Chapter 2922 Taken out
Everyone doesn't understand this, only the little fat man understands!
The little fat man said: "If this grasshopper just went in, he could burn it out with a cigarette end, but now he has basically gone in, so he can only go to the hospital, make a small incision, and take it out! It's nothing, It won't be infected either! Soon!"

So everyone organized and rushed to the hospital!
Zhan Xiaoxuan was also very sad when he saw the glasses like this, and he couldn't help much, so he could only comfort him by the side!

The glasses looked at Zhan Xiaoxuan and said, "It's okay, you don't have to do this, just take it out at the hospital!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan kept holding his glasses and said, "Does it hurt?"

In fact, this one didn't feel too much, and there was no pain. The glasses said: "Oh, I can't do it! I'm going to die!"

This is also the purpose of the glasses to scare Zhan Xiaoxuan!
Of course Zhan Xiaoxuan noticed it, and said, "Don't do this with me! I think you're doing really well!"

Glasses said with a smirk: "It's fine if you know, I'm fine, it's a big deal! You don't have to worry about it!"

Everyone took the car together and soon came to the hospital!

When they arrived at the hospital, Zhan Xiaoxuan was also the first to register. The doctor asked what was wrong?
Zhan Xiaoxuan replied: "My classmate has a bug in his stomach and needs to be taken out!"

The doctor looked at Zhan Xiaoxuan's anxious look and comforted him, "Don't worry, child, bring him here quickly!"

So Zhan Xiaoxuan came to the doctor's room with his glasses!

The doctor looked at the condition of the glasses and said, "I'll make a bill, and I'll take it out for you first, and you ask your classmates to pay the bill with the bill! It's not very expensive, it's just a small operation! Just take it out! You don’t need to use anesthesia! Just bear with it and it’ll pass!”

The doctor gave Zhan Xiaoxuan the payment form, and Zhan Xiaoxuan went to pay the fee without delay!

The doctor called the eyes to the inner room, first disinfected it, and then took out a small scalpel!

Said to the glasses: "Child, are you afraid?"

The eyes are a scholar, and they are quite sensitive to this!

The voice of the glasses trembled a little, and said: "It's okay, didn't you talk quickly! I will close my eyes for a while and it will be fine!"

The doctor smiled and said, "You are a very humorous child, and you are very good at comforting yourself! Close your eyes and don't look at you. You will be fine in a while!"

Just when the glasses were about to close their eyes, the doctor was quite skillful and opened them in an instant!

Raise the knife and drop it, this is quite neat, there is no delay at all!

The doctor then took it out!

When the glasses didn't realize what was going on, the doctor said: "My child, open your eyes and take a look! It's still moving! It's alive!"

Just now I felt a small tingling pain in the glasses. I opened my eyes and took a look, and took them out!

This is too fast!

The doctor said: "Don't move now! I'll give you a simple treatment, disinfect it, and then apply some medicine to relieve the pain!"

The doctor did a simple bandage, and soon Zhan Xiaoxuan came back with the list. At this time, the doctor had already finished dealing with it!

Zhan Xiaoxuan was still drenched in sweat!But when I saw the glasses and smiled, I knew that the bug had been taken out!
Zhan Xiaoxuan walked over and said thank you to the doctor!
(End of this chapter)

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