There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3260 Still not holding up!Diarrhea

Chapter 3260 Still not holding up!Diarrhea
This is a very real social problem, and many policies are researched by people from different classes. The problem of carp jumping over the dragon's gate is actually very real.

You can believe nothing before the age of 30, but after the age of 30 you must believe in fate!
The arrangement of fate is often the best affirmation for a person!
As the saying goes, good planning depends on people and success depends on nature!
At thirty, stand at forty without confusion, at fifty, know the destiny!

This sentence is actually very reasonable. When you reach the age of 40, you will face a lot of confusion and confusion. If you are in the same age group and do not face the reality, you will eventually be eliminated by this society!
Endlessly moving toward what one loves, constantly reinventing oneself to get closer to one's goals, is fascinating in itself!
When you fall in love with a thing, of course it is not his success or failure, but his temperament!Anyone who dares to give up on himself, innovate constantly, and change himself for the goal in his heart is very respectable in itself!
In fact, there are many regrets in life. I was very ignorant when I was young, and there are many opportunities that can be won. In that age full of expectations, if you choose to be comfortable and not to fight hard, in the end you are will regret it!
This society is like this, which not only fills you with unlimited expectations but also has many kinds of disappointments!This is the life we ​​are after!

Zhan Xiaoxuan is actually a very thoughtful person. His thoughts are definitely not those indifferent things, but he has always had one goal in his heart, which is to make money. There are many ways to make money. In fact, there are many ways for women to make money. Puzzling!
Many people around me are like this. Originally, they had nothing to do and did nothing when they were in the local area, but if they went to other places to work for a few years, they would wear gold and silver on their bodies when they came back. This in itself is very enviable. jealous!
Some people rely on their own ability to buy a car and a house! ~
I actually really don't believe that if I didn't choose a shortcut in life, I would have reached this state a lot!

Zhan Xiaoxuan and the boss ate something briefly, and then Zhan Xiaoxuan said, "We've had enough of our mouths today!"

The boss finished eating the skewers and started wiping his mouth, saying: "Yeah, I used to come here to eat some waste oil or something when I was greedy. Actually, the drinks I drank were all pigmented!"

Zhan Xiaoxuan was at a loss as to what the boss was joking about. Zhan Xiaoxuan had always wanted to try it out, but he had no one to accompany him. Of course, he was very happy to have the boss by his side today!

But it's really handsome for only three seconds, Zhan Xiaoxuan suddenly covered his stomach and said, "I'm going to the bathroom!"

The boss was quite surprised by her performance, can't it be so fast?Come on, how much did you eat?Besides, many of them have been processed at high temperature, and some of them are fine, but this Zhan Xiaoxuan is more sensitive, and he is quite sensitive to these junk foods, as long as there is something wrong, it will be diarrhea!
Not much to say, Zhan Xiaoxuan went to the toilet alone to solve the problem, and soon came back, the boss said: "You are still too tender, aren't you? Your stomach immunity is not very good!"

I didn't notice anything at the beginning, just some diarrhea, but after I ate it, I realized that it was a serious thing!
In the next few small things, Zhan Xiaoxuan was in a state of diarrhea all the time, going to and from the toilet all the time!

This time, Zhan Xiaoxuan's legs were a little weak, of course it was diarrhea!
After Zhan Xiaoxuan came back from the toilet, the boss noticed something, that is, Zhan Xiaoxuan's complexion was a little strange, so the boss said: "What, do you have any problems? Or is there something uncomfortable? "

Zhan Xiaoxuan said with a pale face: "I just feel powerless!"

I'm going to be dehydrated soon, can this be strong?
The boss immediately sensed that something was wrong, and hurriedly said, "I'll take you to the hospital right now. Judging from the frequency, there's something wrong with you. It's not just diarrhea! We're going to replenish water!"

Just as Zhan Xiaoxuan was about to say something, he suddenly fainted!

All of a sudden, the boss didn't know what to do, so he hurriedly called 120 emergency number!

It's really time for the 120 to come, the doctor asked: "What's wrong?"

The boss said: "We ate something at the night market and then started to have diarrhea! I'm a bit dehydrated now!"

The doctor hastened to do emergency treatment and started to replenish water!

The doctor asked, "What have you been eating?"

The boss said without hesitation: "We ate a lot, mainly stinky tofu barbecue and drinks! I ate a lot, he just ate a little barbecue and a piece of stinky tofu!"

The doctor said, "Has he eaten stinky tofu? You don't feel any discomfort?"

The boss patted his chest and said, "Do you see what's wrong with me? It's mainly what I eat!"

The doctor said, "Apart from diarrhea, does she have any other discomfort?"

The boss thought for a while and said, "I threw up when I started eating stinky tofu!"

The doctor roughly understood that this stinky tofu is actually quite unhygienic.But the doctor must have a reason for saying this, but the main problem is still the barbecue. The boss eats outside all the year round, and his resistance to these things is quite strong!
From the face of the boss, it can be seen that this liver function detoxification problem is a bit hindered now!
The boss's face started to turn black!This black is a very unhealthy color!

The doctor said: "You are young now, and I still want to advise you to eat less food in the future. This is very unhealthy, and it is all junk food. Wouldn't it be good for you to eat it in your cafeteria?"

The boss also knows that the doctor is doing it for his own good, but when he gets greedy, there is nothing he can do but eat!
Having an addiction is as comfortable as once!

The boss expressed his thanks and said: "Actually, I know all these things! It's just that sometimes the food in the cafeteria is not good!"

The doctor saw that they were students and said, "So are you going to sue them this time?"

The boss said: "It's not easy for them, they are all dragging their families! I also know that if I sue them, I will win [-]%, but if they compensate us, won't they do it for nothing?"

Doctors also know that they are very righteous, and they have great admiration for such people!

(End of this chapter)

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