Chapter 2997
After Zhan Gang finished packing, he came to the Redang Island western restaurant that had been agreed in advance. Before Mr. Sun came, Zhan Gang ordered a few dishes that he often eats on weekdays.

Then Zhan Gang was happy today, and said to the waiter beside him, "Please have a bottle of Moutai!"

The waiter said with a little embarrassment: "Hi sir, we are a western restaurant here, which is full of foreign wine! Sir, I know you, and there is a fat man who came with you, right? You come here often, our manager has already said , this kind of regular customers can bring their own drinks, how about I run an errand for you?"

Zhan Gang looked at the waiter, and didn't know whether the other party was talking fat on purpose or just casually, but his attitude was always good, and he offered to buy himself a drink!
Now that Zhan Gang has an identity, he said to the waiter beside him, "Forget it, what kind of foreign wine do you have here?"

The waiter said: "There are high-end and low-end products, such as bird vodka, and Hennessy, Remy Martin has everything!"

Zhan Gang lowered his head and pondered for a while and said, "Hennessy, please! Is it authentic?"

Zhan Gang asked suddenly, which made the waiter a little embarrassed. After the waiter realized it, he said: "To tell you the truth, sir, I really don't know this. After all, I am not in charge of the drinks. I am only in charge of sales, and then I I haven't drank it!"

Zhan Gang knew that asking such a question made the other party a little embarrassed, and thought in his heart: This young man will be sincere when the time comes!
Zhan Gang said: "Forget it, I'll ask my friend to bring a bottle over!"

The waiter said: "This is the best! Sir, you are busy, I will inform the back kitchen to leave the food!"

Zhan Gang nodded, took out his mobile phone and called Teacher Sun: "Mr. Sun, I transferred the money to you, you accept it, and then buy a bottle of Moutai, let's have a drink!"

Teacher Sun said: "What money did you transfer to me? It's not like I don't have it!"

Zhan Gang said: "I treat guests to dinner, and I can't let you spend money. Where have you been? The food will be served soon!"

Teacher Sun said: "It will be there soon, I am now walking around drinking and drinking!"

Teacher Sun hung up the phone, quickly accepted the money, and muttered in his mouth: "It's different when you get promoted, and now you drink Moutai! But private parties are fine! This doesn't involve What kind of violation of discipline!"

Mr. Sun bought a Moutai, and it will be here soon with this wine!
When we arrived, the last dish was served on the table. Teacher Sun smiled and took out the wine he just bought and said, "This wine smells delicious!"

Zhan Gang said: "Come on, you, it hasn't been opened yet! You just asked about the taste?"

Teacher Sun said: "I'm really sorry, I'm late, don't you think it's all right, the leader invited me to dinner, but I'm still late!"

Teacher Sun opened the baijiu, poured it for Zhan Gang, and then got a glass for himself!
Zhan Gang said: "Aren't you embarrassing me, I treat you to dinner, it's just because our buddies have a good relationship!"

The two looked at each other and smiled!
Raising their wine glasses and touching each other, Zhan Gang said, "Let's have a sip first, and then I have something to say!"

After taking a sip of each other, Zhan Gang said: "Eat vegetables, authentic sirloin steak!"

Teacher Sun picked up a piece of steak and ate it with relish, Zhan Gang said with a serious face: "Mr. Sun, you have to help me, I received the red-headed document above this afternoon, officially appointing me as the head of our school. number one!"

Teacher Sun said after hearing this: "Congratulations, I will hang out with you from now on!"

Zhan Gang said: "Both of us, it's really not easy for so many years! After you arrive at the main school, you have to help me manage it as much as possible. I will nominate you as the director of the General Affairs Department first, and next month I will Just apply with your superiors and let you be the executive vice principal!"

Teacher Sun said: "Gangzi, I must thank you for our relationship, but you know me, and my whole heart is for teaching, not politics! I'm afraid I can't do it right!"

Zhan Gang said: "I understand your temper, isn't it because I really can't do anything about it, you know, now the head school is already fighting with me, and I offended a lot of people when I took office this time Well, many people disapprove of me, and the first one who disapproves of me is the current Vice President Wang, and you know that this is the direct descendant of the former principal. He will definitely tear me down after I take office!"

Teacher Sun said: "Does the superior know about this issue? If so, you can apply to the superior. If you transfer this thorny head away, it will be over!"

Zhan Gang raised his wine glass, took a sip and said, "How can things be so simple, if only it were so simple! Do you have any ideas?"

Teacher Sun thought for a while, and said: "There are, but they are not open and above board!"

Fat people like Mr. Sun belong to the kind of very upright people. It is often this kind of people who have more crooked thoughts. This is because everyone's choices are different. Some people choose kindness, and some people choose another way!

Teacher Sun was born in the market before, and he is very familiar with these ghost tricks, but since he got married, he has gradually changed, and found out, it is more at ease to be a good person!
Zhan Gang thought for a while and said: "You also know that if the top leader has no means, he can't do it! About this, we will discuss it tomorrow! Let's talk about other things first. What do you think our school needs to improve? Where is it? Because you are a front-line faculty and staff, and you know more about this, as for me, I used to be involved in sports, and now I am lucky to be the principal!"

Teacher Sun said: "I don't know about other subjects. As far as English is concerned, what I know is that the quality of teachers still needs to be improved. You also know that most of our teachers are arranged by the leaders at the moment. Yes! In the future, my suggestion is that the school is getting bigger and bigger. When recruiting teachers in the future, they must be regular undergraduate graduates! This is the minimum! The first thing that can be guaranteed is the quality of teachers. Only the level of teachers can be improved. Only then will the students make greater progress!"

Zhan Gang thought about it, and thought what Teacher Sun said was too right, so he told the truth!
Said: "It's different for you to graduate from a college student back then. After all, you came from a major!"

Teacher Sun said: "Don't make fun of me. This is what I saw with my own eyes. Take a look at No. [-] Middle School. It is worthy of the high quality of teaching. When there are meetings in the city, the teachers of No. [-] Middle School are all key graduates. Yes, many of them are graduate students! Can we compare?"

(End of this chapter)

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