There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3031 The results are down

Chapter 3031 The results are down

Half a month has passed, and today is also the time when the rankings are released. Zhan Xiaoxuan got up early today, had breakfast and waited for his score to be released.

At the same time, the glasses are also waiting, and the glasses sent a message: Are you nervous now?How do you feel?
Zhan Xiaoxuan replied: "It's okay, I'm waiting, I don't know what to do in my heart! How are you?"

Glasses said: "I'm not sure how many questions there are when answering the paper, but there are basically no problems with 385."

The two chatted for a while, and finally the score came out. Zhan Xiaoxuan entered the system, entered his ID number, and clicked the query button. The mood at this moment is really indescribable.

Finally the score line came out, and Zhan Xiaoxuan's score just overwhelmed the key line.

The glasses are also 985 stable.

The first person Zhan Xiaoxuan called was his father. Zhan Gang was pacing back and forth in the office at this time, waiting for the good news from his daughter!
Zhan Xiaoxuan was very excited at this time, Li Xiaoxia at home saw it and said, "Girl, how is it? The score has come down?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan nodded and didn't speak, but from Zhan Xiaoxuan's expression, it can be seen that the test is still satisfactory.

Li Xiaoxia stepped forward to give her a hug, and Zhan Xiaoxuan responded immediately, but also gently, for fear of touching the fetus in Li Xiaoxia's stomach.

Li Xiaoxia said: "I'm really happy for you. After so many years of hard work, it finally paid off. It's much better than I was back then! Congratulations, girl!"

Then Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "I'd better tell my father the news first, he must be anxious to wait!"

As he spoke, Zhan Xiaoxuan told his father the news, and then called his mother to report it.

The family is really happy today.

Zhan Xiaoxuan dialed his mother's phone: "Mom, I'm so happy today!"

An Guanyu said: "Mom is also happy for you now, have you chosen your major yet?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "I haven't thought about this yet, let's talk about it when the time comes!"

The mother and daughter talked a lot again.

Zhan Xiaoxuan made an appointment to go shopping with Glasses.

Zhan Xiaoxuan: "Let's see you at the old place!"

Glasses: "OK!"

The two of them went to a cafe. When Zhan Xiaoxuan arrived, the glasses had already ordered Zhan Xiaoxuan's favorite coffee with milk.

Zhan Xiaoxuan sat down happily, and was also very happy after seeing the glasses, after all, it had been a long time since we saw each other.

The smile on the face of the glasses continued: "We haven't seen each other for a few days, why does it feel like centuries have passed?"

Of course Zhan Xiaoxuan knew what the other person was thinking, and said a little shyly: "It's like not seeing each other every day, that's what I'm talking about!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan took a sip of coffee, still his favorite flavor: "How did you do in the exam this time? Which city are you planning to go to?"

Glasses said: "My favorite major is computer science. I want to go to Shenzhen and Guangzhou to develop. If there is a good major in the card, I will stay there. What about you? What are your plans?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Although I have passed one with this score, if I really choose one, there is no good major. If I choose the second, it is still very good! But my score is not good. I’m blind for nothing! That’s why I’m always hesitating now!”

Glasses thought for a while and said: "In this case, you might as well choose a better major. In this way, you will be good when you get a job in the future, and you will have more choices. I just like computers now, and it is not very easy to be a programmer in the future." Okay!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan laughed when he heard it. This smile made Glasses feel unnatural. Glasses said: "Why are you laughing? Isn't the programmer very good? You are also a high-tech talent!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan still couldn't help but said: "I really can't imagine what your hairline will look like in a few years! Haha, it is said that programmers use their brains too much, and their hairline is constantly on the back It is said that there are people whose hair turns gray before they are 30 years old! It’s so funny to think about it!”

Glasses said: "You are always thinking wildly, I should eat more nutritional supplements, so that my nutrition can catch up soon! Isn't it right!"

Glasses approached Zhan Xiaoxuan as he said that. In the past three years of high school life, he had fallen in love with her a long time ago. In the past three years, he has never had the courage to confess. Now is a good opportunity. I don’t know if he will Being rejected, after all, two people cannot be guaranteed to be in the same city. If this is the case, they will definitely break up when they arrive at university.

Zhan Xiaoxuan seemed to see what the glasses were thinking, but he didn't express his opinion, and his heart was also very chaotic, he didn't know what to do!

Zhan Xiaoxuan looked at the uncomfortable feeling in the glasses and said, "What's wrong with you? Why are you so uncomfortable?"

Glasses pushed the glasses with his index finger, and said: "Do you know that there has been a person who likes you for the past three years, and it's in our class."

Zhan Xiaoxuan knew that this was her in front of him, but he didn't have the guts to say it directly!

In fact, the glasses are fully prepared this time. I have thought about how to say these words countless times at home, but when it came time to confess, I was speechless and didn’t know what to say. Don't even know where to start.

Zhan Xiaoxuan felt that he was a girl after all, and he couldn't say it first anyway.

It's better to be reserved.

Zhan Xiaoxuan lowered his head. At this time, he got a bouquet of flowers from somewhere, and held them in the hands of the glasses. It turned out that they were prepared in advance when he came here, and hid them under the table!
Glasses picked up the bouquet of flowers and handed it to Zhan Xiaoxuan. Looking at the bouquet of flowers, Zhan Xiaoxuan felt that the flowers in this matter were so beautiful!

Zhan Xiaoxuan said in surprise, "You gave this to me?"

Glasses said: "Of course! I hope you can accept me! I like you!"

Glasses finally plucked up the courage to say what was buried in his heart.

Zhan Xiaoxuan didn't speak, just took it over and smelled it, suddenly an impulse took hold of him, Zhan Xiaoxuan was just about to tell him: Actually, I like you too!

Zhan Xiaoxuan hesitated at this moment, wanted to speak but didn't speak, didn't know what to say, Zhan Xiaoxuan thought, if he was not in the same city as him, it would be only a short two months, whether the two could grasp Live by yourself?

It's really a bit frivolous to hand myself over to a boy who knows everything like this, Zhan Xiaoxuan doesn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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