Pillars of Ita

Chapter 987, Act 318 Entering the Midfield

A construct patrolled the forest above, and it looked like an octopus.The terrifying head was covered with white fangs, the pupils were shining red, and the twisted arms and legs trailed behind like black smoke.

Suddenly there was a scream in the valley, and several fortress-style 270-type walkers raised their guns to the sky at the same time-this is a rare derivative model among the II-type walkers, and Fang Plover used to use it in Duolifen A similar model, it installed a sixteen-shot revolving magic gun on the platform of the walker-the magic gun locked the target under the guidance of the vision crystal, and burst out from the muzzle the next moment. Dazzling fire.

Metal tracer bullets threw a chain of fire over the forest, but they only hit the dark and twisted space around the mechanical octopus. The bullets disappeared without a trace as soon as they got close, as if swallowed by an invisible barrier.

Several twisted and dark lights on the ground were approaching, and the Lotao people suddenly shouted, "Refraction plug!" The plug-in craftsman Moggia stepped out, quickly adjusting a precision instrument on his arm.

About two or three seconds later, a wave of light swept across the forest, and several strange structures appeared out of thin air.They were attacking the Type II walkers, and with their knives in hand, they split one of the Type II walkers in half, shooting out a dazzling flash of magic lightning.

One of the weird constructs looks like a faceless hound with a twisted metal tumor on its back. When it rushed into the crowd, someone shouted: "Stop it!" But it was too late, countless Electric sparks burst out from the tumor, and all the surrounding constructs exploded into a cloud of magical sparks, paralyzing them at the same time.

But this situation only lasted for a moment, a plug-in in the core area of ​​the Type II walker suddenly lit up, and the light flowed along the circuit to the main core crystal, re-lighting the main core crystal.These walkers regained their mobility in an instant, they flattened the muzzles of their guns, and threw dense fire nets into the forest.

Those dark and weird constructs tried to retreat, but sparks burst out immediately behind them, their upper body was smashed to pieces, their lives returned to zero, and they were paralyzed.

Only the faceless hound disappeared into the forest in a few vertical leaps, but in the end it turned sideways, was shot in the left shoulder, and limped away from the battlefield.The Luotao man looked solemn, and looked up into the air. The mechanical octopus had disappeared without a trace.

Although they repelled the enemy, they did not feel relieved. Checking the damage, they found that three fortress walkers had been lost in just a few moments.One of them was cut open, and even the main core crystal was broken, and there were very few parts that could be recovered.

"The plug-in craftsmen of the Rotao people are not bad either."

The stray horse brought out a glass of milk from the heater, sat down from his seat, glanced at the main stage and found that the commentary had changed, and they were all new faces.He didn't stay up all night on the first day. After sitting down, he looked up at the time and found that eight hours had passed.

The game is advancing in an orderly manner. The map shows that the Imperials are developing rapidly. In reality, they won ten mechanical towers in one night and one and a half days in the sea of ​​trees.Among them, there are four Imperial Workshops, four of which were jointly taken by the Ai Yin Brock Craftsman Association and Shujin Blade, and two of which were taken by the Ravendur Crafts Association alone.

Among the four towers in the Imperial Workshop, one is a B-level tower, and three are C-level towers. Ayin Brock and Shuojin Blade are almost the opposite, two B-level towers, and two C-level towers.The Ravendur Artisan Association made the slowest progress, but it also won a B-level tower and a C-level tower.

In addition to the five A-level towers and four B-level towers that the Oshu people had taken before, there are a total of nineteen mechanical towers in the sea of ​​trees that are already under their control.

If you count the three of Hanruina, one of Silver Chain Island, two of Taxin Singer, and the two of Shujin Blade itself, then the alliance between the Empire and the Artisans of the Outer Seas already has 27 on the field. The layout of the minaret.

However, all the allies of the imperials won the A-level and B-level mechanical towers. At this juncture of the game, the core of the competition, the C-level towers, the imperials still only have six.

The progress of the Luotao people and the Hill of Giant Trees has also increased rapidly. With the different levels of the players, the gap between the various teams has gradually widened.

Miluo Temple has won the second C-level tower, and the delegation of the Sanshak Craftsman Association is equal to it, and there are two more B-level towers.Next is the second echelon, the Memenos Craftsmen Association and the Pillar of Stars——

Generally speaking, the alchemy level of the Hill of Giant Trees is still better than that of the Rotao people. The White Tree Society, which Fang Plover and the others have faced head-to-head, also won a C-level tower, which is only slightly inferior to their home team. ——In comparison, the Pillar of Stars is much worse, and it has not yet won a C-level tower.

But the wandering horse took a closer look at the past eight hours of the game, and found that there was a reason why the Pillar of Stars progressed so slowly. Pillar to harass.

And more than one battle broke out between the two sides.

During these battles, the Pillar of Stars even experienced attrition—the magic weapon craftsman in the team left the field early, and of course the other two teams also paid the price of one person leaving the field.

In fact, battles between artisans rarely actually result in attrition, which shows the intensity of the conflict. In this way, it is no wonder that the singer of Taxin has only won two A-level towers so far.

The stray horse frowned. He didn't expect that this year's Continental League would become so fierce. This is the first stage of the second hurdle, and the alliance formed by the imperials became more and more aggressive.

They really want to knock everyone out and have an advantage in the next third hurdle.

In the live broadcast room, someone was discussing the situation of Kapuka and Guta, two teams that belonged to Colin-Ishurian. There was no lack of concern in their tone. .

The Kapuka Artisan Association is okay. It took three days and one night to take down three mechanical towers, one each for A, B, and C levels, but the ancient tower people seemed a little pessimistic.

The game records show that the Guta people made good progress at the beginning. After taking down two A-level towers, they played steadily, and then took down two B-level towers. This is also in line with Wandering Horse's perception of this team— —

The Guta people once played against Fang Plover in the continental league. There are several geniuses among them. Although they are not as good as Fang Plover, they are at least at the level of Mu Lan and MTT.Among them, Vikki is known as the most spiritual player among the Guta people of this generation, and he is on par with Elite's genius Shui Wuming.

If Fang Plover and Guland, who has special attainments in potions, are excluded, Shui Wuming is also the main force in the main group after Weiyu, and even if Fang Plover is not in this group, she is capable of competing for the group long this position.

The Guta people with such a level, like the Luotao people of the Pillars of Stars, stopped after taking down the two B-level towers. It's not that they didn't want to, but they couldn't.

"Aiyinbulok Craftsman Association and Shuojin Blade are heading east. After they cut off the way to the center for the players of the Pillar of Stars, they joined forces with the singers of Taxin to launch an attack on the ancient tower delegation?"

The stray horse was taken aback. He didn't expect so many things to happen while he was only sleeping. He expected that this year's Continental League would be more exciting than ever.

But I didn't expect it to be this intense.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was full of tongues, telling him what happened in the past night.

After the Artisan Association of Aiyinbulok and the Imperial Workshop parted ways, the two exchanged positions. The Imperial Workshop went south, while Ayinbulok went north to join the Shujin Blade.

Then the two joined forces to take down a total of seven mechanical towers, the first half of which was known to the wandering horse - he hadn't rested at that time, and the Ayin Brock Craftsman Association and the Shujin Blade evenly divided the top three Mechanical towers, including two A-level towers and a B-level tower.

Afterwards, in the second half of the night, after the Ainbrok Artisan Association and Shuojin Blade took down the first C-level tower, they did not develop further into the barrier area, but cut off the road to the south of the Pillar of Stars horizontally. .

The conflict between the Pillar of Stars Artisans Association, the Blade of Gold, and the Singer of Taxin that Wandering Horse found happened during this time period. After paying the price for one person, the contestants of Pillar of Stars noticed About three teams in front of me retreated, and there was no further movement for the time being.

After that, however, the alliance of the Imperials moved further east and invaded the areas controlled by the Gutas.The Guta people are obviously very different from the Lotao people of the Pillars of Stars, and they fought several bloody battles with the people of the Empire and the Outer Seas.

"The bones of the Guta people are really hard." Someone in the live broadcast room sighed.

"They fought against the Taxin singers at first, and directly beat the people of the Taxin singers to lose their temper. Didn't the Taxin singers reduce their number in the battle with the Pillars of Stars? Even without the power to fight back, two people left the stage directly."

Seeing this, the wandering horse thought to himself, a team can have up to nine people, and the Taxin singer directly retired three people in a few battles.He looked it up and found that it was a magic weapon craftsman and a plug-in craftsman, and the name of the main all-round craftsman was also grayed out.

This team is basically useless. It's only been the first four days. The second level of the competition can last up to a month (one week in reality), and they will almost certainly struggle in the subsequent games.

Especially when they entered the barrier area immediately, they lost the most important plug-in craftsman.However, considering the fact that they are allied with the Imperials, it is understandable that they dare to fight so hard.

However, he didn't feel much relieved when he saw this. Considering the Guta people's counterattack was so fierce, the price they will pay in the future will definitely not be small.After all, it was not just a Taxin singer in front of the ancient tower people.

Sure enough, he continued to watch, and the discussion in the live broadcast room became chaotic as always:

"That's not called hard bones," some people hated that iron can't be made into steel, "it's just pure head iron. After the appearance of the Shujin Blade, the Guta people should be aware of something. If they retreat like the people from the Pillar of Stars , maybe even earned it."

"No matter how the imperial people ally, they will eventually have to spread their hands. They just need to be patient and wait for the opportunity like the Lotao people. It's not impossible to enter the barrier area."

"It's easy for you to think. The imperial people are not fools. Their goal is the C-level towers that are easier to obtain outside the barrier area. The C-level towers won one and one less, without the sub-artifacts and fairy souls inside, what are you going to do? Enter the barrier area?"

"That's right, the rewards of the C-level towers are far from those of the B-level towers. It can be said that the C-level towers are the most important springboard to enter the barrier area. The Imperials are so ruthless."

"But so what? The situation is stronger than the people, no matter how hard your bones are, can you beat the Imperials of the Alliance?"

"Ridiculous," one of the bullet screens seemed particularly tough, "Even the imperial people and the Guta people are no match. If you endure it, there will always be a glimmer of life, not to mention the competition system of the Spire Trial. Who knows who can have the last laugh." , Obtaining resources and finding opportunities is also a way to win, besides, isn’t there a main group?”

"The main group is separated from Kapuka and the Guta delegation by heaven, and the day lily will be cold by then. By then, the imperial people will be in a good position, and the main group will be hard to beat with two fists. The Guta delegation must also consider up to this point."

"Hey, why do you always speak for the Guta people? You can't be a spy of the stick?"


Seeing the disputes in the live broadcast room, the wandering horse instructed the housing management to ban several IDs with bad words, and at the same time finally understood the cause and effect.

In fact, the matter is very simple, as he guessed, the Guta people still had the upper hand in the conflict with the Taxin singer at the beginning, but after the Shujin Blade joined, it took a sharp turn for the worse.

Theoretically speaking, the strength of Shuojin Blade is far less than that of the ancient tower delegation, but they have gained a lot of benefits in the early stage of the joint push tower with the imperials, and they have at least two fairy souls and three demon souls in their hands. A secondary mechanical artifact.

After uniting with the singers of Taxin, the Shujin Blade has gained an advantage on the battlefield, but the Guta people can still maintain it, and even have a chance to retreat.But all of this was broken after the Ainbrok Craftsman Association joined.

"The goblin envoy in the Einbrok Craftsman Association is particularly powerful. The calculation power and control accuracy of the goblin dolls he made are much higher than those of the Guta people, and his goblin dolls are especially good at controlling clockwork goblins. , there are some rudiments of swift tactics in it, if the imperials had not taken the absolute initiative in battlefield reconnaissance, the Guta people would not have suffered such heavy losses—"

An ID named 'Lovely Miss Nightingale' in the live broadcast room spoke at this moment, stray horses know this ID, the other party always has something to say, and rarely participates in disputes, he has won his trust, and is appointed by him One of several live room managers.

"Miss Nightingale, did you watch that battle?" the stray horse asked.

The latter paused for a moment, and quickly gave an affirmative answer, "Almost, the Guta people rely on Miss Vikki, she is a very good construct craftsman, and the Guta people can rely on the advantages of constructs alone They fought back and forth with the three parties, but in the end they were still outnumbered. And because the clockwork goblin noticed the specific location of the Guta people's artisan group, the Guta people finally paid the price of three people to leave when they retreated."

"Vikki was also injured, thanks to the fact that their plug-in craftsman is Zheng Yongzai or something else who is a bit scary, and he covered the evacuation of others by himself, otherwise the Guta people would have suffered even more losses."

The wandering horse was shocked when he heard that the Guta people had lost so much. They lost three of them in the first four days, and the main craftsman was seriously injured. Then the competition after the second round was almost useless.

He cut to the game data and looked at it, only to find that the situation was much more serious than he imagined. One of the three people lost by the Guta was a crystal craftsman, and Vikki happened to have damaged the magician in the previous game. guide furnace.

Although there are all-round players and free men in the Guta people's team, they are definitely not as good as professional crystal craftsmen. After all, not everyone is a Fang Plover.And even if it is Fang Plover, Xiaoyao in the group is not inferior to him in the single magic furnace, and may have their own merits in the details, which is the value of a professional craftsman.

The Guta people lost such an important position, which can be imagined in the next round of the second round.

Moreover, among the other two people who lost, each has its own important position of responsibility.Trials of the Spire is a team game, and it's hard to be without someone in any position.

Of course, the only luck is that the plug-in craftsman Zheng Yongzai is still there, which gives the ancient tower people a chance to pass through the barrier area, provided they can break through the blockade of the imperial people.

Just like against the Lotao people, the imperial side did not pursue further after repelling the Guta people. After all, they entered the low-level area in the north, and it was of no value to compete for the A-level mechanical tower there other than wasting time. .

After passing through the control area of ​​the Pillars of Stars and the ancient towers, they took down two other B-level towers and a C-level tower along the way, and then continued eastward and penetrated into the control area of ​​the Kapuka Artisan Association.

However, the Kapukas obviously learned their lesson this time, and did not contact the imperials, but turned around and headed west to join the ancient towers who had suffered heavy losses.

"The Kapuka Artisan Association and the Guta Artisan Association are still a bit late to meet," the stray horse frowned. It is still hard to let go of the hatred in the heart.

Especially in the qualifiers, it was the Guta who slapped the Kapuka in the face first, preventing the latter from stepping down.In the end, it was Fang Plover who let the Kapuka win a spot on his own.

In addition to all the past, the gap between the two parties did not fall in a day, and it is difficult to eliminate the prejudices that have accumulated over the years with a few words.Although Ishurian has an overall interest in this competition, the Colins and the Gutas still give priority to each other.

In fact, the same is true on the Hill of Giant Trees. It has not been a day or two since the White Tree Society and the Sanshak Artisan Association have separated from each other, so the two have no intention of getting closer to each other so far.

But on the contrary, the Imperials behaved much more united this time.

This is a place that surprised the wandering horses. Just like any other place, the imperial people are naturally not monolithic. It is hard to say that there is no dissatisfaction between the Imperial Workshop and the Einbrok Craftsman Association.

However, the Oshu people have been surprisingly consistent in this competition, which is quite different from their usual performance in the past. In his opinion, the Imperials always give people a feeling that this time they seem to have intentions, but no It's just an ordinary continental league.

As for it?
Or was it just Ed that made the Imperials feel so threatened?The wandering horse shook his head. He felt that he was a bit too much of a fan filter. No matter how famous the dragon alchemist was, he wouldn't be able to change the imperial people to such a degree.

It's a pity that he has no idea about it, and can only attribute it to his own illusion.As for the live broadcast room, it will be much more chaotic. Defeatist arguments are not uncommon anywhere. The Guta people here have encountered setbacks, and there are already people who are promoting the estimate of the Colin-Ishurian delegation. Waterloo again.

As for why again?
This is not obvious, this is another big defeat since the muddy domain.

But the wandering horse is not so pessimistic, because although the Guta people have suffered a heavy blow, on the other hand, the progress of the imperial people has not been as smooth as imagined.

Silver Chain Island, which has established a crystal tower, is also struggling at the moment. So far, it has only won one A-level tower, and its progress can be called the slowest in the audience. It can be seen that a lot of manpower and resources were invested in the establishment of crystal towers for the entire Imperial Alliance on the first day. Big slowed them down.

However, the people of Silver Chain Island were not in a hurry, and instead slowed down the process according to their tactics. On the contrary, their personnel status was the best among the offshore and trial teams.

"The participating delegation of Silver Chain Island seems to be in a bad position." Seeing the stray horse showing the picture to Silver Chain Island, the barrage in the live broadcast room immediately commented on this, "But it's not completely flat, after all, this It has to do with the rules of the Spire Trial, and this is the second level."

The stray horse nodded, agreeing very much.

He thought for a while, and explained: "Many audience friends may not understand that the competition system of the Spire Trial is such that it does not eliminate teams in the course of the competition in essence, because there are six links in this competition, but It’s just one round in itself.”

"In the second level, in the sea of ​​trees, how many steeples you win will not determine your stay in the next third level, and even the players who leave in this round will return to the team in the third level. But the steeple The core of each stage of the trial is to seize resources and transform these resources into victories in the subsequent competitions, which is also the reason why the Imperials and the Outer Seas Alliance were established—"

"Because no matter how powerful the imperial people are, the members of the alliance have an equal status in terms of resource acquisition, which is equal to that of the imperial people. This is actually an advantage rather than a disadvantage for the teams in the outer seas."

"But on the other hand, if the imperial people want to benefit from this alliance, they must give full play to the advantages of the alliance's large numbers of people, otherwise the alliance will be a drag for them."

"As far as the current situation is concerned, the Imperials have a certain advantage, but they have not won an absolute victory in this level, let alone in the entire round of the competition. At present, the spiers under the control of the participating teams in the tree sea at this moment have a total of There are 63 towers, and there are only 27 towers under the control of the empire, which is less than half. Even for the core C-level towers at this stage, the imperial people still only occupy six towers, which is still less than half of the fifteen towers, or even less. "

"The Spire Trial will eliminate more than half of the contestants. Therefore, if the imperials want to maintain their alliance, they must get more than half of the advantage. Otherwise, this alliance is a negative asset for them. Of course, this is not yet possible. It's too early, because the Imperials have already established a core advantage-"

"And after blocking the way out of the Guta people, Kapuka, and the Pillar of Stars, they can further expand their holdings on the C-level tower, which is a special advantage for them to enter the barrier area next of."

The stray horse glanced at the milk in his hand, only to realize that he was a little too involved in what he said, and the milk was a little cold.He picked it up and took a sip, leaving a thin layer of white edges on his lips, and continued to conclude:
"All in all, the next stage is the most important stage of the game. How to turn the advantage gained in the early stage into a victory in the mid-term. In the history of the game, there are many examples of comebacks at this stage, but it has to be said that the Empire It should be in their imagination to get such a start when their own strength is superior, and this is indeed not good news for other teams.”

Ma'er put down the cup, only to see a barrage of bullets drifting across the light screen. "Since the alliance is so easy to use, why don't other participating delegations do it?"

But without him answering, many other barrages have already been mentioned first:
"It's not easy to understand, because the cake is limited. This is a game, and the game will eventually win or lose, and someone will be eliminated. Didn't the anchor say it, even the empire has not yet gained more than half of the advantage , how dare other teams play such a guaranteed ticket?"

The wandering horse added another sentence: "However, given the facts of the alliance of the Imperials, other teams will more or less consider alliances during the game. After all, the Empire is now the only one. Look at the giant tree. How will the people of Zhiqiu and Luotao choose."

He still has something to say.

Because why the Imperials have not won more than half of the advantage so far, in fact, one of the reasons is that there is another odd number in this game.

He didn't even bother to comment on that team, because everyone could see it on the scoreboard:

Grande artisan delegation: A-level towers—2 towers, B-level towers—4 towers, C-level towers—3 towers.

This is also the only team that is not inferior to the team of geniuses gathered in the Imperial Workshop in terms of the number of towers captured.

And an obvious fact is that the Imperials relied on the cooperation of other teams to achieve this honor. Although they have parted ways with others since winning the first B-level tower, they are also fighting alone.

But some off-site factors, such as the crystal tower built by Silver Chain Island and many other details like this, greatly saved the time for the Imperials to move forward.

On the contrary, the performance of the delegation of Grande artisans is somewhat indescribable.

In fact, it is not the entire team of the Grande Artisan Delegation. At least the performance of Weiyu, Shui Wuming, and MTT in this team is very normal. Although it is remarkable, it is not inferior to the other teams. The home team, but more or less still within the scope of people's cognition.

Except for a monster-level existence.

Yes, now our Dragon Alchemist Lord has a new title - Monster.

Even a blind person can see at this moment that this guy is almost visible to the naked eye, and there is a certain distance between him and the others.

Not to mention others.

Just the fire dwarf that people can't figure out how he made it is amazing—or rather shocked everyone, and with this simple and brainless tactic, the home team of the Colin people pushed almost all the way. All the A-level towers and B-level towers they encountered.

They didn't stop until they pushed the C-level tower.

In front of the unique magical disorder barrier of the C-level mechanical tower, the fire dwarf was finally not so easy to use, and its lethality was finally not so obvious for high-level constructs.

But this is enough, because as long as you compare it with the progress of the imperials on the other side, you will know how useful this tactic is. The firepower is sufficient and the progress is smooth. If the progress is not smooth, the firepower is increased.

So much so that everyone began to reconsider the tactical value of the fire elves. After all, outside the space of the sea of ​​trees, people are not limited to using fairy puppets to control clockwork goblins.

As long as they know one or two hand margin skills, they can use the fire djinn, and the most basic margin skill itself is not a very advanced thing - at the very least, before you cut off the connection of the clockwork goblin, let it send to someone It is always possible to fly out in the predetermined direction, right?
This is actually the most basic margin technique.

However, after reaching the C-level mechanical tower, the painting style is different. Fang Plover did not come up with any jaw-dropping variants, but the most basic II-style walkers lined up and pushed directly .

However, the wandering horse looked at the values ​​of the opponent's Pacers called up by the race party, and almost spit out a mouthful of water. It was hard for him to believe how the nearly [-]% assembly accuracy was achieved.

Some of them are even [-]%.

Not only him, but even the narrator on the main stage almost thought it was a bug in the live broadcast system. After several confirmations, it was confirmed that it was actually true.The audience may not understand it yet, but those who know how to do it will understand the reason-

The reason is that the addition of assembly accuracy and technical level to the construct is not a linear increase, but almost exponential. The direct expression is that one construct assembled by Fang Plover is equal to two others.

The most intuitive feeling for the audience is: "Why are they all the same construct, he looks so much stronger?"

how to answer?

Unable to answer.

Because the wandering horse actually knows that this can only be achieved in the space of the sea of ​​trees, and it is impossible to achieve perfect precision in reality, but this at least shows that Ed's assembly accuracy outside is also extremely amazing.

As soon as the screen changed, the scene of the Luotao people cleaning the battlefield appeared on the main stage again.

Naturally, this was the Mirro Temple team. As the main team of Rotao, they had already reached the edge of the barrier area, just like the Imperials, Colins, and Sanshaks.

In fact, the arena was a bit quiet. Even the youngest spectators could tell that the game had reached the most critical juncture. The Imperials cut off the passage to the northern arena horizontally, occupying the most shares and resources.

On the other hand, the progress of the Colin people is equally rapid-if the imperial people's general situation has been achieved, then the performance of the Colin people is like a demon knife at this moment, piercing the heart of the imperial people.

On the other side, although Miluo Temple and Sanshak Artisan Association are not in a hurry, they are also fighting steadily, showing the temperament of entering the final stage, and the teams from all four sides stand in front of the barrier area.

Started the final preparations before moving on to the next stage.

"Barrier area," the wandering horse explained, "the second area of ​​the second level is also the sign that the second level enters the midfield. Starting from the D-level mechanical tower, the difficulty of the latter area will increase exponentially. And there will be a theme within those areas."

"These themes are the topics. The topics are actually selected by the participating teams. Our home team is the first team to enter the sea of ​​trees, so the topics we choose will be placed at the end, which is the core area of ​​the main tower. , The Empire Workshop is similar, they are the second team to enter the sea of ​​trees."

"The first topic in the barrier area was actually selected by the Ancient Pagoda Artisan Association. They are the sixth team to enter the sea of ​​trees. The subsequent teams are not eligible to choose a topic. This is also the meaning of the first level. where."

As he spoke, he stared at the changing screen, raised the cup in his hand and drank the already cold milk, then put down the cup and continued: "The Guta people chose the topic of plug-ins, and we suspected that among the Guta people There may be quite powerful plug-in craftsmen, and this has been confirmed now. Unfortunately, they may not be able to enter the barrier area for the time being, and the Guta people obviously did not expect that the game will not be carried out step by step as they thought..."

The wandering horse glanced at the Rotao people in the picture, "The plug-in craftsmen of the Rotao people are not low. The previous psionic construction used ether bombs to forcibly shield the ether in the main core crystal of the fortress walker. circuit, causing them to be temporarily paralyzed, but what Moggia player activated was a kind of relay circuit plug-in installed in the walker in advance, and the effect was amazing—"

"In addition, the way he cracked the enemy's refraction plug-in before was to activate another detection plug-in. The scanning speed is only one or two seconds, which shows that the technical level and assembly accuracy of this plug-in are quite high."

But he glanced at the imperial people, and didn't say anything more.

The Lotao people lost three precious Type II walkers, but there was almost no loss at the Imperial Workshop. At this moment, almost all the paralyzed remains on the battlefield were twisted and dark construct creatures.

It even includes the mechanical octopus-like construct.

That's psionic constructs.

A special construct that almost only exists in this space. No one knows whether they really existed or only existed in the imagination of the occultists.

But there is no doubt that this kind of structure has always been one of the most difficult opponents for craftsmen. They will only appear in the area where the barrier area exists, and they are also the masters of the D, E, and F three-level mechanical towers in this area. Build monsters.

The difficulty of the battle suddenly increased.

The game apparently entered the halftime stage as scheduled.


In the end, I wrote 9000, and the transition chapter was so difficult to write...

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