There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3093 One person is so boring!

Chapter 3093 One person is so boring!
Zhan Xiaoxuan's college life is still very fulfilling, and various activities are often organized in the school.For example, everyone went hiking together and social practice, Zhan Xiaoxuan was also very interested in these.

It’s already ten o’clock in the evening, looking at the smoke from the chimney outside the window, I feel very emotional in my heart. When I am down and down, I can recognize everyone around me the most. Who did Liu give the hope to?

In fact, Zhan Xiaoxuan's roommate boss, although his family is very wealthy, is a single-parent family after all. He was brought up by his father since he was a child, and he has never believed in any family.

The eldest father's father is a very successful businessman. There are a lot of businesses in the family, involving many profitable industries. Real estate has been the hottest and most profitable in recent years. One project has earned tens of millions. .

There are also a lot of pharmaceutical industries in the family that are involved.

The boss's name is Yang Feiyao, which was given by his father.

Yang Feiyao's father has always wanted to find a daughter-in-law at home, but he has never put it into action considering the child's feelings.

When Yang Feiyao was young, his father, Yang Xueming, was very poor, and the family was destitute.

I met Yang Feiyao's mother by chance. The two of them were young people who met firewood and made a small mistake of emotional impulsiveness. Later, when they were about to get married, Yang Feiyao's mother ran away with others. The reason was disgust. The family is too poor and has nothing.

This also made him very angry, but later, Yang Feiyao's mother sent the child back a year later, but after sending her back, she left!

There was still a note in it.

Write clearly the child's birth date.

After Yang Xueming received this note, he was really happy and angry, but the only thing he could be sure of was that the child must be his own. When he was holding the child, he could tell at a glance that the child was exactly the same as himself. from!
The nose and mouth are so similar!

It was really not easy for Yang Xueming to bring up his children for so many years. Later, he gradually started his own business. At the beginning, he was an apprentice for others. Because Yang Xueming's talent is extremely high, especially for business The sense of smell is quite keen!

At that time, I mortgaged my house and started a business when I got the first fund. Maybe God took good care of him, and I got the first pot of gold so easily!
Later, Yang Xueming's wealth was like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger, which made his life better and better!
In fact, the most difficult thing for a man to earn is the first pot of gold.

As long as you earn the first pot of gold, your life will be easy in the future, and there will be a qualitative leap in both life and business!

Once a man has money, there will be more and more women around him!
The most experienced thing about Yang Xueming is that he was not influenced by the women around him.

He himself knew clearly that the women around him came here for his own money. This is a deep understanding. After all, when he was down and down, he didn't want children!

Later, Yang Xueming sent his children to study outside!

Yang Xueming's vision is very long-term, and the problems he sees are also very in-depth!

Zhan Xiaoxuan is walking on the playground. Today is a rare day, because today is his birthday. Zhan Xiaoxuan's birthday has always been a ritual. When he was at home, his father accompanied him. Today It’s not enough, it’s the first year I left home, I go to school alone, my father will definitely not come back 1
So today Zhan Xiaoxuan is still a little bit lost, as he walked, he didn't think he remembered his birthday three years ago!
At that time, Mom and Dad were still together, not yet divorced, and of course I had a younger brother!
It is very memorable for their family of four to celebrate this birthday.

Zhan Xiaoxuan looked at the people coming and going on the playground, feeling very complicated, holding his book in his arms, and went for a walk alone!

That look is so sad!
As I was walking, I suddenly heard someone calling myself. I turned my head and saw that it was the wrong person calling me!
This made me even more disappointed, but Zhan Xiaoxuan was not alone, so he called the boss in the dormitory!

The boss answered the phone and said, "Aren't you in the library? Why did you call me?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "I didn't go to the library today, it's so boring to be alone! Do you have time? If you have time, come out and let's chat with each other?"

This is really a good idea. It just so happened that the boyfriend the boss was talking about ignored me for some reason. The boss is also a person who wants to save face. If he doesn't want to ignore him, then forget it!

So I was alone today, but I was very surprised to receive a call from Zhan Xiaoxuan. Zhan Xiaoxuan said, "Then I will wait for you at the east gate of the school! Let's go out and turn 1"

Yang Feiyao put down her phone and immediately got dressed, ready to get dressed in a hurry!

But I can't find my socks, which is very embarrassing.

This also makes me very upset!

The boss searched for a long time and still couldn't find it. A roommate in the dormitory said, "What's wrong with you, boss? Why are you so anxious? What's the matter? Where are you going?"

The boss didn't want to tell them so much about himself, so the boss received: "It's okay, I'm just going out for a walk!"

The roommate said: "Can't you? Usually you are not in such a hurry? Are you in a hurry to go on a date? By the way, the boy who watched a movie with you last time is quite handsome! How are you two developing? Huh? Is there any physical contact?"

The boss was very unhappy when he heard what he said, because after getting along for a short time, it ended in failure!

So the boss said: "Can you stop which pot is not open and carry which pot? This matter is over!"

When the roommate heard the attitude of the boss, he didn't say anything, and then talked about other topics. The roommate said, "It seems that you have changed people?"

The boss is really too lazy to explain, and explaining to these people is of no use!
So the boss didn't wear any socks, just put on his other pair of shoes, and went out!

You don’t need makeup when you go shopping with your girlfriends!
(End of this chapter)

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