There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2642 We were confused at the time.

Chapter 2642 We were confused at the time.

Xiaofang's attitude changed a bit, and the flying knife coach said happily: "So you agree to go back with me?"

Xiaofang nodded!

Coach Flying Knife was really happy. Coach Flying Knife said: "I bought a wedding house three years ago, and I just kept it for the wedding. Decorate in the layout you like!"

Xiaofang is a little shy!

Xiaofang knows that the other party's intentions are really good!

Xiaofang said: "Well, it's not too late today, and I should go back. You are here for business. When you finish the game, you contact me, and I will go back with you. It just so happens that I Discuss this matter with my parents, whether they agree or not, I will go back with you!"

Xiaofang gave Coach Feidao a reassurance, and Coach Feidao excitedly hugged Xiaofang!

Still the same body fragrance, still the familiar long hair!

Coach Flying Dagger said: "I must bring back a champion in this competition!"

There are a lot of bonuses for participating in the competition this time, part of it will be given by the competition, and another part will be given back to the sports school!

This bonus can be said to be soft!

The flying knife coach said: "I'll take you back!"

Xiaofang said: "I came here by car, I should take you back!"

Xiaofang drove the flying knife coach back to the hotel in her own car!

Then Xiaofang returned home by herself.

The moment Xiaofang opened the door, she saw that her parents were not sleeping, but watching TV on the sofa.

Xiaofang's mother said: "It's a little late to come back today. I went to see some friends and came back so late!"

Xiaofang's father and mother are sleeping after waiting for Xiaofang to come back.

Xiaofang thought to herself: "If I tell them this, what if I don't agree again? If I don't tell them all these years, I will have waited in vain!"

Xiaofang gritted her teeth and stomped her feet and said, "Do you still remember that boy when I was in school more than ten years ago? It's the one I want to stay in Coal City, that is, the one you disagree with!"

After hearing this, Xiaofang's parents showed a trace of sadness on their faces. At that time, we did not agree with the child's marriage. Now the child has not been married for so many years just to wait for that person!

Xiaofang's father said: "My child, my parents were confused at the time, and they delayed you for so many years. You can tell me what you think now! Your mother and I have discussed it a long time ago, and we respect your choice!"

After hearing what her parents said, Xiaofang finally felt relieved. Xiaofang said: "I just went to see him tonight. If you two have no objections, I will let him come to our house as a guest in a few days. He came this time to participate in a competition, and when the competition is over, I plan to meet him in Coal City!"

Xiaofang's mother glanced at Xiaofang's father, Xiaofang's mother's eyes revealed a message, Xiaofang's father understood what Xiaofang's mother meant, Xiaofang's father said: "The children are over 30, wait That person has been around for more than ten years, it can be said that this person is worthy of our children, if we continue to be confused, won't we be delaying the next generation? So, let's accept this fact!"

Xiaofang's mother also nodded and said, "Your father and I have been unhappy seeing you every day for so many years, and we regret it too! If we didn't agree at the time, we didn't have a house!"

(End of this chapter)

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