Chapter 3088 Sister Phone
There was still a lot of cooking fumes in the kitchen, and it happened that An Guanyu didn't want the child to stay in the kitchen for so long!

An Guanyu touched his son's head and said, "Then you go back first, and I'll call you to eat when I'm done!"

Zhan Xiaosong hurriedly went back to play with toys!
At this moment, Zhan Xiaoxuan called his younger brother. Zhan Xiaosong used that kind of phone watch. Zhan Xiaoxuan said on the phone, "What are you doing now? Do you miss your sister?"

When Zhan Xiaosong saw his sister calling, he was very happy in his heart, after all, he missed her!
So Zhan Xiaosong said on the phone: "Sister, when will you be on vacation? I miss you so much. How are you doing? Have you made friends?"

Hearing this question, Zhan Xiaoxuan was still very surprised. It's really amazing that such a young child understands so many things!

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "My sister will be on vacation in two months, and I will buy you delicious food when I go back to the vacation, and take you to play video games!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan didn't answer the younger brother's question, but Zhan Xiaosong did stare closely and asked: "I asked the question just now and you haven't answered me yet. Have you made friends? Have you made friends with me?" Are those glasses connected?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said impatiently: "You little brat, what do you know? What kind of glasses and no glasses!"

Zhan Xiaosong said: "Sister, don't pretend to be with me, it's your high school classmate, the glasses that often send you home!"

Having said that, Zhan Xiaoxuan really remembered that he hadn't had anything to do with glasses for a month, and he didn't think too much about reading alone for such a long time!
So Zhan Xiaoxuan thought of this, and said to his younger brother: "Okay, I won't talk to you for now! I'll play with you when I come home from vacation!"

After turning off the phone, Zhan Xiaoxuan was also very conflicted, should he make a call to the glasses?

I don't know what the other party is doing?

Zhan Xiaoxuan thought about it, and pressed the phone, but he still didn't have the courage to dial it!
Although An Guanyu was cooking, he heard the child calling his sister, so An Guanyu said: "What did your sister say when you called me just now? When did you say you will be back?"

Zhan Xiaosong said: "My sister said that she will come back after two months of vacation!"

An Guanyu smiled, and then asked his son: "When you asked your sister if she had any friends, how did your sister answer?"

Zhan Xiaosong knew from such a young age that some secrets should not be revealed casually, and the issue of his sister is also forbidden, at least without his sister's consent, he should not speak out indiscriminately!
So Zhan Xiaosong said: "My sister didn't say anything, she just said that she is very busy studying recently! I guess she is busy reading!"

An Guanyu understood as soon as he heard it.

My son's mouth is quite tight, such a question is a little secret between the two of them, if the child doesn't talk about it, don't talk about it, and I can't force it.

Regarding children's privacy, An Guanyu still respects children very much, because children need this privacy to maintain their inner world!
So An Guanyu continued to cook!

But after Zhan Xiaoxuan turned off the phone, he was upset all the time. If he wasn't upset, he would definitely want to continue reading, but there is no way to continue reading in this state!
After much deliberation, Zhan Xiaoxuan finally mustered up the courage to make a call.

Glasses is eating in the cafeteria. After the meal, there is another event in the student union, which I want to participate in!
Glasses was chomping down on the pot-packed meat. Seeing that it was Zhan Xiaoxuan who called him, he quickly wiped his mouth. Perhaps out of respect for the other party, Glasses said directly: "Why do you think of me today? Thinking about it Give me this call?"

Glasses is also a straight man, can this question be asked so directly?
Can't you make a phone call if you have nothing to do?
This made Zhan Xiaoxuan a little embarrassed, he didn't know how to answer, so Zhan Xiaoxuan said directly with his own thoughts: "Can't I call you if I have nothing to do?"

When the eyes heard it, they hurriedly accompanied the smile, and said darkly: "I was thinking about something, I didn't expect you to call, and I was thinking about things while eating!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "That means I interrupted your meal? How about I hang up first and call me when you are not busy!"

Just as Zhan Xiaoxuan was about to hang up the phone, the glasses hurriedly said: "No, no, that's not what I mean, I mean you don't have class today?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Isn't this get out of class over? If I miss you, I'll give you a call!"

When Glasses heard that the other party missed him, it was really unbelievable. Glasses said: "I miss you too. When I don't have class next week, I will go to play with you!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "It just so happens that I don't have classes next week, so come on Tuesday, I'll stay with you for a few days, let's go for a walk!"

The two have made an appointment, that is, we will go to the botanical garden for an outing next Tuesday!
After turning off the phone, Glasses still couldn't figure out why she would call suddenly. Maybe the other party was really busy or received some stimulus to call me. I'm still not sure!

Anyway, I don't want so much.

Why do people have to be so tired while alive?

Just follow your heart and do it!

When you encounter something, you must obey your heart, and don't do anything you regret!

You can see so much at such a young age with glasses. Everyone has a different understanding of life!

Also as a choice when you were young, every time you make a choice, glasses are just letting nature take its course, and everything is left to God!

But Ah Jin is different, Ah Jin always wants to be the best, and must compete with others, this is Ah Jin's understanding of life!
Ah Jin is not wrong to think this way, and Glasses is not wrong to think this way, there is no absolute right and wrong in the world, except for math problems!
There is always only one correct answer!

Ah Jin has no balls to play alone now, because it is a holiday, and he does not know when he will be re-selected. Ah Jin has not noticed the seriousness of this problem!

Zhan Gang is writing a plan in the office, as well as summarizing his own work.

At this time, Teacher Sun suddenly came in, and Teacher Sun said: "Gangzi, there is something I want to tell you, but you still can't get too excited after I say it! If you are excited, just treat it as me." did not say!"

Gangzi said: "Stop making troubles there, you are afraid that I will be angry or something, so just don't say no to me at all! Why do you still tell me if you are afraid that I will be excited?"

(End of this chapter)

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