Anime: Sett Template, Living with Hiratsuka Shizuka

Anime: Sett Template, Living with Hiratsuka Shizuka


63 Chapters Ongoing Status

Traveling through the world of anime, Higashino is planning to live a life of indulgence.


Traveling through the world of anime, Higashino is planning to live a life of indulgence.

Check in at Shizuka Hiratsuka and gain the skill [Power of Subjugation]!

Check in to Yukinoshita Yukino and gain the skill [Strong Hand Skull Splitting]!

Check in to Yukinoshita Haruno and gain the skill [Intentional Punch]!

Check in at Yotsuya Miko to gain the skill [Breathtaking]!

Check in at Kasumigaoka Utaha and get a new template: Demigod Hercules! !

“It is easy to capsize if you try to sit on two boats, but if you have countless boats, it will be like walking on flat ground!” Dong Yezheng said with a smile.


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