There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2733 Long-winded mother

Chapter 2733 Long-winded mother

Xiaofang's mother was a little worried when she saw her child coming home so late!

Xiaofang's mother said: "Do you know? You are a girl after all, and my mother is still worried about you when you come home so late. After all, you are still married!"

Xiaofang said: "Mom, let me tell you, are you in menopause now? Why are you so wordy? I am in my thirties now. When I was young, you always cared about me. Now I know it well, why are you still caring?" What? Besides, I know what I do now!"

Xiaofang's mother said: "I know that the coach was kind to you back then, and I also know that he is a good boy, but mother is worried about you after all! This kind of feeling. As parents, you will not understand! Wait for you When you have a child, you will understand the mother's hard work!"

The voices of the two of them, the mother and the daughter, were still talking loudly. At this time, the father who was reading in the room came out!

Woke up by the sound of the two of them arguing!

Dad rubbed his sleepy eyes and said: "I said you are still a child, what are you talking about so late? Our children are already so old, why do you care about being so wide? Come back to sleep, tomorrow your senior university Isn’t there still morning class? Hurry up and go back to sleep! Don’t talk to the children, it’s already a day of work, and it’s understandable for people to go out with friends to relax after get off work. People of our age should not follow blindly Already!"

Xiaofang heard her father explaining herself, and hurried forward and said, "Dad is still caring, and Dad understands me! By the way, Dad, they won the ball today, and there is the final final! Waiting for the game to end, We want to go out to relax first, go out for a while and then come back to get married! What do you think of this?"

Xiaofang's father didn't object to anything, and said: "We don't care about the affairs of you young people! Turn around, tell me when you go out, I will give you money, it is not easy for you young people to make money, this fee I'm out. I'll give you [-]! If it's not enough, you can add some yourself!"

Xiaofang glanced at her mother!

My mother said in embarrassment, "I'll let you do all the good things about feelings, and let me do the bad ones, and I won't care about them in the future!"

Xiaofang said: "Mom, don't be angry! What is this? I also know that you are doing it for my own good!"

Xiaofang's mother said: "You little heartless, just know that I'm doing it for your own good! That's enough, I won't talk nonsense, I have to go to rest now!"

Xiaofang also returned to her room!

Xiaofang took off her coat and put on her pajamas and lay down on the bed. Although it was early in the morning, she still couldn't sleep, and she was still thinking about the throwing knife back then!

Seeing Feidao's embarrassed appearance after being drunk today, I really regret that I didn't stick to my principles and stay with Feidao all the time!

Now Feidao is so haggard, obviously under 40 years old, some hairs are white!

Xiaofang's heart is still very messy!

Xiaofang kept thinking in her heart: I don't know how he is doing alone in the hotel!

It would be great if I got married, I can take care of you all night, and I don't have to be afraid of gossip anymore!

Xiaofang recalled the happy time together!

There was nothing mixed with the pure love back then!

(End of this chapter)

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