There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2886 Bullying honest people

Chapter 2886 Bullying honest people

Li Xiaoxia said: "Old Han has always been interested in you before, but you have always refused to agree to him. How come you think so clearly this time?"

Diane said: "This is really a coincidence. You know my qualifications. People with better qualifications don't think much of me. Besides, the former foreign student made me miserable. In order to He, how much did I spend, my credit card was overdrawn at the time, and I owed 10,000+!"

After hearing this, Li Xiaoxia was very puzzled, and said, "I remember that he was the one who lied to you at the time, why did he lie to you of your money?"

This is often the case with people, seeing a small benefit, but being taken advantage of by others!

Diane is a prime example!
Diane said: "This is to tell you, we have been friends for many years, and we have nothing to hide from you, but don't tell others!"

Li Xiaoxia said: "Huh? You still can't believe me? You don't know what I am?"

Diane said: "When I was in contact with him before, he also spent a lot of money on me. As time went on, I relaxed my vigilance and felt that he was okay! But later, what did he say about his mother? I was sick and needed a sum of money urgently. At that time, he had already spent a lot on me, but we felt that people should not be so unconscionable! I overdrawn my credit card!"

Li Xiaoxia said: "What happened later? Did you say that the money will be returned to you?"

Diane said: "What's the matter! He always rejected me again and again, and I told him that I was using a credit card! But I can't rush people so fast! But later, we broke up. , You know what happened after that!"

Li Xiaoxia nodded and said: "I see, the returnee will ignore you later, right? The money you owe is also paid by Lao Han, right?"

Diane didn't speak, just nodded!
Li Xiaoxia said: "From this point of view, Lao Han still paid a lot. He never spends money on others. How can you say that you are also the first!"

Diane said: "Yes, I can't be so heartless. I also know that Lao Han has paid a lot for me, and all the money he earned in the past few years has been spent on me! So this time I will I have made up my mind to marry him! No, we are married!"

Li Xiaoxia said: "We can't bully honest people!"

Diane said: "You dead woman, what are you talking about, since I am married to Lao Han, I must live a good life with him!"

Li Xiaoxia said: "That's good, okay, you can go into the house first, visit my pet hospital, and give me some advice when the time comes! I still have a lot of guests to receive outside!"

Diane said: "Okay, you don't have to worry about me, you hurry up!"

After speaking, Li Xiaoxia greeted the guests, and Dian went in to find Lao Han!

Old Han saw Diane coming in, and said, "What are you two underestimating outside? It's been so long!"

Diane glanced at Lao Han and said, "Our sisters haven't seen each other for a long time, so we can't whisper! Why are you talking so much!"

Once Lao Han heard this, he stopped asking!

Diane slid on Old Han's nose!
The two are really close now!
After all, people who fall in love are like this. It can be said that Di An has always used Lao Han as a spare tire!
Old Han knew it, but he didn't care!

(End of this chapter)

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