There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3149 Borrowing Money

Chapter 3149 Borrowing Money
After Liu Zhengdong verified the news, he thought of calling Boss Zhang immediately to take over the land, but he quickly stopped this idea.

At such an important moment, don't you have to think more about it?

I lent 300 million yuan to the other party so rashly. Do I have to be responsible to the company by doing this?

Liu Zhengdong is still thinking about a series of questions, he still needs to be more cautious in front of this huge benefit!

Just when he was hesitating, Boss Zhang called again. The difference this time was that Liu Zhengdong was not in a hurry to answer the call. After thinking about the call for a long time, Liu Zhengdong answered the call slowly, and a voice came from the other party. : "What's the matter, Mr. Liu, has he thought about it? Should the 300 million be lent to me or not?"

Sometimes a decision is made in a split second. Liu Zhengdong is such a person. He was still thinking about it before, but now he has already thought about it at this moment, and then he blurted out a sentence: "Where are you? I will give you now." Send it over! Cash!"

Boss Zhang also felt very refreshed, and said loudly on the phone: "As expected of a happy person! I'm in the building of Lanwan Yiting right now! Come on the top floor!"

Hearing this voice, Liu Zhengdong knew that it was definitely not normal for a person to be alone on the top floor, wouldn't he be a little overwhelmed?
These questions are unknown, and Liu Zhengdong still hasn't replied after the elders finished speaking.

Boss Zhang went on to say: "Since you agreed, I will give you one hour of time! Hurry up, after this one hour, you can't even give me money if you want!"

After talking, Boss Zhang hung up the phone. Liu Zhengdong just stood there for a long time, and immediately called his secretary. The secretary was also very energetic today, and said, "What is Mr. Liu's arrangement?"

Liu Zhengdong said: "Now you prepare 10 million cash for me within 300 minutes. Once ready, send it to my car downstairs immediately! I need it urgently!"

After the secretary got the news, he hurried to the finance office, and immediately the finance staff arranged for someone to prepare 300 million cash and put it in a suitcase!
This box is just the right size to hold 300 million in cash!
Liu Zhengdong simply prepared and got into his car. The secretary also arrived as scheduled and put the box in the trunk!

Liu Zhengdong said: "You must keep this matter a secret now! You can't tell anyone. What did you say when you got the money from the finance minister?"

The secretary said: "The money was withdrawn directly, isn't there a regulation in our company, these are within the scope of my rights! No one knows!"

Confidentiality work is the responsibility of a secretary, and the secretary does this job very well!
Liu Zhengdong drove the car with money in the trunk, and went to the building in Lanwan Yiting!

Along the way, my thoughts also fluctuated several times. To be honest, Liu Zhengdong didn't care about the money. What he cared more about was whether there was any deeper mystery in it. If you post it, your reputation in the industry will also be badly affected. I don't want to lose face!

Anyway, if the boss of a dignified company is teased by others, it won't sound good. Besides, there are no partners outside to cooperate with him now. Those matters with the previous suppliers have not been resolved. This is really true. This is a turning point for me.

If this land can be successfully acquired, it will not only prove to those partners that he is fine, but also his status in this industry will be greatly improved!

Soon this Liu Zhengdong came to the building below Lanwan Yiting. There was no one there, and the decoration above was a bit dilapidated. It looked a bit like that kind of unfinished building, but this building is also very temperamental. , this shape was the most popular at that time, and the designers were all designed by foreign masters. Until now, Liu Zhengdong can still remember the moment when he bid, his low price was not as low as the other party's, and of course he lost!
But now such a building and these lands seem to be so close to me!

Liu Zhengdong couldn't help but lament the subtlety of life!

At this time, Boss Zhang was upstairs thinking about his life. At this time, he can be said to be experiencing the last stop of his life!

Before making this call to Liu Zhengdong, he called many real estate bosses, and they basically refused to lend him money, because everyone basically knew that he was good at gambling, and this time he probably lost money in gambling I can't pay off this gambling debt!

Many of them are the result of a one-time payment, and most of them are not able to repay the money in time. At this time, people are very fragile, and they are basically easy to go to extremes!
Now I am standing on this rooftop, the height below is nearly [-] meters, it is scary to look at it!

Just a week ago, Boss Zhang went to Macau Casino with nearly [-] million in cash, where he really experienced the feeling of heaven on earth and hell.

After staying there for three days, I lost a total of 100 million in cash. I really had no choice but to do anything. This is the mentality of a gangster. After losing, he wants to get it back, and after winning, he wants to win more!

In the end, I ran out of money, so I borrowed 200 million usury loans there, and the interest doubled in just three days!
So now that I haven't paid the usury, I want to sell the land in my hand!

When I was waiting for myself to go home, I dared not face the reality, even if I lost money, I dared not tell my family that my daughter-in-law is the kind who usually spends money lavishly, and all the expenses of the family are borne by myself!
So the pressure is conceivable. At this time, people are basically on the verge of collapse. Only in this way can they be freed from it!
In fact, this person's thinking is also very mysterious, and he didn't realize that he had squandered more than 1000 million until the moment he walked out of the casino!

At that time, I didn't want to lose the last only building and this piece of land. If I couldn't sell these, there would be no way to repay the loan shark's gambling debt!

Now I think clearly that only by selling this building can I stand up again, but after selling the building, what else do I have?

(End of this chapter)

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