There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3123 Mysterious Remittance

Chapter 3123 Mysterious Remittance
Li Xiaoxia remitted some money to Zhan Xiaoxuan without hesitation the next day.

This wave of operations by Li Xiaoxia is also very worthy of Zhan Gang's appreciation!
As soon as Li Xiaoxia remitted the money, Zhan Xiaoxuan sent a message to know that her living expenses had arrived again, but what puzzled her was that this month's living expenses were much higher than before.

Zhan Xiaoxuan was very puzzled, what happened?
But it was also a coincidence that my father was responsible for his living expenses every month, but Zhan Xiaoxuan called his mother immediately because the account for the remittance was not his father's account!

Zhan Xiaoxuan called over happily. At this time An Guanyu was working. Seeing that his girl called him, he was very happy in his heart. He quickly put down the work in hand and said: " Girl, do you miss your mother today? How are you doing recently? "

Seeing his mother being so gentle, Zhan Xiaoxuan said meekly: "Dear mother, did you send me money?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan feels that now that his mother's business is good, it is reasonable to send money to him!
But An Guanyu, as a mother, didn't think so. He thought in his heart: His father is responsible for the living expenses every month. Why did he suddenly call himself now?Is there something wrong?Or do you want to care about asking for money but are you embarrassed to say it?
Now that the child has really grown up, he speaks so reservedly!
This made An Guanyu very embarrassed, An Guanyu said: "That^"

He hesitated and said for a long time, but he didn't say one, two, three, so he simply said it directly,

An Guanyu said, "When did you receive this remittance?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Isn't this just now? It's only been a few minutes. I only called you when I received the account information!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan explained, but An Guanyu also said directly: "My child, are you short of money to spend? If you are short of money, you can tell your mother!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan thought that his mother didn't understand what he meant, maybe she didn't explain clearly what was going on.

So Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Well, I just received an account information. At first, I thought it was my living expenses from my father, but when I looked carefully, the remittance account was not my father's. That's not right, I thought it was the money you gave me, didn't I just call you to ask what's going on!"

After Zhan Xiaoxuan's explanation, An Guanyu also understood, An Guanyu said: "My child, this money was not given by my mother. If you are short of money, my mother will call you later. How much do you need now? "

These words made Zhan Xiaoxuan a little anxious, Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "What I said just now is so clear, I am really not short of money!"

An Guanyu was finally sure when he heard the child say that.

An Guanyu said: "This money was not given by my mother. You can ask your father what's going on later! By the way, are you still used to eating at school now? I'll go and see it after my mother is done with work." You, do you miss your younger brother? If you miss your younger brother, mother will take your younger brother too!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan was very happy when he heard the news that his mother was going to bring his younger brother, Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "That would be great, when will you come?"

An Guanyu said: "I'm afraid it won't work this month, next month, I have a lot of clients this month!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "It just so happens that I have fewer classes next month, so it's just right for you to come!"

The two talked about a lot of things between mother and daughter, and even asked each other about their health and family situation, An Guanyu also spoke very clearly!

Zhan Xiaoxuan knows that this mother's life is not easy now, after all, it takes a lot of pressure in life to bring her younger brother to Uncle Liu's place!
Zhan Xiaoxuan hung up the phone, and was about to call his father to ask if it was the money from his father, but after thinking about it carefully, why didn't he just use his account if his father sent the money?Or do you not tell yourself?

There must be articles here.

So Zhan Xiaoxuan dialed Zhan Gang's phone number. Zhan Gang was writing a plan. When he saw his girl called him, he answered it quickly. The nervousness just now eased a lot. After all, it was him What about the little padded jacket!
Zhan Gang's smile also leaked on his face.

When my girl called, I couldn't hide my joy at all!
Zhan Gang said: "Miss, do you miss your father?"

When Zhan Xiaoxuan heard this, he really felt a little nauseous. He didn't feel anything when he didn't go to school at home. Now that he has his own new life, he still can't bear to hear his father say that!

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Even if I miss you, can you stop being so nasty? You said it so directly!"

Zhan Gang's smiling face turned into eight-character eyebrows, and he said, "Is it okay for me to be unhappy when the girl calls me! What's wrong, how are you doing now?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "I'm asking you now, Dad, did you send me money today? Have you changed your account number?"

As soon as I heard the child mention the money issue, I thought of the child's living expenses that I told Li Xiaoxia last night!

At this time, Zhan Gang had already thought of the money Li Xiaoxia sent to the child, but if he said so, he would definitely not be able to buy Li Xiaoxia's. In order to avoid these, in order to give Li Xiaoxia a better impression!
Zhan Gang pretended to be confused and said: "What money? I still have that account number, I have never been connected, your father and I are a VIP customer of the bank, how can I change the account easily?"

When Zhan Xiaoxuan heard this, it also made sense. Since it wasn't his father who sent the money, who should it be?

Zhan Gang said: "How much money did you receive? Didn't you win the lottery ticket?"

When Zhan Xiaoxuan heard that his father was just playing tricks with him, his father must know about it!
So now it's time to fight wits and bravery, Zhan Xiaoxuan said directly: "I received five thousand bitter money today, usually my living expenses are only three thousand, I really don't know what is going on with this money."

Zhan Gang said: "Then you didn't tell your mother, ask your mother if your mother gave it to you, and if your mother has made money recently, it's not a lot to give so much all at once!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan said without hesitation: "I just called, and my mother said no!"

(End of this chapter)

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