There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3139 I met my daughter-in-law

Chapter 3139 I met my daughter-in-law
Liu Zhengdong hasn't seen his wife since he came out, so now all he thinks about is his wife, An Guanyu!
Now I just want to get back home as soon as possible!The phone call just now has already reported safety!
Liu Zhengdong went home this time and drove his super small sports car. Although this car does not match his age, this car usually appears at the door of the bar. Speaking of this sports car, there is still a little Story of!

When I bought this car, it was purely to satisfy my own psychology!

One time I went to a bar by myself and drove my own Mercedes Benz. At that time, Liu Zhengdong was wearing very simple clothes and did not deliberately dress up. At that time, a little girl joked: "How old is this? place, can you still play?"

This sentence really means that the speaker has no intention and the listener has the intention. Liu Zhengdong came here because the girl said that he was old. At that time, he came here just after the meeting in work clothes, so Liu Zhengdong asked himself when he went back. Secretary: "How can I look younger? Especially when I go to the bar!"

When the secretary heard this sentence, he thought in his heart: "I must have gone to the bar, and I made people laugh at me!"

This secretary used to hang out in various night shows, and he was quite familiar with each night show. Once he went there, it was Kaka's salute or something, and the service was quite in place!
Based on my own experience, those who go to the bar are young sons of the rich second generation, and everyone who goes there drives a small sports car!
So the secretary said: "This is not easy to say!"

Liu Zhengdong said: "What's wrong with this? Is it possible that I'm really old now?"

In fact, the last thing a man wants to hear is to be told that he is old. The secretary was really scared when he heard it at the time, for fear that he would say the wrong thing. If he said the wrong thing as a secretary, it would be a big taboo!
The secretary quickly changed his words and said: "Mr. Liu, that's not what I mean. What I mean is that if you want to be younger, you can drive a small sports car every time you get it. The girls in it like it. Then get in your car, that is, step on the gas pedal to the bottom! If you do this, you must feel that you are a very soulful person!"

When Liu Zhengdong heard this, he felt that he really couldn't keep up with this era, and he didn't think much of it at the time. Now he was laughed at for being old, so he bought this small sports car in a fit of anger!
Every time Liu Zhengdong goes out to do business, he always drives his own business, which makes him look very dignified, so he seldom drives a fancy car. Isn’t this a special situation today? I feel that I am not old yet. Now I also need to hurry, so I drove this small sports car home!

The moment he entered the door, An Guanyu was very surprised and said: "It's only been a few minutes since you called me, why did you get home here?"

Liu Zhengdong smiled and said: "I was in a hurry to meet you, so I drove back the little sports car I haven't driven for a long time. The power of this sports car is different. It's really a bargain. !"

An Guanyu was very surprised by this matter. He had never told himself that he still had a small sports car before. Why did he keep it a secret from himself?
Of course it is inappropriate to ask this matter now, so An Guanyu said: "So you are still a wild boy!"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Zhengdong deeply felt that what the previous secretary said was really right.

I drove a small sports car by myself, and the uncle became a young man in an instant!
Liu Zhengdong was very helpful after hearing this, and he was in a good mood!
Liu Zhengdong said: "Let's go out for a drive after a while, my sports car is still open!"

An Guanyu said: "Let's see what's going on, let's forget it, let's just take it slow, if I'm not used to this sports car for the first time!"

Liu Zhengdong said: "It's okay, I still know it in my heart, my driving skills are still very trustworthy!"

An Guanyu felt that Liu Zhengdong hadn't had a good rest all day, and he was very worried. Fortunately, he is back now!

An Guanyu still said coquettishly: "You scared me to death today, I thought something happened to you!"

Liu Zhengdong said: "I wasn't sure what was wrong with me at the time. If you knew that I have reached this level now, I would be in danger at any time. I don't know when the danger will come. Fortunately, today is a surprise. what!"

An Guanyu said: "Actually, you should ask Gangzi carefully about today's affairs. He has been busy working hard for you. He probably did his best for you when you came out this time! Otherwise, he wouldn't have done it." This piece will come out!"

Liu Zhengdong said: "Yeah, my first thought at the time was that I might be doomed, but luckily, you guys were helping me outside! This is the only time I escaped!"

An Guanyu said: "You said that Gangzi's ability is also possible. I didn't realize that he has such a great potential before, but now he can get you out! How powerful do you think he is?"

Liu Zhengdong knew that An Guanyu meant that he wanted to owe a favor to Zhan Gang this time, so it showed that he still had Zhan Gang in his mind. After all, the two of them had been thinking about it for so long. If not, then what kind of couples are they?
So Liu Zhengdong said: "It's too late today, so I won't go. I'll go to his office and thank him in person at work tomorrow morning!"

An Guanyu said: "You said that this Gangzi is really able to help. When you went in this time, I said that I would pay the money. I have all the bank cards ready, but Gangzi didn't answer anything. In the past, just tell me where the money is useful! Then I wanted to put this bank card with him, so that I can use the money whenever I have something to do! But Zhan Gang I didn’t answer the link twice! I just said that I need money and I’m talking! I think this is a real friend!”

An Guanyu is also very able to tell the truth this time, but now his feelings are really too much!

Liu Zhengdong said: "Yeah, this time, I really want to give him something, so let's fix it ourselves first! Gangzi really used his strength this time!"

From then on, Liu Zhengdong has another place in his heart!

That is, the brother Zhan Gang is not only a brother, but also a real brother!

(End of this chapter)

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