There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2898 Do Your Own Work

Chapter 2898 Do Your Own Work
Coupled with the steps that the coach gave himself alone in the training camp before!

This is very practical!
Ah Jin really couldn't bear it when he saw his beloved sport!
Ah Jin took off his coat and put on a pair of AJ's basketball shoes, ready to test what the basketball court looks like!
Just when Ah Jin's hand was about to touch the basketball, at this moment Damei came over and said to Ah Jin. The voice was very soft and beautiful, and it could be heard that it was coming from a delicate flower Voice: "Young Master Jin is just recovering from a serious illness, and you can't do strenuous exercise yet! We still have to listen to the doctor, and a personal trainer will come over ten days later, and he will personally arrange recovery training for you!"

This sound is like pouring cold water on a red-hot soldering iron!
In an instant, the fire in Ah Jin's heart was extinguished!
Originally, I was full of confidence and wanted to try out what this basketball court was like, but after this, I lost all interest!

Ah Jin lowered his head and said, "What a disappointment!"

Damei saw that Ah Jin was a little unhappy, so she hurried forward, took a coat and put it on Ah Jin's shoulders!Said: "Young Master Jin, be careful of catching a cold! Our bodies haven't recovered yet! We must be careful not to catch a cold!"

Ajin picked up the towel at this time, threw it on the ground, and said angrily: "Be careful, be careful! Look at the sun is so big and the weather is so good, how can you catch a cold?"

Damei could see that Ah Jin was a little irritable, it might be because of his youthful vigor!

Da Mei said: "It happens that the bath water has been put away, please take a bath, my lord!"

At this time, Xiaomei also came over and said, "My lord, please take a bath!"

Ah Jin saw two beauties standing in front of him, so he couldn't lose his temper anymore!

I can only say impatiently: "Both of you go away! I'm going to take a bath!"

After Ah Jin said this, the two of them couldn't talk about anything else. Damei said: "The toiletries are already prepared! They are all inside, and the two of us are waiting outside. If you need anything, just ask." ! There is a bell inside, you just need to press it!"

A Jin still said impatiently: "Okay, don't be annoying! I don't want to listen to you two now!"

Ah Jin didn't dare to take a second look at these two beauties!
I went into the bathroom by myself!
A Jin touched the water temperature, it was just right, it looked like 36 degrees, which was the same as the body temperature of the human body!

This is also the water temperature that Damei and Xiaomei have tested for a long time!

But Ah Jin still felt very hot after entering!

In the bathroom, Ah Jin let go of the shower, and adjusted the water temperature to the lowest temperature all of a sudden, it was cold water!

After flushing with this cold water, Ah Jin calmed down a lot in an instant!

Damei and Xiaomei heard the sound of the shower outside, and Damei said, "Did we put the water on? Why is it still raining?"

Xiaomei said: "There should be no problem with this, the young master is taking a bath, let's wait outside, if there is anything to do, call us!"

Damei felt relieved when she heard Xiaomei's voice!

What Xiaomei said makes sense, after all, she is not familiar with it yet!

Ah Jin is not familiar with the two of them now!
At this time, Xiaomei said: "Sister, you wait here, I will prepare some lunch for the young master, after taking a bath, I will definitely increase my appetite!"

Damei said: "It happens that there is steak in the refrigerator!"

(End of this chapter)

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