There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3239 The dishes you cook each have their own characteristics

Chapter 3239 The dishes you cook each have their own characteristics

Uncle Zhang brought the food very quickly. When it first came up, the smell was really a bit overwhelming. Li Xiaoxia who was sleeping was really tired, and suddenly smelled the smell of the food, and it came from a dream all at once. After waking up, I could tell by smelling the aroma, isn't this the legendary sweet and sour pork ribs?
Just like a dream, I hurried to the restaurant and saw a plate of sweet and sour pork ribs on the table.

Li Xiaoxia's favorite food since she was a child was sweet and sour pork ribs. At that time, she was still a child, and the conditions at home were very ordinary. Although her mother sold pork, ribs were not often available. Only Such delicious ribs can only be eaten during the Chinese New Year!

The living conditions are better now, but it is really different. It can be said that when you want to eat, you can eat it every day!

Li Xiaoxia quickly picked up a rib and put it in her mouth. The taste was so delicious, her mother said after seeing it, "Why are you still the same as when you were a child? When you see ribs, you are so anxious!"

Li Xiaoxia said: "Aren't I going to taste what Uncle Zhang's craftsmanship is like!"

Li Xiaoxia chewed and tasted, still thinking in her heart, this taste is still good 1
Just a little less sugar!
But it is Uncle Zhang's handicraft after all.Still want to encourage it!

Uncle Zhang is also waiting for the children's evaluation. Isn't that the way when the meal is ready? I hope the children can eat happily!
Uncle Zhang said: "How is it? How does my handicraft compare with your mother's handicraft? Who can be better?"

This question is indeed very difficult to answer. If it is mother's craftsmanship, it would be too disrespectful to Uncle Zhang.But in front of Uncle Zhang's face, saying that other people's craftsmanship is good is also disrespectful to her mother, so Li Xiaoxia said very tactfully: "My mother's craftsmanship is to put a little more sugar, and yours is to put more vinegar. One point! Each has its own characteristics!"

In fact, what Li Xiaoxia said was very tactful, and Uncle Zhang also understood that the sweet and sour pork ribs that I have eaten for so many years are all made by my mother. More, less sugar!
Uncle Zhang said very proudly: "It's still our Li Xiaoxia who can talk, and Uncle Zhang will know what to do next time! Just wait!"

Speaking of which, Uncle Zhang brought up all the other dishes!
Today's dinner can be said to be quite rich, and it is the first time that such a delicious meal is late recently!

Seeing the child eating alone, Uncle Zhang was very happy, and said, "Next time, you can bring your husband as well. No matter what, let Uncle Zhang accompany him to have a few drinks!"

Li Xiaoxia said: "Uncle Zhang, you don't know. I can bring her over next time, but you two should not drink. Zhan Gang basically has social activities every day outside. Every time I am at home, I persuade him to drink less alcohol." Drink a little, if you drink again when you get home, it's too much, right?"

Uncle Zhang said: "Okay. It's okay if we don't drink, so let's bring them here for a chat!"

Li Xiaoxia said: "Uncle Zhang, I know, I must bring you Gangzi next time, you two have a good chat!"

The atmosphere is quite good.

Every time Uncle Zhang chats, he can talk about ideas, and his mother and grandson also like it very much. This seems to be the joy of a family relationship!
Li Xiaoxia's meal was also very good. When she finished her meal, Li Xiaoxia was about to stand up, clean up the table, and then wash the dishes, but Uncle Zhang refused directly.Said: "Put it down, child. You don't need to clean up these things. I am here! How can I let you wash the dishes when you finally come back? You should go into the house and have a good chat with your mother and you two!"

Li Xiaoxia's mother said: "Since your Uncle Zhang has said everything, then let's not be polite, come into the house, mothers, take a good look at you two!"

After speaking, she took Li Xiaoxia into her room, put the child on the bed, and hurriedly went to the closet to take out an envelope. Li Xiaoxia didn't even need to look at it to know that it was full of money, and it must be money. .No more, no less, it should be 1 yuan!

Li Xiaoxia hurried over and said, "Mom, what are you doing?"

Li Xiaoxia's mother said: "Here is a little bit of my heart. You buy some clothes for the children, and you need some clothes yourself. Add some more yourself!"

Li Xiaoxia knew that this was money earned by her mother through hard work.

Hastily declined.Said: "You are all retired now, basically there is nothing to do, I didn't buy any good things this time, why did you give me money, besides, I am not short of money at all, if I am short of money If so, I'll just tell you!"

Li Xiaoxia's mother knows that the child is sensible. When he grows up, he doesn't want to get money by himself. When he was young, it was impossible for two people to quarrel over a little pocket money. Now that the child can make money by himself, it is not necessary to give money. , it means that the child can make money by himself now!

The joy in my heart is really beyond words!

Li Xiaoxia's mother said: "Although mother is working hard to make money, you must keep the money. This is for the children! Don't give way to mother! Take it quickly!"

Speaking of which, Li Xiaoxia's mother put the envelope into Li Xiaoxia's bag!

Li Xiaoxia said: "Oh my god, then I will be impolite. If you say that I don't want the money, you always take it seriously!"

Li Xiaoxia's mother said: "Okay, this money is not for you, but for my grandson!"

Li Xiaoxia's mother liked this grandson quite a lot when she saw her. The feeling of being a relative from another generation is really hard to say!
Li Xiaoxia had never hugged her like this when she was a child, but now when it's her grandson's turn, she should give it a special treat!

Li Xiaoxia's mother said: "I made a lot of money in this pork business. I even transferred the principal and interest to others. What channels and many routines I handed over to the one who took over me. business man!"

In fact, the pork business is relatively easy to do, as long as you don’t take very bad meat, you basically won’t lose money!

It is impossible for ordinary people not to eat meat, no matter how expensive pork is, it is just needed!
It can be said that Li Xiaoxia's mother has figured out the tricks here!One hundred thousand a year is guaranteed!
(End of this chapter)

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