned towards them as if manipulated, swooped down to the nearest position, and raised a spark from inside.

The Mars turned into a dazzling sun in an instant, and the flickering flames spread from the back to the front like a bombardment, and the forest turned into a sea of ​​flames in an instant.

Not every clockwork goblin can hit the enemy accurately, but there is always one of three or four clockwork goblins who can predict it successfully. They fall to the ground like light rain, and then explode.


Geros nearly jumped from his seat.

He is an alchemist himself, and he has also participated in the past continental leagues, so of course he understands the limitations of fairy dolls.

Fire elves are not unique to Fang Plover among battle craftsmen, they appeared in the Lotao War, and the manipulation method is not complicated-just cut off the ether connection with the gray crystal at the last moment, and then let the clockwork goblin Bump it in the right direction—and it will work.

But that is actually the basic use of the surplus skill group, because no matter how powerful the fairy doll is, it cannot do this.

The goblin doll cannot detonate the gray crystal, except at the risk of being destroyed by the magic feedback.But there is another possibility, that is, Fang Plover's clockwork fairies are a special category...

Many thoughts flashed through Jellosh's mind in an instant. He knew a lot about most of the players present, and there was an entire team behind Super Sports to provide technical support for him——

The outside world knows that Dragon Alchemist and his fire djinn, rather than loving to use clockwork goblins to attack, the other party is very good at margin skills, but few people know-his clockwork goblin itself is also special.

He has a type of battle elf, called the Star of Thorin by the outside world, but that has nothing to do with the Fire Djinn. According to the available information, he has never regarded the Star of Thorin and similar battle fairies as the Fire Djinn. used.

The genie itself is a variant of the clockwork goblin.

But his fire djinn is also a variant.

How could anyone have such a soft spot for clockwork goblins?

Geros seemed to have been punched in the face, and his mind was a little dizzy for a while. He explained all kinds of experiences in his career, but the person in front of him seemed to come here to find fault with him-you said you have seen everything?

Have you seen this one?
He had never seen this before.

But even in such a short period of time, he still analyzed all kinds of things and forced himself to calm down, "Unbelievable, it seems that Eddie has done the impossible, his clockwork fairy must be very special—"

Every year in the Continental League, many new technologies emerge.

This is actually one of the meanings of the craftsmen's competition.

But in fact, most of the audience—including those with a certain level of knowledge—couldn't quite understand this scene. Fire elves were rare, because most battle craftsmen regarded it as an inefficient means of attack.

It looks lively, but the level of damage is very low, and the damage to targets above a certain level is not obvious, and it is inefficient and expensive.Use quantity to make up for quality, but ordinary people cannot use margin techniques on a large scale.

It is true that multiple people can work together, but it requires a very high level of tacit understanding. As long as one clockwork goblin detonates first, the other delicate and fragile gray crystals will be reduced to powder under the shock of magic power.

The final result is that not many people like to use it, but it is more common in low-level battles, and Fang Plover uses it from level five or six to almost level thirty—it is unique.

But the audience can at least intuitively see the killing effect after this round of attack. The fire rain fell from the sky, and every three clockwork fairies tacitly searched for a living target.

As if they are art, they are pleasing to the eye, they seem to be full of intelligence, but in fact behind them are efficient and ruthless——

There is even a clockwork goblin looking for compensation at high altitude, and is responsible for chasing it, with almost no dead ends in all directions.After the sea of ​​fire passed, the mechanical creatures in the forest were gone.

Compared with this, the arduous battle of the Imperials now seems somewhat comical.

After only a mere quarter of an hour, Fang Plover commanded the second round of clockwork goblins to move forward, and the battle line was already close to the tower, or it could no longer be called a 'front line'.

It's just the scope of the bombing extension.

This level of mechanical tower lacks intelligence, and can only passively make mechanical creatures retreat, and the result is to be massacred.

That is not surprising to Fang Plover, the level of mechanical creatures in the outer spiers is not too high, but in the first round of the competition, the means and resources of the craftsmen were also lacking.

The fire dwarf is just right here.

Geros finally realized that something was wrong. The fire elves are not endless and lacking, but the clockwork goblins are the smallest and cheapest constructs that craftsmen can make.

Gray crystals are even more worthless, especially in the case of mastering the crystal veins, Fang Plover is recycling the mechanical wreckage on the battlefield. With the speed at which he can create constructs, the number of fire elves on the battlefield is not reduced— —

But more.

The troubles that the imperial people encountered before are now reversed.

Mech Tower 76A is in trouble.

The mechanical tower also seemed to be confused. It originally operated according to the procedures set in advance by the occultists, but the opponent on the opposite side seemed to be a bit unconventional.

Its actual tactic is to copy, proliferate, overwhelm the opponent with its superiority in the number of mechanical bodies, and continue to expand until it drives the invaders out of its own warning area.

Fang Plover didn't know where this mechanical tower came from. There was no similar product in Etalia, but it did follow a certain logic, and it shouldn't be a product created out of thin air by the bachelors of the Silver Tower.

However, Mechanical Tower 76A now encountered an opponent whose tactics were exactly the same as his own, and seemed to be better than his own. In the end, he was at a loss and could only blindly make the construct creature retreat.

The reason for the retreat was that it judged that the existing forces could not break through the fire blockade.

The result is a total meltdown.

This was a scene that Gerald had never seen before.

In the tree customs card, he used strength to overcome cleverness, used quantity to fight against quantity, and then completely silenced the mechanical tower.

Although it is only the most basic mechanical tower on the periphery, he has never heard that the subsequent battles will gradually degrade, and it will only gradually upgrade as the craftsmen master more resources and means.

But it was hard for him to imagine that scene.

The constructed creature still tried to attack the targets in the air, but Fang Plover finally defeated their defense line, and the clockwork goblin penetrated the outer defense line of the mechanical creature and flew directly into the mechanical tower.

After that, things became lively, and what the Imperials could only do with their lives, was the job for the clockwork goblin, the master of suicide attacks.

In the end, a clockwork goblin hit the center of the mechanical tower, and another clockwork goblin flew into the mechanical furnace.

The interior of the low-level mechanical tower lacked efficient protection, and in the end, amidst two flashes of fire and loud noises, everything fell silent.

The battlefield was filled with gunpowder smoke, and fragments of mechanical creatures were scattered in the scorched forest. It seemed that the scene had experienced a shocking battle, but in fact it was only two people who fought.

At the moment, most people in the two worlds with hundreds of millions of viewing streams can't understand the technical details, but they can at least understand the entire battle process.

"Is this a craftsman competition?"

Someone is even asking.

"I didn't know this game was so good before."

"It turns out that the artisan's competition is so exciting."

Jeros was sweating profusely, and didn't know what expression he should make. On the one hand, it's good that the Continental League gets more attention, but it might not be the case next time.

he thought.

Fang Plover was slowly walking through the scorched battlefield, and Luo Wei followed him.

In fact, until the end, Luo Wei actually didn't make any moves. She just kept her fairy doll and watched Fang Plover's performance from the sidelines.

She looked at Fang Plover's back but was slightly puzzled, could he dominate the scene like this anywhere?
"The Colin entered the steeple," Geros described dryly, he was slightly relieved by what happened next, "but they were not very lucky, no goblin was found in this mechanical tower soul-"

He seemed a little grateful for this.Originally, as a professional commentator, he has no preference for any team, and from a tactical perspective, the Imperials have great plans.

But for some reason, he always felt that the plans of the imperial people were not so secure.Especially in front of that young and thin figure, is there really anything that can trap him?

He couldn't help but think of another face, the girl named Loofah.

But that man was far from outrageous.

inside the tower.

Fang Plover is boarding the central platform, looking at the things in the box - there is the spoils of their trip - a device with a very sophisticated appearance, with countless pipes connecting the crystals, and the appearance is shining with metallic luster .

A secondary mechanical artifact.

All the real mechanical artifacts in this level are stored in the three main towers, and the secondary mechanical artifacts can be regarded as a kind of high-level magic guide. No one knows who invented them.

In fact, no one has ever seen anything like it in the outside world.Their functions are all kinds of strange, just like the one in front of them, the constant magic power furnace.

Its function is to provide eternal and endless magical power for a construct below a large size. In a sense, this is also a divine weapon, but unfortunately it is a product of imagination.

It is hard for Fang Plover to imagine that such alchemy items exist in the real world. If there is, it must be the creation of gods rather than extraordinary people.

He quickly figured out the purpose of this thing, and then asked Senior Sister Luo Wei to put it away—this is still the periphery of the Sea of ​​Trees area, and the closer to the core area, the more powerful the mechanical artifact there.

Competing for mechanical artifacts is also the top priority of this level.

But to his dismay, there was no goblin spirit in the spire, and their trip was in vain.

"It took an hour and 10 minutes to capture this mechanical tower." Luo Wei checked the time.

Fang Yan raised his head and looked out through the skylight of the high tower. There was the night sky of the sea of ​​trees. He could imagine that the imperial people must also be in action.

This was not analyzed by him himself, but by Ms. Ming and the soul fingerprints. The imperial people certainly did not rely on the advantage of their numbers to win over the team from the sea.

That's a bit too low-level. The empire also has old opponents with Ming and Soul Fingerprints, and the opponent's tactical analysts are not just for nothing. They will definitely maximize their advantages.

But as long as it is about maximization, there are traces of its behavioral logic. In the final analysis, there are only a few types, and Minghe soul fingerprints can also be screened out one by one by enumeration.

As for which one the imperials will adopt, he needs to make a judgment based on the information, but presumably it is just that aggressive tactics are more likely to be unexpected, so based on the principle of predicting the enemy leniently——

He judged that the progress of the imperial people might exceed his expectations.

"But we have to stop and rest." Fang Yan felt a little regretful that he didn't get the second fairy soul, which interrupted his expected plan.

"The clockwork goblin is very good to replenish, but we have to wait for Xiaoyao and the others to send the second batch of gray crystals," Fang Yan turned around and said, "Sister, let's take a rest too, after that we will go to the next mechanical tower."

"What about you?"

"In the tower, we obtained a lot of magical iron wood, which can be used to make inscriptions on the core crystals of higher-level flexible structures. I plan to deal with this batch of materials."

Luo Wei nodded slightly.

"The people of Colin have stopped," Geros silently glanced at the time. Fourteen hours had passed in the tree sea world, and four hours had passed in the real world.

But for the Spire Trial, it was just the beginning.

He took a short rest to gather his energy.There is still a long time ahead, the players don't need to rest in that special space, but the commentators do.

The organizer of the event has prepared three teams for the competition. He and his assistant are only in the first shift, but there is still a long time before the transition.

The tense atmosphere of the game seemed to slow down temporarily after entering the second half of the night.

The Imperials successfully launched their own plans, and although the Colins were less lucky, they made rapid progress.

The other teams didn't have too many twists and turns. Some teams lost their manpower, and even the slowest team of the Taxin Singers managed to gain a firm foothold.

However, Geralds also thinks that the calm will not last long.

Because the imperial people were about to reach the second mechanical tower, and he also saw that the second batch of gray crystals from the Colin people were leaving the mining area and transported to the front line.

There seems to be a more violent storm under the calm surface, and Geros has clearly noticed that the pace of this year's Spire Trial is much, much faster than before.

Only the people on the Hill of Giant Trees were quiet, which surprised him a little. He originally thought that the team where the genius Forin belonged to would become another hot spot.

But they just established their forward base very smoothly, just as he surmised.

The game on the first day became a gladiatorial arena where the Imperials and the Colins fought each other.

He expected that the teams would not have too much contact on the second day. The teams are distributed in a fairly wide range, and the players of each participating delegation will usually make tentative contact with other teams after they have prepared everything. touch.

After all, this is only the second pass of the minaret, and no one hopes that his aggressiveness will become an opportunity for others to reap the benefits.

Generally speaking, the formal temptation will appear on the second day in reality, that is, three to four days later in the sea of ​​trees space.

The facts were similar to what he expected.

The game was proceeding in an orderly manner, and the Empire Workshop and the Einbrok Artisan Association quickly arrived at the destination, and took down the second mechanical tower smoothly.

It was also the third mechanical tower captured in this game.

This attack by the Imperials went much smoother than the first.

Because of the raw materials harvested from the first mechanical tower—especially some rare metals and magical materials, the imperials can easily manufacture higher-level constructs.

Their newly obtained fairy souls are also enough to support them to invest in the second-order variant structure in the battle.

It was a gray construct with energy light blades.

"Archangel," Geros simply commented, "The walker structure of the Archangel series, one of the signature variants of the Grayland Guild, and the Archangel of Silver Wisland are works from the same workshop."

"As expected of Gemini, the production precision is very high," he couldn't help but praise, "The angel supported by this precision is more than a step better than the market, I almost thought it was a third-order construction."

As he spoke, he looked at his watch again, and the Imperials were already ahead of the other teams by almost six hours.

He looked at the other side, and the progress of the Colin was second only to the Imperials.

"The Imperials are preparing to divide their troops." At this moment, the assistant said suddenly.

Gerald looked back.

This time the imperial people did not continue their usual good luck, and only found a secondary mechanical artifact in the second mechanical tower.

Then the imperial soldiers divided into two groups, and the two participating groups separated again, heading towards two different mechanical towers on the map—74A and 46B.

The Imperials are further expanding their advantages, Geros thought to himself, the target of the Imperial Workshop has even selected the B-level Mechanical Tower.

But do they have this ability?Thinking of the second inferior mechanical artifact that the Imperials had obtained earlier, Geros suddenly felt a little dazed.

The progress of the game was speeding up again under the guidance of the Imperials, and Geros suddenly discovered that there was a crystal vein near the 74A mechanical tower.

He couldn't help squinting the corner of his eyes, luck seemed to favor the imperial people once again, and now there is a good show to watch.

The Imperials got off to a coveted start.

At the same time, the battle of the Imperials also ended the illusion established by Fang Plover in the previous games, which made people feel that they were much inferior.

The swarm attack of the fire elves was shocking, but the simple and efficient cooperation of the imperials was equally impressive.And after taking down the two mechanical towers, the audience seemed to realize the advantage of numbers.

There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room about the cooperation between Wai Hai and the Imperials.

Many people seem to be questioning whether this is fair --

"But cooperation is a double-edged sword," Geros shook his head.The rules require that all teams must benefit from this cooperation, which is tantamount to spreading the dividends that the Imperials get from the rapid advancement.

They benefit from it at first, but gradually it becomes a liability, because the benefits in this area are limited——

The imperial people had to rush to expand their own results, and it was also out of the same psychology. When the advantages of early cooperation were obvious enough, they should be converted into definite advantages as much as possible.

Jelos accurately grasped the state of mind of the Oshu people at the moment: "If the snowball cannot be rolled, the alliance will fall apart due to internal competition for interests. This is a common thing in the past."

But the Imperials seem to have plans of their own.

Geros had already noticed the change of the light spot on the map, and the Shujin Blade was approaching the Imperial Workshop. He raised his eyebrows, thinking that it was so.

"If the Imperials unite all the overseas and selected teams, then they must get rid of all other competitors in order to maintain the stability of the alliance itself."

"The imperial people must get enough victory points in this sea of ​​trees. Their ambition is so great that it is a bit lamentable. This is something that has never happened before."

"In other words," Geros looked at the changes in the situation on the map, "if the traditional strong teams of the Hill of Giant Trees, Rotao and Colin-Ishurian are really all eliminated in the Spire Trial. "

"...This is an unprecedented event in the history of the league. Do the Imperials really think they can fight three against one?"


(End of this chapter)

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