There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3142 I still feel sorry for my daughter-in-law!

Chapter 3142 I still feel sorry for my daughter-in-law!
Liu Zhengdong knew that Minister Li was also waiting for him to use his relationship to be a good person, so he couldn't control so much if he wanted to!
Liu Zhengdong still wanted to see how Minister Li would deal with this problem.

Yu Liu Zhengdong said: "Can you see if we have any suitable positions for him to take?"

This question was a bit out of his expectation, just a good small position is also making people salivate!
Minister Li finally saw that Liu Zhengdong didn't express his opinion, so he said: "I thought, our project in the suburbs lacks an errand runner, the kind who runs errands all day long, and Xiaoqing is the one who handles major issues. We can take a break if we have a chance! What do you think?"

Liu Zhengdong thought for a while and said, "We don't know the details of this person. If something happens, we can't bear the loss ourselves!"

Minister Li said: "We must stick to our attitude towards this kind of thing! If this attitude makes people figure it out, then there is nothing wrong with us!"

What I said is once true!
Minister Li said, "Can you see if this works?"

Liu Zhengdong said: "It's very good of you to arrange it this way. To be honest, I can't understand these tasks even when I look at them!"

Minister Li said: "Okay, then I will arrange it as soon as possible! Then transfer his relationship to mine! This will become mine, can it be ruined!"

Liu Zhengdong said: "I don't care about your business after it's done! Do you ask me for other things?"

Minister Li said: "No, baa!"

This Minister Li is mainly not good at expressing himself, and said: "Then I will arrange a car when I go back!"

Through this incident, Liu Zhengdong also understood a lot of things in it, and the sophistication and sophistication in it can really be written into a book, just to see who has rich experience in it!
Liu Zhengdong took care of a lot of things that day, and at night Zhan Gang called Li Xiaoxia before returning home from get off work: "What do you want to eat today? My dear!"

Li Xiaoxia was cleaning the house when she saw that her husband had called, and said quickly, "When have I ever been a picky eater? I'll just eat whatever you do! I'm not picky about this!"

Li Xiaoxia said: "The child just went to bed early today. So, we can give you some excitement! What do you think?"

When Zhan Gang heard this, he said: "This is fine, we must do our previous preparations well, otherwise we will be exposed!"

Zhan Gang also bought a lot of seafood and went home today. It is also good for any important festival today!

One day off every week!

Zhan Gang’s favorite food is seafood, and he can’t adjust the things he bought outside. My favorite food is sea oysters, because there are rich new elements in sea oysters, and this zinc element is a child’s With the most content, zinc is the best supplement for men, and that's where the popular slogan comes from!
Zhan just bought a lot of seafood, and when she came home, Li Xiaoxia saw that her husband packed a lot and bought a lot of things.

What do you say, you must let your man gain a foothold outside!
At this time, Zhan Gang also felt that Li Xiaoxia's gentle scale is also very amazing!

Li Xiaoxia said: "You can go back to rest today, how about I cook? I usually cook very well!"

In fact, Li Xiaoxia knows the level of cooking best in her heart.

Otherwise, I have placed an order for myself!

Li Xiaoxia said: "You are very tired today, let me cook this meal!"

Where is Zhan Gang willing to let his wife go to the kitchen? His main task is to take care of the children, which is the first job in the family!

So Zhan Gang said: "You still have to accompany the child well, otherwise the child's childhood will be wasted. If you accompany the child and educate the child very well, it will be amazing!"

In fact, many housewives have no income.Compared with them, Li Xiaoxia is still very good. Her pet hospital is profitable every month, and there is nothing wrong with the unit. When I have time, I play with the children.

Now the eldest son, Yijin, will be one year old soon.Basically in a state of crawling all over the ground!
At this time, children are the most unattractive and the most difficult time to take care of them. They need to be taken care of very carefully. When there is a slight inappropriateness, this problem will be found!
Before Zhan Gang, I had two children, so I know a little bit about parenting. When taking care of the children, I spend a lot of time not alone but with the children!
Zhan Gang's child is of course no exception!
Zhan Gang also has very rich experience in raising children, so Zhan Gang said very patiently: "You don't need to worry about these household chores, the main thing is to bring the children to the future! You can leave the cooking to Me!"

In fact, Zhan Gang spends a lot of time eating at home every week, but he still has to show this attitude. Li Xiaoxia is not a child anymore, she is not as good as Hu Long!So Li Xiaoxia said: "You, just save it. Look at the hygiene of our house. I don't clean up everything! You can cook when you go home early, and you can leave it alone at ordinary times!"

Although Li Xiaoxia didn't get along with Zhan Gang for a long time, she has a good grasp of Zhan Gang's temper.

Li Xiaoxia said: "It just so happens that the child has an early childhood education. If I have taken the child to several classes, the child's acceptance is considered good!"

In fact, what early education means to children, there is nothing to understand in detail!

At the beginning, when my child went to school, it was for the purpose of letting the child play. What can the child understand at such a young age?

It’s just a process for children to get used to it!
The child is less than one year old now, some words are not clear, and the language system is not perfect, so it is also a disadvantage!
When the child is about two years old, the child begins to have resistance, and if he doesn't want to do something, he just doesn't do it!

This is how the parents guide, and whether the teacher in this school is a responsible teacher!

If it is a responsible teacher, these things will be handed over!

Li Xiaoxia said: "Today, the teacher called me and said that our children are more casual in class, so we can just go back and limit it!"

(End of this chapter)

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