There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2732 I really didn't drink

Chapter 2732 I really didn't drink

After waiting for the flying knife to be cleaned up, Xiaofang gave 200 yuan to the young man who helped the restaurant. Xiaofang said: "This is really troublesome for you at night. Originally, you always left work early. Now you help For such a big favor, you can go back and buy cigarettes with this little money!"

The young man who was thinking of rejecting him was so sincere when he heard Xiaofang speak so kindly.

The young man didn't give in too much, and said: "Thank you, big sister. From now on, we will be friends. If you need any help, just contact me!"

After finishing speaking, the young man bid farewell to Xiaofang!

An hour has passed, Feidao was very drunk at first, but now after such a toss, coupled with Xiaofang's meticulous service, he was given water whenever he had nothing to do.

Fei Dao's wine is almost three minutes sober!

At this time, Feidao was still in a daze, but he could open his mouth to speak!

Feidao said: "Xiaofang, I thank you, don't go back tonight!"

Xiaofang was a little shy and embarrassed after hearing this, her face was as red as a red apple!

Xiaofang said: "We have been together for so many years. I have to go back tonight. My father has managed to accumulate a good impression. I can't affect future things because of this mistake!"

Fei Dao said in a daze, "You're right."

Fei Dao wanted to continue talking, but he still fell asleep!

Xiaofang saw that the flying knife was no longer a serious problem!

Just fell asleep and left quietly.

Xiaofang went to the front desk and said to the service staff: "Please help me wake up my friend at seven o'clock tomorrow, just say that I ordered it! He has a habit of getting up at seven o'clock every day! This The habit has been maintained for a long time, and I drank too much today, I'm afraid he won't be able to get up tomorrow!"

The service staff said to Xiaofang: "Don't worry, miss. You will leave tomorrow's affairs to us!"

That's it.

After everything was settled, Xiaofang took a taxi and went home!

It was past twelve o'clock in the middle of the night when I got home!

It's so late, Xiaofang's mother hasn't slept yet, she has been reading the newspaper!

After Xiaofang entered the room, she saw her mother was still reading in the study, and Xiaofang said, "Why are you still awake at this late hour?"

Xiaofang's mother took off her glasses and looked at Xiaofang without speaking.

Xiaofang felt a little puzzled in her heart, and said, "I'm talking to you, why don't you talk? Why do you always look at me like this?"

Xiaofang's mother said: "Why do you smell like alcohol? What are you doing so late? You have never come home so late before, and you have never drunk!"

Xiaofang explained: "Mom, don't worry! A friend of mine drank too much today, and I sent her back! It's nothing, I didn't drink at all today! Don't believe me!"

As he spoke, he opened his mouth and asked his mother to smell it to see if he had been drinking!

Xiaofang's mother said: "Okay, go to bed quickly, I believe you!"

Xiaofang was about to go out to wash up when her mother called her back!

Xiaofang's mother said, "You came back so late. What did you do? By the way, did you go to have dinner with that coach!"

Xiaofang is also a sensible child who has never lied, and at such an age, there is no need to lie!

Xiaofang said honestly: "Yes, I really didn't drink!"

(End of this chapter)

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