There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3037 Someone fainted

Chapter 3037 Someone fainted
Ah Jin and his mother went home after dinner!
By the second day.

This day is the day when Zhan Xiaoxuan officially starts military training!

Qiuhu is really powerful now, the sun is very vicious at eight o'clock in the morning.

The instructor has not yet arrived, and everyone is already standing in a row.

They are all freshmen in freshman year and have not entered the student union yet.

Everyone was a little anxious waiting, at this time a young and beautiful female senior came over with a stack of thick documents.

It seems that they can be about two or three years older than them.

He walked over aggressively, facing freshman juniors and juniors, so he was a little arrogant.

Faced with the younger grades, the senior grades naturally came over with some momentum, a little pretentious.

Said: "My name is Li Na, and I am your senior sister. I am also from our Engineering Management Department. I am now a junior."

When Senior Sister Li Na said this, there was a burst of commotion below, and someone below said: "Look at her like that. What's so good about pretending! Isn't it because she came two years earlier, what's so great about the student union!"

Everyone was chattering.

Seeing that the students below were dissatisfied with her, Li Na got a little angry, and yelled: "Be quiet! If any of you are dishonest, watch how I deal with you!"

At this time, a fat man in the team said: "I'm so (f*cking) who the hell are you? Who are you? What rights do you have?"

The fat man shut up after he finished speaking, and Li Na didn't know who said it.

At that time, I was a little confused, and someone below said: "If you mess around here again, you will dump him!"

At this time, all the boys in the team were furious, and everyone burst into laughter.

Li Na didn't know what it meant, but when she saw that these students were dishonest, she left immediately.

Zhan Xiaoxuan didn't say anything in the team. At this time, the instructor of the square team came!

The instructor is a dark and thin man, with a lot of energy and spirit.

As soon as the water arrived, everyone immediately became honest.

No one dares to prick hair in front of the instructor.

The instructor is still very talkative, he looks fierce but his attitude is really gentle.

Following the instructor's order, everyone began to stand in the military posture. Standing in the military posture is the most uncomfortable item. Although this looks very simple, but if you stand for a long time, your heels will hurt very much.

Especially in September now, the weather is still very hot, and there is still a difference in temperature between morning and evening. I may wear a little more clothes when I go out in the morning, but it will be very hot immediately at noon.

After a while, some students couldn't take it anymore, Zhan Xiaoxuan could bear it, which is not a difficult thing for Zhan Xiaoxuan!

Some students suffered from heat stroke after being exposed to the scorching sun for a long time. Suddenly, someone shouted: "I fainted, someone fainted!"

At this time, everyone gathered around, and the instructor immediately put her in a cool place and bought iced water.

The instructor thinks this is not okay!

The instructor said: "All the female students should rest over there!"

This time, all the classmates who were fine at first followed, only Zhan Xiaoxuan was still there with the fainted classmate. After a while, the classmate slowly opened his eyes and saw a classmate waiting in front of him. Looking at myself, I was very moved in my heart, and said to Zhan Xiaoxuan: "Thank you, classmate, thank you very much, what's your name? My name is Yun Jie."

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "My name is Zhan Xiaoxuan! You should rest for a while, are you feeling better?"

Yun Jie said: "I feel better now, I'm not so dizzy, I didn't even know what happened just now!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Just now you suffered from heat stroke, you see, our female classmates in Bangui have all gone to rest, because you suffered from heat stroke alone, although you are suffering now, but the classmates are very grateful to you ! This can be regarded as a benefit for everyone!"

Yun Jie and Zhan Xiaoxuan laughed!

After a while, Yun Jieneng stood up and gulped down a large bowl of water.Instantly felt refreshed.

In a blink of an eye, Li Xiaoxia was nearly five months pregnant, and it was time for a four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound.

Li Xiaoxia said to Zhan Gang: "Gang Zi, let's go to the color Doppler ultrasound tomorrow, you should accompany me!"

Zhan Gang looked at the date, and tomorrow happened to be Tuesday, so he had nothing serious to do.

Zhan Gang said: "Okay, I happen to have nothing to do tomorrow, so I should be fine in the morning!"

Li Xiaoxia was very happy to hear that.

In the past, Li Xiaoxia also had a carefree personality, she didn't care about anything, but when it came time to check by herself, it was inevitable that she would feel a little nervous.

Li Xiaoxia asked Zhan Gang: "You said that the child in my stomach will have no problems?"

After Zhan Gang heard this, he suddenly smiled and said, "Why do you ask that? I have two children before, and there is no problem. There must be no problem with this one. Stop thinking about it."

Although Li Xiaoxia knew that there would be no problems, she was worried in her heart after all, and said, "I hope there will be no problems! I have never done anything deeply evil in my life, besides, the two of us have a relationship now." How difficult it is to have this child!"

Zhan Gang knew that this was obvious nervousness, and he had been comforting Li Xiaoxia all the time: "Don't think about it when I say you love it. Nothing will happen. Besides, I don't smoke at all. Smoking is harmful to the fetus. The impact is not small, there is no problem! God will bless us! You just need to rest assured, if you are nervous, I will go out to accompany you for a stroll? Just relax!"

Li Xiaoxia looked at Zhan Gang and didn't speak, she just pouted, she was really too good at thinking wildly.

Although I tried my best not to think about it, I couldn't help it. I was still pregnant for the first time, so it was inevitable that I would be in a state of tension. In addition, I usually took a lot of nutritional medicines, which are very beneficial to the fetus. Folic acid is naturally Needless to say, I started eating before pregnancy!

I have been eating until now and basically see great results.

Li Xiaoxia said: "Okay then, I'll go get dressed, let's go to Zhenhua Commercial Building together, and I'll just show the child what he needs!"

Zhan Gang nodded and said: "Isn't that right? Let's stop thinking about it! Go, I'll wait for you!"

Li Xiaoxia went there in a hurry, changed her clothes in a short while, and was ready to go shopping!
Li Xiaoxia is holding Zhan Gang's arm and feels very happy at this time. It feels very good to be accompanied by her husband. Nowadays, many young people go to the prenatal check-up by themselves with a big belly. Compared with them, Li Xiaoxia is really happy up!
(End of this chapter)

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