There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3257 Do you want to go shopping at the night market?

Chapter 3257 Do you want to go shopping in the night market?
The weather is pretty good today, and there is nothing else to do, Zhan Xiaoxuan is meaningless to stay in school, he has finished his homework and everything, and finished it ahead of time!

This is a rare opportunity for him to rest. Zhan Xiaoxuan returned to the dormitory with his schoolbag on his back. All the roommates in the dormitory are playing with their mobile phones or computers!Among them, the boss is alone in a daze on the bed!

After Zhan Xiaoxuan entered the door of the dormitory, everyone did not respond to what they should be doing!

Only the boss greeted him and said, "Why did you come back so early today? It's rare?"

Zhan Xiaoxuan put down his schoolbag, sat on the bed and took off his shoes, ready to go to bed and rest for a while, Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Isn't there nothing to do, I'm going to give myself a vacation today!"

The boss didn't know what was going on in his mind, he had nothing to do, and it happened that she came back, so he wanted to go out and relax together?
So the boss said: "I heard that there is a new night market recently opened, and they are doing promotions and activities! Why don't we go and have a look? I haven't eaten junk food for a long time, and now I really want to eat junk food!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan laughed when he heard it, and said, "What kind of logic is this? Of course junk food is harmful to your health! But it doesn't matter if you eat it once in a while!"

In fact, this junk food is only a relative term, not everything is junk food, and now many night markets that do good business are doing it seriously!

Otherwise, there would not be so many people coming to eat!
So the two discussed it and prepared to go and see it together.In fact, Zhan Xiaoxuan wanted to eat from the bottom of his heart, but he never knew who to go with him. Today is just the opportunity, since the boss opened his mouth, let's go together!

The boss said: "Let me tell you, my nickname is Night Market Killer. I eat from one side of the night market to the other side of the night market! When I go to the night market, that's just one word! Make it! It's over!"

As soon as Zhan Xiaoxuan heard this attitude, he immediately got up from the bed, and hurriedly changed into the clothes he bought. Of course, he had to dress up beautifully when he went to that kind of place. The night market is the place with the most traffic in the city. up!
It is necessary to make yourself more beautiful, at least to let others see the feeling that you can feel excited. This is the true portrayal of the student days!
The boss saw Zhan Xiaoxuan dressed up and said: "I said, what are you doing here? Did you go to eat snacks? It's also smoking. You wear such nice clothes, what if they get dirty? "

Many night markets are barbecues, and there are barbecues such as grilled oysters, most of which are open-air operations!
This night market can be said to be the benchmark of a city!
Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Didn't I let everyone see my figure! How nice it is!"

After talking, they got dressed, and the two of them walked out arm in arm. When they went there, they took a taxi. When the driver saw the two of them, he said: "Now you children are so happy, we When I was young, I had nothing, but now as long as you have money, you can eat good things. We were all poor at that time, and even if we had money, we couldn’t buy what we wanted to buy!”

It was not a market economy at that time, and everything was supplied by the state, which can be said to be a product of that era!

Zhan Xiaoxuan and the boss couldn't understand what the driver said. After all, they were not from the same age, so there was still a certain gap in communication!
The two of them didn't talk, because this driver didn't seem to be a good person!
The driver also knew that he was always making fun of himself, so he stopped talking!Soon the night market arrived, and when we got there, the money given by the meter, at that time, was problematic, because the driver took a detour, the boss of course saw it, and suddenly became a little angry, Zhan Xiaoxuan quickly calmed down and said, "Okay, let's go eat delicious food today, don't let him spoil our interest!"

As soon as the boss heard that Zhan Xiaoxuan had stood up and spoke, he still had to give him some face. In fact, he was right. Just take a detour. After all, this kind of person has no structure and can't make a fortune!
Think of it as spending money to buy a stop!

Zhan Xiaoxuan said: "Actually, I already knew about this little routine, but I didn't say anything at the beginning. A few dollars is nothing to us! If you destroy this mood Then it won't work!"

What Zhan Xiaoxuan said is very reasonable, this driver's layout is really too small!

The two of them got out of the car and entered the northernmost end of the night market. This northernmost end can also be said to be the most prosperous place in the night market. At the beginning, they bought stinky tofu, fried skewers and so on. The fried ones were It accounts for the majority, because this fried food is the most fragrant!

It is said that this night market uses waste oil, but in fact I think this is not enough. I just don’t care when the oil in the oil pan is changed. It may depend on the mood. The boss who has a good business It's not bad money, basically changing it every day, but if the business is not good, you must not be willing to change it!

This I saw in the video that many Indian Asan basically do not change the oil!
You can tell at a glance whether the oil is fresh or not!

The taste of the fried food is also very different!
This is the inside story of many industries!
After walking for a while, Zhan Xiaoxuan saw an old man selling roasted corn there!The aroma of this grilled corn comes up all at once!

There are actually a lot of specialties about roasted corn. Let me tell you about it. There are basically two roasting methods for roasted corn. The first is the most common and common method, which is to steam the corn. Bake it after it's cooked!This method is the most affordable for merchants, because it saves a lot of time!
But one disadvantage of this roasting method is that the taste of corn cannot be preserved, and it is washed away by water!
Many people don't care if they haven't eaten it, thinking that it's all right!

The second type is more professional, that is, the leaves are kept after the corn has just been harvested. This is not lost at all, and then it is roasted raw like this!
One advantage of this is that the aroma of the corn is preserved, but it is very unfavorable for the merchants, because the cost will increase!
There are many people who don't know how to bake like this, so it's the first method, which was passed down from the Northeast!
(End of this chapter)

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