Chapter 2340

Either there is height but no athletic ability, or there is athletic ability and height is a flaw.

Zhan Gang looked at his watch and it was one o'clock in the afternoon. Zhan Gang found out that this child was in Class [-] and [-] of Senior High School, the same class as his girl.

Zhan Gang came to his girl's class and called Zhan Xiaoxuan to his side.

Zhan Xiaoxuan saw that it was his father, and said: "What brought you here? There must be something wrong? You never told me that the class came to me, so tell me if you have anything to do!"

Zhan Gang said: "You child, hurrying father has something to do with you."

As soon as Zhan said that, he brought his girl to the store and said, "What do you want to eat? Just take it. Dad treats you today!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Where is the sun coming out? What kind of wind is it blowing today?"

Zhan Gang said: "Stop talking nonsense, after passing this village, there will be no such shop!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan picked out a big bag of snacks.

As soon as Zhan paid the money, Zhan Xiaoxuan was about to return to his class.

Zhan Gang said: "You child, why do you have to leave after taking your things? Come, come to my office, Dad has something to tell you!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan made a grimace and said, "I knew that the weasel had no good intentions in paying New Year's greetings to the chicken! It must be something to find me!"

Zhan Gang brought his child to the office and said, "Is there a child named *** in your class?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Yes, what's the matter. Everyone in the class nicknamed him Big Stupid!"

Zhan Gang said: "Although he is tall, he is not stupid. Don't call him this nickname. I bet that the kid who gave him this nickname may not have a future!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Is it true? You never talk in class, why did you remember to inquire about him?"

Zhan Gang then asked: "How is his academic performance in your class?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan thought for a while and said: "It's not good, let's count down! You sleep all day long, you don't study and you don't make trouble, the teacher will give up in the class!"

Zhan Gang thought for a while and said: "When you go back, if anyone in your class is bullying him, especially for nicknames, you must not join the team, you know? Not only can you not join the team, but you must stop it when appropriate. a bit!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan asked puzzled, "Why?"

Zhan Gang said: "Her mother came to me today and said she wanted to play basketball. I think he is in good physical condition. I am going to train him well in the future. I must give him confidence in the class. Man, when he is in adolescence. , we must build self-confidence, this is very important, don't look at him now, he will be very promising in the future!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said with some doubts, "Is it true?"

Zhan Gang said: "Dad, can you still lie to you? This kid is very talented. I dare say he is not like you. You say he is such a big man, it is not easy to shut you up! "

Zhan Xiaoxuan thought about it for the same reason.

Zhan Gang said: "Looking back, I'm communicating with your class teacher and let this teacher take care of this child!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Oh, the seedlings that my father likes are different, Tujidou will become a golden phoenix!"

Many things in the world start with meeting a good Bole, and Zhan Gang is the Bole of this ****!

(End of this chapter)

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