Pillars of Ita

Chapter 991 Scene 322 Wisdom and Courage

Chapter 991 Chapter 320 Act II Wisdom and Courage

"It's done." Shui Wuming took a half step back, and gently withdrew his hand from the brilliant work.

She looked at it with some nostalgia, as if looking at her own child, and the little dissatisfaction in her heart had long since been swept away.

Just as artists are sometimes obsessed with their work, so are artisans.

In her opinion, this work is so perfect, even though there are still various flaws, it is still the highest level they can achieve at this stage.

Of course, it is not as good as those of the real masters, but it is the limit of their current plasticity—no, it should even be said to be a testimony of self-transcendence.

The beauty of craftsman is the beauty that constantly surpasses itself and reaches a higher level.That beauty touches the heart on a higher, wider level that needs no words.

People just have to see it.

It is a testament to the courage of those who climb higher realms and explore the unknown.Mortals are born weak, but courage gives civilization the meaning to keep moving forward.

There are also whispering discussions in the barrage.

"It's beautiful."

"This is the dragon knight...?"

"No, it should be the main structure, the supreme knight..."

What's more, it is also beautiful in appearance.Majesty and slenderness blend together, and the asymmetry endows it with a delicately balanced beauty, as if delicacy breeds in strength.

The solid silver armor is combined with the femininity of the woman, so that it can defeat a thousand with one enemy, and it can also be as careful as an inch, just like a silver Valkyrie holding a spear and riding in the sea of ​​trees.

"This is the main structure of a new series," MTT walked over from a short distance, looked at this delicate and beautiful structure and said, "It was born for fairy dolls, I saw you use it in the southern border The ether simulates the dragon soul, and this construct should have been born with that kind of thinking in mind."

"It's very different from the previous main structure, but more like a wearable fake dragon knight structure." Shui Wuming praised.

"It's so beautiful, it looks like an elegant and noble Valkyrie," Mu Lan looked over, and also commented, "Why don't we call the structure of this series a Valkyrie, this is the structure of this series The first prototype knight, its name is Peace."

Besides, it has a future.

Shui Wuming turned his head to look at Fang Plover. After leaving the sea of ​​trees, only Fang Plover can give it a new life. Its future is completely in the hands of the other party. It may further evolve in the days after that , perfected until finally realized.

She suddenly felt a little bit reluctant, but it wasn't her child after all, she looked at Fang Plover with a kind of sustenance in her eyes.Fang Plover understood what she meant and nodded to her.

"Let it go into battle." Weiyu pulled down the goggles and took a look—the goblin doll can share the vision for everyone, allowing him to see the fierce battle on the front line. "Hanrui has completed the large The construction of the device—”

——The eight land-type gun knights that had been put into battle earlier had been suppressed by Hanrui. Luo Wei called the second goblin doll and put in more than 30 first-type walkers into the battle.

Hanrui can also call more fairy dolls, but when the scouting has been completely crushed, if one side cannot counterattack the controller of the construct in the craftsman's battle, then it is only a matter of time before they win.

But what they lack is time,
Two engineering structures flew over—actually levitation, most of the second-level structures have no ability to fly, even the land version used by the spear knight Fang Plover—then one left and one right for the Valkyrie "Peace" The Knight' is equipped with an upwind elemental propulsion unit.

This device is actually a one-off, and it can only be pushed high into the sky, and then projected to a predetermined combat area by means of inertial guidance.

There's no way, the Peace Knight doesn't have the ability to fly—in other words, it was originally designed for Nini, and Nini has the ability to fly herself, so she doesn't need such a cumbersome device like the wind element nozzle.

But in this space, fairy dolls don't have such abilities, so they can only think of some stupid ways.Weiyu was a little curious about the design idea of ​​the Plover, but didn't ask too much.

MTT and Mulan had seen Fang Plover imitate the Dragon Soul with 'Ether' in the Southern Territory Competition, so they probably guessed something about the origin of this main build.

With the assistance of the engineering machine, everyone quickly installed the propulsion device for the Valkyrie. It is very similar to the first-stage booster of the launch vehicle, and it will separate from the main structure after reaching the specified height.

After that, the Valkyrie will glide into the combat area, and then conduct vertical combat under the control of the fairy puppet. The soft ground in the sea of ​​trees should not be able to damage this construct at a height of nearly a thousand meters.

After completing the final inspection, Weiyu opened the thruster's locking device and took a step back. Looking at the supreme knight, he sighed: "Its first battle is a bit overkill for this kind of place."

"It's just a test," Shui Wuming explained. "After all, we still have a long way to go. The barrier area is much more difficult to deal with than Hanrui."

"I understand," Weiyu nodded slightly.

He looked back at Fang Plover, "This is our hole card for passing the E zone?"

Fang Plover nodded.

It is a little earlier, but the collection of test data is also very important.

There are roughly four major categories of secondary mechanical artifacts in the barrier area, of which at least one major category and two minor categories are what you need.From the data analysis, they must win at least four E-class mechanical towers.

Crossing the E area is a helpless choice, but it can also be regarded as a part of the established plan.In fact, the main structure can also kill through the F area, but the D and E areas are safer choices.

Using the Sea of ​​Trees space as a testing ground, it is natural to be more cautious, not to mention that not everyone has the confidence.

"Let's start." Fang Plover said.

The third fairy doll, and the only fairy soul they obtained from Area C—Ms. Owena flew into the Valkyrie, it is not like a real dragon soul that can wear this Valkyrie armor, but enough to activate it.

Under the gorgeous winged helmet, the crystal pupils lit up, and the whole construct moved. It raised its left hand slightly, and moved the black and white spear.Then raised his head--

The azure light beam jetted out from the wind element thruster, which was actually a sharp gust of wind, cutting the roots and rocks in the forest like a sharp blade, and then pierced straight into the sky, flying to the sky.

In the eyes of everyone on the ground, it looked like two beautiful wings of wind elements, carrying the Valkyrie far away into a light spot, rushing out of the forest sea, and disappearing into the distant horizon.

Shui Wuming opened his mouth wide, feeling a little nervous for a moment, "It will be fine, right?"

Both Wei Yu and Fang Plover nodded.

Hanrui was completing their large-scale device, which should also be part of the other party's hidden big move, which seemed to be at least a guild-level mythical barrier.

But what walks in the sky is the main structure, one of the highest domains of artisans.

And it is not the main structure in the general sense, but the main structure close to the concept of the pseudo-dragon knight, which is another crown of magic skills.It can even be said that it is close to the cutting edge of technology.

In the sea of ​​trees, as long as it is not close to the core area, it is almost invincible.

As for the core area.

At the beginning, Loofah teamed up with the Imperials and used a Sovereign-class airship to blast open the door of one of the three main towers.

Fang Plover hasn't given much thought to the issue of the core area, or stopped at the black barrier. As for the main tower, it depends on what they get later.The plan can be implemented in great detail, but luck is still an important part.

After all, this is only the second level.


Eight hours of darkness is almost boring.

What's more, there are almost endless attacks of psionic constructs lurking in the darkness. They are far better than the mechanical constructs in A, B, and C areas, and the strange abilities they carry are often hard to guard against.

After entering the barrier area, almost every team encountered a hard fight.

But the Imperials are still advancing very fast.After they entered the barrier area, they quickly penetrated the defense line of the psionic structure—the three nearby mechanical towers reacted almost immediately after realizing that the imperial people were moving faster than expected——

They commanded the mechanical bodies to jointly launch a siege against the Imperials.

But Gemini executes its decisions almost efficiently.

Trixie's keenness in the fairy envoy amazed the commentators outside the venue. She knew her fairy dolls well, and almost brought the role of each construct to its maximum.

The encirclement constructed by psionic energy was airtight, but the imperials still found holes in it by virtue of their own abilities. After several battles, they made a detour and escaped from the encirclement.

Three in the morning.

The Imperials took down the first Class D spire of the entire tournament.

Nearly one-third of the psionic structures in the area were paralyzed, and part of the mechanical network in the entire D-level area was also weakened. The imperials took out the only secondary mechanical artifact from the ruins of the tower.

"Ice feldspar."

Juno stared at the moonlight-emitting feldspar crystals on the glove, and for the first time a gleam of satisfaction appeared in Juno's eyes.

Of course, it is not the mineral called potassium aluminum silicate on the earth, but a unique creation of ancient alchemists, which is also different from the world of trees and seas, and it is a rare real thing in the material world.

Trixes was adjusting her fairy doll wearily, looking in this direction.Juno looked back at her and nodded to her, "You've worked hard, Tracy."

"I'm fine." The girl blushed a little, and hurriedly lowered her head and said, "Boss, this is ice feldspar...can we start implementing the plan?"

Juno nodded, "There is still a Gestalt core, but we can indeed start to advance the plan from here."

Trixes looked at the ice feldspar curiously.

That is actually not a natural magic crystal, but a magic creation in the true sense, a mechanical crystal.

It is also one of the oldest artificial crystals.

Ice feldspar can absorb heat and convert it into magic power, and has a nearly endless source of magic power.It is far more powerful than the toy that can be obtained in Area A - the permanent magic furnace. In the era of Aiselin, this is one of the keys to start the super-large structure.

Its only shortcoming is its timeliness, but in their hands this shortcoming is nothing.

The progress of the plan made her relieved and breathed a sigh of relief, but there was still a trace of uneasiness in her heart. The progress of the Colin people was not slow—and that dragon alchemist.

She remembered what happened underground, not only Fang Plover, but the woman named Luo Wei also left an impression on her.That student of Ming, the main group of the Colin people, doesn't seem to be easy to mess with at all.

"What's wrong?" Juno noticed her hesitation.

Tracy shook her head bluntly, "It's nothing, I just thought of the Colin people."

"The Koolin people are indeed progressing very fast," Juno agreed. "They are an opponent we should pay attention to, but judging from the news from Hanrui, they should have turned to the east."

"Are they going to cross the barrier?"

Tracy was slightly startled.

On the main stage, this scene happened to be given.

The commentators were commenting on the performance of the Imperials in a low voice: "The Imperials got the ice feldspar, and they were really lucky along the way. The ice feldspar should be one of the three best rewards in the barrier area."

"The Imperials have obtained the key to activate the super-large structure, which means that they have obtained the first stepping stone to enter the main tower, and the dark barrier should not be able to stop them."

"From this point of view, the decisive battle of the second stage should start in the core area. According to this progress, it should not be too far away. This year's steeple trial process may be further shortened. This should be a change brought about by technological progress. "

"Of course there are also the factors of the contestants themselves. This year's contestants are not inferior to the ones that gave birth to the geniuses Loofah and Lex, Orton, and even more. Luo Fen, the Dragon Alchemist of the Colin, and even Sanshak's Forin are all remarkable, and the overall level of other players is also amazing."

"Of course, Miss Trixes, the goblin envoy of the empire, is indispensable. Everyone has seen her performance just now. She is well-deserved as the chief goblin envoy of the empire. She has contributed a lot to the rapid advance of the imperial people."

"However, the Koolin people and the goblin envoys on the Hill of Giant Trees are also very good. The battle just now..."

The commentators suddenly remembered the battle where the Kaolin people defeated Han Rui, and they couldn't help being silent for a while.Several commentators on the commentary stand looked at each other and raised their eyebrows.

"Hanrui's luck is not very good."

Finally, they came to the same conclusion.

"Have Hanrui been defeated?" Trixes was slightly surprised when she heard the news from Juno.

Although she knew that Han Rui was almost impossible to be the opponent of Colin's main group, but the boss told them to evacuate, but it sounded like it was just a meeting, and Han Rui collapsed...

No matter what...

Juno nodded, and he didn't bother to conceal these facts, "It's normal that they didn't listen to us, after all, Hanrui is not our vassal."

"They are really..." Tracy was furious, "Idiots..."

Juno shook his head, "They are all young people just like us, and we might not be able to hold back."

"But, with them—"

"Trizzy," Juno interrupted her, "they are proud to be on this stage, otherwise they would not have made it this far. They are our allies, but they are also competitors on the same stage, remember never Belittle your opponent."

Cui Xisi was stunned, a little dissatisfied in her heart, but she had never conceded defeat to anyone, even the dragon alchemist, she didn't think she was inferior to the other party in terms of elf envoy.

Not to mention Hanrui.

But she bit her lip and didn't speak. After all, the one who taught her was the person she admired the most.

"How were they defeated?" Trixes raised her head, "Hanrui didn't listen to us, but he can always get some useful information, right?"

Juno threw a crystal at her, "Of course, everyone else has already seen it. You were just manipulating the goblin puppet to fight, so I told others not to disturb you."

Cui Xisi took the projection crystal, activated it immediately, glanced at the picture inside, and frowned.

The picture recorded by Hanrui was a bit chaotic. There were silver bees flying in the air, passing through the forest, and shouting from all directions.

A flash of silver light struck a nearby tree trunk, sparking a fire and billowing smoke.The walkers were advancing, but every now and then a construct fell in a shower of sparks.

Huowang swept over here, the screen was shaking, and it was chaotic again.But at least Trixes could see clearly that the scattered silver light hit a fluorescent blue shield.

She saw that it was a large enchantment, which should belong to Hanrui's side. "It's really stupid," Cui Xisi thought, "If you don't try to find out where the opponent's body is in the battle of the craftsman, what's the use of just defending..."

But she suddenly shut her mouth, realizing that Hanrui was deliberately delaying time.

"They know that they are not the opponents of the Colin people." Tracys flashed a shocked look, "They are deliberately delaying time so that we can see more information about the other party..."

Cui Xisi's heart beat a few times faster, and she couldn't help but look at Juno who was not far away with a calm face. The young man was sitting on the throne of the mechanical tower, holding the ice feldspar in his hand, thinking about something.

But how could Hanrui be defeated in one blow?
Cui Xisi was puzzled, and fast-forwarded the scene, and then she suddenly saw a blue light descending from the sky, and the owner of the recording crystal let out an exclamation.

The screen seemed to fly out, it should be that the crystal was blown into the air, and in the tumbling screen, something seemed to have directly penetrated Hanrui's enchantment, and then the crystal stopped——

The screen freezes.

The last picture that appeared was a burning forest, a shield that had been penetrated, a large device that was overloaded with sparks, and the one that stayed in mid-air——

A Valkyrie-like construct.

"That's..." Tracy was taken aback, and the uneasiness in her heart became more and more intense, "Pseudo-Dragon Knight?"

"It's the main build."

Juno raised his head and said to her, "But it's not too far away. It's a very special type of main construct. The main craftsman of the Colin people is very interesting and very interesting."

"They...have even made the main structure?" Tracy's heart was still stuck in the previous scene, and she was still pounding, "Boss, are you not worried at all?"

"It's a little bit," Juno admitted with a nod, but there was more anticipation in his eyes, "but this is the only way to be interesting."

Trixes seemed to think of something, but she didn't speak after thinking for a while.


"Did you notice it?"

Xiaoyao looked up at the last night before dawn, a ray of light appeared in the sky, the golden clouds reflected the spiers far away in the sky, the sea of ​​trees was a little peaceful at this moment, full of strange beauty.

He got out of the forest, looked at this scene, then turned around and asked the others: "That Hanrui guy was a little weird before, so they can't be regarded as novices if they can get to this point, right?"


"Could it be that they don't know anything about how the artisans fight, and they don't have any precautions against Ed's battle elves. I always feel that they are deliberately delaying time."

Shui Wuming snorted, "That's it?"

"Why," Xiaoyao asked, "you can see it too."

"The guy from Hanrui made it clear to test us," Shui Wuming shook his head, "but that's exactly where their value lies. It's an old trick. It's just that their own positioning is very clear, which surprised me a little. That's all-"

"Those who can make it to this competition," Xiaoyao sighed, "None of them are easy. But since we are aware of this, aren't they too cheap?"

Weiyu came out from the woods behind, looked at the two of them, shook his head and said, "Don't be too led by other people, it's a conspiracy for them, and so are we." "


"Your brain is really hopeless," Shui Wuming said angrily, "I really want to pry it open to see if it's empty except for the alchemy part."

"The most important thing for us is time," Weiyu explained, "It takes time to cross the barrier area, and it takes time to meet Vikki and the others. Hanrui saw this, and he gave us a multiple-choice question— —”

"They are dragging behind like a tail, just to slow us down, we have to resort to thunderous tactics, or we have to waste time with them," Shui Wuming also said, "This is something we all know .”

"But if you pay too much attention to the topic itself," Wei Yu said, "you will lose your original purpose. At this time, you only need to imagine what your plan is like. There is no perfect plan in this world. There is a trade-off.”

Xiaoyao looked at these two people in shock, but he didn't think about it at all.

Wei Yu looked at Fang Plover at the side, "Ed?"

Fang Yan nodded, that was almost his idea, but he was not so clever in this regard, he just relied on his intuition.He is a pure craftsman, but some people in the regiment have better brains than him.

This is enough.

Just like in the Seven Seas Brigade, Sylvaide, Miss Nightingale, and Tianlan are mostly the ones who make suggestions.

What's more, this is ultimately a craftsman's game.

Weiyu obviously understood this too. He looked towards the steeple in the sky and said, "That's Area D. How do you plan to take down the first psychic mechanical tower?"

"It's very simple," Fang Yan replied, "The craftsman's art pursuit is higher and stronger. If the firepower is insufficient, increase the firepower. With the Valkyrie, you only need to make a frontal breakthrough."

That's exactly what he was trying to collect data from previous experiments.

It is not easy to cross the barrier area, and it requires the wisdom and courage of the craftsmen.


(End of this chapter)

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