There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 2943 Arrange one brother

Chapter 2943 Arrange Brothers

There will definitely be no good fruit to eat in the future!
This is a code word between two people, others will not understand it!
After all, Teacher Sun is the team leader. Since he is the team leader, he must have greater responsibilities. After all, they are all people with families. At such an age, who is not fighting outside for money?

It just so happens that this little money can make many people lose their sense of proportion and lose their character!
What Mr. Sun did is normal!
On the second day, Mr. Sun's head still hurt a little, because he drank yesterday!
Zhan Gang called Teacher Sun and said, "Come and sit in my office for a while! Chat for a while!"

Teacher Sun must have understood the general situation after listening to it!
After Mr. Sun came to Zhan Gang's office, he said, "Yesterday, that kid really can drink. My head still hurts now!"

Zhan Gang knew that Teacher Sun only drank the wine for the benefit of the school, and Zhan Gang said: "It's really hard work for you, and you know that there are some things I still don't understand. If you don't go, I don't know yet. Can you provide foreign teachers, by the way, which one of you two gave it to whom yesterday?"

When Mr. Sun heard this, his hiccup still smelled of alcohol, and he said, "Don't mention it, boy, we both drank to a tie! Young people nowadays have a lot of drive!"

Zhan Gang said: "How is it compared to when we were young?"

Teacher Sun thought about it for a while, and finally figured out what to say!
Teacher Sun said: "Let's share the prize equally!"

At this time, it is not at the previous level, after all, it is my own leader, and I still have to say some things against my will!
Zhan Gang saw Teacher Sun's meaning, and said: "You and I see that you did not drink less yesterday, how about today, how about I give you a thorough explanation? You also know that if you drink a lot of alcohol in the second The sky must be clear! It will be more comfortable this way, after get off work tonight, we are still in the same place! How about it?"

Teacher Sun didn't know Zhan Gang's real intention, so he put it off first: "It's really bad, what I drank yesterday hasn't been metabolized yet, it's killing me, if I fight continuously, I won't I really can't take it anymore! Now that I'm getting older, I can't compare to before!"

After Zhan Gang heard it, he knew that Teacher Sun wanted to refuse, and said: "If you don't go tonight, you won't give me face. We are just brothers tonight, so don't think about it. How long has it been since we two brothers We drank together, after all, there were outsiders there yesterday, so I am too embarrassed to open up with you, tonight there are no outsiders, just the two of us! Wouldn’t it be nice to have a light meal and a little wine!"

Teacher Sun was very sincere when he heard this, and knew that this time he invited himself sincerely!

Teacher Sun said: "Let's do this, let's have one standard match per person tonight! If there are more, I really can't do it! After all, this is my age!"

Teacher Sun's standard configuration is no one has half a catty of liquor and two bottles of beer!

Zhan Gang also readily agreed: "That's all, let's go home after we finish drinking, and talk to each other!"

That's it for two people!

Teacher Sun left Zhan Gang's office, thinking in his heart: "Forget that you just have a conscience, you haven't forgotten me as an old friend!"

Zhan Gang also said to himself: "This old grandson is playing tricks on me!"

In fact, Zhan Gang also understood in his heart that the two of them were not alienated, but their positions at work caused this situation!
(End of this chapter)

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