There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3069 An Embarrassing Electric Chapter

Chapter 3069 An awkward phone call
Liu Zhengdong and An Guanyu were discussing plans to go out to play, when Zhan Xiaosong came out of the room!

Zhan Xiaosong was picked up by An Guanyu last week, and he was bored at home all the time. When Zhan Xiaosong was studying just now, he heard two people outside discussing plans to go out and play. He was still immersed in the In the pain of learning, come out now and ask: "Mom, will you take me with you when you go out to play this time?"

This question is really right. I really have nowhere to put myself. An Guanyu hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to say. If I take her to play, it will definitely affect the two of us. After all, it is inconvenient to take a child out after going out, but if you don't take him out to play, how should the child arrange it now?
Zhan Gang is definitely not going to work, after all, now that Li Xiaoxia has given birth to a child, it would be a bit inappropriate to arrange for her own child to go there, but if she doesn't arrange for his father, she can only go out with her 1
Liu Zhengdong saw that An Guanyu didn't say a word, knowing that she was in trouble, this matter would be difficult!
Liu Zhengdong went to the kitchen without saying a word, and silently lit a cigarette. An Guanyu knew what he was thinking now, the world of two people is impossible!
Zhan Xiaosong saw that the two of them didn't express their opinions, and he was a little anxious, thinking in his heart: Aren't you my stepdad? mine!

Besides, if An Guanyu didn't bring his children with him, he would definitely be blamed by Zhan Gang!
An Guanyu squatted down, stroked the child, and said, "Do you want to follow us?"

In fact, the question itself is problematic. How can a child not want to be with his mother?
Since I asked this sentence, it shows that I don't want to bring a child with me from the bottom of my heart.

Zhan Xiaosong is also very sensible now, and said: "I know it's not convenient for you to take me out to play for a year, so why don't you call my dad and I'll talk to my dad! I know you are also very embarrassed!"

In this case, An Guanyu's mood finally relaxed, and Liu Zhengdong also felt that this was indeed a solution. If it really doesn't work, then take it with you. To accept this reality!Not to mention the current situation!

After the phone call was made, the child who thought it was easy to discuss and talk about dry vegetables would talk to Gangzi about it, but who knew that the child would say: "Dad, my mother is going out to play with my stepdad, don't care about me, you Let's see what to do with this!"

As soon as the child opened his mouth, An Guanyu and Liu Zhengdong were really surprised. How could a little child play this trick?
Liu Zhengdong felt very uncomfortable in his heart. All the toys he bought for his children back then were all for nothing, and the money was wasted!
An Guanyu was also very angry when he heard that, he quickly grabbed the phone and said, "Stop listening to the kid's nonsense!"

When Zhan just answered the phone and heard about these things, he knew that there must be such a situation, but he didn't know what was going on. Zhan Gang said, "What's the situation? If there's anything wrong, just tell me." No, there's no need to bring the child in!"

An Guanyu, who wanted to explain at first, became angry when he heard this, and said: "Isn't this all a child's nonsense, the child is still young and ignorant! There is nothing wrong with me here! If something really happens, I will Tell you!"

As soon as Zhan listened to the words, he knew that there must be other things in it, not to mention the tone of his speech now is not right, it is obvious that Dongzi is also beside him!

Zhan Gang said very wittily: "If you have anything to do, you can call. If there is nothing to do, I will hang up first!"

After finishing speaking, Gangzi hung up the phone!

There was a misunderstanding in the first place, but now it's even better, Li Xiaoxia listened very sincerely beside her, and said, "Why don't you say it in front of me?"

Zhan Gang was blinded all of a sudden, how could things be like this?

Why didn't you say something was obvious just now?

Zhan Gang explained to Li Xiaoxia: "It's nothing, I guess the child accidentally pressed the wrong button! I just called!"

Li Xiaoxia felt that Gangzi's reason was very wrong and unreasonable. Li Xiaoxia said: "Since you have found such a reason to prevaricate me? You are divorced from your ex-wife now, why are you still in touch? It's a big deal What does it mean to call for all the little things?"

Zhan Gang knew that Li Xiaoxia was also jealous, and that he hadn't coordinated well in the middle, Zhan Gang said: "You know me well, and I usually don't call her. I see you coming!"

Originally, the explanation that there was nothing serious was even more inappropriate. Li Xiaoxia said, "I don't know whether she came to see me with good intentions or malicious intentions?"

Zhan Gang was really speechless when he heard it, isn't this kind of a donkey's liver and lungs?
Zhan Gang said: "It's probably about the child. The child may be a little exaggerated, but he will tell the truth after all. The child said that they want to go out to play. It is probably because it is inconvenient to take the child and wants me to take the child." A few days!"

Li Xiaoxia looked at Zhan Gang fiercely when she heard this, Zhan Gang was also speechless, and Zhan Gang also knew that the two of them could barely watch for a few days when they had no children before, but now they have children Now, the other party is also married, and I have a child. If the party is somewhere, I will feel uncomfortable!

Zhan Gang said: "I understand that you haven't explained what you just said just now. I'll call now and ask carefully what's going on! If it's really inconvenient for people to take care of their children, let's It doesn't matter if you stay for a few days?"

The reason why Zhan Gang said this is because he feels that he is his own child after all, and he still has the right to speak as the master of this family!
Zhan Gang said: "I will fight first!"

Although Li Xiaoxia's heart is full of reluctance, it's hard to say anything now, after all, she wants to respect Gangzi's opinion!

Even if you are angry, you can't say it out, now is the time to endure it yourself!
Li Xiaoxia turned her head away, looked at her son and stopped talking!

Zhan just dialed the phone and asked directly: "Just now you have something to say, if there is anything inconvenient, you can just say it directly! I don't have any inconvenience here. I can stay for a long time, my child. God! After all, he is also my son!"

(End of this chapter)

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