Chapter 2643 We Agreed

Xiaofang's mother took a sip of water, and then gave Xiaofang's father a glass.

At this time, Xiaofang's mother said: "At that time, because the house did not agree, it was because we were from here. My parents were also distressed to see you suffer with a poor boy. Now, our two elders have prepared money for you a long time ago. When you get married, it will be your dowry, you can buy whatever you want, buy a house if you want to buy a house, if you have other ideas, we don't care!"

Xiaofang said: "This time, people have told me that the house was bought three years ago, and now it's all renovated, just waiting to marry me!"

Xiaofang's father said: "It seems that this child still has you in his heart. After so many years, he didn't give up on himself. Instead, he worked harder to earn a house by himself. This is very worthwhile! From this point, we can see that this Children are self-motivated, so, your mother and I agree!"

Xiaofang said: "Since the two of you have no objections, I'll take him home and let you have a good look at him after the game is over!"

Xiaofang's father said: "Okay, kid, it's getting late, you should go wash up early, you're still at work tomorrow! Let's talk tomorrow if we have something to do!"

Xiaofang happily entered her room.

After Xiaofang entered the room, Xiaofang's mother said to Xiaofang's father: "Old man, see if you want us to work harder. After the kid leads the team in the competition, you can find your old classmate to transfer him Come here? What do you think of letting him enter the provincial sports school?"

Xiaofang's father said: "Actually, I also have this idea. In this way, Xiaofang can stay with us. That child can be said to be promoted. Such a good thing is worth doing, but I Look, they are not married yet, and they don’t know what the future will be like! I want to get married first, and after I get married, I’ll settle down and do it later!”

Xiaofang's mother said: "You, don't hesitate, we are all half-buried people, why do you want to do so much? I think this child is a good boy, so we have been waiting for our girl for more than ten years. Looking at things, we can’t go wrong! Let’s show our sincerity, so that Xiaofang’s co-worker won’t have to be transferred, and our good uncle can be by our side, I don’t know if he would like it!”

Xiaofang's father said: "I guess, nine out of ten will agree! That's fine, let's treat it as something we did wrong back then, and make up for it! I'll do it when the time comes, and it happens to be one of mine. The apprentice hasn't retired yet, the subjective thing is the personnel arrangement in sports!"

Xiaofang's mother said: "This is the best!~ Let's rest assured about our own! But I think we will explain this matter when the child comes in a few days. What do you think?"

Xiaofang's father said: "It's best if the child agrees. If we don't agree, let's stop interfering in the child's affairs. Let's talk to our girl tomorrow!"

Xiaofang's mother said, "Leave this to me!"

The two of them looked at their watches, it was not too late, it was eleven o'clock in the evening!

Xiaofang's mother said: "Today, go and pour water for washing my feet. I have been busy washing my feet for most of my life. I am the one who serves you. Today I will also enjoy myself!"

Xiaofang's father stood up and said, "Okay, old lady, just wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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