There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3131 save face, or take away

Chapter 3131 save face, or take away
Liu Zhengdong just made a small test of human nature. What was his attitude when he flattered the other party, and what is his attitude now?

From the current attitude, Liu Zhengdong can also see that he is really caught in it now, otherwise this old friend for many years would not be so perfunctory to him, and he pretended not to know himself like that at the beginning , Draw a clear line, is it really such a big problem that you can't become yourself?
But from Zhan Gang's mouth, that's not the case, or is Zhan Gang deliberately comforting himself?
What about reassuring yourself?

Some of the things I have done, I am actually clear about them, and there is a lot of room for flexibility.

It depends on which god you offend!If you really want to mess with yourself, then ten or 20 years of behind bars is indispensable, but if it is really done correctly, then maybe there is no serious problem, and spending money can also eliminate disasters !

But listening to Zhan Gang's attitude, I should be able to operate now, this operation depends on how people deal with it!There are a lot of truths in this. In fact, if he really suffered some danger, then the only person who can believe it is Zhan Gang. Now thinking of this, Liu Zhengdong hurriedly called An Guanyu!
An Guanyu answered the phone and said, "Didn't we just separate this morning? Miss me so soon?"

Liu Zhengdong said: "I'm not in the mood to joke with you now, are you still at home?"

An Guanyu stretched his waist and said, "Yes, I just woke up now!"

When Liu Zhengdong heard it, if he had asked An Guanyu to come over, An Guanyu would still need a lot of time to get dressed, but if he rushed home, it would be very fast!

So Liu Zhengdong said: "I have something to do when I go back to you now, and I have a lot to tell you! Wait for me at home!"

An Guanyu said: "Why is something so important? Can you just say no on the phone?"

Liu Zhengdong said: "One sentence or two sentences still can't explain it clearly! In short, you just wait for me at home!"

The moment Liu Zhengdong hung up the phone, he was about to go home with the keys, but suddenly two prosecutors appeared beside him. These two prosecutors had met before when they were in the procuratorate. Xiao Zhou is male, and the other is Xiao Li, female!
Xiao Zhou took the lead and said, "Mr. Liu, I'm really sorry that we met. I don't know what's urgent for you?"

Liu Zhengdong's heart skipped a beat, he just realized that this is not good, this is an early move, huh? ?

What is this operation?

Liu Zhengdong still reluctantly said: "It's you two prosecutors! Why did you come so early? I left a document at home this morning, and I'm going back to get it!"

So Xiao Zhou said directly: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Liu, you are now involved in a case, and you need to go back and cooperate with us to investigate now! I wonder if you have time now?"

Liu Zhengdong knew that Xiao Zhou was discussing with him on the surface, but in fact, no one could tell that he wanted to take him away, but he gave himself enough face!

Liu Zhengdong smiled and said: "Prosecutor Zhou, you really like to joke, you invited me, I must have time!"

Xiao Zhou glanced at the colleague beside him, and the two of them looked at each other and exchanged glances!
This is the first time for Xiao Zhou and Xiao Li to handle a case for the first time!

I didn't expect the other party to cooperate so much. In fact, what cooperated was not myself but the uniform on my body!

Both Xiao Zhou and Xiao Li themselves understand how powerful such a big boss is!

Although Liu Zhengdong has something unsatisfactory now, but Liu Zhengdong's aura is quite strong!

Liu Zhengdong seemed to see the weakness in their eyes and what weakness they have, that is the commonality of novices in the workplace!
It is the fear of some people who are older than themselves!

Liu Zhengdong continued: "Cooperating with your work is the duty of every law-abiding citizen, but can I make a request now?"

Xiao Zhou didn't know what Liu Zhengdong was going to say, but he still had to give this face. As the saying goes, it's easy for others and easy for yourself!

At this time, Xiao Li was still a bit scheming, Xiao Li said: "Of course there is no problem with ordinary requests, but if it is a question of principle, it is not allowed!"

Liu Zhengdong smiled and said, "I'm just calling my wife. One of my bank cards is about to expire. I'll tell him about it!"

Xiao Li had heard before that Liu Zhengdong's case has a lot of room for flexibility, so of course this request is not too much!

So Xiao Li said: "Okay, but try to hurry up!"

Liu Zhengdong picked up the phone, but instead of making a call, he sent a message: I have a bank card in my drawer, keep it for your business!

As soon as the simple words were sent out, Liu Zhengdong said, "My work is done, let's go!"

Xiao Li and Xiao Zhou took Liu Zhengdong out of their office directly. In order not to attract the attention of others, they opened the back door of the company when they left. This really saved Liu Zhengdong enough face!

It is also very right to do so in order to avoid other people's speculation!
Liu Zhengdong said: "Thank you both of you!"

They are very able to take care of other people's emotions, what if nothing happens?
If this offends this person in advance, the influence of Mr. Liu will be enough for them to drink a pot!
The three of them soon arrived at a meeting place in the procuratorate. At this time, Liu Zhengdong knew that there was still room for it, because if the legal responsibility was directly investigated, it would be impossible to bring himself to the meeting room for such a meeting. He went directly to the inquiry room!
Liu Zhengdong saw that there are still articles to do in this!
At this time, An Guanyu still didn't understand why he sent this message to himself after receiving the news about Liu Zhengdong. If there was a bank card in the drawer, he would have known it a long time ago. Why should he remind himself now?

Is there something wrong here?

An Guanyu's mood was still uneasy, he didn't know what Liu Zhengdong was trying to express!

When I waited for myself to call back, the phone could no longer be connected.

Since it is impossible to get through, it means that something is going to happen. Since this is the case, it is still necessary for me to go to the company!

(End of this chapter)

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