There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3135 Ask a friend for help!

Chapter 3135 Ask a friend for help!

When things got to this point, Zhan Gang knew roughly what was going on, and Zhan Gang had already figured out what to do!

Because this kind of thing is my good brother after all, and An Guanyu came forward to mediate this matter, this favor must be done!

In any case, this is a favor!

Now Liu Zhengdong is very comfortable staying in it, but he just has no freedom, because his style of handling things is still very conservative. What Mr. Wang wants is only a part of the project in Liu Zhengdong's hands, and this condition is not too much. !

Zhan just thought about it and remembered that Ah Jin's mother was very familiar with these things. Zhan Gang suddenly picked up the phone and was about to call Ah Jin's mother!

This old friend now remembered that he still needed to prepare some gifts, so Zhan Gang bought a box of sauce-flavored liquor as a gift for the meeting!

Zhan just came to a tobacco and alcohol company, which was full of high-end tobacco and alcohol. They are all in a closed state, how does this kind of smoking hotel make a profit?

As the saying goes, chickens don't pee, each has its own way!
The Tao and deeds here are definitely not something that ordinary people can see clearly. When I was a physical education teacher before Zhan Gang, I was also very puzzled. After knowing that I was promoted to an official, I understood some of the truths in it!
After Zhan Gang entered, he came out to greet a middle-aged woman, about 50 or [-] years old.

Although she is already a mistress, the charm is still there, and she has no experience of wind and rain at all. She looks quite young, even younger than some young women in their thirties. !
The attitude of this middle-aged woman is also extremely lazy.

Because I don't know what the other party is here for, whether it is an individual customer or a regular customer, so I just ignore it!
Zhan Gang had seen this woman sitting here a long time ago, so Zhan Gang stepped forward and said, "Do you have sauce-flavored liquor here? Do you also have that kind of customized cigarettes?"

This sentence can be said to be jargon. The woman immediately put down the things in her hands, stood up quickly and said, "How much do you want?"

The moment this woman stood up, Zhan Gang met her eyes. This kind of very idle woman was not the kind of fuel-efficient lamp when she was young.Especially since Zhan Gang and her age are still very close, it will be even more exciting, looking at Zhan Gang with that kind of eyes that seem to be seductive!

Zhan Gang's concentration is quite good, what kind of woman has he never seen?

His wife used to have such seductive eyes, so Zhan Gang has long been immune to it!

Zhan Gang rubbed his nose and then looked elsewhere instead of looking directly at this woman.

Zhang Ang did this to avoid more misunderstandings, but this woman seemed to be interested in Zhan Gang. The proprietress said: "Excuse me, sir, how much do you want for this sauce-flavored liquor? How much do you want for cigarettes? A friend introduced you Did you come?"

When Zhan Gang heard these questions, he was quite right!

Zhan Gang said directly: "It's the same box! I want it in stock! The kind that is in a hurry!"

Seeing Zhan Gang's demeanor, the proprietress knew that this man was not short of money. If he wanted it so urgently, he must be in a hurry to do something!
So the proprietress said: "If you make a reservation, the price is different from getting the spot directly. You must know it! If you don't have a box in stock, you need a price!"

There is no reason for Zhan Gang to refuse money now, so just go straight!
Zhan Gang said: "Drive as you please! I'm in a hurry! By the way, I was introduced by Director Wang! He is a friend of mine!"

The proprietress is also very proficient in this set of things. To be honest, this registration number must be reported for specific things!
Otherwise, if something goes wrong, this matter will be difficult to handle!

So the proprietress then asked, "Who is that Director Wang's friend?"

Zhan Gang said: "It's Director Wang of JCY's office, and a friend of mine is in his hands! Now I'm in a hurry to get things done!"

The old bridesmaid knew what was going on as soon as she heard it!

The old bridesmaid said: "Since we have this relationship, then there is no need to add money directly, I will take it for you now!"

The proprietress quickly reported a number, which was the price of the liquor and cigarettes.

Zhan Gang did not hesitate, and swiped the card very happily!

After the account arrived, the baijiu was quickly loaded into Zhan Gang's trunk!

Zhan just took these things and went to find Ah Jin's mother. Before going, he still made a phone call: "Hi, I'm Gangzi!"

When Ah Jin's mother heard that it was Gangzi, she was so excited that she almost stood up from the chair. It turned out that Gangzi was coming, so she was so happy!

In fact, Ah Jin's mother is not afraid to do things for Zhan Gang, but she is afraid that Zhan Gang will not ask him!

If there hadn't been someone beside Ah Jin's mother, she would have gone downstairs to greet her a long time ago, because being a general manager still needs to be a little deeper!

Ah Jin's mother said to the staff around her: "I have a distinguished guest coming in a while, you can go downstairs to pick it up! If there is anything, you can just help move it!"

Ah Jin's mother really knows Zhan Gang very well, because she knows that she must bring a lot of gifts this time, and it is inconvenient to take it alone!

This employee also understands things very well. He went down early to wait for Zhan Gang. Zhan Gang was also very disturbed in his heart. Every time he came, he always asked for something, because he was usually too busy, and he was promoted at that time. It is still maintained by Ah Jin's mother!

Zhan Gang soon arrived at the downstairs of A Jin's mother's company. At this time, several young men greeted him downstairs!
One of the leaders said: "Excuse me, are you Mr. Zhan? Our general manager asked us to wait for you here. Do you have anything to bring?"

Zhan Gang was worried that there was no way to get these things up, so he had a helper!

So Zhan Gang opened the trunk and said, "These two boxes are for your general manager! Move them up!"

After these young men got the order, they quickly followed suit!
One of the leaders said: "Mr. Zhan, our general manager is busy in the office now, and it is not convenient to come down in person, so I specially asked me to come down to greet you!"

Zhan Gang said: "You see, your general manager is a bit polite!"

(End of this chapter)

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