There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3019 Talk about the future

Chapter 3019 Talk about the future

Liu Zhengdong knew about Zhan Xiaoxuan's college entrance examination a long time ago, and now he is at An Guanyu's place. Liu Zhengdong went to the supermarket to buy a lot of milk and steaks, as well as a lot of fresh fruits, all of which are high-end imported fruits, and seafood is also whole. Bought several boxes.

Liu Zhengdong sent a driver to take it there, and called An Guanyu.

An Guanyu kept saying no, no, no, no need on the phone, but in his heart he was very willing.

Now is the time when children need nutrition, and supplementation is still very necessary!

The driver quickly sent it upstairs, and the refrigerator was full of delicious food for a while!

An Guanyu saw that the child was studying and didn't bother him, so he called Liu Zhengdong: "I said, why are you spending so much money! I have everything to eat at home!"

Liu Zhengdong said: "As for the child, I watched him grow up. I wanted to buy something for the child a long time ago. I have been with Gangzi all the time. You know that we are still very nervous now, so we have been There is no chance, isn’t there a chance now! It’s just my uncle’s kindness!" 0
In fact, the key to this word is how to say it. When Liu Zhengdong said it, it gave people a very gentle feeling!
Of course, An Guanyu accepted it happily and said, "Then I will thank you!"

Liu Zhengdong said: "This is also a rare opportunity for you mother and daughter! You can spend time with your child, and I will come to you after the child's exam is over!"

Liu Zhengdong always feels so comfortable to others, he always thinks of An Guanyu, which makes An Guanyu very at ease.

An Guanyu opened the fruit gift box, took out some jackfruit, and some custards, and put them on the plate!

It's ready for the children, just wait for it to eat when it comes out!

Just when Zhan Xiaoxuan was rushing out to go to the bathroom, An Guanyu said, "Girl, wash your hands later, come and eat some fruit and study!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan came over and saw that they were all high-end fruits, and said in surprise: "Where did you get this?" He stared at his mother with big eyes.

An Guanyu hesitated and said, "This is from your Uncle Liu! Eat it at ease!"

Now Zhan Xiaoxuan is also thinking about it, no matter how much it is, just pick it up and eat it!

He ate some and went back to study. An Guanyu was very pleased to see the child working so hard now. He didn't know what the child could wish for. After thinking about it over and over, it would be better to communicate with the girl!

So An Guanyu knocked on the door and said, "Can I come in?"

"come in!"

After An Guanyu went in, he looked at the child's papers all over the table, feeling very tired, and said, "Such papers are really difficult for you!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "It's like this now, if you don't study, you will be left behind, what should you do? You should study!"

An Guanyu said: "Yeah, actually studying now is not just for getting into a good university, but more importantly for you to have another way out in the future! It's like you can't know what the upper limit will be like, but you Going to college can guarantee that your lower limit will not do something you don't want to do!"

It was the first time I heard my mother say this point of view, and I was also very interested, saying: "Mom, you have never told me this before, I think this is very novel! How did you learn it at that time?"

An Guanyu said: "Let's not mention it at that time. It was all the result of my own hard work. Didn't I marry your father because I faced reality? I have nothing to hide from you. You see See if I am happy now? I am not really happy! I am living a life I don’t want to live now! Although your Uncle Liu is really good to me..."

Speaking of this, An Guanyu choked up, and didn't know what to say, after all, he was still young, so it was useless to say so much, the only way to get out of it was to step by step!

Seeing my mother crying made me very sad. Although I don't know why my mother cried, I also know that my mother has been very difficult for so many years.

Now Dad's life is better and many problems have been solved.But they are not together again!

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Mom, what kind of university do you think I am going to go to? Or what major is suitable for me? Help me with my advice!"

Hearing this, An Guanyu knew that the girl was telling the truth to him, An Guanyu said: "Well, what major is not the most important thing, what is important is what I like. I used to do jobs that I didn't like. It has been like this for so many years. Now that my mother has opened a beauty salon, I am very happy. It is not because I am the boss, but because I like this industry now! Work is just a tool to support my family! Let's see how you realize your ideals with this tool!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan nodded half understanding.

I have always had no outstanding talents or jobs that I like too much.

Zhan Xiaoxuan fell into a dilemma for a while, not knowing what to choose, and said to his mother: "Just wait for the score to come down and see what job I am suitable for!"

An Guanyu knows that the child works so hard because he wants to realize his ideals by himself. An Guanyu knows that it is difficult for children nowadays to get ahead without the care of their parents.

So An Guanyu said: "If you really don't know what to study, you should study architecture!"

Hearing this, Zhan Xiaoxuan was a little confused!
Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "I'm a girl and you want me to study architecture?"

An Guanyu knew that the child was still relatively unfamiliar with this, and said: "Actually, there are many branches in the subdivision of this building, for example, you are engaged in design, and auditing! These are very good choices! It’s not just about this concrete! There are many industries in it, the most important thing is that your Uncle Liu is an expert in this field, and he can help you when you get a job in the future. In society, if someone supports you, you can walk very fast! If you are on your own, you are crossing the river by feeling the stones."

For example, Zhan Xiaoxuan understood, and Zhan Xiaoxuan hesitated, but he didn't like architecture after all!
Zhan Xiaoxuan couldn't make up his mind for a while, and then asked: "What if I take the exam as a teacher? When I come out to be a teacher in the future, my father can help me a little bit!"

This method is indeed good!

After all, the real father is more reliable than the stepdad!

Zhan Xiaoxuan wanted to say this, but he didn't say it, because he was afraid that his mother would be sad!
Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "I think I should let nature take its course. If it doesn't work, I will become an art teacher! This is also very good!",

(End of this chapter)

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