There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2339 There is a gifted person

Chapter 2339 There is a gifted person

After saying that, Qin Lian walked out of the school gate, drove her small sports car and left.

Zhan Gang shook his head and said: "People nowadays, if they have money in the future, they will have everything."

Zhan Gang has been thinking about this ***, *** is only a freshman in high school today, she is a good seed that must not be thrown into his own hands.

Zhan just thought of his good friend, nicknamed "Flying Dagger."

Fei Dao is one of his golf friends and is now a professional basketball coach in a sports school.

He used to be the main force of the city's basketball team with himself.

It's just that of course I wasted my youth and chose to be a teacher in middle school. As for this flying knife, he chose to go into politics. Now he is the head coach of the basketball team of the sports school, nicknamed Devil.

Zhan Gang took out his phone and called Fei Dao.

The two exchanged a few simple greetings, and Feidao said: "I said, brother, you don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, so if you have anything to say, tell me quickly."

Zhan Gang hesitated and said: "I have a good seed here, do you want to come and see it tonight?"

Feidao said: "What good seedlings do you have in your school? You won't lie to me to drink at the bar again? It's like this every time. If you can't find friends to drink, you lie to me that you have a good seedling here. ! You're doing this with me again!"

Zhan Gang said: "In the past, it was indeed my fault. I fooled you a few times, but if you don't come today, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This child is only 15 years old this year. It has already reached 1.9 meters, which is conservative, the key is that this child's athletic ability is really visible to the naked eye, such a good seedling, there will not be a single seedling in our city for decades!"

What Zhan Gang said really moved Feidao's heart. Although he was fooling himself before, he had never said it in such detail. This time he said it in a decent way, not like fooling himself.

Feidao said: "Hearing what you said is so good, I am really moved! You see that this child is in good condition, and his athletic ability is also very good. How could he think of me? Do you have such a good heart?"

Zhan Gang said: "We are brothers, how many tough battles we fought together back then, do you still remember that time when we went to the province to play a game, the two of us turned the tide at the end, abruptly from the time when we fell behind by more than ten points? Turned the team around."

Feidao heard Gangzi talking about the game, and he still remembers it vividly.

Fei Dao said, "Then I'll go and have a look tonight?"

Flying knife was a little tempted.

Zhan Gang said: "Come here, I won't lie to you, you come to our school's training hall at five o'clock in the evening, I will wait for you on time, but this child's foundation is a little weak, I don't think it's a problem , I am still very confident that I can cultivate a good amount!"

Fei Dao said, "At five o'clock in the evening, I will arrive at your school's basketball hall on time."

After finishing talking about Fei Dao, he hung up the phone. He had led the team for many years and had not produced such a good seedling.

Last year, I took the youth team in the coal city out to participate in the competition, and let others eat a duck egg and come back, and I was criticized when I came back.

I really feel very uncomfortable in my heart, maybe this time is really a chance!

No matter what you say, you have to go and see this seedling.

A typical seedling of a guard. In the position of guard, it is really not many years that such a good seed is born. Throughout the years of football, there has never been such a good child.

(End of this chapter)

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