Pillars of Ita

Chapter 992, Scene 323 Recorded on the Stone Tablet

Chapter 992, Chapter 320, Scene Three Recorded on the Stone Tablet

MTT ascended to a high place, supported the half-metallized trees, and looked at the gray valley from afar.In the valley is a base—a center of mechanical spires and a foundry center of constructs.

All the trees in a radius of several miles have been bulldozed, leaving only bare metal foundations.

The valley is an absolute circle.

"Have you ever seen a place like this?" he asked.

Around the steeple is densely covered with cruising, pitch-black psionic structures, densely packed like a nest of bugs, making one's hair stand on end.Constructs can be roughly divided into two categories——large-scale defensive constructs, mainly for long-range attacks.The other type is light structures like insects, responsible for scouting, assault, and line-filling battles.

There are also some flying constructs in the sky. Xiaoyao gave them an alias called stinging bees, because they attack with mechanical pincers like steel needles. Although they are fragile, they have amazing mobility and can easily tear apart the second-order constructs. Homogeneous steel armor for the body.

The sensing elements of these structures contain a group of pupils shining with red flames, but they are not visual crystals, but a more sophisticated mechanism.Everyone recycled some to study, but they couldn't figure out why. They could only conclude that it was a special rule in the space——

The minaret structure uses this kind of sensing device to sense the life forms around it. It has a very sensitive perception within a certain distance. It seems that it does not rely on vision, hearing or smell, and can even penetrate dense forests, shrubs and even a certain thickness. soil and rocks.

They also tried to block the magic fluctuations, but to no avail.

The only shortcoming of this kind of detection ability is the distance, usually only a few hundred meters of visual range, and on a longer scale, its detection ability is completely dependent on the minaret.

However, the detection ability of the steeple is also limited, and it can only roughly scan a certain area. After detecting the abnormality, it will send its own construct to further screen and investigate a certain area.

The minaret is like their brains, and the latter are the eyes and minions of the tower.

"I always feel like I've seen the same situation somewhere," MTT said, "In fact, since I first saw the minaret just now, there is a strange familiarity. It seems that... I have been here when and where It's the same here...it's weird..."

"I didn't," Xiaoyao shook his head, "but this place made me a little creepy. I was full of confidence at first... Is this the barrier area? What is the core area like? My God, Loofah back then How did they break into the main tower?"

"They teamed up with the Imperials, Mirrodian, and the Sanshak Artisan Association to almost form the most fantastic lineup in that league, and they succeeded," Shui Wuming replied softly.

She shook her head, "But we are doomed to fail." She said: "The moment the Imperials chose to ally with the Outer Sea region, they stood against us. The strange thing is, Sanshak, the White Tree Society And the Lotao people are also unnaturally quiet..."

"Actually, I also feel that way." Mu Lan was carrying a weird magic device, and was inserting that magic device into the soil.Then she raised her head to look at the scene, couldn't help frowning, and said hesitantly: "...I have never been to this place before, but it feels like..."

"It feels like I saw it in a dream..." Shui Wuming repeated.

"That's right," the former nodded vigorously, "That's right, that's the feeling." She suddenly froze for a moment, then stopped, "Wu Ming, you also had the same dream? No, I... I have some Can't tell..."

Shui Wuming shook his head, "I don't know if I've seen it before, but my first feeling told me so."

Her intuition has always been good.

"Is it that mysterious?" Xiaoyao was taken aback, "This is just a space constructed by people, and many people outside are watching."

"I'm just..." Mu Lan didn't know how to describe her current mood.

She couldn't help looking at Weiyu and Luo Wei.

Although in fact the captain of the Fang Plover team—even the speaker of the three-party team of Colin-Ishurian—the most stable members of the team were the older Luo Weiwei.

It's just that Luo Wei and Wei Yu frowned slightly, thinking about this scene.

Only Fang Plover remained silent behind everyone, remembering that he had seen such a scene in a nightmare—it was the city that died under the deep sea in the dream of the Shadowman during the Great Northern War , Lined with minarets.

Almost identical to what you see.

But did he really see all this there, and why did other people have a similar sense of familiarity.Thinking back on it now, Fang Plover didn't seem to be the first to see such a situation in that nightmare, and the gray sky under the deep sea also gave him a sense of familiarity.

Just like that.

But where are they used to seeing this scene, or is it because the only thing everyone has in common is that they are all alchemists, and the strange structures and techniques here give them such a plausible illusion.

Weiyu finally said: "Maybe it's because we have seen the information about the sea of ​​trees and here, and some of them have a normal sense of sight, like an illusion. You should have heard of the Mandela Effect. But Xiaoyao said it well, the key It’s because this is the Sea of ​​Trees space, so there’s no need to be suspicious.”

Luo Wei also nodded.

These words also made everyone relax. "That's right," Xiaoyao dispelled his doubts, and said with a sigh of relief: "This is just a constructed space, everything is possible,"

He patted the half-metal tree beside him, "Look at this, for example, it's still growing lushly, which is absolutely impossible in the outside world." "That's not necessarily true," Shui Wuming retorted instinctively , "There are some crystallized forests in the north, you may not have seen them."

"Crystalization is crystallization, that is elemental infection," Xiaoyao said, "but this is metallization, can it be the same?"

Wei Yu was used to the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two, looked back at Fang Plover, and asked, "Ed, are you ready?"

"Ah?" Fang Plover was stunned for a moment, and then he came back from his own thoughts. He looked around and nodded.

"We are lucky," he said, "This is a storm tower. There are three types of towers in the barrier area, knights, storms, and spiritual hearts. The knight tower is the simplest, but the rewards are the least. The storm and spiritual heart towers belong to the Similar energy levels, but the rewards are different, the former is more mechanical artifacts, and the latter is more fairy souls."

"The best rewards in the Storm Tower are the Gestalt Core, the Anchor Stone and the Holy Gay Crystal, as well as the Fairy Souls numbered 33 and 27. The first prize is the Holy Gay Crystal and the No. 27 Fairy Soul," Fang said. Plover continued, "I don't know if our luck will be better this time."

"Let me draw the lottery." Xiaoyao said happily.

"Shut up," Shui Wuming said angrily, "You opened the master key in the last tower, the most trashy secondary mechanical artifact in the 33 mechanical towers in Area C, let Ed come this time. "

"Let Ed?" Xiaoyao was about to say something, but when he remembered his glorious record, he couldn't help but hesitate, "Okay then..."

Whispering still had a calm tone, "Then let's launch an offensive from the front. You lead your Valkyrie into the penalty area, and we will work together. Ed, do you have any other ideas on tactics?"

Fang Plover shook his head. The battle in the barrier area was not fundamentally different from the first three areas. It was the most effective and convenient way to directly attack the core.It's just that not every participating team has this ability, but he thinks that the Imperials, the Hill of Giant Trees, and the main team of Lotao can probably do it...

"Then you give the order." Wei Yu said.

Fang Plover nodded, and he turned his head to look at Mu Lan.

Mu Lan nodded slightly to him, and spread the antenna of the magical device—of course it is not a radio antenna, but a kind of ether amplifier, which is connected to the signal crystal below, and the ether signal is amplified through runes, and then Scatter along the cloud to the ground.

A beam of light rose from above the forest.

But at the same time, not only a bunch of signals rose from all directions in the sea of ​​trees.

"The game is heating up."

The light screen in front of the wandering horse was divided into several, and the several teams on it all arrived at the barrier area at the same time - the Lotao people, the people from the Hill of Giant Trees, and the two teams supported by the empire - the tower The Singer and the Golden Blade.

He looked up at the electronic clock, it was sixteen o'clock in the afternoon on the second day, and it was eight o'clock in the morning on the fourth day in the tree sea space.

Beams of light are rising from all over the sea of ​​trees.

In each of the crystal mines in the shared area behind, the foundry bases and smelting bases that are automatically operated by the engineering construction institute, and the goblin dolls who stay there and are in charge of the master control are giving orders to let each of them lift the heavy-duty construction Batches of constructs are being hung on the airship.

Densely packed airships are taking off into the sky like scattered black clouds.It’s just that the pictures of each team are different. The Imperials, the Colins, and the teams in the outer seas supported by the Imperials all use airdrop boats——

It is a transport airship that is very mature in military operations in Altalia. It has the advantages of large carrying capacity, stable range, and strong loss resistance.The only disadvantage is the slow speed, but in the small space of the sea of ​​trees, this is not a big defect.

The Rotao people used the orthopter, which is a transport structure that belongs to that wild continent, and it is also one of their secret technologies. Its carrying capacity is small, but its speed is fast.As such they are always the first to use combat constructs in battle.

As for the picture on the Sanshak side, the stray horse blinked.

The unique skill of elves in the sea of ​​silver trees makes the way the people of Giant Tree Hill project their troops always so amazing. The fairy dolls who stay in the casting base first use information crystals to digitize batches of constructs After that, it is projected to a distant battlefield through the remote transmission method of the Ethernet vein.

There has long been a tall crystal tower erected there, and the crystal tower emits beams of light, refracting the construct on the battlefield.

"Forin and their tactics are really enviable," the wandering horse couldn't help commenting, "but telematics crystals are not yet mature in the main world, and it takes a huge amount of magic power to transmit a construct, so the giant tree hill People only use it in some key areas. However, in the space of the sea of ​​trees, this limitation does not apply, which is also the traditional advantage of the participating teams in the hill of giant trees in the steeple trial."

One after another, the structures are forming, and the participating teams have chosen the fortress-style walkers in the first wave of attacks. They are walking out of the bushes with heavy hexapods, revealing their figures from behind the dense vegetation .

The tall mechanical body raised the revolving barrel magic guns connected in parallel on both sides, and aimed at the airspace ahead under the lock of the vision crystal.

When the ether signal rose into the clouds, it also alarmed the enemies in the sky. Under the command of the mechanical spire, the swarm of 'bees' almost immediately launched a suicide attack on the ground.

But when they swooped down to a higher height, a bright line suddenly lit up in the forest - that was the 270-type walkers side by side firing at the same time. They formed a long line of defense, and nearly a hundred walkers fired at the same time Tongues of fire were swallowed up in the jungle at the same time, forming a spectacular scene.

A fire net rises into the air——

This is the first time a battle of this intensity has erupted in this competition. Even in the previous battles between the singer of Taxin, the blade of Shujin and the ancient towers, the two sides did not use this scale and level because of the hasty contact. battle.

Every mechanical tower they occupied before, the mining area and casting base they established, all turned into the power of the mountain and tsunami at this moment, which originally belonged to the mighty power of the magician.During the Trial of the Spire, teams from various countries participated in the battle, and even did not limit them to cooperate with each other. It was precisely to allow craftsmen to gather each other's strength to reproduce this great system as much as possible——

That is what mortals obtained from darkness and ignorance an age ago—the real fire.

Because of alchemy, civilization is achieved.

Mortals use magic furnaces to transform the world, and also transform their own understanding of the world itself. The essence of this competition is to allow young contestants to experience the power of magic skills for themselves. They do not need to rely on themselves, but rely on His own understanding of magic arts overcomes everything in this world.

Through the exploration of the essence of technology, to reach a higher level, this is how mortals walk step by step, from weak to strong, from ignorance in the wilderness to the initial birth of the empire.

Alchemists firmly believe that technology can conquer everything and change everything, thus shaping the true appearance of the world.

Finally, to reach that promised land.

The people in the live broadcast room were uncharacteristically, and even the bullet screens were much less.Or maybe it was because of the influence of this wonderful scene, or also felt the majestic hope rushing forward——

Confident, brave, endless exploration of the unknown world.

The wandering horse silently watched the fire net rise into the air, like an invisible whip hitting the swarm of 'stinging bees', the swarm withered in the storm, disintegrated in mid-air, and was torn apart by the rising sparks .

Fall like raindrops.

But the scary thing about these steeple constructs is that they don't know fatigue and fear. Even if they turn into a ball of fire in the air, they still have to sprint towards the designated target area. Some of them fell from midair and fell into the hillside ahead.

Others fell straight into the array of walkers like burning meteorites, and it was not even an effective attack. They just collided with a walker and turned into a ball of bright flames—— There are fireballs rising and falling on the battlefield.

Once the battle was touched, it was already so fierce that it was hard to look away.

Like the people from the Hill of Giant Trees, the Rotao people faced a tower of knights, but they were attacked by a group of Storm Ambusher Type IV, which was a construct similar to a space hound. They had previously also encountered.

It is also equipped with an attack method similar to EMP, but the electromagnetic shock of Altaria is really aimed at the ether crystal and the circuit, not the circuit. It is just that the Lotao people have upgraded the anti-load plug-in earlier. This time their 270 Small walkers aren't even paralyzed.

The Storm Ambusher Type IV, which had lost its special abilities, was no different from ordinary constructs, and was quickly lost under the intertwined fire net.And the attack immediately after the Storm Ambusher IV was a bug-like construct.

Their name is Lurker.

This is a unique model, so it doesn't have a serial number. The only feature is that it has an astonishingly large number. Its combat power is about one-third of a walker, but its cost is close to that of a clockwork goblin.When the swarm launched their attack, they were approaching the bottom of the hill layer by layer like ocean waves. From a distance, it seemed that the ground of the entire base was moving.

"Swift Explosion Plug-in." The wandering horse recognized it with sharp eyes.

These Lurkers are almost all equipped with Swift Burst plugins.

When they approached the position, they let out a sharp beep and leaped high, with a fleeting red light, shooting towards the walkers like an afterimage.Because the speed is too fast, it is impossible to see clearly in the live broadcast room——

It is often necessary to freeze the picture and slow it down.

There was a burst of low exclamation.

Seeing that the Imperials and Colin were progressing smoothly, people almost forgot the danger lurking in the sea of ​​trees. The previous participating teams took almost half a month to prepare before launching the last few battles.

It's just that the advancement of technology and the widespread use of multiple parallelisms have greatly promoted the progress of the game, making the early stage of the game look much smoother.

But the tall walkers are not completely without melee capabilities - after all, the prototype of the fortress walker is also a melee structure - when the lurkers flew towards them, a layer of blue lighted up around these tall structures light shield—

That is the shield that comes with the main core crystal, and it can also be understood as the shield of the craftsmen's magic furnace. In short, the two are almost the same thing.Some of the lurking insects hit the shield and were directly bounced away in the bright light...

A small number of lurkers managed to break through the shield and attack the walkers, but the fortress-like walkers changed their form and pulled out a huge arc-shaped shield from below, causing the former to hit the shield with its head.

The tall walker not only did not retreat, but moved forward, as if parting a path in the black waves——

They directly smashed those small structures, and behind the giant shield, the magic gun continued to swallow fire, smashing each structure to pieces.However, there were still those who were lost in the black tide, and were soon completely swallowed by the tide, and an inconspicuous flame burst out under the swarm of insects.

But after the walkers, other, larger constructs joined the fray.

Colossus -

The wandering horse looked at the tall iron giants and said, the technology from the Pillar of Stars is a branch of the main construction, somewhat similar to the Imperial Wind Knight, but a lower-end version than that.

This is already a construct above level [-]. The towering body has a stable chassis similar to a triangle, which is difficult to be knocked down by attacks from the ground. It is equipped with a flame hammer to fight with the flame beams.

They are very handy in dealing with lurkers. It is almost impossible for lurkers to cause effective damage to the armor of the Colossus, but the flames from the former hammer can kill seven or eight lurkers, and then the flame beam fired from the palm sweeps across.

A large area was cleared on the battlefield.

The Luotao people brought out three such giant elephants, and put them all into battle at the first time, stabilizing the battle line.

At the same time, many diamond-shaped constructs floated out of the forest, floating in the air like flying saucers. Under the control of the fairy puppet, they opened the front four panels, revealing the dark red core crystal inside.

The old viewers in the live broadcast room can finally recognize this scene, "The Annihilator QV700, this is a classic model."

First, the gravity well. The gravity well woven together by more than 30 Annihilator QV700s directly covered the entire front of the battlefield, and the army of lurkers that swept in like a tide immediately slowed down as if they had been hit by a slow spell.

Then an invisible transparent ripple swept across the entire front line——

Wherever the ripples passed, many lurkers directly stagnated.

"Passivation plug-in," the wandering horse finally saw, "the Rotao people also installed protection plug-ins on the walkers, no wonder their fortress-style walkers are much slower than other teams, the Rotao people Very thoughtful."

And there is also an excellent plugin artisan.

The tactic of the Lotao is to shoot close. The ability of the passivation plug-in is to weaken the effect of other plug-ins indiscriminately. no more.

And it further liberates its mobility.

The Rotaos even went into reverse EMP operations, with good results.

Gold threads are flying from the sky, that is the orthopter of the Lotao people is arriving at the battlefield, the golden threads are falling into the army of minaret structures like shooting stars, and then the pure white constructs one after another There it was--

"Knight of the Grail," explained the wandering horse, "another configuration unique to Rotao."

He said: "The legendary Holy Grail Knight is actually a dragon knight structure. In history, seven have been born, all derived from the two original prototypes, but now there are very few dragon knight structures left in this series. These constructs are just low-level imitations, and they are a kind of advanced construct that is very common among Rotao craftsmen."

"The Rotaos seem to be planning to use them to open the front line."

At the same time, he glanced at the situation on the other side of the hill of giant trees.

The two teams in the Hill of Giant Trees are progressing more smoothly than the Rotao people, but they are different. Forin's team didn't do much, but they just kept going and pushed their way into Spire Valley.

Their crystal projection method is not as good as other transportation methods in terms of the amount of one projection, but it is better in stability, and at this time the difference in the craftsman level of the two teams is revealed. Forin's team is only a fortress-style walker. The combat power is much stronger than that of the Luotao people.

Therefore, their tactics are also very simple, relying on solid combat power to advance steadily, not so fancy, but the excitement of the game seems to be comparable to that of many Lotao people.

As for the performances of Taxin Singer and Shuojin Blade, they were relatively mediocre.

They were even repulsed by the minaret's construction group, and they were able to stand firm after the airdrop boat arrived. The abilities of the various special plug-ins configured by the psionic construction made them tired. The level of the opponent's plug-in craftsmen was obviously average. .

However, although the losses were a bit greater, relying on the arrival of the first wave of support, they could always organize a solid line of defense, and then there would be a long tug-of-war—and see which side was more fully prepared.

But after all, there is only one spire here, and with the support of several forward bases behind, Taxin Singer and Shujin Blade will always win the battle for a moment, it's only a matter of time.

At the same time, the Imperials are also entering the range of the second spiritual spire——

As for the Collins.

The two Koolin teams did not make any progress, and were still trapped between Area B and Area C. However, they were not in vain. The Kapuka Artisan Association went back and took down the two mechanical towers 52B and 37C. .

The Guta people pushed forward a little towards the barrier area, as if they were looking for some opportunity.

The wandering horse finally cut back to the team he was most concerned about—

He was silently watching everything in the light screen.

Among the five teams fighting at the same time, in fact, only the craftsmen of Gland always faced the higher-level Storm Tower, but their progress was also the fastest.

Although people know that the Koolin people will definitely use their previous big move in the next battle-the only main structure on the field at the moment.

But in fact, after Fang Plover disappeared with the Valkyrie, the attack itself led by the construction army to the steeple was somewhat unexpected.

The ability to push forwards displayed by the Corinthians is astonishingly strong.

"The Colin people's frontal combat power is so strong..."

"It's not worse than the Imperials, and it can even be said...it seems to be stronger..."

"More than half of those constructs were made by that dragon alchemist," people whispered, "Look at those fortress-style walkers, have you seen the data called up in the background? Double the blade."

"...The lurkers were quite a threat to the walkers, but the defense data of the fortress-style walkers of the Colin people... made the first wave of offensive from the spire almost greatly reduced."


"The Kaolin people have other builds that haven't appeared yet. The Lotao people used the Colossus. Although the Kaolin people also have the killer weapon of the main build, they still have to put some screaming banshees on the frontal battlefield. A construct?"

"Look, it's the Annihilator!"

someone shouted.

A large group of Annihilator QV700 floated into the air, and they were charging under the command of the fairy doll.

There are at least seven goblin dolls floating in mid-air on the side of the Grande Craftsman Association, and countless ether connections are shining on the battlefield. Except for the main control constructs left in the logistics base, this place is almost a test. Foresters have all the goblin reserves.

Then a golden flame swept across the battlefield.

In the live broadcast room, even the barrage was interrupted for a moment.



"I rely on?"

The Corrins didn't use gravity wells at all.

They directly carried out brute force cracking, and the attack power of the Annihilator jointly produced by Fang Plover and MTT reached a terrifying height, and countless flames were directly sweeping out a large blank area on the battlefield.

Where the scorching rays passed, the mechanical body was melted and disintegrated, as if cut off by a sharp blade, leaving the remnants on the ground.

If it could be heard in the live broadcast room, there must be a sound of breathing at this moment.

But the wandering horse didn't have so many extra thoughts, he immediately realized something keenly, and reminded: "The Colin people are going to let the airdrop support come on stage."


People are still wondering.

But as expected, there were flames in the sky, and the airdrop boat of the Colin arrived.

Those flames fell like a stream, and with the surging flames, they hit the area that had been cleared away without a doubt, and then raised a cloud of smoke and dust.

Amidst the smoke and dust, the airdrop pod was torn apart and the door opened.Groups of Lancers surged out from behind, forming a torrent of steel.

But among those clumsy constructs, there are still some tall figures that are of concern, "Damn!" Someone in the live broadcast room finally recognized it, "It's the Orphen Twins, the mass-produced Orphen Twins star!"

Tall knights and girls are joining the battle.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all too familiar with this scene. After all, this construct had appeared more than once in the Southern Border War, but it was a pity that it was lost in a certain battle.

Indeed, after that, Fang Plover never used it again.

But at the moment.

Orphen's twin stars once again joined the battle. On the tall figure, the girl was holding a long spear, which was shining brightly against the sunlight.

And it is not a single person, but an entire attack sequence, more than twenty Orphen twin stars appeared on the battlefield.

"The Kaolin people almost directly attacked the valley." There were bursts of exclaimed voices on the main commentary platform, "It's really too violent. With the strength, it is almost the same as the empire took down the storm tower last night." Exactly the same tactics."

"Kawlin's foundation is also very strong, they are the first team to get crystal veins," the assistant on the side added, "and Eddie also pays great attention to logistics, they should have established the most complete production system among all teams team."

"The essence of mortal magic skills." The main commentator nodded, "In fact, it is mass production. Without a huge production system and countless people investing in it, it is impossible to have cutting-edge technology like Dragon Knight."

"The people of Colin have figured out the essence of magic arts in Altalia," the assistant echoed. "This game is quite exciting, and it reminds me of the last game between Loofah and the Imperials."

The main commentator was silent for a moment, and said: "It may even exceed that class."

But he didn't say anything more, because he was slightly puzzled, and his eyes were cruising among the contestants of the Colin people—Shui Wuming, MTT, Mu Lan, Xiaoyao and Gulande, Luo Wei and Wei Wei Language, these are all he knows.

But what about the plugin artisans of the Colins?
And what about the dragon alchemist?
Where did they go?


(End of this chapter)

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