There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3265 Two people go out to eat dessert

Chapter 3265 Two people go out to eat dessert
Liu Zhengdong is in a bad mood right now. It should be said that going out to play should be a good choice, but he is really not in the mood, so Liu Zhengdong took off his shoes and prepared to enter the house. An Guanyu saw that it turned out to be like this. After entering the house, I definitely don’t want to go out for a stroll!

An Guanyu didn't know what to do with Gao, but seeing his man like this made him feel very uncomfortable. There is a saying that there is nothing to help him!

Want to help with something, but nothing can help, this is the most troublesome thing!

Sometimes you can't do whatever you want!

Liu Zhengdong's mood is extremely depressed now!
I hid in the study and didn't come out!An Guanyu was very troubled, he didn't listen to his persuasion for so long, so he looked at his watch, it was just past four o'clock, the beauty salon was not closed yet, Awei was still at work now!

Anyway, I don't care about it now, I might as well go out for a stroll by myself, so I took a taxi and came to my beauty salon.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Awei working. When Awei saw An Guanyu coming, she put down her work and said, "Sister An, I think your complexion has recovered pretty well recently! Today How come you have time?"

In fact, Awei knew that An Guanyu was very reassuring of herself, and from the face of Sister An, she knew that she must be unhappy!

This emotion can really be contagious. My mood was not bad before, but when I saw Liu Zhengdong was unhappy and couldn't read books well, my emotions were also infected!
An Guanyu said: "I don't mean to be offended this time, I'm just not in a good mood. Liu Zhengdong is not happy to come back, I can't say anything!"

Awei knew the ins and outs of their relationship, and it was not easy for her to intervene in this matter of personal relationship!
After all, it is about the happiness of others, now.Awei said: "Today's turnover is not bad. It just so happens that there are not many people now, and the waiters and the others can come over. I have trained a new person now, and I have done a very good job in every aspect! Why don't I do it today?" Get off work early, I will accompany you to have some tea? Or what dessert do you want to eat, I will go shopping with you!"

It is okay to have such a good friend in life!It is very noble to have someone who is willing to sacrifice his own interests to help others when he is the loneliest!

There are always two troughs in life, as long as you can get out of this trough, it is fine, some people are not willing to get out of this trough!

An Guanyu was very moved when he saw Awei caring so much for him. Sometimes as a friend, since it is a relationship between a partner and a friend, this is very rare!

An Guanyu said: "How about this, I know a new dessert has opened recently, let's try it!"

In fact, eating this dessert during pregnancy is not very good!The easiest thing to get is this gestational diabetes!This can be done as long as the pregnancy is terminated!

There is nothing wrong with An Guanyu now, and the weight control during pregnancy is pretty good!
The two of them soon arrived at this dessert station. Although this dessert station is newly opened, it has been doing private baking before. It is quite good, and it is only after having a certain customer base. !
Having said that, I have to say that what this young man needs to start a business is a lot of financial support. It is really important whether he has backup or not!

If one puts all one’s eggs in one basket to start a business, then it can be said that the probability of failure is very high, but if one has a part of savings3 and then takes out a small part to start a business, the mood is completely different Yes, as long as the eyes are full of money, this business is basically impossible!
Although businessmen are profit-based, they cannot all be based on this benefit!
There are other things in the eyes besides money!
Only in this way can we develop sustainably!

Some people have a level, and their business acumen is quite flexible, but sometimes technology just can't make a fortune!

When I say something, everyone may be a big rebuttal to me!

But this is really the truth, as long as you betray your conscience to be deceived and dare to make any money, you may get rich suddenly. It is a fact that no one can get rich without a windfall!
When you want to make a fortune, you can only make money with no conscience, and some people can't do this at all. Even if it's a small business, God will feed you!
The two of them ordered a dessert, which is mainly French dessert, quite tired!
Awei took a few bites and couldn't eat anymore.Awei said: "Isn't this a bit too greasy? I can't eat it anymore, but I think your food is delicious?"

Now An Guanyu is in the period of the greatest demand for nutrition supply, so these are nothing to him at all!

After three times, five times and two times, I finished eating. When I was wiping my mouth at the end, my phone rang. This must have been called by Liu Zhengdong. I guess Liu Zhengdong has figured it out now. I still have to rely on myself during the low period of my life. come out!

Awei said: "It must be brother-in-law, I have already found out, this brother-in-law is so kind to you, I can't leave you for a while! You answer the phone quickly, I just happen to be going to the toilet!"

Awei is also very discerning and knows that at this time they need time to get along after the quarrel, so she just took this opportunity to avoid it, how good it is to create some time for them to come out!

An Guanyu saw Awei leaving, and quickly answered the phone, but when he answered the phone, he didn't speak immediately, waiting for the other party to speak first!

Liu Zhengdong opened his mouth and said, "Where are you, my dear?"

This tone is obviously a lot gentler!

As soon as An Guanyu heard it, he knew that he must have figured it out now. An Guanyu said: "Ah Wei and I went out to eat something. You were really in a bad mood just now. I know you need time!"

Now An Guanyu has a good grasp of her character!
Know when to go and when to approach!This ordinary woman is very difficult to grasp!
But An Guanyu's grasp was very accurate. The punctual appearance at this time showed that Liu Zhengdong was eager from the bottom of his heart!
So Liu Zhengdong said: "Then when will you come back? How about I pick you up after you are done?"

An Guanyu said: "I can do it myself, I don't need you to pick it up!"

(End of this chapter)

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