There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2917 Not allowed to come out to play

Chapter 2917 Not allowed to come out to play

Zhan Xiaoxuan still had an egg in his mouth and was eating it, so he stood up suddenly and said, "Mom, eat it, you go shopping in a while, I won't go, I have an appointment with a classmate!"

Liu Zhengdong looked at Zhan Xiaoxuan's anxious appearance, stood up anxiously to leave before finishing his mouth, Liu Zhengdong said: "You have to finish eating before going to play! It's not too late. You sit down quickly Drink some milk and see that your mouth is full! Don't worry!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan took a tissue and said in a hurry, "Eat slowly, I'm leaving!"

Before they could speak, Zhan Xiaoxuan left in a hurry!
He really didn't want to go shopping with them, and it was more fun to find his friends. After leaving, Zhan Xiaoxuan quickly dialed the phone number for the glasses!
At this time, Glasses was eating, and when he heard the phone ringing, he hurried to answer it!

Seeing that it was Zhan Xiaoxuan's call, it was likely that he came to play with him. After connecting, Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "What are you doing? I am too bored with glasses, come out and play! Find a few more classmates, Let's go for a picnic!"

After listening to the glasses, I was very happy. Anyway, I still wear them when I stay at home on weekends. I have nothing to do. I have been busy for a week and I am so tired from studying. Why not relax!

The glasses said: "Okay. You wait for me and I will get dressed now! I will find you after I finish eating. Where are you?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "I'm in Zhenhua Commercial Building, let's gather here!"

Glasses hangs up the phone and is about to go out. She also looks very anxious. It happens that the mother of glasses is at home. The mother of glasses can see that the child is in a hurry and wants to go out to play. He must be going out with his classmates.

The mother with glasses is a bit loose these days, and she is more indulgent with her children. The mother with glasses said: "Are you hanging out with the female students in your class again? I'm telling you, this is not okay. You are still busy Little, I won’t say anything else.”

When Glasses heard this attitude, it immediately became a little anxious. What if Zhan Xiaoxuan waited for a long time?

Glasses said: "You are right, there are indeed female classmates, but not only female classmates, there are many more, and many of us went out for an outing together today!"

The mother of the glasses said: "It's useless to say so much, it's not good anyway!"

After hearing this, Glasses felt very upset, and said, "Why not? Why do you adults do whatever you want? Why do I want to do something but disagree?"

The mother with glasses said: "Stop talking nonsense, anyway, I just don't agree!"

After hearing this, the glasses were very disturbed, thinking that this is meaningless at all, it is the overlord clause!

This is too unfair, right?

Glasses said: "You have to give a reason, as long as you can convince me not to let me go, that's fine!"

The mother of the glasses said: "There is no reason, just not, my rule!"

The glasses had no choice but to go back to his room, and the glasses were still a little afraid of his mother.

Glasses had no choice but to send a message to Zhan Xiaoxuan: I'm in a bit of trouble here, I can't get out now, my mother is at home today, don't let me go out!
Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Then what should we do? Didn't we all make an appointment? Did we go out for an outing together? Why did you lose the chain at a critical moment?"

I think most people have encountered such a situation!
(End of this chapter)

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