Pillars of Ita

Chapter 988 Act 319 Proving Ground

Chapter 988 Chapter 310, Act Nine Proving Ground

"What do you think, Hegrim?" The craftsman named Hei raised his foot, stepped heavily on the broken head of the mechanical octopus with his leather boots, and stepped his white fangs into the soil.He turned his head again and looked at the other person, "Luofen?"

Wearing a windbreaker, the young man with his arms around his arms didn't say a word, but silently looked at the twin stars of the Empire not far away.The setting sun pierced through the forest, and the golden light reflected the broken shadow of the leaf tip. Juno was bending down to pick up a fragment from the ground.

Georgifen behind him put down the communication crystal in his hand and looked at the others, "The news from Hanrui, they still can't catch up with the Colin people."

"Which Colin?"

"You know."

"No, I don't know," Juno shook his head. "I only know that one is one and two is two. There is no such team as 'I know' among the Colin. They are Kapuka, Guta and Grande, so I ask, which one?"

Georgiffin sighed, probably already familiar with his partner's temper, and was about to speak, but the young man in a windbreaker leaning against the big tree had already answered first: "It's the Grand Craftsman Association, the boy who spoke rudely to you .”

Juno was startled, and then smiled, "The Colin people have a lot of opinions on us, but it's a good thing, it shows that we are far ahead of them. Luo Fen, do you care about such small things?" He turned his head and looked at the young man .

The young man shook his head, "I care about you. What are your plans?"

"I don't have any plans. It might be a good thing that Hanrui didn't catch up with them," Juno said calmly with his blue eyes reflecting the sunset, "Isn't this a valid message?"

"Then why waste time on Hanrui's Artisan Association, they are quite powerful among the overseas delegations." Georgifen couldn't help asking.

"Because the information itself is also valuable, old man," Juno said, "passing through the forest is our purpose, and understanding them is also our purpose. The important thing is never what they will be, but what we will be."

Whether the Kaolin people are strong or weak doesn't really matter.Because the plan is established, just like the tide of the sea rises and the sun and moon wax and wane, the flow of history will eventually change everything.

"But the difference is who we are," he said. "The difference between hubris and real power is—blindness."

The young man in the windbreaker fell silent.

Georgifen hesitated for a moment, picked up the communication crystal and asked, "Then tell Hanrui to stop and join us?"

Juno glanced at the latter appreciatively, and nodded, "Tell them that you are bothering them, that the task is well completed, and that the follow-up part will be handed over to us."

He turned his head to look at the sunset, the twilight was fading red, stars appeared in the blue-purple night sky, the wind was disturbing the clear night, causing ripples, and the sea of ​​trees was forming Lin Tao.

The leaves fluttered and rose high into the sky.

Under the same forest, the man Hanrui was also holding the communication crystal, his brows were furrowed.

"Have the imperials told us to stop here?" the tall young man at the head said in a low voice.He looked forward, "It's all here, who is to blame for the wasted time?"

The quiet forest is a messy scene. In the open space stands a gray and ruined spire, and there are mechanical remains everywhere, and they have not even been fully recovered.

It seems that there has just been a big war not long ago.

"The Colin people have already entered the barrier area," a girl said with a frown. "Aren't the imperial people too arrogant? Their progress is not slow at all."

"I don't think that's the way to go. We've all come here," said another person. "In the end, we are just an alliance with the Imperials, and the Imperials will make mistakes, right? It's impossible to be right in everything."

"What do you think?" The tall young man looked at the others.

The rest of the people were a little silent. The people of the empire would not tell them everything, but in the final analysis, everyone is just an equal relationship. They are all young people. How could it be possible that they have no ambition to win.

That's all for the Empire, the Colin may be good, but they're not bad either.That dragon alchemist was rumored to be very mysterious, but it seemed to be nothing more than that in the preliminaries.

Ai Yinbulok's first battle proved his strength as a battle craftsman, but what about a battle craftsman, this is not his stage.Maybe even if he really has some ability to forge a legend, but this is a team's arena after all.

What's more, they are just testing, slowing down the opponent's progress, and taking ten thousand steps back, what can the Colin people do to them?Everyone is on this stage, and the battle between craftsmen is nothing more than a difference.

It's just that it's not easy to come up with a decision, and no one will easily stand up and take responsibility in such an important arena, so everyone just looked at each other, and no one spoke for a while.

Until a cheering cheer interrupted everyone's thoughts:

"found it!"

Hanrui's elf envoy of the Craftsman Association—the little girl raised her head excitedly, and said to the others: "The Kaolin people hid it well, but 'Meimei' found it with a web search." A clockwork goblin, this is 'Mei Mei''s forte, and even the people of Prometheus have suffered more than once."

She smiled smugly, and said, "Maybe the Kaolin people have never heard of it. After all, we are a team from the outer seas, but not many people will pay attention."

These words gave everyone confidence again.

The tall young man finally made up his mind, and said in a low voice: "Then it's decided, we are allies of the imperial people, but we don't have to listen to them in everything. Holding back the main group of the Colin people is also good for the alliance. What's the matter if you change your mind about the mission given to us in advance?"

He convinced everyone, and everyone nodded in the end.

In the final analysis, they wasted a lot of time chasing all the way, and in the end they had to turn back after doing nothing, making them seem to be afraid of the Colin people.

However, the Hanruina Islands are the outer sea area closest to the empire, and the level of alchemy here is not as good as that of the empire, and the people living on the islands are all descendants of the Oshu people.

As the strongest team in the Outer Sea region, they may consider themselves inferior to the home team of the Empire, but they don't think they are much weaker than the second-rate teams in other regions.

After all, Hanrui is a member of the Ossu alchemy circle.

The islanders are like this, and the electors are naturally also affected by it.

At the same time, the Collins were also in contact with their other teams.The news from Kapuka and the Guta Artisan Association was very bad. The Guta people suffered heavy losses, but the Kapuka Artisan Association was a little better.

But even so, a lot of time was wasted. A day and a half had passed in real time, and the Kapuka Craftsman Association hadn't made any progress during the entire day in Shuhai.

It can also be seen from the scoreboard that both the Ancient Towers and the Kapuka Artisan Association still maintain their previous scores, adding up to three A-level towers, three B-level towers, and one C-level tower.

Now the two teams are trapped in the woodland, and they can't even make a rendezvous.

Holding the communication crystal in his hands, Zheng Yong raised his head nervously to look at the girl in front of him. Shui Wuming's voice was coming from the crystal:

"So what are you going to do next?"

"Don't worry, Ed told me to tell you that he will not give up on anyone. You can either wait where you are, which is the safest way, but it still takes time for us to come here, and we need to formulate a route—"

There was a thick bandage wrapped around Vikki's chest, and his delicate face looked a little cold because he gritted his teeth to endure the pain. He shook his head and said, "But you will waste a lot of time in that way."

"But the Imperials have three teams, and it is impossible for us to give up on you."

"The imperial people think the same way. Maybe what they need is time."

There was a moment of silence over there, apparently this was exactly what Shui Wuming was worried about, "But Ed said he didn't care about it."

"Because he's an idiot."

Vikki grumbled.

Shui Wuming didn't say anything, apparently he also had the same opinion.

The girl silently leaned on the moss-covered rock, raised her head and listened to the content of the communication. The boy beside her looked at her and said in a low voice, "Sister Vikki, I think Brother Ed, what he said makes sense. , Brother Ed is different from other Collins, you know that."

Vikki closed her eyes and ignored him.

Zheng Yongzai was a little wronged, he felt that he did not say anything wrong.

But Vikki finally opened his eyes, lowered his head and looked at the other party with a bit of hatred, "Everything Brother Ed said makes sense, you just listen to him and it's over, pig-headed Zheng Yongzai, have you forgotten?" You yourself are a Phoenix genius, and many of us are geniuses from different clubs?"

She looked at the others again, but seeing that everyone was convinced, she couldn't help feeling a little angry, "Do you all think so?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Many of them had their own ideas, but they had nothing to say to the dragon alchemist, not to mention the current situation was beyond their choice.

"It's so rare, I thought you guys hated the Colin people," Vikki sarcastically said, seeing someone want to speak, he interrupted the other person directly: "That's right, we are allies with the Colin people, but this It doesn't mean we have to sit here and die."

"But Vikki, our current situation..."

"What's the matter, we haven't left yet," Vikki said with anger in his eyes, "When did the Guta competition area become like this? Have you ever thought that the Imperials want us to be like this."

The others looked at her puzzled.

"The imperials already have a great advantage, and they have formed an alliance with the outer sea area. Now they have discounted our legs, just waiting for the home team of the Colin people to waste time on us. And every time we stay here In one second, Ed and the others will spend one more second getting closer to us, but what about us?"

She yelled at everyone: "Aren't we wastes of everyone's time? Instead, I might as well leave the venue as soon as possible. At least this will allow Ed and the others to concentrate."

Someone said aggrievedly: "But we also have our own role."

There was a stubborn light in Vikki's eyes, "That's right, we have our own role, so we are Guta people, and Guta people have their own tactics. Didn't the imperial people want us to contain others, and we will do the opposite Check them out-"

"Wait," the others startled, "Vikki, do you mean...?"

"It's useless for us to stay here, but as long as we continue to go deep into the barrier area, every tower we take down will be a free profit." The girl gritted her teeth and said, "I don't believe that the Imperials can fight against all teams at the same time, whether it is the last one Whoever benefits, it doesn't matter if it's the Lotao people or the Hill of Giant Trees, in short, just don't let the people of the empire get what they want."

"But sister Vikki, your injury," Zheng Yongzai couldn't help but said, "Can you continue to fight?"

"Idiot," Vikki scolded, "you forgot who we chose the topic of plug-ins because of, aren't you still here, pig head Zheng Yongzai, can't you afford this responsibility?"

The boy was startled, but hesitated for a moment, and nodded seriously.

Only then did a little light shine in Vikki's eyes, "That's right, although we are not Guta people, we represent the Guta competition area, so that everyone can understand that we also have our own pride and dignity."

Corin-Ishurian is more than just a dragon alchemist.

Communication was not interrupted.

Shui Wuming was silently listening to the conversation between the ancient tower people over there. The dispute finally ended with a 'click', and the light on the crystal dimmed.

She turned her head and looked at Fang Plover not far away.

Fang Yan only sighed slightly, this is the decision of the Guta people, and he can't comment on it - Vikki's plan is actually beneficial to the main group.

But if the three teams of Colin-Ishurian are considered as a whole, this decision seems a bit reckless.

However, the Guta people and the Kaolin people have never been a whole, and he can hardly explain the historical reasons, and the motivation of the other party to set off is based on the consideration of the entire team.

"Miss Vikki said you are an idiot." Shui Wuming thought for a while, and found out the point.

"I heard, Miss Shui Wuming," Fang Yan was speechless, "There is no need to repeat this."

Shui Wuming pursed his lips and smiled.

But alleviating the atmosphere could not alleviate the current predicament, Mu Lan frowned and asked, "Then what should we do?"

If the Guta people really leave the field, it will definitely be a huge blow to the Colin-Ishurian coalition.

What's more, it seems that the imperials have already completed the encirclement in the north. Although they don't know what happened to the Lotao people and the Hill of Giant Trees, at least the advantages they obtained before don't seem to be compared with them. what.

"I think we still have to follow the original plan," Wucun, who has always been reticent, suddenly said, "The imperial people have a huge advantage, and even if we go all the way to the central area now, how many fairies can we get in the end?" Soul, seven, or eight? As for the imperials, how many can we fight against the imperials' alliance?"

He sighed and shook his head. "We still have to integrate the forces of the Kapuka Artisans Association and the Guta people to attack the barrier area together and obtain enough resources to fight against the imperials."

"The original plan?" Xiaoyao was taken aback, "Go to meet with the Guta people and the Kapuka Artisan Association? But how do you plan to cross the central area or bypass the barrier area?"

Shui Wuming couldn't help but look at the others, and Weiyu, Gulande, and MTT were also looking in this direction, with serious expressions on their faces.

"It's probably impossible to cross the central area. It would be easier if we had the ability to directly win the game," Weiyu said first. "It is still feasible to plan a reasonable route to bypass the barrier area."

"Then how far do we have to go around?" Xiaoyao couldn't help but said, "How many control areas do we have to pass through in the middle? When we arrive, will there be room for us in the shielded area? Maybe the imperial people have already bought a house in the central area gone."

Without saying a word, he also looked at Fang Plover, obviously he held the same opinion in his heart.

"What does Ed think?"

Only then did Fang Yan raise his head, and replied: "Don't worry too much about the Imperials, you can give them a little more time. I think this plan is feasible, pass through the barrier area, but don't have to deviate too far, we can enter the E-class mechanical tower area of ​​control, and plan a route from there."

"Is that different from passing through the central area?" Xiaoyao's eyes widened.

"Of course." Fang Yan looked at the sophisticated device in his hand.

"Is this the permanent magic furnace?" Weiyu obviously noticed that thing, and they obtained a lot of secondary mechanical artifacts later, but most of them were finished magic tools, and they had been distributed to different people for use.

Only this constant magic furnace was taken away by Fang Plover from the very beginning.

Fang Plover also nodded.

"What is this?" Wei Yu asked again.

"Brother Weiyu must have heard of the Supreme One," Fang Yan asked, "I heard that you also have a lot of research on large-scale devices."

This word is used quite quintessentially, and Weiyu couldn't help but look at him more, only to realize that although the other party is well-rounded like himself, he is actually proficient in large-scale devices and even dragon knight construction.

Although he had never participated in the Southern Territory Competition, he had also heard that Fang Plover made a part similar to that of a pseudo-Dragon Knight before the finals.

Only now did he understand what it was, "Is that the Most High?"

Fang Plover nodded, "Part of it."

"You want to repeat it here?" Weiyu was a little surprised. Most of the contestants would be more cautious in the competition, and they would use their best skills to participate in the competition.

Those works are not said to be tempered, but at least they have been practiced repeatedly in daily life, but this one in front of him is lucky, thinking of using this tree sea space as his own testing ground.

But on the other hand, this place is indeed very suitable as a testing ground for alchemists, with simple alchemy methods and inexhaustible materials.

But that's still a little too bold.

Fang Yan nodded again, "Fairy dolls are regarded as battle craftsmen in this space, but there are many types of battle craftsmen, and I think the supreme one is one of them, so I plan to..."

Weiyu suddenly couldn't help but think of a bolder possibility, "Wait. At the Southern Territory Contest, wouldn't you also...?"

Fang Yan was about to answer, but at this moment, Luo Wei, who had been on guard all along, suddenly opened his eyes and let out a slight cry of surprise.She beckoned and let Weiner fly back from mid-air.

Then she raised her head and said to the others: "There are a group of goblins following us, and they seem to have found the bait goblins I deliberately placed outside."

"Wind-up fairy?" Fang Yan was slightly taken aback. Clockwork fairies are very rare in this space. Mechanical towers rarely control conventional structures, and those mechanical bodies are very rare in the outside world.

But he suddenly understood, "Is it Hanrui who has been following us?"

"It's probably them," Luo Wei said. "Those clockwork fairies are distributed in a net. This is a typical tactic of battle craftsmen. Mechanical towers rarely approach in this way."

"Just in time, they came at just the right time."

Fang Yan said to Luo Wei: "Senior sister, you don't have to keep your hands on them, just attack them with the silver bee I gave you. Do you remember what Sister Ming taught us? Your fairy doll is also a teacher from Sister Ming. It should be easy to deploy swift tactics."

A trace of surprise flashed across Luo Wei's face, "Would it be a big fuss?"

"Don't worry," Fang Yan said, "They must have a back-up."

Luo Wei was speechless for a while, and glared at him. Is this what she was worried about?

Only then did Fang Yan explain with a smile: "That man Hanrui has followed us all the way. Next, we will go deep into the E-level area. It is not good to leave a tail behind, and I also plan to experiment with some things."

At the same time, he looked at Weiyu, "Brother Weiyu, you are also good at large-scale installations, and I need you to help me later."

Weiyu was startled slightly, then nodded.


(End of this chapter)

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